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发表于 2007-6-25 16:57:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 16:58:24 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee Virusscan Enterprise 8.5I 默认访问保护规则简析

本文不贴英文原文,只把规则中的description,即规则名部分贴出,大家可以自己对照McAfee VSE 8.5i 软件系统中的规则来比对。
Description ";Prevent registry editor and Task Manager from being disabled"
排除进程:rtvscan.exe cfgwiz.exe navw32.exe nmain.exe fssm32.exe avtask.exe kavsvc.exe giantantispywar* mmc.exe
Description ";Prevent user rights policies from being altered"
排除进程:rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe,nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe, kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe, *setup*.exe,_ins*._mp,amgrsrvc.exe,mmc.exe
Description ";Prevent remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files"
对象文件(创建,写入,删除):**.exe **.scr **.ocx **.dll **.pif
Description "Prevent remote creation of autorun files"
对象文件(创建): autorun.inf
Description "Prevent hijacking of .EXE and other executable extensions"
排除程序:msiexec.exe msi*.tmp setup.exe ikernel.exe *setup*.exe _ins*._mp
Description "Prevent svchost executing non-Windows executables"
文件类型(执行): 所有文件
Description "Prevent Windows Process spoofing"
Description "Protect phonebook files from password and email address stealers"
排除进程:rasphone.exe explorer.exe svchost.exe
Description "Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail"
排除进程:默认邮件客户端,默认浏览器,eudora.exe,msimn.exe,msn6.exe,msnmsgr.exe,neo20.exe, nlnotes.exe,outlook.exe,pine.exe,poco.exe,thebat.exe,thunderbird.exe, winpm-32.exe,explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,firefox.exe,mozilla.exe, netscp.exe,opera.exe,msn6.exe,tomcat.exe,tomcat5.exe,tomcat5w.exe, inetinfo.exe,amgrsrvc.exe,apache.exe,webproxy.exe,msexcimc.exe, ntaskldr.exe,nsmtp.exe,nrouter.exe,agent.exe,ebs.exe,firesvc.exe, modulewrapper*,msksrvr.exe,mskdetct.exe,mailscan.exe,rpcserv.exe
Description "Prevent IRC communication"
Description "Prevent use of tftp.exe"
Description "Prevent alteration of all file extension registrations"
Description "Protect cached files from password and email address stealers"
排除进程:iexplore.exe,explorer.exe,rundll32.exe,mcscript*,frameworks*, naprdmgr.exe,frminst.exe,naimserv.exe,framepkg.exe,narepl32.exe, updaterui.exe,cmdagent.exe,cleanup.exe
Description "Make all shares read-only"
Description "Block read and write access to all shares"
Description "Prevent modification of McAfee files and settings"
排除进程:msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp, mcscript*,frameworks*,naprdmgr.exe,frminst.exe,naimserv.exe, framepkg.exe,narepl32.exe,updaterui.exe,cmdagent.exe,cleanup.exe, rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe,nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe, kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,sdat*.exe,mfehidin.exe,svchost.exe, regsvc.exe,mmc.exe,vstskmgr.exe,scan32.exe,shstat.exe,mcupdate.exe, mcconsol.exe,ncdaemon.exe
文件路径(创建,写入,删除):mcafee下desktopproctection,antispyware,AntiSpyware Enterprise目录以及所有子目录下文件,drivers目录下mfe*.sys文件。
排除进程(创建,写入,删除):mcafee目录中,AntiSpyware Enterprise目录下,mid文件夹中asecfg.cab文件。
HKLM/Software/McAfee/On Access Scanner/McShield/Configuration/*
(以上为 删除)
(以上为 创建,写入,删除)
Description "Prevent modification of McAfee Common Management Agent files and settings"
排除进程:msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp, mcscript*,frameworks*,naprdmgr.exe,frminst.exe,naimserv.exe, framepkg.exe,narepl32.exe,updaterui.exe,cmdagent.exe,cleanup.exe, rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe,nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe, kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,insfiretdi.exe,services.exe,firesvc.exe, scanner.exe
HKLM/Software/Network Associates/ePolicy Orchestrator
HKLM/Software/Network Associates/TVD/Shared Components/Framework
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/*/Network Associates/Common Framework,%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/*/McAfee/Common Framework,%programfiles%/mcafee/Common Framework,%programfiles%/network associates/Common Framework,%CommonProgramFiles%/Cisco Systems/CiscoTrustAgent/plugins 目录以及子目录下文件
Description "Prevent modification of McAfee Scan Engine files and settings"
排除进程:rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe,nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe, kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,msiexec.exe,svchost.exe,regsvc.exe,msi*.tmp, sdat*.exe,mcscript*,*xdat.exe,mcupdate.exe
(以上为 创建,写入,删除)
Description "Protect Mozilla & FireFox files and settings"
