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[转帖] 病毒学知识 翻译自Avira官方的Virus Science 完成...

发表于 2007-7-9 10:52:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Adware 广告程序
Adwareis software that presents banner ads or in pop-up windows through a barthat appears on a computer screen. Those advertising spots usuallycan't be removed and are consequently always visible. The connectiondata allow many conclusions on the usage behavior and are problematicin terms of data security.
广告程序是显示横幅广告或者从工具栏中弹出窗口的东西。那些广告通常不能被移走所以一直在那儿污染你的眼睛^^  这些包括很多用户使用行为结果的数据传输可能导致数据安全方面的风险。

Backdoors 后门
A backdoor can gain access to a computer by going around the computer access security mechanisms.
Aprogram that is being executed in the background generally enables theattacker almost unlimited rights. User's personal data can be spiedwith the backdoor's help, but are mainly used to install furthercomputer viruses or worms on the relevant system.

Boot viruses 引导区病毒
Theboot or master boot sector of hard drives is mainly infected by bootsector viruses. They overwrite important information necessary for thesystem execution. One of the awkward consequences: the computer systemcannot be loaded any more…

Bot-Net 僵尸网络 关于Bot的意思可以想想CS中的机器人...就那样...
ABot-Net is collection of softwarre bots, which run autonomously. ABot-Net can comprise a collection of cracked machines running programs(usually referred to as worms, Trojans) under a common command andcontrol infrastructure. Boot-Nets server various purposes, includingDenial-of-service attacks, etc., partly without the affected PC user'sknowledge. The main potential of Bot-Nets is that the networks canachieve dimensions on thousands of computers and its bandwidth sumbursts most conventional Internet accesses.

Exploit 漏洞
An exploit (security gap) isa computer program or script that takes advantage of a bug, glitch orvulnerability leading to privilege escalation or denial of service on acomputer system. A form of an exploit for example are attacks from theInternet with the help of manipulated data packages. Programs can beinfiltrated in order to obtain higher access.

Hoaxes 恶作剧程序
Theusers have obtained virus alerts from the Internet for a few years andalerts against viruses in other networks that are supposed to spreadvia email. These alerts are spread per email with the request that theyshould be sent to the highest possible number of colleagues and toother users, in order to warn everyone against the "danger".

Honeypot 蜜罐
A honeypot is a service (program or server), which is installed in a network.
Ithas the function to monitor a network and to protocol attacks. Thisservice is unknown to the legitime user - because of this reason he isnever addressed. If an attacker examines a network for the weak pointsand uses the services which are offered by a Honeypot, it isprotocolled and an alert sets off.
它的主要功能是监控网络并转向攻击。这个服务对合法的用户来说是不可见的-由于这个原因他从来没有被记录。 如果一个攻击者搜索一个网络中的薄弱幻剑并使用了这些由一个蜜罐提供的服务,蜜罐就会将其转向并发出警报。

Macro viruses 宏病毒
Macroviruses are small programs that are written in the macro language of anapplication (e.g. WordBasic under WinWord 6.0) and that can normallyonly spread within documents of this application. Because of this, theyare also called document viruses. In order to be active, they need thatthe corresponding applications are activated and that one of theinfected macros has been executed. Unlike "normal" viruses, macroviruses do consequently not attack executable files but they do attackthe documents of the corresponding host-application.

Polymorph viruses 多态病毒(变形病毒)
Polymorphviruses are the real masters of disguise. They change their ownprogramming codes - and are therefore very hard to detect.

Program viruses 程序病毒
Acomputer virus is a program that is capable to attach itself to otherprograms after being executed and cause an infection. Viruses multiplythemselves unlike logic bombs and Trojans. In contrast to a worm, avirus always requires a program as host, where the virus deposits hisvirulent code. The program execution of the host itself is not changedas a rule.

Script viruses and worms 脚本病毒和蠕虫
Suchviruses are extremely easy to program and they can spread - if therequired technology is on hand - within a few hours via email round theglobe.
Scriptviruses and worms use a script language such as Javascript, VBScriptetc. to infiltrate in other new scripts or to spread by activation ofoperating system functions. This frequently happens via email orthrough the exchange of files (documents).
Aworm is a program that multiplies itself but that does not infect thehost. Worms can consequently not form part of other program sequences.Worms are often the only possibility to infiltrate any kind of damagingprograms on systems with restrictive security measures.
Spyware 间谍软件
Spywareare so called spy programs that intercept or take partial control of acomputer's operation without the user's informed consent. Spyware isdesigned to expolit infected computers for commerical gain. Typicaltactics furthering this goal include delivery of unsolicited pop-upadvertisements. AntiVir is able to detect this kind of software withthe category "ADSPY" or "adware-spyware".
Trojan horses (short Trojans)特洛伊木马(简称特洛伊,咱还是说木马吧...)
Trojansare pretty common nowadays. We are talking about programs that pretendto have a particular function, but that show their real image afterexecution and carry out a different function that, in most cases, isdestructive. Trojan horses cannot multiply themselves, whichdifferenciates them from viruses and worms. Most of them have aninteresting name (SEX.EXE or STARTME.EXE) with the intention to inducethe user to start the Trojan. Immediately after execution they becomeactive and can, for example, format the hard drive. A dropper is aspecial form of Trojan that 'drops' viruses, i.e. embeds viruses on thecomputer system.
Zombie 僵尸
A Zombie-PC is a computer that is infected withmalware programs and that enables hackers to abuse computers via remotecontrol for criminal purposes. The affected PC, for example, can startDenial-of-Service- (DoS) attacks at command or send spam and phishingemails.

[ 本帖最后由 yimike 于 2008-4-21 10:43 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-9 10:55:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-9 17:45:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-7-9 18:05:16 | 显示全部楼层


HEUR Crypted

[ 本帖最后由 binkko 于 2007-7-9 18:06 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-7-9 18:46:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-7-9 19:12:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-25 12:11:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 binkko 于 2007-7-9 18:05 发表
HEUR Crypted

HEUR Crypted是甚么啊?老是看到啊..
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