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[其他] AV-C测试方法论与FAQ

发表于 2011-8-19 02:51:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 圆谷光彦 于 2011-10-18 16:11 编辑

首先自己介绍下,这个文章系列是对AV-C测试方法论与FAQ的翻译。由于时间关系,每天争取出一个小结。全文PDF总共26页。 oh my smurf! 就是不知道这个符不符合规则,我汗!

Testing Methodology

1.The operating system is installed on a PC and updated to the latest available service pack, including important updates.
2. An image and a snapshot utility will be installed. Some other utilities may be installed, based on what kind of test is going to be performed and which tools are needed (for example, tools to track changes made to the system, etc.).
3. An image of the operating system is created and cloned to other (identically specified) PC’s.
4. The operating system is configured and the anti-virus product installed on the PC using default product settings.
5. An image for each PC is created and saved to an external hard disk.
6. When the test starts, all (anti-virus) products are updated at the same time, and images are actualized too. After that, PC’s are disconnected from the internet and isolated. (Depending on the test method and product, an active connection or a simulated internet may be made available).
7. The set of samples (clean set, malicious samples test-set, etc.) needed for the actual test is introduced.
8. The products are tested according to the test scope (for example, first with default settings, and then with the most paranoid settings).
9. Missed samples and any faults discovered are sent to the anti-virus vendors (in accordance with the test conditions). This applies to the published main tests.
10. Vendors get some weeks to peer-review the results and – if needed – we correct the results before we publish them.

The images of the anti-virus products of the February and August tests will also be used for the retrospective test. The images are also needed in order to be able to check at any time the same scenarios as were used during the test-phase.

When the PC’s are not used for testing, they are also used for sandboxing / sample analysis.

AV-C测试方法论与FAQ 【本译文充斥大量译者残念,SORRY。不喜请略过中括号】



第一节 测试方法论

  • 测试用PC安装操作系统、安装最新SP包【WINDOWS XP SP3,WINDOWS 7 SP1】,包括重要更新内容
  • 安装系统映像备份还原工具。基于测试的类型还有可能安装一些别的软件和工具(比如说跟踪系统变化的工具)
  • 创建系统映像并克隆至其他同等规格的PC中【大家怀念赛门铁克的Ghost么?】
  • 操作系统及安装的反病毒产品均使用其默认设置【Anti-Virus还是不叫反病毒了】
  • 每台PC都会创建映像,并备份到外置移动硬盘中
  • 测试开始时,所有反病毒产品同时开始更新,同时映像开始执行。在此之后,每台计算机都将断开互联网连接并且隔离开来(根据测试的产品和方法,有时必须保留计算机连接互联网的状态)
  • 根据测试的实际需要准备样本集(白名单集clean set,病毒样本集 malicious sample test-set等)【没有把病毒样本集翻译成黑名单集、有害样本集,我表示有残念】
  • 产品测试均从测试角度出发(例如,首先使用默认设置,而后使用偏执的设置)【paranoid settings,囧,好笑的一个形容词,或许这里更改为更严格的设置比较好理解而且准备,不过被paranoid深深感染了——Only paranoid alive。这种偏执的设备应该不会疯狂到让纯云查杀的软件进行断网的本地查杀,嘎嘎】
  • 未命中的样本和任何发现的错误都将递交给反病毒厂商(与测试环境一起)。该条适用于已发布的主要测试。【新的问题,in accordance with the test conditions, 我有两个翻译,一如小括号,二为(在测试环境运行的情况下)。 我囧,本人倾向第一个】
  • 在测试结果发布前,厂商会有几周时间进行测试结果的同业互查,有必要的话我们会在发布前进行相应的更正【peer review, 恩peer, p2p的peer,嘎嘎那就是大家都对测试结果中的竞争对手数据进行审查了,哈哈。我想到了另外一个词,counterpart,囧的很。令peer review在某词典中标注为审计用于,就是同业互查这四个字】

