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发表于 2008-12-26 22:58:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Anti Trojan Elite V4.2.6
Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.
Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time. The ATE can detect more than 35000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.
Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially.[Screenshots] The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ability to unload suspicious modules in all processes; The registry repair utility can been used to repair registry altered by malware; The registry monitor utility can been used to repair any change of important registry keys and values with real time.

Real-time malware firewall, protecting user's computer in real-time.
Detecting and cleaning binded malware, doesn't hurt normal file and clean the malware.
Detecting and cleaning no process malware, some malware don't have a EXE file, they are only some DLL files and running as some threads in other process, ATE can detect and clean this type of malware even it's running.
Free tools. View the information of Tcp/Ip states and processes informations.
Disk and memory scan supported.
Real-time malware firewall.
Compressed files (RAR ZIP CAB) scan supported.
Backup module: Backup trojan files before killing.
Network Manager. View the tcp/udp states and the processes they belonged to. User can disconnect any tcp connection and stop the opposite process.
Process manager. View the processes and its DLL modules' information. User can terminate any process and unload any DLL module.
Internet Explorer and registry repair utility.
Updating online supported, and auto check updates when ATE starts.
Real-time registry monitor utility.

[ 本帖最后由 jeccci5 于 2008-12-26 23:22 编辑 ]


参与人数 3经验 +20 人气 +2 收起 理由
秘书 + 1 恢复后 第一时间补上 支持黄瓜
asinasina + 1 luguo..EN buhao
水木 + 20 打开了?黄瓜辛苦了


 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:03:03 | 显示全部楼层
Anti-Trojan Shield
Anti-Trojan Shield (ATS) is an advanced, highly effective blocker of Trojans, worms, viruses, backdoors, malicious ActiveX controls, and Java applets. It efficiently scans, detects, and removes malicious files, while maintaining an exceptional level of personal privacy and security. Without this tool, you definitely should worry about new Trojan horses and viruses, but with Anti-Trojan Shield you have no need for concern. Its integrated update utility always keeps the software on the cutting edge, fully armed for battle.
Key Features
Leading-edge anti-Trojan scanning and removal technologies
Advanced heuristics analysis to detect and stop new and as yet unknown viruses
Continuous system supervision by Anti-Trojan Shield Monitor module
File quarantine capabilities to isolate and neutralize suspected files
System information utility and analysis tools for extensive system checks
Main WindowThe program's interface is designed to maximize efficiency and to not confuse the user with the wide variety of settings it offers. All the features, settings, and utilities that make up Anti-Trojan Shield can easily be accessed from the software's Main Window.
Scanning processBe informed of exactly what scanning processes are running, their speed, and their methods. Anti-Trojan Shield shows detailed information about each scan.
Setup screenAccess to the program's configuration settings is straightforward. Simply select what you think is the most appropriate settings for your needs (or use the default configuration already set by our engineers) and start scanning for Trojans right after installation of the software!
ATS MonitorATS Monitor resides in the memory of your PC constantly checking for Trojans. Monitor places its icon in the system tray. Once placed it will be loaded each time you turn your computer on until you specify otherwise.
ATS Monitor Setup ScreenATS Monitor's setup screen offers you a wide variety of settings you can change according to your preferences and needs. The number of reboots after which Anti-Trojan Shield scans specified directories can be selected here, as well.
Online UpdatesEasily stay updated with the online update utility. Simply click on Online Update and the utility will do the rest automatically.
System InformationSystem information provides you with the following data:
  • Processes - gives a list of all the processes running on your computer
  • Windows - shows all currently opened visible and hidden windows
  • Registry start-up - displays all the programs that are listed in the Registry, which start whenever Windows is started
  • Windows start-up - lists the programs that start with Windows by using any other method
Download Anti-Trojan ShieldYou are encouraged to try Anti-Trojan Shield and to see for yourself how this advanced software can protect your data! To download your free trial copy of ATS, just click on the "Download Now" button below:
Date:   October 1, 2006
Languages:   English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Size:   6.21 Mb
Filename:   ats2.exe
System RequirementsOperating System: Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2000/2003/XP
CPU: Intel Pentium Processor or compatible CPU (AMD, etc.)
Memory: 32MB RAM minimum
Free hard drive space: 10 MB


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
luxiao200888 + 1 看看做做...


 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:05:46 | 显示全部楼层
Version - 12/16/2008

  • Comprehensive PC protection against Trojans, Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Bots, Keyloggers, Rootkits and Dialers.
  • 2 Cleaning Scanners in 1:
    Anti-Virus + Anti-Spyware
  • 2 Guards against new infections:
    signature scan + behavior analysis

  • free 30-days test

* The word 'Malware' is composed of the terms 'malicious' and 'software', thus meaning no more than 'malicious software'. The definition of Malware includes all sorts of programs which inflict damage on the PC.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:09:27 | 显示全部楼层
Comodo BOClean : Anti-Malware Version 4.27
Protect yourself from online identity theft. The greatest threat on the Internet today is having your personal information hijacked remotely
Destroys malware and removes registry entries
Does not require a reboot to remove all traces
Disconnects the threat without disconnecting you
Generates optional report and safe copy of evidence
Automatically sweeps and detects INSTANTLY in the background
Configurable "Stealth mode" completely hides BOClean from users
Update automatically from a network file share
Protects itself from malware tampering or shutdown
FREE daily malware database updates from our web site
Update file can be shared/pushed on a server for easy maintenance
Optional rollback of update to an earlier version
Full spectrum malware coverage and protection

