本帖最后由 142868652 于 2013-1-1 12:25 编辑
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<directui version="1.0" >
<item id="Menu_NewFeatures" value="New Features"/>
<item id="Menu_OpenPCFaster" value="Open PC Faster"/>
<item id="Menu_Settings" value="Settings"/>
<item id="Menu_Languages" value="Languages"/>
<item id="Menu_English" value="English"/>
<item id="Menu_Thai" value="ภาษาไทย"/>
<item id="Menu_Feedback" value="Feedback"/>
<item id="Menu_About" value="About"/>
<item id="Menu_Exit" value="Exit"/>
<item id="Btn_OK" value="OK"/>
<item id="Btn_Cancel" value="Cancel"/>
<item id="Btn_Yes" value="YES"/>
<item id="Btn_No" value="NO"/>
<item id="Btn_Retry" value="Retry"/>
<item id="Btn_Check_Details" value="Check Details"/>
<item id="Btn_Details" value="Details"/>
<item id="Btn_Back" value="Back"/>
<item id="Btn_Scan" value="Scan"/>
<item id="Btn_Rescan" value="Rescan"/>
<item id="Btn_FixAll" value="Fix All"/>
<item id="Btn_Fix" value="Fix"/>
<item id="Btn_ManualFix" value="Manual fix"/>
<item id="Btn_SelectAll" value="Select all"/>
<item id="Btn_DeselectAll" value="Deselect all"/>
<item id="Btn_Reverse" value="Reverse"/>
<item id="Btn_Recommend" value="Recommended"/>
<item id="Btn_Ignore" value="Ignore"/>
<item id="Btn_LearnMore" value="Learn More"/>
<item id="Btn_Background" value="Background"/>
<item id="Btn_DeleteAll" value="Delete all"/>
<item id="Btn_Delete" value="Delete"/>
<item id="Btn_Recover" value="Recover"/>
<item id="Btn_Clean" value="Clean"/>
<item id="Btn_Refresh" value="Refresh"/>
<item id="Btn_SpeedUp" value="Speed Up"/>
<item id="Btn_Reboot" value="Reboot"/>
<item id="Btn_Done" value="Done"/>
<item id="TrayToolTip_Fix_Title" value="Background Fixing"/>
<item id="TrayToolTip_Fix_Value" value="Several vulnerabilities selected. It may take some time to fix. Please wait..."/>
<item id="TrayToolTip_Nor_Title" value="Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="TrayToolTip_Nor_Value" value="Smart protection is running in the background."/>
<item id="TrayToolTip_PopUpFix_Value" value="PC Faster is fixing vulnerabilities in the background,click for checking details."/>
<item id="TrayToolTip_HasVul" value="You have vulnerabilities need to be fixed."/>
<item id="ConfirmExitDlg" value="Are you sure you want to exit Baidu PC Faster?"/>
<item id="ConfirmExit_StopFix" value="Are you sure to stop fixing the high risk vulnerabilities?"/>
<item id="ConfirmExit_StopFixNote" value="Trojan may use the vulnerability to invade your system."/>
<item id="MainFrame_Baidu_PC_Faster" value="Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Home" value="Home"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Antihacker" value="Win Update"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Cleaner" value="Cleaner"/>
<item id="MainFrame_SpeedUp" value="SpeedUp"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Antivirus" value="Antivirus"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Feedback" value="Feedback"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Feedback_tooltip" value="Feedback"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Version" value="Version:"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Current_Version" value="Current Version:"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Updated" value="Baidu PC Faster update succesfully!" />
<item id="MainFrame_About_WndTitle" value="About"/>
<item id="MainFrame_About_Discrip" value="Professional security and optimization utility"/>
<item id="MainFrame_About_Copyright" value="Copyright (C) 2012 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserved."/>
<item id="MainFrame_About_Link" value="http://security.baidu.co.th"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_WndTitle" value="Settings"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_General" value="General"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Antihacker" value="Win Update"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Cleaner" value="Cleaner"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_SpeedUp" value="SpeedUp"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Antivirus" value="Virus Scan"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Protect" value="File System Protection"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Defense" value="Proactive Defense"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_EnableDefense" value="Enable proactive defense"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_DefenseUpload" value="Upload suspicious files to help improve the product"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Advanced" value="USB Security"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_PCHealthCare" value="PC Health Care"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_EveryStartup" value="Run Heath Care when PC Faster's every startup"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_OncePerDay" value="Run Heath Care once per day"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Manual" value="Manually care"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_AutoRun" value="Launch PC Faster at computer startup, to obtain better performance (Recommended)"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Improve" value="I want to help improve the product by allowing PC Faster to collect anonymous usage data"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Interface" value="Interface"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Language" value="Language:"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_RemindMe" value="Remind me once detected High Risk Vulnerabilities in my PC"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_SmartFilter" value="Smart-filter patches that may lead to Black Screen (Recommended)"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_OpenSmartUpdate" value="Open Smart Update (Recommended)"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_OpenSmartUpdate_Discrip" value="Windows Update will be replaced by our Smart Update"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_CleanerTitle" value="Junk files monitor"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_CleanerRemind" value="Remind me when the Junk files reach"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_CleanerOnce" value="Remind me once only per day"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_CleanerNever" value="Don't remind me"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_BootTimeHelper" value="Boot Time Helper"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_BootTimeAlways" value="Always remind me (Recommended)"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_BootTimewhenneed" value="Remind me when there are some items need to be disabled"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_BootTimenever" value="Never remind me"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Update" value="Update"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_AlwaysUpdate" value="Always update to latest version"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_USBDiskGuard" value="USB Disk Guard"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_EnableUSBDiskGuard" value="Enable USB Disk Guard (Recommended)"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_ShowUSBPop" value="Show USB Disk Guard window while plug in USB drive"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_EnableUSBDeskband" value="Show USB Disk Guard icon on the taskbar while plug in USB drive"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_RealTimeProtect" value="File System Protection"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_On" value="ON"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Off" value="OFF"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_ProtectYouSys" value="Enable file system protection"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_ProtectMode" value="Protect Mode"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_MonitorLevelFast" value="Fast"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_MonitorLevelComm" value="Common"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_MonitorLevelStrict" value="Strict"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_FastDescrip" value="Efficient protection with best performance for home users"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_CommDescrip" value="Full protection and monitor for home users"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_StrictDescrip" value="Deep protection and monitor for professional users"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_DesktopAlert" value="Desktop Alerts"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_DesktopAlertDescrip" value="Do not display alerts when running applications in full-screen mode"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_downloader" value="Auto Download"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_downloader_check" value="Pre-download the patches when the patch number thanless"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Engine_Option" value="Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Engine" value="Engine"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Virus_Scan" value="Virus Scan"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Baidu_Engine" value="Baidu Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Cloud_Engine" value="Cloud Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Avira_Engine" value="Avira Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Heuristics" value="Heuristics Detection"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Low_Detection" value="Low"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Strict_File" value="Efficient detection of unknown file. The risk of false alerts is low"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Medium_Detection" value="Medium"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Efficient" value="Standard detection of unknown files"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_High_Detection" value="High"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_High_Strict" value="Strict detection of unknown file. There may be false positives"/>
