各种后门程序随着Internet的发达而不断扩散。这种恶意程序所造成的影响可能比计算机病毒更大,它会把你计算机中的敏感信息给偷渡出去。SpyHunter所能侦测的后门程序范围相当广泛,一些常见的按键侦测程序以及隐藏在记忆体与登录值中的任何可疑数据都难逃SpyHunter的法眼.而且配合SpyHunter的线上更新功能,随时能增进它侦测后门程序的能力。在SpyHunter软件中尚附了一个阻挡网页广告的软件Enigma Popup Stop,可以顺便帮你防止网页弹出式广告,让你浏览网页的过程更愉快。本软件可帮助你清理注册表、系统文件、内存常驻滞缓文件以及更多无用文件,除去spyware和adware程序。
SpyHunter detects and removes spyware of different kinds from your computer. Spyware is a relatively new kind of threat that common anti-virus applications do not yet cover. If you are seeing things like excessive popups, new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you didn't intentionally install, if your browser crashes, or if you browser start page has changed without your knowing, you most probably have spyware.
Spy Hunter 2.9 is the latest in spyware detection and removal. Spyhunter will hunt down and remove from your machine spyware/adware. SpyHunter utilizes proprietary developed techniques to remove difficult programs that other anti-spyware programs cannot. Our scanner has been timed and it is extremely fast and efficient.
In addition to scanning and removing spyware and adware, SpyHunter also has the ability to rapidly generate support logs and interface directly with our customer support department for new spyware threats.
Enigma Software Group is an industry leader and well respected provider of anti Trackware solutions. We have developed several applications that will provide you with the means to keep your computer or network free of these compromising and intrusive threats to your privacy.
Spy Hunter Features:
- Removes spyware, adware, keyloggers, cookies, spyware registry keys, toolbars, internal popup programs, memory resident spyware.
- Removes spyware programs that may be slowing down your computer.
- Database of 47,000 spyware and adware threats.
- Free Updates when available for new spyware parasites .
- Fastest Scanner on the marketplace (timed vs other products).
- Rollback Capabilities, to undo the spyware you removed.
- Easy to use interface, (designed to be as simple as a fisher-price toy).
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