2月份和8月份反病毒产品的映像也将用于回溯测试(respective test)。在测试过程中需要复现的时候也将使用映像。


参与人数 1经验 +2 收起 理由
gtyre1 + 2 考核分+2


 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-20 16:18:46 | 显示全部楼层

AV-C测试方法论与FAQ第二节 样本分类

本帖最后由 trafly 于 2011-8-20 16:20 编辑


Sorting procedure
Samples from all sources are copied to the incoming server.
Encrypted and archived samples/collections are decrypted and extracted from archives.
Duplicate samples are weeded out.
File names are renamed to make sorting and maintenance more effective.
File extensions are renamed by a tool created in-house to its correct executable extension.
Unrecognized file formats are given the extension “.VIR” and are moved to a separate location
(for further inspection).
Samples are analyzed, using various tools (commercial tools, for example, but also tools used
and maintained by the anti-virus community) in order to recognize known garbage or non-
working samples. We also use several other static analyzers, PE parser, and so on, including our
own in-house tools.
Most known adware, hacker and virus tools, components, hoaxes, jokes, virus simulators,
commercial software, constructors, keygens (key generators), cracks, key loggers, engines,
sniffers, unviable (bad, corrupted, inactive, damaged or intended) samples, virus source code,
various garbage and disputed files, and so on. Basically, files and gray-area samples that should
not be included in the main test-sets – are sorted out. Working adware, spyware, etc. is
maintained separately for future tests based on such types of threat.
All PE malware is analyzed by a sandbox developed by people working at AV-Comparatives, and
also by various commercial sandboxes, in order to exclude non-working samples and other
garbage. Non-PE malware is also checked by some automated tools, but usually they need to be
checked manually, as are some PE files that our sandbox was not able to categorize reliably.
Viruses are verified by replication, but we do not always use the replicated samples for the tests
– we use some of them to check whether viruses were added by the vendors with reliable
accuracy, or whether some vendor only added some checksums in order to detect replicating
viruses. The latter case may be considered as unacceptable by us and can lead to exclusion of
the product concerned. If a file doesn’t seem viral or malicious we don’t include it. Instead, we
move it to the “unwanted” database. (We also do this even if, for example, all anti-virus
programs report the file as being infected – this means we don’t rely on anti-virus programs to
select which samples to include in the test-set, and we advise any other testers not to do that
either). Our test-sets do not contain samples that do not work under Microsoft Windows
NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista. Old macro samples (prior to Microsoft Office 97) are not included
either. In addition, we no longer include compromised HTML files.
Verified samples are sorted into the various categories we use; as this task is often tricky, we
also use (for example) VGrep to see how anti-virus vendors would classify a sample (e.g. as a
backdoor or worm). Sorting is based on the majority verdict. For example, if most products
classify a malicious program as a backdoor and one product classifies it as a worm, we classify it
as a backdoor too. There are only a few exceptional cases where we do not agree with the way
the majority of products classify some malware and in that case our own classification will be
applied. In case of replicating or polymorphic malware, we take care not to include a
disproportionate amount of the very same variant, in order to avoid flawed results. This is also
a reason why our test-sets often are “smaller” than others.
All samples are at some point validated. As automated systems (not to mention humans,
especially students…) are not fool-proof, it can nevertheless happen that grey-area or totally
inappropriate files also slip in (but they do get removed later from the sets).
We freeze the February and August test-sets, usually a few days before the test starts, which
means that many files which have not been fully analyzed by automated tools or by humans are
also included in the test-set. While the tests are already running we continue to check the
recently added samples too, and remove any bad samples from the test-set afterwards. As the
vendors will also receive all samples they missed in the meantime, they may also get some bad
samples, but they will be removed before the end of the test and not counted as misses in the
published report (and vendors have some weeks to report faults and bad samples).
After the tests, we look again to see whether there are any samples that were not detected by
any product. Usually we find 2-3 files that are indeed not detected by any product, and on
examination those files always turned out to be bad samples. We therefore decided that samples
determined to be undetected by all tested products will be removed from the test-set, and will
not be counted as misses in the test actually performed (since they are garbage).
In the testing month, we focus our analysis on the samples that were missed by the tested
products. We start from those samples that were missed by most products, as they have a higher
probability of being non-working.
Files reported as bad by vendors will be removed, and the results will be corrected before they
are published on the website. Due to the (approximately) two weeks (peer-) reviewing
procedure, we are also able to include in our sets fresh malware, and to analyze the samples
even when the tests are already started. This also gives vendors the opportunity to report back
testing faults or inappropriate samples, though they are not obligated to do so. This all helps to
ensure that in the end we publish correct results for our readers. Anyway, since we commenced
this methodology in research published at the begin of this year, some bad samples may still be
in the test-set, but considering the size of the test-set, they should be so few, that they have
practically no significant effect on the results and no discernable impact on the rankings or
awards given. Should we ever find out in our QA that the error margin was higher than
anticipated, or high enough to have an impact on a ranking or award, we will publish that