<item id="MainFrame_Set_Suspicious" value="Submit Suspicious Files"/>
<item id="PopWnd_WndTitle" value="Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="PopWnd_VulDectect.1" value=""/>
<item id="PopWnd_VulDectect.2" value="vulnerabilities need to be fixed."/>
<item id="PopWnd_Btn_QuickFix" value="Quick Fix"/>
<item id="PopWnd_Btn_Stop" value="Stop"/>
<item id="PopWnd_Btn_Minimize" value="Minimize"/>
<item id="PopWnd_Fixing" value="fixing..."/>
<item id="PopWnd_Fixed" value="Vulnerability fix finished."/>
<item id="PopWnd_FixedSuccess" value="vulnerabilities have successfully fixed."/>
<item id="PopWnd_FixedSome" value="remaining vulnerabilities need to be fixed."/>
<item id="PopWnd_FixedNotice" value="For the changes to take effect,please reboot manually later."/>
<item id="PopWnd_HighVul" value="High risk patches"/>
<item id="PopWnd_TreeTitle_ID" value="ID"/>
<item id="PopWnd_TreeTitle_Date" value="Release Date"/>
<item id="PopWnd_TreeTitle_Description" value="Description"/>
<item id="PopWnd_TreeTitle_State" value="State"/>
<item id="Popup.Clean.Clean" value="Clean"/>
<item id="Popup.Clean.CleanTitle" value="The junk files reach %s."/>
<item id="Popup.Clean.CleanNote" value="Clean up can save you more space and speed up your PC."/>
<item id="Popup.Clean.NeverRemindMe" value="Do not ask again"/>
<item id="Home_PC_Result" value="Result:"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_SysInfo" value="System Information"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_OS" value="Operating System"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_UpTime" value="Up Time"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_IO" value="Disk I/O"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_Download" value="Downloading"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_Upload" value="Uploading"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_CPU" value="CPU Usage"/>
<item id="Home_Sys_Mem" value="Memory Usage"/>
<item id="Home_History" value="PC Faster History"/>
<item id="Home_History_Pri" value="Privacy cleaned"/>
<item id="Home_History_Reg" value="Registry cleaned"/>
<item id="Home_History_Vul" value="Vulnerability fixed"/>
<item id="Home_History_Freespace" value="Free space"/>
<item id="Home_History_recovered" value="recovered"/>
<item id="Home_History_Suggestion" value="Tell your friends about PC Faster:"/>
<item id="Home_Twitter_Giveme" value="%23BaiduPCFaster%20gave%20me%20back%20"/>
<item id="Home_Twitter_rubbishes" value="%20by%20removing%20junk%20files.%20http%3a%2f%2fsecurity.baidu.co.th%2f+via+%40BaiduSecurity"/>
<item id="Home_Check_StartNotice" value="Quick Care can quickly diagnosis your computer security and performance problems. Weekly check is recommended."/>
<item id="Home_Check_LastCheck" value="Last Check:"/>
<item id="Home_Check_Ago" value="ago."/>
<item id="Home_Check_LastCheckNever" value="Last Check: Never, you should scan your computer immediately."/>
<item id="Home_Check_Scaning" value="Scanning..."/>
<item id="Home_Check_WaitNote" value="This may take a few moments, please wait."/>
<item id="Home_Check_Result" value="Result:"/>
<item id="Home_Check_ResultNoProblem" value="Perfect status,no problem has been found."/>
<item id="Home_Check_JunkFiles" value="junk files,"/>
<item id="Home_Check_PrivacyItem" value="privacy items,"/>
<item id="Home_Check_RegistryFiles" value="registry files."/>
<item id="Home_Check_FixingNote" value="Fixing… "/>
<item id="Home_Check_FixedProblem1" value=""/>
<item id="Home_Check_FixedProblem2" value="problems fixed, please keep up the excellent status."/>
<item id="Home_Check_FixedSome1" value=""/>
<item id="Home_Check_FixedSome2" value="problems fixed. "/>
<item id="Home_Check_RemainProblem" value="problems are slowing down your PC."/>
<item id="Home_Check_OK" value="OK"/>
<item id="Home_Check_Failed" value="Failed"/>
<item id="Home_Check_NoItem" value="Hooray, there are currently no autostart programs need to be optimized!"/>
<item id="Home_CheckRes_Poor1" value=""/>
<item id="Home_CheckRes_Poor2" value="problems detected, please fix it for better performance."/>
<item id="Home_CheckRes_Warning1" value=""/>
<item id="Home_CheckRes_Warning2" value="problems are slowing down your PC, please fix now!"/>
<item id="Home_CheckRes_Critical1" value=""/>
<item id="Home_CheckRes_Critical2" value="problems are slowing down your PC, please fix now!"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_OptExist" value="Recommend to disable"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_OptDisabled" value="Disabled"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Cleaned" value="Cleaned"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Fixed" value="Fixed"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_OK" value="OK"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Unit" value="items"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_0" value="LSP Network Connection is modified"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_1" value="Secure Sockets Layer is abnormal"/>
<!--item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_2" value="File Extension Names are hidden"/-->
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_2" value="Desktop Shortcuts are hidden"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_3" value="Digital Signature Service is abnormal"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_4" value="Automatic Playback of Mobile Devices is abnormal"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_5" value="Web Desktop is abnormal"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_6" value="Group Policy is modified"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_7" value="Search Shortcut Key (WIN + F) is modified"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_8" value="Registry Editor is disabled"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_9" value="Task Manager is disabled"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_10" value="DNS Server Settings are modified"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_11" value="Run Box Association is modified"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_12" value="Files and Folder Operation is abnormal"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_13" value="Speaker Icon is hidden"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_14" value="Windows Task Manager Menu Bar is missing"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_15" value="Desktop Icon can't be delete"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairErr_16" value="No Anti-Virus Software"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_0" value="LSP Network Connection"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_1" value="Secure Sockets Layer"/>
<!--item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_2" value="File Extension Name"/-->
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_2" value="Desktop Shortcut"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_3" value="Digital Signature Service"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_4" value="Automatic Playback of Mobile Devices"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_5" value="Web Desktop"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_6" value="Group Policy"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_7" value="Search Shortcut Key (WIN + F)"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_8" value="Registry Editor"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_9" value="Task Manager"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_10" value="DNS Server Settings"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_11" value="Run Box Association"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_12" value="Files and Folder Operation"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_13" value="Speaker Icon"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_14" value="Windows Task Manager Menu Bar"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_15" value="Desktop Icons"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepairOk_16" value="Anti-Virus Software"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Opt" value="Startup Optimizer"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Junk" value="Junk Cleaner"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Pri" value="Privacy Cleaner"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_Reg" value="Registry Cleaner"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_SysRepair" value="System Related Check"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_0" value="Web Browser Junk Files"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_1" value="Windows System Junk Files"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_2" value="Application Junk Files"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_3" value="Web Browser History"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_4" value="Windows System History"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_5" value="Applications"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_6" value="Redundant DLLs"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_7" value="Invalid Application Paths"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_8" value="Invalid Start Menu Items"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_9" value="Invalid Application Uninstallation Information"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_10" value="Invalid Help Files"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_11" value="Invalid Application Installation Information"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_12" value="Invalid Firewall Settings"/>
