Spyware Terminator是一款免费的间谍软件清除软件,能够实时保护你的系统不受木马、浏览器劫持及恶意软件等的入侵。与大多数优秀的间谍软件查杀工具一样,Spyware Terminator也拥有一套恶意代码特征库,这个库可以在线更新,使你能防范各种新型恶意程序的攻击。软件包含了FD功能的HIPS,资源占用较低,扫描速度快。
扫瞄期间被发现的可疑文件移入隔离区。Spyware Terminator防止他们发生作用和造成对计算机的损害。 您能回顾和删除可疑的文件或安全地还原。
Spyware Terminator能够查出和消灭spyware。如果您因误移除某程序, 仍能轻易地复原。
手动& 排程扫瞄
可以设定为自动更新, 有效保护您的计算机。
Spyware Terminator is a FREE, easy-to-use and effective spyware remover that provides real-time protection against spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers, browser hijackers and other malware threats. Spyware Terminator protects your computer through a powerful real-time protection shield, advanced system scanning and keeping found spyware in safe quarantine.
Spyware Terminator Features:
- Spyware Terminator monitors your computer for both known and unknown spyware. The known spyware can be detected and identified during the scan, the unknown spyware can be detected but it cannot be identified immediately. After you send it to Crawler Spyware Central for further analysis, it can be identified and correctly removed or moved to Quarantine.
- Spyware Terminator scans your entire computer using a regularly updated database of known spyware. You can scan your computer manually (on-demand scanning) as well as use the spyware scan scheduler to perform full system sweeps to locate and remove unwanted spyware threats. Spyware scans perform in-depth scans of your computer's hard drives, memory, process, registry and cookies to seek out and remove any and all known spyware threats.
-SpywareTerminator provides you Real-Time protection through Security Guardswhich protect your computer, privacy, and personal information fromhidden threats before they can run, stopping most spyware threats beforethey have the chance to be installed. Internet, System, and ApplicationGuards monitor over 50 security checkpoints to verifying any unknownactivity.

v2.0.1.224 Beta 官方下载:(Free~)
v2.0.0.193 Final 官方下载:(Free~)
简体中文语言文件:(卡饭论坛"ppwangs"汉化制作~) |