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[你永远不会独行] Comodo V3 讨论专帖 (Comodo Firewall Pro V3 Alpha 发布)

发表于 2007-5-30 00:23:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
你永远不会独行              You'll Never Walk Alone

当你在风暴中前行                                           When you walk through a storm

请高昂起你的头                                              Hold your head up high

不要畏惧黑暗                                                 And don't be afraid of the dark

因为在风暴过后                                              At the end of a storm

你会看到金色的天穹                                       There's a golden sky

听到云雀甜美的歌声                                        And the sweet silver song of a lark

在风中走下去                                                 Walk on through the wind

在雨里走下去                                                 Walk on through the rain

尽管你的梦想会经历风雨的摧残                      Though your dreams be tossed and blown...

走下去,继续走下去                                        Walk on, walk on

希望在你的心中,                                           with hope in your heart

并且,你永远不会独行                                     And you'll never walk alone...

你永远不会独行                                              You'll never walk alone.

走下去,继续走下去                                        Walk on, walk on,

希望在你的心中                                               with hope in your heart,

并且,你永远不会独行......                                And you'll never walk alone...

你永远不会独行                                               You'll never walk alone.

[ 本帖最后由 ubuntu 于 2007-6-8 00:58 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-30 00:25:38 | 显示全部楼层
Comodo Firewall V3 Beta 将于6月7日发布,支持 Vista 及 x64,加入了HIPS ,修复了所有 matousec.com 发布的漏洞。
下面是一张Summary的截图,界面相当清爽、淡雅。如果你喜欢V2 的蓝色,也不必担心,V3的界面支持换肤。注意那个Defence+,口水。还有防火墙图标也变了哦。

对比一下 V2

对于V3的跳票,大部分Comodo的用户fans,都能理解。毕竟Comodo是完全免费的,不用考虑外界压力,为了获取利润而赶工发布,在内部测试没有令人满意的结果之前,是不会发布的。跳票是为了出精品,在整个个人防火墙领域,我没有看到比Comodo的工程师更勤奋和敬业的。Comodo V3 要支持Vista和64位系统,当然开发周期会长,况且现在市场上有几款支持Vista 64的防火墙呢,如果你不熟悉的话,你连一款都找不到。
最近,也有一堆V3的怨妇帖,我猜测你们是不是真正用Comodo的人,我欢迎你使用Comodo FW,如果你对 V2.4 不满意,我也欢送你使用其他防火墙,重点推荐 Jetico V2,可惜它收费了,并且费用不便宜。
Comodo 旗下有多种免费安全产品,全部终身免费,我想大部分测试和使用这些产品的普通用户是持欢迎和感恩的态度,这就够了。

历史潮流 浩浩荡荡 顺之者昌 逆之者亡,Comodo FW V3 究竟会如何,时间会告诉你一切。
我有时在想,如果收购Tiny的不是CA而是Comodo的话 .........................................

Comodo FW V3 究竟如何,没有比它的项目经理egemen更清楚的 (这家伙已经很久不在官方论坛出没啦,有些技术性问题真不知道找谁),下面我们放出国外安全网站对egemen的专访,重点谈到了Comodo FW V3 及Vista安全问题。(英文的,如果有人愿意翻译的话,我给你加分,加精华也行,只要翻译的好。我也就这么点权力。)

V3 是一款革命性的产品,将引领整个桌面安全产品的转型,如果你期待V3的发布,我会和你一起,你永远不会独行 ...........

[ 本帖最后由 ubuntu 于 2007-5-30 00:26 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-30 00:27:31 | 显示全部楼层
Interview With The Project Manager of Comodo Firewall
专访 Comodo FW项目经理
作者 :Tansu

While waiting for the 3rd version of Comodo Firewall we made a short interview with the Project Manager of Comodo Firewall, Egemen Tas. He told us about the leaktests, pasts, new versions, new features, new threads and new Microsoft operating system, Vista. He says “updating to Vista the main reason is not security”, when Microsoft says “the most secure MS Operating System ever”. Also, Egemen said: “We believe upcoming Comodo Firewall 3 is a revolution and a paradigm shift in the desktop security world

Doctus: Can you tell us a little bit about your background before joining Comodo, your education, country and other works you did.

Egemen: I graduated from Bogazici University, Computer Engineering department, Istanbul, Turkey. My previous works are all non-professional stuff. Many security related software, things like firewalls, exploit codes or detection tools…All of them can still be found in the Internet with a little googling I believe.

Why did you leave Turkey?

Comodo head hunted me!

There are lots of Comodo Funs around, just like others who do not like Comodo. But I see a slight difference between dislike and hatred. They seems to hate comodo rather than just not using it, why do you think this is? Do you think if there is a particular attitude you have which makes those people hate you.

I believe Comodo is a paradigm shift. Its not just a better product, it truly is a revolution and a paradigm shift in the desktop security world. It will have amazing followers and because it will hurt many companies whose livelihood depends on getting money for what we give free! Please understand, Comodo has started wiping $5 Billion worth of business off the face of the world and made it free! As this revenue shrinks, people will shout and complain. We have just started ?

Comodo Firewall is known to pass all leaktests. Some people say, this is normal because it is only built to pass these tests. What do you say?

Well, it is normal, it is built to pass all these leaktests and afterall, this is one of the most important functions of a software firewall! Who would want a software firewall who lets malware make call home without showing an alert!? I wouldn`t! With version 2.0, Comodo Firewall has been hardened to detect indirect connection attempts as much as possible.