<item id="Home_ExamItem_13" value="MUI Cache"/>
<item id="Home_scan_tip_title" value="Check your PC status can"/>
<item id="Home_scan_tip_1" value="Free more disk"/>
<item id="Home_scan_tip_2" value="Speed up the boot time"/>
<item id="Home_scan_tip_3" value="Fix the network system problems"/>
<item id="Home_share" value="share:"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Descrip" value="Description"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.ReleaseDate" value="Release Date"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Size" value="Size"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Status" value="Status"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.InstalledDate" value="Installed Date"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.PatchID" value="Patch ID"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Operations" value="Operations"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.IgnoredDate" value="Ignored Date"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Event" value="Event"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.BlockedReason" value="Blocked Reason"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Name" value="Name"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.Action" value="Action"/>
<item id="Leak.TreeTitle.IgnoredReason" value="Ignored Reason"/>
<item id="Leak.Scanning" value="Scanning the vulnerabilities, Please wait..."/>
<item id="Leak.VulRescanCompleted" value="Vulnerability scan completed."/>
<item id="Leak.VulFixFinished" value="Vulnerability fix finished."/>
<item id="Leak.VulFixCanceled" value="Vulnerability fixing is canceled. We recommend you to complete the fix."/>
<item id="Leak.HighVulNoFound" value="High risk vulnerability not found."/>
<item id="Leak.HighVulNeedFix" value="high risks vunlerabilites need to be fixed"/>
<item id="Leak.Scan.Result.1" value="We found"/>
<item id="Leak.Scan.Result.2" value="high risk vulnerabilities. To fix is recommended."/>
<item id="Leak.Scan.Result.3" value=""/>
<item id="Leak.Scan.Result.4" value="selected, estimated fix time:"/>
<item id="Leak.Scan.Result.5" value="minutes."/>
<item id="Leak.ScanNoFound" value="There are currently no patches need to be fixed in this category."/>
<item id="Leak.ScanSelect" value="selected"/>
<item id="Leak.CostTime" value=", estimated fix time:"/>
<item id="Leak.CostTime.min" value="minutes."/>
<item id="Leak.PatchDownloading" value="Patch downloading..."/>
<item id="Leak.PatchInstalling" value="Patch Installing..."/>
<item id="Leak.status.Detected" value="Detected"/>
<item id="Leak.status.Wait" value="Waiting"/>
<item id="Leak.status.Downloading" value="Downloading"/>
<item id="Leak.status.Downloaded" value="Downloaded"/>
<item id="Leak.status.DownloadFailed" value="Download Failed"/>
<item id="Leak.status.ManualDownload" value="Manually Download"/>
<item id="Leak.status.AddToIgnore" value="Add to ignored list"/>
<item id="Leak.status.NA" value="No further action"/>
<item id="Leak.status.Installing" value="Installing"/>
<item id="Leak.status.Installed" value="Installed"/>
<item id="Leak.status.InstalledFailed" value="Install Failed"/>
<item id="Leak.item.hightrisk" value="High Risk Patches"/>
<item id="Leak.item.optional" value="Optional Patches"/>
<item id="Leak.item.notrecommended" value="Not Recommended Patches"/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.CancelFixTitle" value="Are you sure to cancel the vulnerability fix?"/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.CancelFixNote" value="Trojan may use the vulnerability to invade your system."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.StopFixTitle" value="Are you sure to stop fixing the high risk vulnerabilities ?"/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.StopFixNote" value="Trojan may use the vulnerability to invade your system."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.IgnoreAllTitle" value="Do you really want to ignore all the patches ?"/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.IgnoreAllNote" value="Trojan may use the vulnerability to invade your system."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.BackgroundTitle" value="Vulnerability fix may take some time."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.BackgroundNote" value="You are recommended to fix in the background."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.UnRecommendTitle" value="Are you sure to select the Not Recommended Patches?"/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.UnRecommendNote" value="Install them may damage the system."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.Mark" value=""/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.ResSuccess" value="Succeeded."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.ResFailed" value="Failed."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.ResAdvice" value="For the changes to take effect, please reboot manually later."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.uninstallation.title" value="Patch uninstallation failed."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.uninstallation.remark" value="The uninstallation package cannot be found."/>
<item id="Leak.msgbox.PatchManager" value="Patch Manager"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.InstalledPatch" value="Installed Patch"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.ExpiredPatch" value="Expired Patch"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.IgnoredPatch" value="Ignored Patch"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.ShieldedPatch" value="Shielded Patch"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.youhave" value="You have"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.InstalledRes" value="installed Patches."/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.ExpiredRes" value="expired Patches."/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.IgnoredRes" value="ignored Patches."/>
<item id="Leak.PatchManager.ShieldedRes" value="shielded Patches."/>
<item id="Leak.ShutDown" value="Shut down after fix completes"/>
<item id="Leak.SelectOneAbove" value="Please select at least one valid item!"/>
<item id="Leak.NoSearchRes" value="There is no patch found by your need."/>
<item id="Leak.TimeCostAdvice" value="Several vulnerabilities selected. It may take some time to fix."/>
<item id="Leak.PatchDetails.Rating" value="Rating:"/>
<item id="Leak.PatchDetails.Title" value="Description:"/>
<item id="Leak.OfficialDownload" value="Official Download"/>
<item id="Leak.ReleaseDate" value="Release Date:"/>
<item id="Leak.Downloadingpatch" value="Downloading patch" />
<item id="Leak.DownloadSpeed" value="Download Speed" />
<item id="Leak.DownloadSize" value="Size:" />
<item id="Leak.Shutdown.title" value="Vulnerabilities fix finished." />
<item id="Leak.Shutdown.text.1" value="Your computer will shut down after" />
<item id="Leak.Shutdown.text.2" value="seconds." />
<item id="Leak.notice.1" value="For the changes to take effect, please reboot manually later."/>
<item id="Leak.notice.2" value="Please select at least one valid item to start!"/>
<item id="Leak.notice.unnecessary" value="unnecessary"/>
<item id="Leak.Replacedby.1" value="Replaced " />
<item id="Leak.Replacedby.2" value="by " />
<item id="Leak.default.rate" value="Not rated" />
<item id="Leak.fixed.result.1" value=""/>
<item id="Leak.fixed.result.2" value="Succeeded."/>
<item id="Leak.fixed.result.3" value="Failed."/>
<item id="Leak.path.UserIgnored" value="User Ignored" />
<item id="Leak.path.SmartIgnored" value="Smart Ignored" />
<item id="Leak.path.Unstalled" value="Uninstall"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.StartTitle" value="PC Faster helps you clean junk files and gain more space for your PC."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.StartNote" value="We recommend you to clean junk files once a week."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.RescanTitle" value="Junk scan cancelled."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.RescanNote" value="Junk scan cancelled. Recommend you to rescan."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.CancelTitle" value="Junk cleaner cancelled."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.CancelNote" value="Junk clean cancelled. Recommend you to rescan."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.ProgramRunning" value="Program is running, please close it first!" />