Description "Protect Internet Explorer settings"
保护Internet Explorer设置
排除进程:icwconn1.exe,configui.exe,lucoms*,luupdate.exe,lsetup.exe, idsinst.exe,lucoms*,sevinst.exe,nv11esd.exe,tsc.exe,v3cfgu.exe, ofcservice.exe,earthagent.exe,tmlisten.exe,inodist.exe,ilaunchr.exe, ii_nt86.exe,iv_nt86.exe,cfgeng.exe,f-secu*,fspex.exe,getdbhtp.exe, fnrb32.exe,f-secure automa*,sucer.exe,ahnun000.tmp,supdate.exe,autoup.exe,pskmssvc.exe, pavagent.exe,dstest.exe,paddsupd.exe,pavsrv50.exe,avtask.exe, giantantispywar*,boxinfo.exe,rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe, nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe,kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,msiexec.exe, msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp
HKULM/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Toolbar:\{*" }
(以上为 创建,写入,删除)
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main:Start Page
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main:Default_Page_URL
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet SettingsroxyServer
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Search:Search Assistant
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Search:CustomizeSearch
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main:Search Bar
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main:Search Page
HKULM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main:Default_Search_URL
(以上为 写入,删除)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 16:58:57 | 显示全部楼层
Description "Prevent installation of Browser Helper Objects and Shell Extensions"
保护Browser Helper Objects和Shell扩展
排除进程:msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp, regsvcs.exe,lucoms*,luupdate.exe,lsetup.exe,idsinst.exe,lucoms*, sevinst.exe,nv11esd.exe,tsc.exe,v3cfgu.exe,ofcservice.exe, earthagent.exe,tmlisten.exe,inodist.exe,ilaunchr.exe,ii_nt86.exe, iv_nt86.exe,cfgeng.exe,f-secu*,fspex.exe,getdbhtp.exe,fnrb32.exe,f- secure automa*,sucer.exe,ahnun000.tmp,supdate.exe,autoup.exe,pskmssvc.exe, pavagent.exe,dstest.exe,paddsupd.exe,pavsrv50.exe,avtask.exe, giantantispywar*,boxinfo.exe
HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Browser Helper Objects/**
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved
Description "Protect network settings"
排除进程:msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp, rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe,nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe, kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,mfehidin.exe,winmgmt.exe,winlogon.exe, svchost.exe,services.exe,setadapter.exe,sr_gui.exe,sr_service.exe, fwkern.exe,tcpsvcs.exe
(以上 创建,删除)
(以上为 创建,写入,删除)
Description "Prevent common programs from running files from the Temp folder"
监视进程:默认浏览器,默认邮件客户端,explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,firefox.exe,mozilla.exe, netscp.exe,opera.exe,msn6.exe,eudora.exe,msimn.exe,msn6.exe,msnmsgr.exe neo20.exe nlnotes.exe outlook.exe pine.exe poco.exe thebat.exe thunderbird.exe winpm-32.exe packager.exe winzip32.exe winrar.exe
排除文件(执行):任何临时文件夹及其子文件夹中的FrmInst.exe,任何临时文件夹中的iadhide?.dll,NAVSetup.exe,任何临时文件夹下NAV文件夹中的NAVSetup.exe,以及文件{718CF0D3-DCDF-428E-9F6C-258F065C8D6D\} /PiReg.exe和{718CF0D3-DCDF-428E-9F6C-258F065C8D6D\}/setlicense.exe
Description "Prevent programs registering to autorun"
排除进程:tbmon.exe,msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe, _ins*._mp,wuauclt.exe,update.exe,spuninst.exe,javatrig.exe,vbs56nen.exe, js56nen.exe,ieupdate.exe,dahotfix.exe,ie-kb*.exe,kb*.exe,fixccs.exe, sqlredis.exe,mdac_qfe.exe,dasetup.exe,setupre.exe,wintdist.exe,mmc.exe, lucoms*,luupdate.exe,lsetup.exe,idsinst.exe,lucoms*,sevinst.exe, nv11esd.exe,tsc.exe,v3cfgu.exe,ofcservice.exe,earthagent.exe, tmlisten.exe,inodist.exe,ilaunchr.exe,ii_nt86.exe,iv_nt86.exe, cfgeng.exe,f-secu*,fspex.exe,getdbhtp.exe,fnrb32.exe,f-secure automa*,sucer.exe,ahnun000.tmp,supdate.exe,autoup.exe,pskmssvc.exe, pavagent.exe,dstest.exe,paddsupd.exe,pavsrv50.exe,avtask.exe, giantantispywar*,boxinfo.exe,rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe, nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe,kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,frminst.exe
HKULM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/WinLogon:Shell
HKULM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Windows:Load
HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Windows:AppInit_Dlls
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/WinLogon/Notify
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/WinLogon/Notify/*
