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[已解决] 卡巴俄罗斯官方发布的卡巴2009离线升级工具(2008.9.11更新)

发表于 2008-9-4 11:09:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
官方已经说明,本工具解压后的目录及前面的所有目录只能是英文或非数字,否则可能有问题。比如把工具解压到非英文系统的桌面运行,就可能会出错,因为目录包含非英文,比如有人的目录(C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\桌面\2009 UPDATE\KIS_8_0_0_454>Updater.bat,就会出错,因为中间目录名字中间有“桌面”这个中文,这个工具不能识别,换其它的目录,比如c盘或d盘等根目录,就没有问题)


2008.9.8 更新

1. 这个工具是卡巴俄罗斯官方发布的,介绍和下载均为卡巴俄罗斯官方地址,大家可以放心
2. 这个工具不仅可以升级病毒库,也可以升级程序模块,也就是补丁,比如357现在有abc三个正式补丁,其实使用测试服务器会有d补丁。 比如454现在测试版有a补丁。
3. 这个工具可以增量更新,第一次要花很长时间,但今后会增量更新,会很快
4.  方便携带,可以放在U盘中,然后在在离线电脑的卡巴2009中指定到已经制作完成的病毒库目录
5. 这个工具将会替换卡巴2009的zip更新,卡巴官方可能卡巴2009不会再提供离线的zip文件


A new method for updating PCs without Internet Connection. This method will replace the classic zip archive method for the 2009 series.
It offers a few advantages:
- the ability to update all the bases, not just malware and hotfixes as well.
- incremental updates (first update will take long, but the next will be incremental just like the ones in KIS/KAV)
- it is portable, just copy it on a stick, run it from there, set the update folder to that stick on the pc without internet and plug the stick in and update

Instructions here: http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=193239196
Please test and report any bugs

2008.9.4 发布原帖:






1. 大家根据自己卡巴2009的类别选择上面相应的软件,并下载
2. 把刚才下载的工具解压到可以连网的计算机中,并建立一个英文或数字目录(一定要保证建立的目录上一级及所有上级目录名称都为英文,不要包含中文或其它非英文字符,否则可能出错),比如Updater子目录
技巧:由于本工具会自动连接到卡巴服务器下载最新病毒库和补丁,所以设置一个比较快的服务器还是很有必要,方法如下:打开刚建立目录中的kis8_454.ini(如果是卡巴2009的其它版本,修改相应的ini),查找到update_srv_url0=$KL,把$KL替换成你电脑连接比较快的服务器(要是http://或ftp://开头的网址),就可以,比如update_srv_url0=http://dnl-us3.kaspersky-labs.com (当然你可以修改成其它的),然后保存ini文件

3. 解压并运行Updater.bat,会出现如下对话框

(说明:第一次运行本工具时间可能有点长,因为升级工具要自动连接到卡巴服务器下载病毒库还有程序补丁模块,所以有点慢,时间有点长,为了降低网络通讯量,提高速度,可以在本工具所在目录下再建立一个子目录Temp,然后拷贝C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP8\Data\Updater\Temporary Files\temporaryFolder 到刚建立的Temp目录

4. 一个名为iupdater.txt的对话框出现,如下图所示,显示制作完成

5. 如果使用中遇到任何问题,请下载VCRT8库(http://support.kaspersky.com/downloads/updater/microsoft.vc80.crt.zip),并解压缩到update.exe目录。然后再重复上面的1-4步

6. 在要离线升级的电脑的卡巴中进行设置

1.  请保证运行updater.bat时,卡巴提示时都要允许(本工具会联线)
2.  如果还有问题,请检查是不是安装了VCRT8库,还有就是修改Updater.bat文件,详细方法如下:
3. 1) 用记事本或其它软件打开Updater.bat文件
    2) 把Updater.bat中的内容修改为Updater.exe -u -c -o kis8_454.ini -tf trace.txt > report.txt ,(也就是在原来的文件中 间加-tf trace.txt)然后保存Updater.bat文件

Concerning to:

  • Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009
Attention! The update method described below is auxiliary, not the basic one – use it if the computer with installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 has no Internet connection. The described update method does not provide an instantaneous delivery of the released updates and consequently does not keep the application in the actual state.
In order to update all necessary databases and application modules of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009, you can use a special update utility, which should be run manually from another computer or from a flash-carrier which is connected to the computer with the Internet connection.
First time the utility is launched all databases and modules necessary for the application and released to the present moment are loaded into a special folder, which resides in the folder with the update utility. Due to a large size of updates the first start of the utility usually takes some time. With each next start only missing, i.e. recently released, databases and modules will be loaded into the folder.
In September, 2008 the size of Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 databases takes on the flash carrier about 80MB. Bear this information in mind, when selecting a flash carrier to store the updates for the application. With the time the size of the updates is only going to increase.