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.StartTitle" value="PC Faster helps you clean the history of computer use, protects your privacy effectively."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.StartNote" value="We recommend you to clean privacy files once a week."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.RescanTitle" value="Privacy scan cancelled."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.RescanNote" value="Privacy scan cancelled. Recommend you to rescan."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.CancelTitle" value="Privacy cleaner cancelled."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.CancelNote" value="Privacy clean cancelled. Recommend you to rescan."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.StartTitle" value="PC Faster cleans invalid registry issues to optimize and speed up your PC."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.StartNote" value="We recommend you to clean registry once a week."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.RescanTitle" value="Registry scan cancelled."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.RescanNote" value="Registry scan cancelled. Recommend you to rescan."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.CancelTitle" value="Registry cleaner cancelled."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.CancelNote" value="Registry clean cancelled. Recommend you to rescan."/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClick.Junkfiles" value="Junk Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClick.Prifiles" value="Privacy Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClick.Reg" value="Registry"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.WindowSys" value="Windows System"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.Web" value="Web Browsers"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.App" value="Applications"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.WindowSys" value="Windows System"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.Web" value="Web Browsers"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.App" value="Applications"/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickClean" value="One Click Clean"/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanNote" value="Baidu PC Faster helps you scan and clean junk files and history with only one click."/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegTitle.Time" value="Time"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegTitle.RegItems" value="Registry items"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegTitle.Action" value="Action"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Tab.OneClickClean" value="One Click Clean"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Tab.JunkCleaner" value="Junk Cleaner"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Tab.PriCleaner" value="Privacy Cleaner"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Tab.RegCleaner" value="Registry Cleaner"/>
<!--One Click Clean-->
<item id="Cleaner.Scanning" value="Scanning, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScanCompleted" value="Scan completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.NoProblems" value="Your system is in perfect status. You don't have to do any cleaning."/>
<item id="Cleaner.NumPrefix" value="" />
<item id="Cleaner.HasProblems" value="items detected. One Click Clean can clean up and speed up your PC."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Cleaning" value="Cleaning, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanUsage" value="One Click Clean can clean up and speed up your PC."/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanCompleted" value="One Click Clean completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanResultPefix" value=""/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanSaved" value="space saved,"/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanPri" value="privacy files and"/>
<item id="Cleaner.OneClickCleanReg" value="registry items cleaned."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScanningJunk" value="Scanning junk, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScannedJunk" value="Junk scan completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.Items" value="items," />
<item id="Cleaner.ItemsFound.First" value="("/>
<item id="Cleaner.ItemsFound" value="items found."/>
<item id="Cleaner.SaveYou" value="cleaning the selected items can save you"/>
<item id="Cleaner.SysSpace" value="system space."/>
<item id="Cleaner.NoJunk" value="You have no junk files in the selected categories."/>
<item id="Cleaner.CleaningJunk" value="Junk cleaning...Please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.CleannedJunk" value="Junk clean completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ItemsCleaned.1" value=""/>
<item id="Cleaner.ItemsCleaned.2" value=" items cleaned."/>
<item id="Cleaner.SysSpaceSaved.Pre" value=""/>
<item id="Cleaner.SysSpaceSaved" value="system space saved."/>
<item id="Cleaner.TotalTime" value="Total time:"/>
<item id="Cleaner.seconds" value="s"/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScanningPri" value="Scanning privacy, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScannedPri" value="Privacy scan completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.NoPri" value="You have no privacy history that need to be cleaned."/>
<item id="Cleaner.CleanningPri" value="Cleaning privacy, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.CleannedPri" value="Privacy Clean completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScanReg" value="Registry Scan"/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScanningReg" value="Scanning registry, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.ScannedReg" value="Registry scan completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.NoReg" value="You have no registry items that need to be cleaned."/>
<item id="Cleaner.CleanningReg" value="Cleaning registry, please wait..."/>
<item id="Cleaner.CleannedReg" value="Registry clean completed."/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegRecovery" value="Registry Recovery"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegRecovery.Note" value="You can recover the registry to the previous state."/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegRecovery.Points" value="registry check points"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.ItemsFound" value="items found, cleaning them can save you"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Junk.SysSpace" value="system space )"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Pri.ItemsFound" value="items found )"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Reg.ItemsFound" value="items found )"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RegItems" value="registry items"/>
<item id="Cleaner.SelectAboveOne" value="Please select at least one valid item to start!"/>
<item id="Cleaner.TemporaryFiles" value="Temporary Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsLogFiles" value="Windows Log Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsUpdatePatchFiles" value="Windows Update Patch Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsPrefetchFiles" value="Windows Pre-fetch Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.ChkdskFileFragments" value="Chkdsk File Fragments"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsThumbnailCache" value="Windows Thumbnail Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.UserTemporaryFiles" value="User Temporary Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.MicrosoftOfficeSetupFiles" value="Microsoft Office Setup Files(MSOCache)"/>
<item id="Cleaner.MemoryDumpFiles" value="Memory Dump Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsErrorReportFiles" value="Windows Error Report Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Recycler" value="Recycle Bin"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsUpdatePatchCache" value="Windows Update Patch Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsLiveCache" value="Windows Live Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.SoftwareInstallationsCache" value="Software Installations Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RemoteDesktopConnectionCache" value="Remote Desktop Connection Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InternetExplorerCache" value="Internet Explorer Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.GoogleChromeCache" value="Google Chrome Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FirefoxCache" value="Firefox Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.AdobeReaderSetupFiles" value="Adobe Reader Setup Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.AdobeReaderBakupFiles" value="Adobe Reader Backup Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.SkypeTempFiles" value="Skype Temp Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.GoogleTalkLogs" value="Google Talk Logs"/>
<item id="Cleaner.IEABH" value="Internet Explorer Address Bar History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InternetExplorerCookies" value="Internet Explorer Cookies"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InternetExplorerFormHistory" value="Internet Explorer Auto-saved Form History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InternetExplorerPasswordHistory" value="Internet Explorer Auto-saved Password History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InternetExplorerDownloadLocation" value="Internet Explorer Last Download Location"/>
<item id="Cleaner.GoogleChromeCookies" value="Google Chrome Cookies"/>
<item id="Cleaner.GoogleChromeFormHistory" value="Google Chrome Auto-saved Form History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.GoogleChromerPasswordHistory" value="Google Chrome Auto-saved Password History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FirefoxCookies" value="Firefox Cookies"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FirefoxFormHistory" value="Firefox Auto-saved Form History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FirefoxPasswordHistory" value="Firefox Auto-saved Password History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.DialogBoxOperationHistory" value="Dialog Box Operation History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RecentApplicationHistory" value="Recent Application History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FileOpenandSaveHistory" value="File Open and Save History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.HistoryofLocation" value="History of Location and Size of MS Window"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RecentFileHistory" value="Recent File History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.ApplicationExecutionHistory" value="Application Execution History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.IconHistoryofNotificationArea" value="Icon History of Notification Area"/>