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/WinLogon/Notify/NAVLOGON
Description,"Prevent programs registering as a service"
排除进程:tbmon.exe,mmc.exe,rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe,nmain.exe, fssm32.exe,avtask.exe,kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*,msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp, setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp,wuauclt.exe,update.exe, spuninst.exe,javatrig.exe,vbs56nen.exe,js56nen.exe,ieupdate.exe, dahotfix.exe,ie-kb*.exe,kb*.exe,fixccs.exe,sqlredis.exe,mdac_qfe.exe, dasetup.exe,setupre.exe,wintdist.exe,frminst.exe
Description "Prevent creation of new executable files in the Windows folder"
排除进程:msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp, wuauclt.exe,update.exe,spuninst.exe,javatrig.exe,vbs56nen.exe, js56nen.exe,ieupdate.exe,dahotfix.exe,ie-kb*.exe,kb*.exe,fixccs.exe, sqlredis.exe,mdac_qfe.exe,dasetup.exe,setupre.exe,wintdist.exe,lucoms*, luupdate.exe,lsetup.exe,idsinst.exe,lucoms*,sevinst.exe,nv11esd.exe, tsc.exe,v3cfgu.exe,ofcservice.exe,earthagent.exe,tmlisten.exe, inodist.exe,ilaunchr.exe,ii_nt86.exe,iv_nt86.exe,cfgeng.exe,f-secu*, fspex.exe,getdbhtp.exe,fnrb32.exe,f-secure automa*,sucer.exe,ahnun000.tmp,supdate.exe,autoup.exe,pskmssvc.exe, pavagent.exe,dstest.exe,paddsupd.exe,pavsrv50.exe,avtask.exe, giantantispywar*,boxinfo.exe,rtvscan.exe,cfgwiz.exe,navw32.exe, nmain.exe,fssm32.exe,avtask.exe,kavsvc.exe,giantantispywar*, winlogon.exe,mrtstub.exe,mcscript*,frameworks*,naprdmgr.exe,frminst.exe, naimserv.exe,framepkg.exe,narepl32.exe,updaterui.exe,cmdagent.exe, cleanup.exe,fssm32.exe,tomcat.exe
排除文件(创建):windows目录中downloaded program files目录及其子目录下任何文件,windows目录中SoftwareDistribution目录下Download和WebSetup文件夹中及其所有子文件夹中的任何文件。system32文件下muweb.dll,wuweb.dll,cdm.dll,iuengine.dll, wuapi.dll,wuauclt.exe,wuauclt1.exe,wuaclt.exe,wuaclt1.exe,wuaueng.dll, wuaueng1.dll,wucltui.dll,wups.dll,wups2.dll,FireNotify.dll,FireCNL.dll, FireCore.dll,FireCL.dll,FireEpo.dll,FireNHC.dll,FireSCV.dll。windows目录下 temp文件夹中的ZDATAI51.DLL以及_WUTL951.DLL文件。
Description "Prevent launching of files from the Downloaded Programs folder"
防止从downloaded programs folder文件夹下启动任何项目
文件路径(执行):downloaded program files文件夹下任何以exe为后缀的文件
Description "Prevent FTP communication"
排除进程:默认浏览器,explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,firefox.exe,mozilla.exe,netscp.exe, opera.exe,msn6.exe,tomcat.exe,tomcat5.exe,tomcat5w.exe,inetinfo.exe, amgrsrvc.exe,apache.exe,webproxy.exe,msexcimc.exe,mcscript*,frameworks*, naprdmgr.exe,frminst.exe,naimserv.exe,framepkg.exe,narepl32.exe, updaterui.exe,cmdagent.exe,cleanup.exe,lucoms*,luupdate.exe,lsetup.exe, idsinst.exe,lucoms*,sevinst.exe,nv11esd.exe,tsc.exe,v3cfgu.exe, ofcservice.exe,earthagent.exe,tmlisten.exe,inodist.exe,ilaunchr.exe, ii_nt86.exe,iv_nt86.exe,cfgeng.exe,f-secu*,fspex.exe,getdbhtp.exe, fnrb32.exe,f-secure automa*,sucer.exe,ahnun000.tmp,supdate.exe,autoup.exe,pskmssvc.exe, pavagent.exe,dstest.exe,paddsupd.exe,pavsrv50.exe,avtask.exe, giantantispywar*,boxinfo.exe,pasys*,google*,alg.exe, ftp.exe,agentnt.exe
Description "Prevent HTTP communication"
排除进程:默认浏览器,默认本地邮件客户端,explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,firefox.exe,mozilla.exe, netscp.exe,opera.exe,msn6.exe,tomcat.exe,tomcat5.exe,tomcat5w.exe, inetinfo.exe,amgrsrvc.exe,apache.exe,webproxy.exe,msexcimc.exe, mcscript*,frameworks*,naprdmgr.exe,frminst.exe,naimserv.exe, framepkg.exe,narepl32.exe,updaterui.exe,cmdagent.exe,cleanup.exe, eudora.exe,msimn.exe,msn6.exe,msnmsgr.exe,neo20.exe,nlnotes.exe, outlook.exe,pine.exe,poco.exe,thebat.exe,thunderbird.exe,winpm-32.exe, msiexec.exe,msi*.tmp,setup.exe,ikernel.exe,*setup*.exe,_ins*._mp, lucoms*,luupdate.exe,lsetup.exe,idsinst.exe,lucoms*,sevinst.exe, nv11esd.exe,tsc.exe,v3cfgu.exe,ofcservice.exe,earthagent.exe, tmlisten.exe,inodist.exe,ilaunchr.exe,ii_nt86.exe,iv_nt86.exe, cfgeng.exe,f-secu*,fspex.exe,getdbhtp.exe,fnrb32.exe,f-secure automa*,sucer.exe,ahnun000.tmp,supdate.exe,autoup.exe,pskmssvc.exe, pavagent.exe,dstest.exe,paddsupd.exe,pavsrv50.exe,avtask.exe, giantantispywar*,boxinfo.exe,alg.exe,mobsync.exe,waol.exe,agentnt.exe, svchost.exe,runscheduled.exe,pasys*,google*,backweb-*,vmnat.exe, devenv.exe,windbg.exe,jucheck.exe,realplay.exe,acrord32.exe,acrobat.exe, wfica32.exe,mmc.exe,mshta.exe,dwwin.exe,wmplayer.exe,console.exe, wuauclt.exe,javaw.exe,ccmexec.exe,ntaskldr.exe,winamp.exe,realplay.exe, quicktimeplaye*
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 16:59:27 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee Strengthens Management Team With Chief Security Officer