Brief instructions how to use the utility:

Save the folder with the utility on the flash-carrier, connect it to the computer with the Internet connection and run the utility (from the folder Updater.bat).
Once the work of the utility is over, connect the flash-carrier to the computer (without the Internet connection) with the installed application Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 and configure the application to update from a folder which contains the databases on the flash-carrier (the Updates folder).
In future regularly connect the same flash-carrier to any computer with the Internet connection and download new databases and update your Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 using the flash-carrier.

You can load some missing databases/ modules only if you have not deleted any files from the folder of the update utility.

Step-by-step instructions how to use the utility:
1. Download the necessary set of the update utility respective of the installed application and its build:
    • kis_8_0_0_454.zip – set to update Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 build
    • kav_8_0_0_454.zip - set to update Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 build
    • kis_8_0_0_357.zip - set to update Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 build
    • kav_8_0_0_357.zip - set to update Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 build
If you have to update both Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 and Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 with the same builds, use the set of databases/modules for Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 of the corresponding build. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 can update correctly from the created folder with the databases.
2. Unpack the downloaded set on another computer which is connected to the Internet or onto a flash-carrier which is connected to the computer with the Internet connection.
3. The first launch of the utility will take some time, as all necessary databases/modules, released so far, are downloaded into the folder of the update utility (the approximate size of updates is 32-36MB). To reduce the size of the downloaded traffic you can copy the databases from the computer with the installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 into the folder of the update utility (THIS IS NOT OBLIGATORY).
For this before you start the utility the first time, do the following:
      • in the folder into which the utility has been unpacked, create the Temp folder;
      • into the Temp folder copy the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP8\Data\Updater\Temporary Files\temporaryFolder from the computer with installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009.
4. From the unpacked folder run the file Updater.bat (double-click the file to run it).
Once the file is started, the following window appears on the screen:
The window shows that the copying process has started (the path to the file Updater.exe, shown in the figure may vary from the path shown in the window on your computer).
5. When the window disappears, in the folder of the update utility open the file iupdater.txt and make sure the file contains the following record (implying successful update):

The actual set of databases and modules is copied into the Updates subfolder of the folder, from which the file Updater.bat has been run.
Report of the utility work is written in the report.txt file. With each utility start the report will be overwritten.
6. Configure update of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 from the Updates folder, into which the updates have been saved.
For it:
    • Open the application main window;
    • Click the Settings button;
    • Select the Update menu in the left part of the window;
    • Click the Settings button in the right part of the window;
    • Click the Add link;
    • Select the folder into which the application databases and modules were saved by the utility (the Updates subfolder in the folder of the update utility) and click OK
    • On he Source tab clear the box for Kaspersky Lab’s update servers;
    • Click OK to close each window
    • Run the update process to update the databases and application modules.

Additional information about the utility
  • If necessary download and unpack the archive of the VCRT8 library into the folder with the utility.

  • If you have any problems with the download of the databases/ modules, enable detailed report (trace) of the download process.
For it open the file Updater.bat for editing and in the line add the command:
-tf trace.txt
For example,
Updater.exe -u -c -o kis8_454.ini -tf trace.txt > report.txt
Once the performed changes are saved, run the file Updater.bat and when the utility work is over and the error is reproduced, send the received trace log (the file trace.txt from the utility folder) to the Technical Support service via the HelpDesk form.
  • For the information in the report file report.txt to be ADDED (not overwritten) during the next launch of the utility, open the file Updater.bat for editing and in the line add the symbol >.
For example, you had the line:
Updater.exe -u -c -o kis8_454.ini > report.txt
and it changed to:
Updater.exe -u -c -o kis8_454.ini >> report.txt

[ 本帖最后由 blog 于 2008-9-11 10:43 编辑 ]


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
easybeing + 1 感谢lz带来的及时的信息。


 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-4 11:23:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-4 14:20:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-4 14:21:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-4 14:37:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-4 15:15:25 | 显示全部楼层
下一个试试看 !
发表于 2008-9-4 15:27:37 | 显示全部楼层
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