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[一般话题] 我真的很想说,Microsoft现在真的想垄断,Core CAL 套装,将包含FEP【灌水帖】

发表于 2011-8-11 12:45:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 zdshsls 于 2011-8-11 12:48 编辑

难道现在的微软已经不害怕被告垄断了吗?今后Core CAL 套装,将包含FEP,这下子Forefront在企业领域真的要发起新一轮的入侵了,其他公司能否承受住这一轮的入侵吗?

As of August 1, 2011 the updated Core CAL Suite has been officially available and includes Lync Server Standard CAL and Forefront Endpoint Protection. This update marks the first change to Core CAL since it was introduced nearly 10 years ago, and it enables the suite to deliver the essential capabilities that every user needs, and also aligns our largest on-premises suite with Windows Intune and Office 365.
You may remember when we announced these changes at the Microsoft Management Summit earlier this year.  Members of the press and analyst community have responded favorably and see the addition of Lync and Forefront Endpoint as a positive move that makes the Microsoft Engerprise Agreement more attractive.  Check out a blog post from Neil MacDonald, Gartner Research, who notes the significance of the change and its impact on the competitive market dynamics in play.
The updated Core CAL Suite became available on August 1. For more information, please be sure to visit our CAL site at: http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/about-licensing/client-access-license.aspx.


作为 2011 年 8 月 1 日更新的核心 CAL 套件已正式提供,包括 Lync 服务器标准 CAL 和Forefront Endpoint Protection。此更新标记核心 CAL,第一次更改,因为它介绍了近 10 年前,并使套件,提供了必要的功能,每个用户的需要,并还将对齐与 Windows Intune 和 Office 365 我们最大的处所套件。

您可能还记得当我们今年早些时候宣布微软管理峰会在这些更改。记者和分析师社区的成员有积极响应,并查看加 Lync 和Forefront Endpoint 作为积极的移动,使 Microsoft 企业协议更具吸引力。签出一个博客员额从尼尔 · 麦克唐纳,Gartner 研究,注意到的变化及其对在剧中的市场竞争动力学意义。

8 月 1 日,更新的核心 CAL 套件将变得可用。有关详细信息,请务必请访问我们的 CAL 站点:

Microsoft Client Access License Suite Technologies
The Microsoft CAL Suites include technologies across the Microsoft productivity and core infrastructure sets of technologies.

For the most current list of Microsoft CAL Suite technologies, consult the Microsoft Volume Licensing Brief: Licensing the Core CAL Suite and the Enterprise CAL Suite (Word file, 892 KB).
Microsoft CAL Suites provide software rights to a subset of the Microsoft portfolio of server-based products. You must still purchase additional software licenses outside of the CAL Suites, such as a server license to match each accompanying CAL Suite component and appropriate software prerequisites such as Microsoft SQL Server.
Types of Software Licenses Within the CAL Suites
The CAL Suites may provide software use rights equivalent to licenses that are not specifically designated Client Access Licenses. For instance, the CAL Suites provide rights to Microsoft System Center device management products that are covered by Client Management Licenses and several Microsoft Forefront products that are covered by software subscriptions.
In all cases, under a CAL Suite, your use rights with respect to a particular product or online service are the same as if that component were licensed separately. The only exception is that both per-user and per-device options are available in CAL Suites, even when both options are not available outside the suite. For instance, per-user licensing Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager are available as part of Core CAL Suite and Enterprise CAL Suite, even though Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager is offered individually under a per–operating system client management license.


Microsoft 客户端访问许可证套件技术

微软 CAL 套件包括技术跨技术微软生产力和核心基础结构集。

微软 CAL 套件技术的最新列表,请参阅 Microsoft 卷牌浅: 发牌核心 CAL 套件和企业 CAL 套件 (Word 文件、 892 KB)。

微软 CAL 套件提供软件权利的 Microsoft 产品组合的基于服务器的一个子集。仍然必须购买额外的软件许可证以外的 CAL 套件,如以匹配每个附 CAL 套件组件和相应的软件系统必备组件如 Microsoft SQL Server 的服务器许可证。

内的 CAL 套件软件许可证类型

CAL 套件可提供软件使用权利相当于不特别指定客户端访问许可证的许可证。例如,CAL 套件提供了微软系统中心设备管理产品涵盖的客户端管理许可证和几个微软Forefront产品涵盖软件订阅的权利。

在所有情况下下一个 CAL 套件,, 您对某一产品或在线服务的使用权利是相同的如果该组件单独许可。唯一的例外是每个用户和每个设备中均提供选项 CAL 套件,即使这两个选项将不可用以外的套房。例如,每个用户授权微软系统中心配置管理器可作为核心 CAL 套件和企业 CAL 套件的一部分,即使微软系统中心配置管理器单独提供的 per–operating 系统客户端管理许可证。

发表于 2011-8-11 12:46:55 | 显示全部楼层
欢呼吧,雀跃吧!期待套装的诞生!目前WIN7 64位单奔FEP~~
发表于 2011-8-11 14:20:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-8-11 15:06:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-8-11 15:23:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-8-11 16:53:27 | 显示全部楼层
wakin 发表于 2011-8-11 15:23

发表于 2011-8-11 18:07:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-8-11 18:25:15 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2011-8-11 18:37:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-8-11 18:39:19 | 显示全部楼层
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