New Additions Aid in Innovative Technology Development and the Implementation of Increased Efficiencies in the Company's Operations and Business InfrastructureSANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc., (NYSE: MFE) today announced it has expanded its senior management team with the appointments of Martin Carmichael, chief security officer, Bill Curtis, chief process officer and Carl Banzhof, vice president and chief technology evangelist. The addition of these key roles will aid in the innovative development of new products and services, and the implementation of increased efficiencies in the company's operations and business infrastructure.
"The industry expertise that Martin, Bill and Carl bring with them will put McAfee in a strong position as we start 2007 as a new year of growth and innovation," said Dale Fuller, interim chief executive officer, McAfee. "Our commitment to finding the best and brightest talent will continue to help us deliver on the promise of quality we've made to our customers, investors and employees."
As chief security officer, Carmichael is responsible for McAfee's IT risk assessment and compliance, including the protection of McAfee's intellectual assets, financial interests and reputation. He is also responsible for the company's physical security, including its global physical assets, and its security engineering and forensics. Carmichael is a 20-year industry veteran who has recently joined McAfee from Asurion, where as chief security officer, he architected and implemented the security organization and infrastructure for the billion dollar global company. Carmichael is also responsible for co- founding a company and has held senior roles with Wells Fargo Bank, Sparta and classified projects in NATO and the Department of Defense.
As chief process officer, Curtis is responsible for managing business process improvement projects across McAfee and for contributing to process- based methods that supplement corporate security solutions. Curtis joins McAfee from Borland, where he held the role of chief process officer. Prior to Borland, Curtis co-founded TeraQuest, which became the world's premier Capability Maturity Model (CMM) consultancy before it was acquired by Borland in January 2005. Curtis is best known as a co-author of the CMM, the de facto standard for evaluating the capability of a software organization, a project he directed while at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Curtis has also held management and executive roles in GE Aerospace, ITT Programming Technology Center, and MCC.
As vice president and chief technology evangelist, Banzhof is heavily involved in the architecture, communication and technical promotion of McAfee's security risk management family of products. He will help drive the company's development teams toward a strong and unified architectural construct, while externally translating and communicating the technology vision to customers, new prospective partners and the industry as a whole. Banzhof joins McAfee through the recent Citadel acquisition, where he was chief technology officer for more than nine years. In April 2005, Banzhof was named one of the "Top 25 Most Influential CTOs" by InfoWorld.
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee, Inc. is the leading dedicated security technology company. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, McAfee delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. www.mcafee.com
NOTE: McAfee, VirusScan, AntiSpyware, ePolicy Orchestrator, ePO, and SiteAdvisorare registered trademarks or trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:00:14 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee Inc. Extends Stock Options Exercise Period Due to Trading Blackout

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE) today announced that on January 7, 2007, the Board of Directors of McAfee, Inc. ("McAfee" or the "Company") took the actions described below regarding stock options granted to certain current and former employees and a current director that have either expired or would otherwise expire during the period in which the Company is not current in its reporting obligations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"). In effect, the Company has extended (subject to certain exclusions and limitations) the post-termination exercise period for stock options until such time as the Company becomes current in its reporting obligations under the 1934 Act. In addition to the actions described below, McAfee may take additional actions with respect to stock options.