<item id="Cleaner.NetworkDriveMappingHistory" value="Network Drive Mapping History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.ComputerFindHistory" value="Computer Find History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FileMenuFindHistory" value="File Menu Find History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.PrinterFindHistory" value="Printer Find History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.LastVisitLocation" value="Last Visit Location of Windows Registry Editor"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Windows7RedirectList" value="Windows 7 Redirect List"/>
<item id="Cleaner.SearchAssistantAutocomplete" value="Search Assistant Autocomplete"/>
<item id="Cleaner.MicrosoftWordHistory" value="Microsoft Word History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.MicrosoftExcelHistory" value="Microsoft Excel History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.MicrosoftPowerPointHistory" value="Microsoft Power Point History"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WindowsMediaPlayer" value="Windows Media Player"/>
<item id="Cleaner.Winamp" value="Winamp"/>
<item id="Cleaner.QuicktimePlayer" value="Quicktime Player"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WinZip" value="WinZip"/>
<item id="Cleaner.WinRAR" value="WinRAR"/>
<item id="Cleaner.7-Zip" value="7-Zip"/>
<item id="Cleaner.FlashGet" value="FlashGet"/>
<item id="Cleaner.RedundancyDLLs" value="Redundant DLLs"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidApplicationPaths" value="Invalid Application Paths"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidStartMenuItems" value="Invalid Start Menu Items"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidCOMModule" value="Invalid COM Modules"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidFileAssociation" value="Invalid File Associations"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidFileExtension" value="Invalid File Extensions"/>
<item id="Cleaner.IAUInformation" value="Invalid Application Uninstallation Information"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidHelpFiles" value="Invalid Help Files"/>
<item id="Cleaner.IAIInformation" value="Invalid Application Installation Information"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidFirewallSettings" value="Invalid Firewall Settings"/>
<item id="Cleaner.InvalidSoftwareInformation" value="Invalid Software Information"/>
<item id="Cleaner.MUICache" value="MUI Caches"/>
<item id="Cleaner.reg.delete.tip" value="Are you sure to delete this check point?" />
<item id="Cleaner.reg.recover.tip" value="Are you sure to recover this check point?" />
<item id="Cleaner.reg.all.tip" value="Are you sure to delete all check points?" />
<item id="Optimizer.Scanning" value="Scanning, please wait..."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Scanned" value="Scan completed."/>
<item id="Optimizer.NoItems" value="No items can be optimized any more."/>
<item id="Optimizer.NoItemsNeed" value="No items need to be optimized now."/>
<item id="Optimizer.NoItemsNeedNote" value="To customize SpeedUp, please go to Startup items."/>
<item id="Optimizer.NoDesc" value="No Description"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.Toatal" value="We found"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.Items" value="items can be disabled for improving your boot speed."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.Note" value="One Click SpeedUp makes your computer run faster."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.SpeedUp" value="Speeding up..."/>
<item id="Optimizer.OptimizedPrefix" value=""/>
<item id="Optimizer.ItemsOptimized" value="items optimized."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.Done" value="Done!"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.Remaining" value="Remaining"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.WarningTitle" value="Disable Baidu PC Faster may cause your PC lose the real-time protection."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.WarningInfo" value="We strongly recommended that you keep it enabled."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.DelTitle" value="Are you sure to delete %s?"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Res.DelInfo" value="It cannot be recovered once it is deleted from the registry."/>
<item id="Optimizer.OneClickSpeedUp" value="One Click SpeedUp"/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartupTime" value="Boot Time Manager"/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartupItems" value="Startup Items"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Applications" value="Applications"/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartupServices" value="Application Services"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemServices" value="Windows Services"/>
<item id="Optimizer.ScheduledTasks" value="Scheduled Tasks"/>
<item id="Optimizer.History" value="History"/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartUpItemsYouhave" value="You have"/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartUpSvcYouhave" value="You have"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemSvcYouhave" value="You have"/>
<item id="Optimizer.ScheduledTaskYouhave" value="You have"/>
<item id="Optimizer.YouhaveDisabled" value="You have"/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartUpItemsAdvice" value="Aapplications. Removing unnecessary items can boost your system startup time."/>
<item id="Optimizer.StartUpSvcAdvice" value="application services. Removing unneccessary services can boost your system startup time."/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemSvcAdvice" value="windows services. Removing unneccessary services can boost your system startup time."/>
<item id="Optimizer.ScheduledTaskAdvice" value="startup scheduled tasks. Removing unneccessary tasks can boost your system startup time."/>
<item id="Optimizer.RecoverStartUpItems" value="speedup records. You can recover or set them here."/>
<item id="Optimizer.ItemsLoading" value="Loading, please wait..."/>
<item id="Optimizer.ItemsNoFound" value="There is currently no item in this list."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Status.Disabled" value="Disabled"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Status.WillbeDisabled" value="will be disabled"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Status.Optimized" value="Optimized"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Status.WillbeOptimized" value="will be Optimized"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Sug.No" value="No suggestion yet"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Sug.Auto" value="Autostart"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Sug.Delay" value="Delay"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Sug.Delete" value="Delete"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Sug.Disable" value="Disable"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Sug.Optional" value="Optional"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeTitle.Item" value="Item"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeTitle.Suggestion" value="Suggestion"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeTitle.Startuptime" value="Startup Time"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeTitle.Status" value="Status"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeTitle.Date" value="Date"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeItem.StartupItems" value="Startup items that can be disabled."/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeItem.StartupSvc" value="System services that can be disabled."/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeItem.StartupTasks" value="Scheduled tasks that can be disabled."/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeItem.StartupSystemOpt" value="系统加速"/>
<item id="Optimizer.TreeItem.StartupNetworkOpt" value="网络加速"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_0" value="Optimize the prefetching strategies"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_1" value="Shorten the waiting time when disk errors are dectected and confirmed"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_2" value="Optimize the response time and increase the processing speed"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_3" value="Shorten the waiting time when the mouse or the keyboard is not responding due to program errors"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_4" value="Close the none responding programs automatically to avoid system crash"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_5" value="Optimize memory configuration to accelerate games and other programs"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_6" value="Optimize the resource allocation of processor. Feel more fluent in watching video"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_7" value="Shorten the loading time into the default system when there are multiple systems"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_8" value="Shorten the action time of command disply and reaction"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_9" value="Optimize the visual effect of window menus and lists to speed up the system"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_10" value="Optimize program processes and adjust the priority of independent processes to avoid system crash"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_11" value="Display the menu of explorer in Windows Vista and Windows 7"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_12" value="Increase the display speed of Aero Snap to accelerate the window thumbnail display."/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_13" value="Accelerate the display of preview function of Aero Peek"/>