  • 所有来源的样本复制到服务器
  • 所有加密和压缩的文本/文本集分别进行解密和解压缩操作
  • 重复的样本副本都被清除
  • 文件名均重命名以保证更有效的分类和维护
  • 使用研发的工具将病毒扩展名更正为原扩展名
  • 扩展名未识别的文件将被加上.VIR的扩展名并转移到一个单独的位置(以进行进一步识别)
  • 样本将使用多种不同的工具进行分析(如商业工具,但也包括那些由反病毒团体/社区使用和维护的工具)。这样做可以识别已知的垃圾样本和失效样本。我们也使用其他几个静态分析器、PE分析器。这其中有的工具是我们自己研发的。
  • 大多数广告程序、修改器以及病毒工具、组件、恶作剧病毒、病毒仿真工具、商业软件、构造器、序列号生成器、破解文件、键盘记录工具、引擎、嗅探器、失效的脚本,这些文件和不易界定的样本都不会包含在主要测试样本集中,从样本集中检出。而有效的广告程序、间谍程序等将被单独分类以便未来针对这些类别的文件进行进一步测试
  • 所有PE类恶意程序都将采用AV-C公司自行开发的沙盒进行分析,同时也将采用多家商业公司的沙盒软件进行分析,以保证检出失效样本和其他垃圾文件。非PE类恶意程序也将采用一些自动化工具进行分析,不过这些程序往往需要人工进行检验,因为我们的沙盒对某些程序无法进行可靠的识别分类。
  • 病毒都是使用复制方法进行检测的,测试中只是偶尔使用病毒复制后的样本——目的是来检查厂商对病毒了解的足够充分,还是仅对病毒提取了MD5值以检测复制的病毒。我们不认可后者的方法,并将采用该策略的产品从测试产品中清除。如果一个文件似乎并非有毒或者恶意,我们将不把它包含在病毒样本中。相反,我们把它归纳到“其他”数据库中。(虽然有可能所有的杀毒程序报告该文件已被感染,但我们仍采用该策略分类——这一位置我们并不依靠杀毒程序来进行测试集样本的筛选,同时我们也建议其他的测试机构也不要这样做)。我们的测试集中不包含那些在Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista 中无法正常工作的样本。过时的宏病毒(常见于OFFICE 97)也不包含在测试集中。另外,我们也不再将感染的HTML文件加入到测试集中。
  • 认可的病毒样本被分为不同的种类。由于这项任务“充满挑战”,我们也使用VGrep工具来分析反病毒厂商如何对病毒样本进行分类(如后门、蠕虫等类别)。分类将以多数认定为准。比如,如果大多数产品将一个有害程序认定为后门程序,而一个产品将其认定为蠕虫,那么我们也将该有害程序归入后门类别。仅有少数特例我们与多数产品的归类不一致,而这时我们会以自己的认定为准。针对复制性或者多态有害程序,我们将注意不把它的变种重复录入病毒样本库,以避免干扰结果的准确性。这也是我们的测试集较其他机构小的原因之一。
  • 所有样本都经过某种程度的验证。因为自动化程序(也包括人,尤其是学生)并不是万能的,有时那些难以认定的、甚至是完全不合适的文件会被加入样本集(经验证后这些文件慧聪样本集中删除)
  • 我们经常在测试开始前几点,对2月份和8月份的测试样本集进行冻结。这也意味着许多并未被自动化工具和人充分分析的文件将被包含在样本集中。当测试进行的时候,我们继续对新近添加的样本进行检测,并在之后删除那些无效样本。由于厂商也会同时收到那些未检测出的样本,他们也有可能收到无效样本,不过这些样本将在测试结束前移除,并且不会影响最后发布的报告的准确性(厂商会有几周时间来报告这些错误和无效样本)
  • 测试结束后,我们会审视是否有所有产品都没有检测出的样本。往往我们会发现两到三个文件无法被任何产品检测到,而最终验证发现这些文件都是失效样本。因此,我们决定所有产品均无法检测的样本都将从测试集中剔除,同时不将其计算为一次未检测到事件(因为它们都是无用的垃圾)
  • 在测试月中,我们会分析那些受测产品未检测到的样本,从那些被产品漏检最多的样本开始,因为这些样品有更大的几率是无效的。
  • 厂商汇报的损坏文件将删除,同时在发布前对测试结果进行更正。由于有约两周时间进行自查和同业互审,我们能够将最新的恶意程序加入测试集中,并且对样本进行分析。而这一流程也将给厂商机会汇报测试错误或者举报不合适的样本,尽管他们并没有这样的义务。所有这些措施保证我们最终向读者发布的结果是准确无误的。由于我们在今年初(2009年4月)采用这套方法论进行测试,一些无效的样本仍可能包含在测试集中,但是考虑到测试集的容量,它们将不会产生重大的影响,也不会对产品评级产生决定性的影响。一旦出现我们发现有超出预期的错误,或者这些错误足以影响到评级的时候,我们会发布该信息。