The Board approved an amendment (the "Amendment") to certain unexpired stock option agreements (the "Applicable Agreements") issued pursuant to any of the Company's employee or director stock option plans (except for stock option agreements of current or former Section 16 officers and directors, other than Robert Dutkowsky, a director who will be resigning from the Board no later than January 31, 2007) where the optionee's employment or service with the Company terminates or has terminated and whose ability to exercise the vested portion of outstanding options to purchase Company common stock would otherwise expire before, or within 89 days after, the Company again becomes current in its reporting obligations under the 1934 Act. During such time that the Company is not current in its reporting obligations under the 1934 Act, the Company has suspended the issuance and sale of shares of its common stock pursuant to its registration statements on Forms S-8 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Amendment provides that the post- termination exercise period set forth in the Applicable Agreements shall be extended such that the optionee may exercise the vested portion of his or her option until 90 calendar days following the date upon which the Company again becomes current in its reporting obligations under the 1934 Act. However, in no event will any optionee whose option term has been extended be permitted to exercise his or her option later than the expiration of the term of the option or December 31, 2007.
The Board also approved an amendment to the stock option agreements of the Company's former chief executive officer, George Samenuk. This amendment provides that the post-termination exercise period set forth in the applicable agreements of Mr. Samenuk shall be extended for 30 days from January 7, 2007.
With respect to stock options of certain former employees that expired on or before January 7, 2007 who are not eligible for an extension of the post- termination exercise period (except for stock options held by certain former senior executive officers and current or former Section 16 officers and directors), the Board approved a plan to provide cash consideration for such expired options. The cash payment will occur subsequent to the Company becoming current in its reporting obligations under the 1934 Act and will be based upon an average closing price of the Company's common stock.
As a result of the aforementioned actions, the Company expects to record charges for stock-based compensation expense within an estimated range of $25 million to $45 million on a pre-tax basis. The substantial majority of these charges are non-cash in nature, and will affect several periods commencing with the fourth quarter of 2006. The above estimates are subject to a number of assumptions and actual results may differ, perhaps materially. The exact amount of the charge, and the resulting tax and accounting implications, are subject to final review by the Company and its independent auditors.
As previously disclosed on December 22, 2006, McAfee took action to unilaterally amend certain stock options granted to former executive officers and current directors. McAfee took the corrective actions to address certain findings from the Company's stock option review and the related potential 2006 tax consequences arising from Internal Revenue Code Section 409A. In the case of the former executive officers, the exercise prices of the unexercised portion of their grants were adjusted upward to match the stock price on the date Compensation Committee approval was obtained or employment commenced.
Subsequent to McAfee's unilateral action on December 22, 2006 to reprice Mr. Samenuk's option grants, the Company and Mr. Samenuk executed an addendum to his stock option agreements regarding the actions described below.
A stock option covering 300,000 shares of common stock granted on May 4, 2004, to Mr. Samenuk with an exercise price of $16.57 per share was amended to increase the exercise price on the unexercised portion of such stock option (46,250 shares) to $16.75 per share, an amount equal to the fair market value of the underlying shares of common stock on the revised measurement date of July 21, 2004, the date on which the Compensation Committee approval was obtained.
A stock option covering 420,000 shares of common stock granted on January 16, 2002, to Mr. Samenuk with an exercise price of $25.43 per share was amended to increase the exercise price to $27.19 per share, an amount equal to the fair market value of the underlying shares of common stock on the revised measurement date of January 15, 2002, the date on which Compensation Committee approval was obtained.
Forward-Looking Statements:This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding actions to be taken with respect to the expired stock options of certain former employees, the nature, timing and expected amounts of the charges that will be taken related to the extension and cashing out of stock options held by certain current and former employees and directors and future actions which may be taken with respect to stock options. These forward looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and actual results could vary, perhaps materially, from those anticipated. These risks and uncertainties include that the charges that McAfee may ultimately take may be taken during different periods or may be larger than currently anticipated. The forward-looking statements contained in this report are also subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those more fully described in McAfee's filings with the SEC including its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005, and its quarterly report for the first quarter of 2006 filed on Form 10-Q.