<item id="Optimizer.SystemOptItem_Name_14" value="Speed up the reponse time of foreground programs."/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_0" value="Optimize the Default Time To Live (TTL) values to avoid traffic waste and accelerate the netword connection"/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_1" value="Auto detect Maximum Transmission Unit and black hole routers to accelerate the netword connection"/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_2" value="Optimize the netword express forwarding mechanism to accelerate the netword connection"/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_3" value="Optimize the query time of Windows Internet Name Service(WINS), increase the data transfer capacity and accelerate the netword connection"/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_4" value="Optimize the preference of the network settings to enhance the stability of the network connection."/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_5" value="Increase the number of IE connections"/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_6" value="Disable the Internet Explorer automatic update"/>
<item id="Optimizer.NetworkOptItem_Name_7" value="Optimize the network card capability to enhance the efficiency."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Menu.Delete" value="Delete the item"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Menu.Open" value="Open location"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Menu.Enable" value="Enable the item"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Menu.Disable" value="Disable the item"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Menu.Delay" value="Delay the item"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Firsttime.1" value="It's your"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Firsttime.2" value=" First time "/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Firsttime.3" value="to use Baidu PC Faster,"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Firsttime.4" value="Boot Time Manager will be enabled from the next startup."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.YourBootTime" value="Your boot time:"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.YourSpeed" value="Your startup speed:" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.RemovableItems" value="Removable items have taken up"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Minutes" value="min" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Seconds" value="sec" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Notime" value=" -- "/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.PleaseRestart" value="Want to know how fast your
boot time is?
What applications starts up?
...Reboot to see more" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.RemovableItem" value="Items that recommended to remove have taken up" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.OptionalItem" value="Items that can be removed according to your need have taken up" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.PotentialItem" value="Items that not recommended to remove have taken up" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.RequiredItem" value="Necessary items have taken up" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Enabled" value="Enabled" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Disabled" value="Disabled" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Delayed" value="Delayed" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.System" value="System" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Disable" value="Disable" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.SystemDesc" value="The essential items of system startup."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.Disable.NormalTitle" value="Are you sure to disable this item?" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.Disable.NormalNote" value="The program may not work properly." />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.Disable.Title" value="We strongly recommend you to keep this item enabled." />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.Disable.Note" value="Your computer will be at risk if you turned it off." />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.DelayPCF.Title" value="Unable to delay Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.DelayPCF.Note" value="The setting will make all the delayed items fail to start."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.Delay.Failed.Title" value="PC Faster cannot proceed this operation since it not allowed to boot from startup."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Msg.Delay.Failed.Note" value="Launch PC Faster at computer startup?" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Tooltip.StartupTime" value="Startup time:" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.ShowSystem" value="Display system and security items" />
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Total" value="Total"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Bootitems" value="startup items,"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.CouldDisable" value="items are recommended to remove to boot faster."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.VeryFast" value="Very Fast"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Fast" value="Fast"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Normal" value="Average"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Slow" value="Slow"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.VerySlow" value="Very Slow"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FasterThan" value="Faster than"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.Computers" value="computers"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.InTheWorld" value="in the world."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.SpeedSlow" value="Your boot time is a bit slow."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.SpeedNormal" value="Your boot time is on average."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.SpeedFast" value="Your boot time is so competitive."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.SpeedVeryFast" value="Your boot time is at the top level."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Share" value="Share on facebook"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Post" value="POST"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.UploadImg" value="Upload the picture"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Signin" value="Sign in"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.ChangeID" value="Change ID"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Congratulations" value="Congratulations!"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Released" value="You have successfully released."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.GotoFB" value="Go to Facebook"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Award" value="Baidu PC Faster Boot Time Awards"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.YourTime" value="Your boot time:"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Min.Short" value="min"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Sec.Short" value="sec"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Sec.long" value="seconds"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Fasterthan" value="Faster than:"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Computers" value="computers"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Uploading" value="Uploading..."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Retry" value="Retry"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Failed" value="Oops, Posting failed"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.InternetError" value="Maybe there is something wrong with the Internet connection."/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Share.VerySlow" value="Eww, my PC boot time is %d min %d sec :( But, good things come to those who wait :P"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Share.Slow" value="Eww, my PC boot time is %d min %d sec :( But, good things come to those who wait :P"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Share.Normal" value="My PC boot time is %d min %d sec, looks average, share yours with me :D"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Share.Fast" value="Wow, my boot time is very competitive!"/>
<item id="Optimizer.Boot.FB.Share.VeryFast" value="LOL, my boot time beats EVERYTHING!"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot_Time_Helper" value="Boot Time Helper" />
<item id="Popup.Boot.YourTime" value="Your boot time:"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.YourTime.Slow" value="Your boot time: Slow"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.YourTime.Normal" value="Your boot time: Normal"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.YourTime.Fast" value="Your boot time: Fast"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Startupitems" value="startup items can be disabled to get a faster boot!"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Minutes" value="min" />
<item id="Popup.Boot.Seconds" value="sec" />
<item id="Popup.Boot.Recommendation" value="Recommendation:"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Details" value="Details"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Speedup" value="Speedup"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Recommendation.Veryfast" value="Your PC startup at an utrafast rate! Keep it and speed up your PC on a regular basis." />
<item id="Popup.Boot.Recommendation.Fast" value="Please keep your fast boot, regular speed up your PC can get more speed improvements." />
<item id="Popup.Boot.Recommendation.Normal" value="Your PC startup at a n average rate. Please remove the unnecessary startup items to get a faster boot."/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Recommendation.Slow" value="You can remove the unnecessary startup items in the computer to gradually improve your boot speed." />
<item id="Popup.Boot.Recommendation.Veryslow" value="Please remove the unnecessary startup items immediately to speeding up your PC !" />