参与人数 1经验 +2 收起 理由
gtyre1 + 2 考核分+2


 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-22 01:47:17 | 显示全部楼层

AV-C测试方法论与FAQ第三节 测试实验室安全性

AV-C测试方法论与FAQ第三节 测试实验室安全性





Test Lab Security
All the databases are encrypted by PGP and parts of them are at least hard encrypted by RAR3. The only person which can decrypt the files is the Chairman. One encrypted backup of the databases is kept in a highly secured building in Munich.

Only fully-trusted AV-Comparatives staff members get access to the samples for the purpose of analyzing them on protected, isolated systems. The room containing the workstations carrying unencrypted malware sets (as happens during the test period) is fully secured, under video control with motion detection and alarm systems directly connected to the police and a private security service. Additionally, the area is checked several times at day and night by an external security service, in order to avoid unauthorized access. All media containing malicious software are clearly labelled as such.

AV-Comparatives sends (missed) samples only AFTER the main tests in February and August to trusted representatives of vendors whose products were publicly tested. We do not send any samples to unknown/untrusted vendors/individuals, no matter what they say or offer. We at AV-Comparatives consider malware as dangerous and take countermeasures to avoid any endangerment to the public (e.g. by any possibility that it gets into the wrong hands).

People wishing to submit malware collections to AV-Comparatives, should encrypt the archives by using the public PGP key available at http://www.av-comparatives.org/clementi.key


参与人数 1经验 +1 收起 理由
gtyre1 + 1 考核分+1


 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-25 14:57:16 | 显示全部楼层

AVC测试方法论与FAQ第四节 病毒样本来源与安全文件来源

AVC测试方法论与FAQ第四节 病毒样本来源与安全文件来源







Sources of samples

AV-Comparatives have various sources from which it obtains samples. Like anti-virus vendors, we also use various traps and honeypots from all over the world, as well as samples downloaded from malware downloaders and infected websites. Furthermore, we get samples from the field which were collected by us or our partner companies (e.g. computer repair/cleaning services) on infected PC’s belonging to home users and/or small/medium business companies. We also get samples from various online scanning services and (single and large) submissions from visitors to our website, as well as various organizations that collect malware (internal and public security forums, honeypot projects, anti-malware initiatives, and so on). In order to have a test-set that is statistically valid and as large and representative as possible, AV-Comparatives also accepts samples from (security) vendors. Currently, samples submissions from about a dozen vendors are included in our tests and nearly dozen more vendors which are not included in our tests also contribute.

Any vendor is encouraged to send us samples they get from their customers, but no vendor is obliged to. While we are not going to disclose the names of the vendors which submit or do not submit their samples (partly because Non-Disclosure Agreements may apply), we can assure you that submitting samples to AV-Comparatives does not help a vendor to get a better score. As the test-set consists of samples from many various sources and vendors, a single vendor’s contributions just make the test set more representative – in fact, there are some vendors who do not submit anything and score very highly, and some other vendors who submit a lot are at the bottom regarding detection rates. The reason for this may be that samples are usually shared between vendors anyway and most of the samples we get are usually already in some other collections, so it is impossible to tell how much is coming from which individual source and so on.

