新型解决方案将多重安全技术集成到单一代理,并由单一控制台进行管理,增强并简化各种类型企业的安全。Symantec Endpoint Protection是赛门铁克多年以来市场领先的企业级防病毒的最新产品,在单一代理中整合了赛门铁克防病毒与高级威胁防护,为用户提供前所未有的防护,抵御各种恶意软件,从而保护便携式电脑、台式机和服务器的安全。
为了保护用户抵御当前威胁和未来新兴威胁,Symantec Endpoint Protection纳入了主动防护技术,自动分析应用行为和网络沟通,从而检测并主动拦截威胁。用户可获得单一解决方案,集成了防病毒、反间谍软件、防火墙、基于主机和网络的入侵防护方案以及应用和设备控制,并十分易于部署和管理。
Symantec Endpoint Protection通过整合赛门铁克屡获殊荣的技术,包括Sygate、Whole Security和Veritas,降低了与管理多重端点安全产品相关的管理成本。凭借提高的运行效率为用户提供一流的全面集成解决方案,并且只需一家供应商支持便可实现跨平台作业。同时,赛门铁克全球智能网络、8家赛门铁克安全响应中心、4家赛门铁克安全运营中心、1.2亿个系统和部署于180个国家的4万多个传感器也将为其提供支持。
赛门铁克安全和数据管理部门总裁Tom Kendra表示:“Symantec Endpoint Protection是企业更加容易采用,也更为有效的多重安全解决方案,并不断增强防病毒的能力以应对当前新兴的威胁环境。它重新设置了端点安全工具栏,降低管理费用、时间和成本,从而帮助用户有效管理安全,并使受到保护的企业对其资产和业务满怀信心。”
Symantec Endpoint Protection是唯一通过单一集成代理、在单一管理控制台注册便可提供基本安全技术(防病毒、反间谍软件、桌面防火墙、入侵防护和设备控制)的产品。此外,Symantec Endpoint Protection还拥有支持Network Access Control(NAC)的新型简化管理控制台,并提供一系列培训和支持服务,帮助合作伙伴和用户加速部署。
Symantec™ Endpoint Protection combines Symantec AntiVirus™ with advanced threat prevention in a single agent delivering unmatched defense against malware for laptops, desktops and servers.
- Seamlessly integrates essential technologies such as antivirus, antispyware, firewall, intrusion prevention, device control
- Requires only a single agent and managed by a single management console
- Unmatched endpoint protection from a proven, market leading endpoint security vendor
- Each endpoint comes "SNAC-ready" (Symantec Network Access Control)(Optional purchase), enabling instant upgrade without additional software deployment on the endpoints
- Stops malware and such as viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware and rootkits
- Helps prevent security outbreaks
- Lowers TCO for endpoint security
- Reduces administrative effort
System Requirements:
Symantec Endpoint Protection Client (32-bit)
Minimum Requirements
Windows®2000 SP3+, Windows® XP, Windows® Server 2003, Windows® Vista (x86)
Pentium III 300 MHz (1GHz for Windows® Vista)
180 MB disk (plus an additional 440 MB during installation)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Client (64-bit)
Minimum Requirements
Windows® XP Professional (x64) SP1+, Windows® Server 2003 (x64), Windows® Vista (x64)
1 GHz with one of the following processors: Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support, AMD 64-bit Opteron™, AMD 64-bit Athlon™ (Note: Itanium is not supported)
180 MB disk (plus an additional 440 MB during installation)
Symantec AntiVirus for Linux Client
Linux distribution supported: Red Hat® Enterprise Linux, SuSE Linux Enterprise (server/desktop), Novell® Open Enterprise Server, VMWare ESX
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager
Central Administration Server
Minimum Requirements
Windows® XP Professional SP2; Windows Server 2003 Standard/Enterprise
Microsoft Internet Information Services (web server)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 or SQL Server 2005 (optional)
1GB free disk space
Symantec Endpoint Protection Console
Remote administration console (optional)
Minimum Requirements
Windows XP Professional; Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise; Windows 2000 Professional/Server/Advanced Server
Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.0 SP2
x86 下载:46.7 MB | Retail~
http://w15.easy-share.com/6628201.html (这个写错文件名了,:-))
x64 下载:47.7 MB | Retail~
http://w15.easy-share.com/6628211.htmlMore Download: http://www.leehare.cn/read.php/3197.htm
[ 本帖最后由 xffsfy 于 2007-10-8 19:50 编辑 ] |