今天才发现 Panda Security 推出免费云集技术防毒软件 ,由于有人询问是否支持Windows 7这个 目前最新的 微软操作系统? 于是便向Panda sent a Email 现在收到了来信:
Dear Betatester:
First of all, thanks for your collaboration and your interest in our software Beta.
You sent us an email asking for Panda Cloud Antivirus Beta compatible with Windows Vista 64 bits and Windows 7.
Our Development team has built a version of Panda Cloud Antivirus compatible with Windows Vista 64 bits and Windows 7 and we would like you to test it.
This is a prior to the Beta 3 we will release around September.
Please, download from our FTP server the file
and install it on your Windows 7 or Windows Vista 64 bits. To download it from our FTP, follow these steps:
Login: betatesterro
1. Click on Start -> Run and type:explorer
1、 打开浏览器
2.Type in address bar:ftp://betatesterro:f1RMrIBfJAzi@
2 、 键入如下地址
3.A new window will open. Copy the file CloudAntivirusInstaller.zip to your desktop.
The password to extract the file is CloudAV(observe the capital letters)
3、 输入用户名密码并下载
4.Extract the file and install the software
4、 释放文件并安装该软件,释放该软件的密码是: CloudAV
After the installation, use the software and your computer as a normal way and send us your feedback about the product. Please, when you send us feedback, type what is your Operating System version.
亲爱的用户,当您安装完毕之后 将产品使用的 感受以Email的形式 回馈给我们。求您了,别忘记 写清楚您 操作系统的版本一块寄给我们呀!~
Best regards,
Keep in mind that you always can get more information at the Panda Cloud Antivirus
Beta Center
Quality Assurance Division
beta@pandasecurity.com <mailto:beta@pandasecurity.com>
PANDA SECURITY. One step ahead.
Gran Vía, 4
48001. Bilbao. SPAIN
Phone: +34 94 425 11 00
www.pandasecurity.com <http://www.pandasecurity.com/>
23% of PCs with updated antivirus are infected ...is yours? Find out now
for free at www.infectedornot.com <http://www.infectedornot.com/>
Source: Panda Security Research
<http://www.pandasecurity.com/inf ... a_security_research
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[ 本帖最后由 hi.evistein 于 2009-9-3 15:29 编辑 ] |