We also prefer not to disclose this information because of the possibility that some vendors may use it to mislead the public for PR reasons (this has happened several times in the past, for example when a vendor was unhappy with some test results or wanted to put pressure on a tester) or focus on specific sources. As we’ve said, any vendor is welcome to submit us their samples if they wish to. Last-minute submissions (especially “extraordinary” collections) from vendors are not accepted; this source of samples is usually frozen 2-3 weeks before the test starts, in order to avoid possible bias.

AV-Comparatives does not create, modify or repack any malware (for testing purposes or for any other purpose).

Sources of clean files:

CD’s and DVD’s from various magazines from various countries (mainly German, Italian and English computer magazines) and well-known software (incl. most downloaded software from some legal download sites). Main source for the clean sets are PC’s owned by individual users and various (mainly European) SMB companies (maintained by our partner kompetenzzentrum.IT) which allowed us to use in our clean sets (without sensitive data). We also have access to the content of the application servers of an university (without personal data). Duplicates are weeded out and files keep their original file names.


参与人数 1经验 +2 收起 理由
gtyre1 + 2 考核分+2


 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-26 13:56:10 | 显示全部楼层

AV-C测试方法论与FAQ第五节 参测条款

AV-C测试方法论与FAQ第五节 参测条款

1)        测试方法
2)        参测
3)        参测软件、许可证
4)        参测费用
5)        提交样本
6)        样本分发限制条款
7)        未检出样本

Conditions for participation
Which products are to be tested is decidedby the board of AV-Comparatives e.V. - AV-Comparatives prefers to include inits tests only anti-virus products with good detection rates. The product must useits own or licensed engines. The product must be able to finish a scan of thefull database using the most secure possible detection settings within a reasonabletime, without crashing or causing major problems. Products must be able to scana subdirectory tree (depending from the type of test). The scanner should notmove or change in any way the files or the system during the scan when runningin report-only mode. The product should be a well-known anti-virus product usedworldwide and should not produce too many false positives. The below TOS is anexample and mainly applies to the main tests which results get publishedquarterly.

Additionally, the following Terms ofService agreement has to be accepted and signed:
Terms of Service for Anti-Malware SoftwareTesting
This document contains Terms of Service(hereinafter referred to as “TOS”) for Anti-Malware Software Testing by AV-Comparatives whichare applied to tests performed by AV-Comparatives e.V. or its representatives(hereinafter referred to as “the Tester”).
1)        Test Methods.
The methods used by the Tester aredescribed in a document published on the Test center website www.av‐comparatives.org.The Tester reserves the right to improve and/or change the methods as necessary.Notice of such changes will be published on the www.av‐comparatives.orgwebsite at least 30 (thirty) days before they take effect. Agreement with changesnotified is implied by continuing to participate in testing, subject to termsin (2.)