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee Inc., the leading dedicated security technology company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. www.mcafee.com
NOTE: All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. McAfee, VirusScan, AntiSpyware and Avert are registered trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:00:40 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee Solutions Protect Against Ten Newly Disclosed Windows Vulnerabilities

McAfee Intrusion Prevention and Security Risk Management Solutions Provide Protection to Identify and Block Potential New AttacksSANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE) announced that it provides coverage for the 10 security vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft Corporation today. These vulnerabilities have been reviewed by McAfee® Avert® Labs, and based on their findings, McAfee recommends that users confirm the Microsoft product versioning outlined in the bulletins and update as recommended by Microsoft and McAfee. This includes deploying solutions to ensure protection against the vulnerabilities outlined in this advisory.
"Business applications continue to be a prime target for malicious code writers, which is evident in today's vulnerabilities patched by Microsoft," said Dave Marcus, security research and communications manager, McAfee Avert Labs. "Coverage for this vector of threats continues to be a primary area of research for McAfee. McAfee recommends that users of these applications take extra precaution to protect their systems. McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention Solution provides proactive coverage for these vulnerabilities, greatly reducing the user's risk."
Microsoft Vulnerability Overview:

    * MS07-001 - Vulnerability in Microsoft Office 2003 Brazilian Portuguese Grammar Checker That Could Allow Remote Code Execution
    * MS07-002 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
    * MS07-003 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Outlook Could Allow Remote Code Execution
    * MS07-004 - Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Scope of Potential CompromiseToday's four security bulletins cover a total of 10 vulnerabilities, all of which are remotely exploitable and seven of which have been rated critical by Microsoft. The five vulnerabilities in bulletin MS07-002 pertaining to Microsoft Excel are particularly noteworthy, and each has been rated critical by Microsoft.
For additional information on today's vulnerabilities as well as information on current threats, visit McAfee's Threat Center at http://www.mcafee.com/us/threat_center/default.asp where you will find blogs http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/ from McAfee Avert Labs researchers. More information on the vulnerabilities can also be found at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx
McAfee SolutionsWith McAfee's security risk management approach, customers can effectively address business priorities and security realities. McAfee's award-winning solutions identify and block known and unknown attacks before they can cause damage. McAfee will continue to update its coverage as needed, as new exploit vectors are discovered and as new threats emerge.
Out of the box, Host IPS protects against many buffer overflow exploits. McAfee Host IPS v6.0 and McAfee Entercept® protect users against code execution that may result from common classes of exploits targeted at the buffer overflow/overrun vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, and Vector Markup Language. This "out of the box" protection is provided without the need for security content updates for either product.
The McAfee Vulnerability Shield package for McAfee Host IPS v6.0 customers provides specific protection against common classes of exploits targeted at the vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, and Vector Markup Language. The Vulnerability Shield package is deployed through McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® to agents, protecting systems without a reboot.
McAfee VirusScan® Enterprise 8.0i and McAfee Managed VirusScan with AntiSpyware protect users against code execution that may result from common classes of exploits targeted at the buffer overflow/overrun vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook and Vector Markup Language.
McAfee IntruShield® provides coverage for Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Vector Markup Language, and two of the three Microsoft Outlook vulnerabilities through signature sets released today. McAfee IntruShield sensors deployed in in-line mode can be configured with a response action to drop such packets for preventing these attacks.
The McAfee System Compliance Profiler, a component of McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator, is being updated for today's newly disclosed vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook and Vector Markup Language to quickly assess compliance levels of the security patches announced today.
The McAfee Foundstone® and McAfee Policy Enforcer checks are being created to detect the vulnerabilities announced today, and will be available in the packages released today and the day after tomorrow, respectively. These checks are expected to accurately identify if a system is vulnerable in many enterprise environments.
McAfee Hercules® Policy Auditor compliance checks and McAfee Hercules® Remediation Manager remediations are being created to identify unpatched systems and apply the necessary patches to affected systems for the vulnerabilities in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel and Vector Markup Language. Updates will be available in the next V-Flash package which will be released today.
Avert DAT files have already been released to detect known exploits and new detection will be added as new exploits are discovered. DAT files are used by McAfee GroupShield®, PortalShieldTM, Secure Internet Gateway appliances, Secure Messaging Gateway appliances, Secure Web Gateway appliances, Total Protection suites, VirusScan Enterprise, VirusScan Command Line, VirusScan Online and other McAfee scanners. McAfee users can refer to www.mcafee.com/us/threat_center/default.asp  for information regarding any new threats attempting to exploit these vulnerabilities.
McAfee Avert Labs maintains one of the top-ranked security threat and research organizations in the world, employing researchers in 16 countries around the globe. The Labs combine world-class malicious code and anti-virus research with intrusion prevention and vulnerability research expertise. McAfee protects customers by providing deep analysis and core technologies that are developed through the combined efforts of its researchers. McAfee Avert Labs continually monitors the Internet for new threats and attack vectors on a daily basis. Whenever possible, we will update our security technologies and coverage as these new threats and vectors emerge.
