CEO, Abdulhayoglu, COMODO, Melih Hello sir. Thank you for accepting to give us this interview. Can you please tell us a few words about you ?
Melih Abdulhayoglu: I am an Idealist Geek andEntrepreneur combined together J My Vision driven by the Idealist geekin me while the entrepreneur make sure business aspect of these visionare realized. I am an electronics/computer engineer and have built myfirst circuit when I was 9 years old.
FV: How did all things started with Comodo ? If you can summarize in a few (4-5 phrases) its history and beggining.
MA: I started Comodo in 1998. I wanted to createTrust Online, but you can’t create trust online, unless you havesecurity. So I decided to provide both of them. I was lucky enough Ihad good people who believed in my vision and initially backed me up.Now Comodo employs over 600 people worldwide and continues to enjoyhigh growth.
FV: What projects are currently under development inComodo’s Laboratory ? I found CIS 4 is on its way to Beta. Can youreveal us some new features and improvements?
MA: That’s a big question J we have many projectsunder development like EasyVPN, HopSurf, Comodo Dragon, Comodo TimeMachine and so on. CIS 4 will bring world’s quietest default denytechnology using Sandboxing and Behaviour blocking. We have alsodeveloped CIS4 cleaning engine. Not only have we improved preventionand made it very quite, but we also have expanded cleaning capabilitiesof it.
FV: It is known that we have thousands of new malwares every day and there is a big challenge to keep in track with them.
MA: Do you think signature-based AVs will disappear and in the future a security product will be entirely based on
heuristics\behavior-blocking or HIPS ?
I don’t think they will disappear as such in the short term, but itsroles will change. Anti Virus product was invented to do “cleaning”.Somewhere down the road it became “protection” tool. But this was notjustified title as Anti Virus products could never protect you from newviruses they didn’t know. So I believe Anti Virus products will be usedfor cleaning infected PCs and HIPS will be used for “protecting” them.Of course there are ancillary uses of Anti Virus products like Comododoes by using AV reduce no of alerts for HIPS. So AV is not used toprotect but used to make HIPS more usable.
FV: “Cloud” technology is being very popularnowadays. What do you think about it? Would you transform ThreatCastinto such a thing?
MA: Well ThreatCast is a cloud technology already. You will see advancements in Threatcast we have made after v4.
FV: Do you plan the integration of an advancedcleaning module that could be in charge with the “after virus removal”cleaning? I mean
deleting autorun.inf left by viruses, deleting infected registry keys,and all other junk left by a virus. Additionally is there any plan forreparing infected files with file infectors like Sality, Virut, etc?
MA: Very much so. There are 2 kind of markets.
a)People with a clean PC who want to keep it that way by adding protection products like CIS
b)People who have infected PCs who wants it cleaned up.
Initially we concentrated on providing the protection technologies. Nowthat we have succeded in this, we have started developing some verystrong (almost acid-like) cleaning technologies that will be availablewith CIS4. You will see the power of cleaning capability of CIS4against most difficult hard to remove malware. And yes we will also tryto clean the infected files.
FV: Will you add registry cleaner, backup and othersystem maintenance tools into Comodo Internet Security to make it CTS(Comodo Total Security)?
MA: This is a good question. In one hand it makessense to create one package, but on the other hand some says lets keepit separate. I guess its upto our users! Comodo has invented “UserDriven Commercial Development” model whereby our users have a directsay in our development say that we pay for. This has created a verypowerful combination and unlike some open source projects whereresources have been an issue, with the above model by puttingcommercial money into user driven development we have created amazingproducts very quickly.
FV: What is your oppinion on av-comparatives or Virus Bulletin tests ? I’ve seen Comodo is not there.
MA: I think now the world has accepted my viewpointthat Dynamic tests are the true test of a product claiming to protect acomputer. is the answer.
FV: Without digging into an old debate, but takinginto account that SoftPedia is a romanian brand, are you going to makeany other retries
to get Comodo back on SP download portal? I’m asking this as romanianusers, basically didn’t read any official reaction from you.
MA: Softpedia has been kind enough to see our pointof view and has changed their wording from Adware to Ad-supported asper our request. As a result we have now given permission for them tolist our products and you can see them listed now (some are beinguploaded still at the time of writing)
FV: Is there any plan to make security products for Linux\Mac OS ?
MA: Yes, but don’t know when.
FV: If you have just one piece of security advicefor people that are just going out and buying their computers, whatwould that be?
I built CIS because of a need. Need for protection. I was getting sickof everyone being infected! So for a clean computer the best solutionis Default-Deny based security product like CIS, so that you can keepyour clean computer clean! |