Download Information
File Size: 1.77 MB (1,859,960 bytes)
File Name: CBO_Setup_4.27.exe
MD5: 56e9d0ace252112843abde4db51601a2
SHA1: 366c3ff1e01e26103c184c624366edc43164c84b
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:11:36 | 显示全部楼层
Digital Patrol — powerful anti-trojan
Anti-Spyware, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Backdoor, Anti-Worm and Anti-PornoDial in one program.
Proantivirus Lab Releases Digital Patrol 5.0
Digital Patrol 5.0 now fully integrates with Windows XP and Vista Security Center

Digital Patrol a powerful anti trojan scanner, which detects and eliminates more than 350'000 Trojan Horses and Spywares. Digital Patrol detects viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, malicious ActiveX controls and Java applets.
Digital Patrol finds 100% trojan programs in-the-wild, i.e. those trojan programs which are really spread over the Internet. Digital Patrol finds and deletes computer viruses and trojans from your computer.
The program has a unique system of Rapidly Live Updating from the Internet, allowing to easily and surely update not only the antivirus bases, but also any other program components.
Digital Patrol also makes a heuristic analysis of files to detect new, previously unknown viruses and trojans. The program checks the most popular archive types and the self-extracting executable files.
Features | Download | Buy now

Digital Patrol key features:
    New! Windows XP SP2 (Security Center) Digital Patrol support Anti-Virus Integration New! SpeedScan Technology — Just quickly! New! Rapidly Live Update — Every 2-hour antivirus bases and modules full updates;
  • Digital Patrol lets you quickly scan files and access other Digital Patrol features directly from Windows Explorer.
  • Detects and removes more then 400217 Spywares, Trojans and Viruses;
  • Removes the "active trojan" from a disk, even if it is blocking the file;
  • Removes trojan files that are locked for writing (e.g. DLLs being used);
  • Best backdoor and worm protection;
  • Keyloggers, porno-dialers, porno-downloader protection;
  • User friendly interface;
  • Scans: system memory and autorun areas (detects viruses, worms and trojans, which are running);
  • Scanning and cleaning of the Windows registry;
  • Scans: archives (ZIP, RAR, ARJ, Microsoft CAB, InstallShield CAB) and mailbases (Outlook Express, TheBat!, PlainMain, e.t.c.).
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:17:47 | 显示全部楼层
TrojanHunter®TrojanHunter searches for and removes trojans from your system. With an easy-to-use Scanner and a Guard that scans in the background TrojanHunter is a must-have complement to your virus scanner. If you are downloading files from the Internet, you need TrojanHunter!

Download Free Trial Version


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
yueming9712 + 1 精品文章


 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:21:38 | 显示全部楼层
Trojan Remover
Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it.

Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners.
What Trojan Remover Does
Trojan Remover examines all the system files, the Windows Registry and the programs and files loaded at boot time. The majority of malicious programs (once triggered) load this way.
Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Remover also checks to see if Windows loads Services which are hidden by Rootkit techniques and warns you if it finds any.

For each identified Trojan Horse, Worm, or other malware, Trojan Remover pops up an alert screen which shows the file location and name; it offers to remove the program's reference from the system files and allows you to rename the file to stop its activation.

Most modern Malware programs are memory-resident, which makes their de-activation more difficult. How many times have you been told to start your computer in 'Safe' mode, or even worse, in DOS? Trojan Remover does all this for you. When it finds Malware that is memory-resident, Trojan Remover automatically re-starts (on request) your system and completely DISABLES the Malware before Windows restarts.

Trojan Remover writes a detailed logfile every time it performs a scan. This logfile contains information on which programs load at boot-time, and what (if any) actions Trojan Remover carried out. The logfile can be viewed and printed using Notepad.

The FastScan component of Trojan Remover is set to automatically scan for Malware every time you start your PC (you can disable this if you wish). You can also run the FastScan manually any time you wish (START | Programs | Trojan Remover | FastScan). This FastScan checks all program-loading points - it is a quick and effective check for actively-loading malicious programs.

You can scan the whole drive, or any directories on the drive, by selecting Scan a Drive/Directory from the main Trojan Remover menu.

You can scan individual files and directories from within Windows Explorer.
Trojan Remover incorporates an integral Updater allowing for quick and easy Database updates. You can use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule automatic updates.  The program comes with a comprehensive help file (this can be viewed online, here). Context-sensitive help is also available for most screens by tapping the F1 key.

This essential security utility is available for you to try out FREE.
Download a fully-working evaluation copy today. The program will work for 30 days before you need to decide whether you would like to register it.

发表于 2008-12-26 23:23:15 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 23:24:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 23:32:54 | 显示全部楼层
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