本帖最后由 也不知道谁 于 2012-2-9 16:58 编辑
AVAST Software: Streaming updates for all with the new avast! 7
PRAGUE, Czech Republic, February 8, 2012 Hybrid cloud technology in the new avast! 7 will give all users streaming updates on new malware threats in addition to the regular virus database updates. 布拉格,捷克共和国,2012年2月8日,新avast!7的混合云技术将在除一般病毒数据库更新之外,针对新的恶意软件给用户带来流式更新。 “Instead of our clients having to ‘pull’ in the updates, we can ‘push’ it to them,” said Ondrej Vlcek, CTO of AVAST Software. “Once we have decided to publish an update, we can push it out to all of our users in minutes.” “替代我们的用户去”获取“更新,我们可以”推送“更新给他们。” avast!软件 CTO,Ondrej Vlcek 这样说,“当我们决定发布一个更新,我们可以将它在几分钟内推送至我们的全部用户那里。” According to the AV-Test, an independent testing agency, most free security products provide less than three virus updates on average daily , some with even less on the weekend. With the launch of avast! 7, AVAST Virus Lab will release around 20 updates daily and gradually ramp up the frequency as the infrastructure is built up. 从AV-TEST(一个独立测试机构)来看,大多数免费安全产品只提供平均每天少于三次的更新,有些甚至是每周少于三次。随着avast!7的开始,avast!病毒实验室将会每天放出大约20次更新,并且随着基础设施(我想就是服务器吧 by译者)的建立逐渐提升频率。 “Our Virus Lab adds about 25,000 new virus signatures daily. Instead of waiting for an update two or three times a day, users will get streaming updates as new malware is discovered throughout the day,” stated Mr. Vlcek. “我们的病毒实验室每天要新增大约25,000个病毒定义,与以往等待每天2到3次的更新不同,在一天当中的任何时候,当新的恶意软件被发现时,用户就可以获得流式更新。” Vlcek 先生声称。(就是前面那个CTO) AVAST Software’s hybrid approach combines the strengths of both the “cloud’ and the traditional virus database update. With avast! 7, the streamed data accumulates on top of the regular database updates on users’ hard drives, keeping them protected regardless of their internet connection. Thanks to its restructured distribution network, AVAST is able to connect up to two million clients to a single server. avast!软件的混合方法结合了“云”和传统病毒库更新的优势。随着avast!7的到来,流式数据的积累以及在用户硬盘上的定期更新可以在无论是否有互联网连接的情况下提供持续的保护。这得益于它重新构建的分布式网络,avast能够使2百万用户同时连接一个服务器。 “This lets users get fresh information more frequently while still retaining a very up-to-date Plan B,” added Mr. Vlcek. “We believe this is a better design than a cloud-only system where the malware information is not stored and users have to be connected to remain protected.” “这使得用户更频繁的获得新的信息当它被持续更新,”Vlcek 先生补充道。“我们相信和那些没有存储恶意软件信息(我想应该是没有存储在电脑上),用户不得不连接到网络才能维持防护的单一的云系统相比这是一个更好的设计。” AVAST will continue the audio and pop-up announcements alongside the daily virus database updates. “These announcements are a distinctive feature of avast! There are lots of users that like the reassurance that their avast! has been updated and is working,” pointed out Mr. Vlcek. “Those that don’t can easily turn this off in the program settings.” AVAST将会继续在更新数据库的同时发出声音和弹窗公告。“这些公告是avast!与众不同的特征,有许许多多的用户喜欢这种提示,这让他们觉得avast!已经更新并且一直在工作” Vlcek指出,“这些功能难以在程序设置中去除。”(这里这句话实在是觉得怪怪的,希望有人能指点一下。本感觉应该是这些功能应该很方便在设置中关掉,也许是人家的意思只是说难以割舍这个好功能吧) The new avast! 7 is coming and we would like to tell you about it. If you will be in San Francisco at the RSA Security Conference 2012, please join us on February 29th for dinner and a look under the hood of the new avast! 7. 新的avast!7将要到来,我们也很高兴告诉你们关于此的消息。如果你要参加在旧金山的RSA2012安全大会,请参加我们的在2月29日的晚宴,一瞥新avast!7面纱下的面容。
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