2)        Participation.
Any vendor of security software(hereinafter referred to as “the Vendor”) has the right to decide whether to participate in tests performedby the Tester. If the Vendor decides to participate in tests performed by the Tester, the Vendoris obliged to send an application for inclusion in testing to the Tester by email or by fax. Theapplication will contain notice that the Vendor accepts this TOS and the current methods published andused by the Tester. Furthermore the application shall be dated and signed by the authorizedrepresentative(s) of the Vendor and stamped by the Vendor’s seal, or providedon official headed notepaper where a seal is not available. Applications willnot be accepted without an authorized signature. The Vendor is obliged todeliver the original of the application to the Tester by first class businessmail within 14 (fourteen) days after the delivery via email or fax. TheApplication shall remain in force until revoked by written notice to theTester. Whether or not to test a product shall remain at the Tester’s solediscretion.

3)        Software, License Keys.
The Vendor is obliged to provide a fullworking product version and all necessary license keys to the Tester uponrequest. The Vendor is obliged to supply the Tester with the name of a person responsible for contact with the Testcentre. The Tester shall not distribute the product or license keys provided for testing purposes to anythird party. Upon completion of testing, Tester shall return the software to the Vendor orcertify in writing that all copies of the software have been destroyed. The Tester shall neither displaythe Vendor logos without specific written permission, nor use the Vendor’s name or trademarks ina manner that implies endorsement by the Tester or the av-comparatives.org website.

4)        Fees.
The Vendor (or a third party) has to pay afee for the various services provided (e.g. usage of logo in marketing material and time/work spentin providing the various services, etc.). The fee has to be paid quarterly after the tests arefinished and already published.

5)        Sample Submission.
The Tester will accept submissions ofmonthly collections from the Vendor. The Tester will not accept samples from the Vendor if theVendor does not wish the Tester to send any missed samples to otherparticipating vendors that are already getting all missed samples.

6)        Restricted Distribution ofSamples.
The Vendor may request that the Testerrestricts distribution of samples to certain other vendor(s) where there is anissue of trust. The Vendor is obliged to identify clearly the other vendor(s)to which the Vendor wishes such a restrictionto apply. The Tester will review such request individually, and after review bythe Tester the Vendor will be informed as to whether the restricted distributionof samples will be applied. The Tester suggests that in such case the Vendordoes not submit further samples for the duration of the review period. If the Vendoris not satisfied with the outcome, the Vendor may decide to do not send samplesor to discontinue sending samples to the Tester. In cases where an issue oftrust arises against the Vendor and a review by the Tester shows the concern tobe valid, the Tester will provide a limited number of missed samples from anytest, at the sole discretion of the Tester.

7)        Missed Samples.
The Vendor must have an established viruslab in order to be entitled to receive missed samples after the on-demandtests. The Tester will provide the missed samples to the Vendor only if the Vendor’sproduct is successfully able to identify a given minimum of the Tester’s actualfull test set during an on-demand scan with the most secure settings.
The Tester will provide missed samples tothe Vendor so that the Vendor can verify the validity of the test results. The Tester will sendsamples missed by the Vendor’s product, unless the Vendor is subject to arestricted distribution of samples as described in the section above(RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLES). If a distributionrestriction has been applied, the Vendor will receive a limited number ofsamples selected by the Test center together with a list of missed samples in form of log with CRC32 checksums and -where possible - detailed reasons on why the restriction had to be applied, in order that theremaining missed samples can be requested from other vendors or located amongsamples in the Vendor’s own lab.

发表于 2011-8-26 14:12:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-26 14:17:52 | 显示全部楼层
sunzhe7788 发表于 2011-8-26 14:12

发表于 2011-10-19 17:41:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-18 07:15:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-18 15:36:17 | 显示全部楼层
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