In V3, what new features should we expect?

Only the best ? V3 will see the execution of the real paradigm shift. There are 3 layers that you should use in defense.
Today the security market uses Detection only. This no longer is enough! Majority of new malware is not caught with these detection tools, because some malware authors test their malware against these AV products before they release it hence avoiding detection at first contact. This is like a Burglar alarm that will only go off if it recognize the burglar! If it does not know the burglar then it won`t go off. Yep, flawed system! So v3 is a total innovation in that, Prevention becomes your first line of defense. This is a huge shift from Detection being the first line of defense as used currently and we all know that is a flawed system.

Is there a plan for a brand new product in Comodo Group?

Well, one of the most important things I love about Comodo is, Innovation! There is never a dull moment and there is always innovation, new ideas and products! We just recently released a beta version of a product that we hope will secure all email! We have big ideas and a big heart! ?

Do you plan to unite all your security products in one, as an Internet Security Suite?

We will most definitely give the option to both kind of users who wants everything under one umbrella and the other kind of user who just wants everything on its own.

Do you think that, when Comodo anti-virus goes final, it will reach the same success like Comodo Firewall?

I have no doubt! Anti Virus requires a huge investment and time to build the AV labs and signatures etc. But, Comodo is continually increasing its investment in all desktop security products, including AV, so its just matter of time.

Do you have role in Antivirus development.

Not yet! ? Don`t you think I work enough already!? ?

For home users, what is your main suggestion for their security?

The problem is, home users
1)Don`t know what security product to buy
2)Where to buy it from
3)how much they should be paying for it
4)don`t know how to keep secure against latest threats

By trusting Comodo to help them protect themselves, they are removing the worry out of security! Just trust Comodo to protect you! Use all Comodo Security Products! They are there for a good reason!

If there were no Comodo, what would you use for your home PC?

I would use another good firewall such as linux’s ip filter firewall (Netfilter) ported to Windows. But that’s me ?

What is your security setup at home?

I don`t want you to be jealous though…Promise you won`t be jealous first.. then I will tell you what I have

I do, I promise…

Alpha version of the Comodo Firewall v3 ?

When will you add Vista support to Comodo FW

Of course, Vista and x64bit compatibility will be available with v3

What do you think about Vista’s Security? Microsoft represantatives says Windows firewall is good enough. Do you agree with that?

Well, we welcome MS`s efforts as they have made a huge leap from win98 days to latest Vista, it’s a big effort that they were able to bring us a new OS. It is a difficult task to make sure to provide everything, including a top notch security. So even though we welcome their efforts, however, there is a huge difference in the security Comodo offers compared to the basic firewall in the vista OS.

But comparing to XP with all patches, and assume you are an home user, would you pay 700 $ for these extra security of Vista.

Well VISTA has many other usability improvements. When updating to Vista the main reason is not security in my opinion.

You must heard about Blue Pill by Rutkowska, is there a Comodo product to block that kind of an attack? Or what must users do for this kind of a thread?

The only defense against such sort of attacks is using a HIPS. We don’t have a HIPS product available for users right now. But since we will have a full HIPS in CFP 3, this and similar types of attacks will be effectively prevented. It should be available for preview in a couple of weeks.

You say “full HIPS”. With The HIPS feature in CPF v3, don’t users need a another standalone HIPS application. is CPF v3 enough as a Full HIPS application?

No they don’t! CPF becomes your First line of defense against any malware. It will have one of the (if not the) most powerful HIPS engines in the world. This will create a paradigm shift in the security market and will change your Defense lines. Imagine in early days when armies went to war, the first line of defense was trenches filled with soldiers.. but nowadays, its Air power and satellites. There has been a paradigm shift in the way we protect ourselves in the physical world, thanks to technological advancements. Now you will see the same thing in the Computer Security! The new advancements in CPF will create a new line of defense and AV will no longer be your first line of defense. Imagine this, a Malware Author checks to see if the malware that he/she has written will be caught by the AV products in the market, and tweak it so that it does not get caught and then release! This will change totally! Because with v3 its not about “catching bad” but its “allowing good”!

IS there a future plan for Linux or other Operating Systems support?

At some stage… first we need to provide protection for desktop users with Windows based PCs!

Comodo has a large number of products and solutions. Mainly security related. As we will speak about home users security here, Can you promise that all Comodo products for home users will always be free? And if so, what is the idea? And how comodo makes money?

Of course it will always be free to home users! The problem is that we have to create a secure and trusted environment for people to transact with each other. If home computers are not safe to operate, then its not reasonable to expect those users to interact safely online. By enabling their security, we enable them to interact online. This transaction enablement allows Comodo to make money from online businesses.

When we will see a public test version of v3?

In late March I hope.

Thank you Egemen.

Kind Regards,
发表于 2007-5-30 03:28:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-30 09:44:35 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-5-30 09:55:49 | 显示全部楼层

小小之家 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-5-30 10:30:12 | 显示全部楼层
支持免费,造福世界网民,希望comodo的技术不断带给free bless for internet,let damned  hacksers disabled.
发表于 2007-5-30 10:37:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-30 12:07:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-30 12:09:03 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小小之家 于 2007-5-30 10:30 发表
支持免费,造福世界网民,希望comodo的技术不断带给free bless for internet,let damned  hacksers disabled.

[ 本帖最后由 yuyando 于 2007-5-30 12:17 编辑 ]
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