<item id="Popup.Boot.Fast.Percent" value="Your boot time is faster than %s PCs!"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Fast.Percent.Second" value=""/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Normal.Percent" value="Your boot time is faster than %s PCs!"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Normal.Percent.Second" value=""/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Slow.Percent" value="Your boot time beats only %s PCs!"/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.Slow.Percent.Second" value=""/>
<item id="Popup.Boot.User" value="Hi %s:"/>
<item id="USBSafe.title" value="PC Faster USB Disk Guard"/>
<item id="USBSafe.scanning" value="USB Drive detected, scanning..." />
<item id="USBSafe.result.risk" value="Risky"/>
<item id="USBSafe.result.safe" value="Safe"/>
<item id="USBSafe.safe.desc" value="USB Drive security status is safe!"/>
<item id="USBSafe.result.unknown" value="Unknown"/>
<item id="USBSafe.open" value="Open"/>
<item id="USBSafe.remove" value="Remove"/>
<item id="USBSafe.fix" value="Fix"/>
<item id="USBSafe.result.openwarning" value="Please open with 'Safe Open'!"/>
<item id="USBSafe.state.scanning" value="Scanning..."/>
<item id="USBSafe.state.riskfile" value="Risky Files"/>
<item id="USBSafe.state.deleted" value="Deleted"/>
<item id="USBSafe.state.deletefailed" value="Delete Failed"/>
<item id="USBSafe.button.findfile" value="Show this file"/>
<item id="USBSafe.safeopen" value="Safe Open"/>
<item id="USBSafe.selectall" value="Select All"/>
<item id="USBSafe.ignorethis" value="Ignore this"/>
<item id="USBSafe.fixnow" value="Fix Now"/>
<item id="USBSafe.free" value=""/>
<item id="USBSafe.total" value="free of"/>
<item id="USBSafe.ok" value="OK"/>
<item id="USBSafe.opendrivesafely" value="Open USB Drive safely"/>
<item id="USBSafe.removedrivesafely" value="Remove USB Drive safely"/>
<item id="USBSafe.driveproperty" value="USB Device properties"/>
<item id="USBSafe.settings" value="Settings"/>
<item id="USBSafe.riskfound" value="Risky files are detected."/>
<item id="USBSafe.plugout" value="USB Drive can now be safely removed."/>
<item id="USBSafe.hideicon" value="Hide this icon"/>
<item id="USBSafe.safelyremoveformat" value="Remove %s safely"/>
<item id="USBSafe.lockedtitle" value="Your USB drive has been locked by these programs, still continue to eject?"/>
<item id="USBSafe.lockedprogram" value="Locking Program(%d)"/>
<item id="USBSafe.lockedfile" value="Locking File"/>
<item id="USBSafe.lockedpath" value="Locking Folder or File"/>
<item id="USBSafe.programname" value="Program name"/>
<item id="USBSafe.unlock" value="Unlock and eject"/>
<item id="USBSafe.ejectanyway" value="Force eject"/>
<item id="USBSafe.unlockfailed" value="Failed to unlock and eject USB drive. Please close the locking programs before ejecting."/>
<item id="USBSafe.unlockprompt" value="Before unlocking and ejecting USB drive, please save your files to avoid data loss."/>
<item id="Update.Havelatestversion" value="You have installed the latest version of Baidu PC Faster, for more information, please visit" />
<item id="Update.Newavailable" value="A newer version of Baidu PC Faster is available!"/>
<item id="Update.Version" value="Version:"/>
<item id="Update.Size" value="Size:"/>
<item id="Update.Update" value="Update"/>
<item id="Update.Later" value="Later"/>
<item id="Update.Downloading" value="Downloading..."/>
<item id="Update.Updating" value="Updating..."/>
<item id="Update.SureCancel" value="Are you sure to cancel the update?"/>
<item id="Update.WorkNotProperly" value="Baidu PC Faster may not work properly."/>
<item id="Update.Completed" value="Update completed!"/>
<item id="Update.Failed" value="Update failed!"/>
<item id="Update.CurrentVersion" value="Currently version:"/>
<item id="Update.RebootRequired" value="Reboot is required for the changes take effect."/>
<item id="Update.TryAgain" value="Please close other running programs or reboot the computer momentarily then try again."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Set.General" value="General"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Check.General" value="Join Baidu Cloud Security Project"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Set.Action" value="Action on the threat detection"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Set.Engine" value="Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Avira.Text1" value="Avira Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Avira.Text2" value="Global well known antivirus engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Cloud.Text1" value="Cloud Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Cloud.Text2" value="Innovative cloud technology"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Baidu.Text1" value="Baidu Engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Baidu.Text2" value="Powerful local antivirus engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Radio.Automatically" value="Select action automatically"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Radio.Manually" value="Select action manually"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Radio.Defense.Enable" value="Enable Self-Defense"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Radio.Defense.Enable.Content" value="You can block outside attempts to disable PC Faster"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Radio.Defense.Disbale" value="Disable Self-Defense temporarily"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Radio.Defense.Disbale.Content" value="Self-Defense will automatically be enabled after reboot"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Title.Detection" value="Detection"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Detection" value="Threat"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Object" value="Object"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Action" value="Action"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Result" value="Result"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Time" value="Time"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ScanMode" value="Scan Mode"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Type" value="Type"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Threats" value="Threat"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Last.Update" value="Last Update:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Version" value="Version:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Virus" value=" Viruses"/>
<item id="Antivirus.New.Virus" value="New virus:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Real.Time" value="Real-time Protection"/>
<item id="Antivirus.System" value="File System Protection"/>
<item id="Antivirus.USB.Guard" value="USB Disk Guard"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Web.Protection" value="Web Access Protection"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Defense" value="Self-Defense"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Updating" value="Updating..."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Canceling" value="canceling..."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Database.Up" value="Database is up to date"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Database.Update.Failed" value="Database update failed"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Update.Failed" value="Automatic update again after the network is connected"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Engine" value="Antivirus Engine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Num.Minute" value="minutes"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Num.Hours" value="hours"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Num.Days" value="days"/>
<item id="Antivirus.History" value="Antivirus History"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Blocked.Virus" value="Blocked viruses or threats:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Blocked.Website" value="Blocked unreliable websites:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Blocked.Malware" value="Blocked attacks:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Scanning" value="Scanning"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Initializing" value="Initialization"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Disk" value="Disk Files"/>
<item id="Antivirus.CustomScanPath" value="Custom Scan Path"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Disk" value="Disk Files"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Startup.Items" value="Startup Items"/>
<item id="Antivirus.System.Service" value="System Service"/>
<item id="Antivirus.System.Memory" value="System Memory"/>
<item id="Antivirus.System.Path" value="Critical System Path"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Scheduled.Tasks" value="Scheduled Tasks"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Browser" value="Browser Add-ons"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Software" value="Common Software"/>
<item id="Antivirus.LastScan_1" value="Last time "/>
<item id="Antivirus.LastScan_2" value=" threats haven't been processed."/>
<item id="Antivirus.LastScan_3" value="view log"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Last.NotCleaned" value=" Threats remain."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Last.Cleaned" value=" Threats have been processed."/>
<item id="Antivirus.NoLastScan_1" value="Your computer hasn't been scanned. PC Faster recommends "/>
<item id="Antivirus.NoLastScan_2" value="Quick Scan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.NoLastScan_3" value=" now!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.LastScan.Safe" value="Your computer is safe under PC Faster's protection."/>
<item id="Antivirus.LastScan.Canceled" value="Last scan has been canceled. PC Faster recommends "/>