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee Inc., the leading dedicated security technology company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. www.mcafee.com
NOTE: McAfee, Avert, IntruShield, Entercept, Foundstone, ePolicy Orchestrator, VirusScan, GroupShield, PortalShield, and Hercules are registered trademarks or trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:00:59 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee, Inc. Reports on Online Identity Theft Trends

Key Findings Include a 250 Percent Increase in Number of Keyloggers and 100-Fold Increase in Phishing AlertsSANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE) today announced the availability of a white paper from McAfee® Avert® Labs highlighting global identity theft trends, including a dramatic increase in online and computer-based identity theft. According to the report, the number of keyloggers - malicious software code that tracks typing activity to capture passwords and other private information - has increased by 250 percent between January 2004 and May 2006. Additional findings show that the number of phishing alerts tracked by the Anti-Phishing Working Group has multiplied 100-fold over the same period of time. The report also provides practical guidelines that minimize the risk of identity theft to help readers protect themselves and prevent this increasingly common crime. The white paper, titled, "Identity Theft," is available for download at http://www.mcafee.com/us/threat_center/white_paper.html
"Identity theft is a global phenomenon that threatens all of us, which means we all need to become more aware, more vigilant and less trusting to protect ourselves," said Jeff Green, senior vice president of McAfee Avert Labs. "By learning where we are vulnerable, and how and why criminals engage in identity theft, we can then take the necessary precautions to avoid being victimized."
The study shows that identity theft exacts a high toll on national economies around the world. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the annual cost for consumers and businesses in the United States alone reaches $50 billion annually(1). In the United Kingdom, the Home Office has calculated the cost of identity theft to the British economy at $3.2 billion during the last three years(2) and some estimates from the Australian Centre for Policing Research place the cost of identity theft at $3 billion each year(3).
The white paper reviews identity theft techniques, from non-technical approaches like dumpster diving to sophisticated keyloggers that monitor computer keyboard keystrokes to steal online usernames and passwords. The report presents high-profile examples of identity theft cases from around the world along with an overview of the types of criminals and organizations that engage in identity theft for profit or to facilitate terrorist acts.
The McAfee Avert Labs white paper concludes with practical guidelines for preventing identity theft and minimizing the risks of being victimized. Key prevention tips for computer users include:

    * Watch out for phishing scams - fraudulent emails and Web sites that impersonate legitimate businesses to trick people into revealing personal information
    * Avoid clicking on links in emails to visit Web sites, but instead manually type a company's correct Web address into the browser
    * Install comprehensive security software or services - including anti- virus, anti-spyware and firewall protection - and keep it up to date
    * Use caution when opening email attachments, regardless of who sent them
    * Take care before sharing email addresses
    * Permanently erase computer hard drives before disposing of old computers
    * Make sure Web sites are secure before visiting and providing personal information
    * Use strong passwords
    * Use caution when communicating through instant messaging

The white paper also includes tips for businesses to protect employees from being victimized. To learn more about cyber threats that can lead to identity theft, visit the McAfee Threat Center: http://www.mcafee.com/us/threat_center/default.asp
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee Inc., the leading dedicated security technology company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. www.mcafee.com
NOTE: McAfee is a registered trademark of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
(1) "Putting an End to Account-Hijacking Identity Theft": http://www.fdic.gov/consumers/co ... /identity_theft.pdf
(2) Home Office Identity Fraud Steering Committee, "Identity Theft, Don't Become a Victim": http://www.identitytheft.org.uk/
(3) Australasian Centre for Policing Research, "Identity Crime Research and Coordination": http://www.acpr.gov.au/research_idcrime.asp
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:01:16 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee, Inc. Named CODiE Award Finalist for Best Technology Blog

McAfee Avert Labs Blog Recognized for Technology and Business Excellence by Peers and JournalistsSANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE) today announced that the McAfee® Avert® Labs blog has been named a finalist in the Software & Information Industry Association's 22nd Annual CODiE Awards. Winners will be named on April 17 at the gala event, which will take place at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
The Codie Awards recognize 72 categories of outstanding products and services through a unique combination of journalist and peer review. This year's 367 finalists represent technology and business excellence, passion, and success and were chosen from more than 1,200 nominations submitted by more than 600 companies  breaking the record set in the 2006 awards. Over 219 individuals in the trade press, consulting, educators, IT specialists and other neutral specialists were involved in reviewing the entries.
"The 2007 CODiE finalists represent real winners, even at this stage of the contest," said Ken Wasch, SIIA President. "Competition is fiercer than ever and that makes selection as a CODiE finalist a major achievement. All the companies on this year's list should feel justifiably proud of their recognition."
