本帖最后由 lzr403136397 于 2011-5-30 13:19 编辑
AEI.exe ---------- Spy Sweeper Engine 反间谍引擎
SSU.exe --------- Spy Sweeper SSU SSU.exe文件是针对恶意绑定木马和恶意插件程序的,防止程序从电子邮件和浏览器或者非法进入你的PC。
WRCleanupEngine.exe ---------- WRCleanup 优化、清扫引擎(未显示出来)
WRConsumerService.exe ---------- WRConsumerService This file is part of Spy Sweeper. WRConsumerService.exe is a service that was added with Spy Sweeper 6 anti-spyware.wrconsumerservice.exe is required by third-party software or hardware and should not disabled.
WRSyncManager.exe ---------- Webroot Sync & Sharing 文件同步管理
WRTray.exe ---------- WRTray 托盘图标