其实就是引导安装在VHD的系统,win 7和2008 R2原生支持的
VBoot允许你从vhd的虚拟磁盘启动你的物理电脑。 每个vhd文件包含一个完整的操作系统。 本软件支持Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2003 Server, 2008 Server 以及 Linux 2.6, 32位 和 64位。本软件可以配合 MyOldPCs,将旧电脑数据转存为vhd文件后不需要从虚拟机启动而是可以直接从实体机启动(注意!对于windows而言,不同的硬件是不可以乱换的,微软把系统在做成可部署的镜像前必须要用微软的系统准备工具,消除不同硬件在操作系统中可能引起部署失败的部分。所以这要求myoldpcs还必须考虑到做成镜像前先把系统处理一下。而这里要用到微软的工具。linux没有这个问题——因为关键的驱动就在内核中。总而言之并不是字面上的那么简单)。
估计微软显然是想这么做,但是他最多只管windows,其他系统是绝对不管的,不禁止你就好了。vboot这个软件要达到微软的水平还有很长的距离。而且vboot显然和win7的native boot类似,而不是linux的xen那种内核级的虚拟化,现在一点没有参考(和workstation的技术是不同的),要做有很长很长很长……很长的路要走。但是这个设想终于有人来做了并且是免费方案(不管是不是开源都应该支持)。
VBoot allows you to boot a physical computer from a single virtual disk file in VHD/VMDK/VDI/Raw format. Each file contains a single operating system. It supports Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2003 Server, 2008 Server and Linux 2.6, 32- and 64-bit. VBoot makes multiple boots extremly simple. You simply copy a single file to a physical computer, and it can boot to the OS contained inside that file. VBoot provides native XP VHD boot, Vista VHD boot, Windows 7 VHD boot, Linux VHD boot, 2003 server VHD boot and 2008 server VHD boot.
VBoot is very easy to use, you can install a new operating system to the virtual disk file from OS cd/dvd or .iso files, then boot the computer using the generated virtual disk file.
VBoot for the first time also enables you to install Windows from an iso file, instead of using a physical cdrom drive.
VBoot supports differencing disks and very easy to use. You can easily recover to a prior state, or make the session immutable where all system changes will be discarded after reboot, and thus making it ideal to deal with any computer virus or spyware.
You can use our MyOldPCs software to convert your physical machine to a virtual disk file, you can either run the virtual disk file as a virtual machine using VMLite Workstation, or use this same file to boot your new physical PC directly to achieve even better performance.
http://bbs.wuyou.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=69 (无忧启动,你懂的)
http://www.vmlite.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=148 (VMLite VBoot官网)