"We're delighted that the McAfee Avert Labs Blog has been named as a 2007 CODiE Awards finalist based on its superior content," said Jeff Green, senior vice president of McAfee Avert Labs and product development. "We designed the blog to offer cutting-edge security research as it happens, so we're pleased that peers and journalists find it a valuable resource to monitor security industry trends and emerging topics."
McAfee Avert Labs maintains one of the top-ranked security threat and research organizations in the world, employing researchers in 17 cities and 12 countries around the world. McAfee Avert Labs combines world-class malicious code and anti-virus research with intrusion prevention and vulnerability research expertise.
Please visit the McAfee Avert Labs Security Blog at http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/.
About SIIAThe Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry. SIIA provides global services in government relations, business development, corporate education and intellectual property protection to more than 800 leading software and information companies. For further information, visit http://www.siia.net.
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee Inc., the leading dedicated security technology company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. http://www.mcafee.com
NOTE: McAfee and Avert are registered trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:01:46 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee, Inc. Named Finalist in Third Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business

McAfee's Alva Purvis Named Finalist Based on Channel AccomplishmentsSANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE) today announced that Alva Purvis, vice president of worldwide channel enablement at McAfee, Inc. was named finalist in the category of "Best Executive - Services Businesses - More Than 2500 Employees" by the Third Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor women executives, entrepreneurs and the companies they run worldwide.
Winners of the Stevie Awards will be announced during a gala at the Marriott Marquis in New York City on March 2. Nominated executives and entrepreneurs from across the globe will be in attendance.
Alva Purvis joined McAfee® in 2003 and is responsible for McAfee's global channel enablement strategy, partner program development and execution. She has greatly strengthened the relationship between McAfee and its channel partners through activities such as the annual McAfee Partner Symposium, the McAfee Partner Advisory Council and the development of the McAfee SecurityAllianceTM global partner program.
"Being named a finalist in the Stevie Awards for Women in Business is an important achievement," said Michael Gallagher, president of the Stevie Awards. "It means that independent business executives have agreed that the nominee is worthy of recognition. We congratulate all of the finalists on their achievement and wish them well in the competition."
"Alva has been instrumental in developing a world-class channel program and is known for her strong focus on our channel partners and their customers," said Mike Dalton, McAfee president of Europe, Middle East and Africa. "To be selected among more than 600 entries is a true testament to her commitment and dedication."
Details about the Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the list of finalists in all categories are available at www.stevieawards.com/women
About The Stevie AwardsHailed as "the business world's own Oscars" by the New York Post (April 27, 2005), Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, The Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Selling Power Sales Excellence Awards. Honoring companies of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about The Stevie Awards at www.stevieawards.com
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee, Inc., the leading dedicated security technology company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. www.mcafee.com
NOTE: McAfee and SecurityAlliance are trademarks or registered trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:02:16 | 显示全部楼层

McAfee Adds Phishing Protection to Free SiteAdvisor Product

Popular safe searching and surfing tool now protects against fraudulent Web sites that can lead to identity theftSANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE) today announced that McAfee® SiteAdvisorTM, the world's first safe search and browse technology, now provides anti-phishing protection. Beginning immediately, consumers who download the free SiteAdvisor software will get advanced, real-time "phishing" detection that combines white lists, black lists and heuristics to provide early warnings against scam sites that can compromise consumers' identities. Current SiteAdvisor users will get this new feature automatically.
Phishing is an increasingly prevalent online scam in which a criminal uses spoofed e-mails and counterfeit Web sites to trick consumers into disclosing their financial and other personal information. This can lead to immediate financial loss and longer-term identity theft. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, unique phishing Web sites increased by 757% from October 2005 to October 2006, the most recent month for which data is available.
"Anti-phishing is a strong addition to SiteAdvisor's existing protections against adware, spyware, browser attacks, spam and other scams," said Mark Maxwell, Senior Product Manager, McAfee. "Anti-phishing protection gives McAfee SiteAdvisor users up-to-the minute protection against fraudulent spoof sites which is critical given the transient nature of most phishing attacks."
McAfee SiteAdvisor's pioneering safe search technology protects Internet users from adware, spam, viruses and other online scams. SiteAdvisor's software adds intuitive red, yellow, or green ratings to sites and search results based on proprietary tests of more than 95% of the trafficked Web. SiteAdvisor's ground breaking software has already been downloaded more than 10 million times and is available free of charge at www.mcafee.com
Consumers may use McAfee SiteAdvisor to complement their existing McAfee products, or with non-McAfee security products.
About McAfee, Inc.McAfee, Inc., the leading dedicated security technology company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that secure systems and networks around the world. With its unmatched security expertise and commitment to innovation, McAfee empowers home users, businesses, the public sector, and service providers with the ability to block attacks, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve their security. www.mcafee.com
NOTE: McAfee and SiteAdvisor are registered trademarks or trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.
SOURCE McAfee, Inc.
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