本帖最后由 红蛋蛋 于 2012-5-4 14:42 编辑
Speaking of the research team, tell us a bit more about them and their work on "hacking" viruses.
Well, they are very specialized team that works in a very closed environment, from all perspectives. For example, we don’t want viruses they work on, to get out in the wild or spread into our own network. All of them are security experts skilled in things that vary from encryption to being fluent with multiple programming languages (including Assembly language), knowledge of internet protocols, hacking techniques, etc.
They are in charge of decrypting the code of a virus and updating our definitions databases with the appropriate information. However, before they get to work on creating a definition update on their own, they must go through a lengthy process of training and specialization that takes 9 months. They are not allowed to work with our definition databases on their own until they have gone through all the required training and have proven that they know what they have to do.
Also, we would like to clarify an urban legend, if you would like to call it that way: many believe that the best hackers and virus makers get hired by security companies, including BitDefender. At least when it comes to our company, this is not true. During the hiring process, we filter out all the candidates who have created malware or have done any kind of black-hat hacking.
We prefer to be joined by team members whom we can trust. We want people to join us because they enjoy a great security challenge and do not use their skills and intelligence for selfish purposes. Everyone in our research team can at least create their own virus if not even hack a more complex system. However, they don’t do it because they believe it is not the right thing to do and not the correct use of their talents. Also, our company would not tolerate this kind of behavior.