<item id="Antivirus.LastScan.Canceled_1" value=" now!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Logs" value="Log"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Quarantine" value="Quarantine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Trusted" value="Exclusion"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Resume" value="Resume"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Pause" value="Pause"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Cancel" value="Cancel"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Update" value="Update"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Ok" value="OK"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Restore" value="Restore"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Delete" value="Delete"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.CleanUp" value="Clean up"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Scan.Pause" value="Scan paused. PC Faster recommends you continue the scan."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Scan.UsedTime" value="00:00:00"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Init.StartEngine" value="The program will be initialized."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Failed.Connect.Service" value="Failed to connect to antivirus service."/>
<item id="Antivirus.FastScan" value="Quick Scan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.FullScan" value="Full Scan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.CustomScan" value="Custom Scan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.RightMenuScan" value="Context Menu"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Course.Objects" value="Scanned: "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Course.Unit" value=""/> <!--不能删除-->
<item id="Antivirus.Course.Time" value="Time: "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Course.ScanItems" value="Scanned Items"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Course.Number" value="Statistic"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Course.Status" value="Status"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Quit.Scan" value="Are you sure to quit scanning?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Quit.Scan.Threats" value="Some threats have been detected."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Ignore.All.Threats" value="Are you sure to ignore all the threats?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Ignore.All.Danger" value="You computer may be in danger."/>
<item id="Antivirus.ThreatsDetected" value=" Threats detected."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Threats.Process" value="PC Faster recommends you process now."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Static.Repaired_1" value="The system is being repaired...("/>
<item id="Antivirus.Check.Shutdown" value="Shut down computer when the scan completes. (Clean threats automatically)"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Check.SelectAll" value="Select all"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Scan.Canceled" value="Scan canceled. "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Scan.Completed" value="Scan completed. "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Threats.NULL" value=""/> <!--不能删除-->
<item id="Antivirus.Threats.Processed" value=" Threats processed. "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Threats.Remains" value=" Threats remains. "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Btn.Reboot" value="Reboot"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Noselect" value="Please select at least one item to process!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Reboot" value="Reboot is recommended to protect your system from repeated infection."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Items.Scanned" value=" items scanned"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ToBeScanned" value="Waiting"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Secure" value="Secure"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Deleted" value="Deleted"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Repaired" value="Repaired"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Ignore" value="Ignored"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Delete" value="Delete"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Repair" value="Repair"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Failed" value="Failed"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Status.Quarantined" value="Quarantined"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Tree.Btn.Trust" value="Exclude"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Title" value=" Log"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Antivirus" value="Virus Scan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Antivirus.Text" value="You can check detailed history of virus scan and export logs."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Update" value="Events"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Update.Text" value="You can check details of antivirus events and export logs."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Hips" value="Detected Threats"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Hips.Text" value="You can check details of detected threats and export logs."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Hide" value="Hide normal logs"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Btn.DeleteLog" value="Delete Log"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Btn.ExportLog" value="Export Log"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Event" value="Event"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Detection" value="Threat"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Result" value="Result"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Object" value="Object"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Time" value="Time"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.DeleteScan" value="Are you sure to delete Virus Scan log ?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.DeleteUpdate" value="Are you sure to delete Events log ?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.ScanCompleted" value="Completed"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.ScanCanceled" value="Canceled"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.ScanUnknown" value="Unknown"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Status" value="Scan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Threats.Before" value=""/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Threats" value="threats detected"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.ScanMode" value="Scan Mode:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Loading" value="Loading. please wait..."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.NoItems" value="No items!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Database" value="Virus database version updated to "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Scanlog" value="VirusScanLog.txt"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Logs.Updatelog" value="EventsLog.txt"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Msg.Title" value=" Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Msg.Restore" value="Are you sure to restore the selected files ?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Msg.Delete" value="Are you sure to delete the selected files ?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Msg.Scan.In.Process" value="The scan is in process. Please retry later."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Msg.Cleaned.Threats" value="Threats haven’t been cleaned. Please process them."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Msg.Repaired" value="The system is being repaired. Please retry later."/>
<item id="Antivirus.TrustList.Title" value=" Exclusion"/>
<item id="Antivirus.TrustList.TabTitle" value=" Trusted File"/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.TabTitle" value=" Proactive Defense"/>
<item id="Url.TrustList.TabTitle" value=" Trusted Website"/>
<item id="Antivirus.TrustList.Subtitle" value="Trusted file will be excluded in virus scan. Please distrust them if necessary."/>
<item id="Hips.Allow.TrustList.Subtitle" value="The application will be allowed in proactive defense. Please remove them if necessary."/>
<item id="Hips.Reject.TrustList.Subtitle" value="The application will be rejected in proactive defense. Please remove them if necessary."/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.App" value="Application"/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.Event" value="Event"/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.Time" value="Time"/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.Allow" value="Allowed"/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.Reject" value="Rejected"/>
<item id="Hips.TrustList.Remove" value="Remove"/>
<item id="Hips.Trust.Event.Manual" value="add manually"/>
<item id="Url.TrustList.Website" value="Website"/>
<item id="Url.TrustList.Subtitle" value="Trusted website will be excluded in web access protection. Please distrust them if necessary."/>
<item id="Url.AddTrustListDlg.Subtitle" value="Please key in the website. To add more websites, please press Enter after each website."/>
<item id="Antivirus.TrustList.Add" value="Add"/>
<item id="Antivirus.TrustList.Btn.Distrust" value="Distrust"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Quarantine.Full" value="Quarantine take up a lot of disk space. please clean up!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Quarantine.Title" value=" Quarantine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.RestoreFiles" value="You can recover deleted files in case of any misoperation."/>
<item id="Antivirus.RestoreFail_1" value="File restoration failed !"/>
<item id="Antivirus.RestoreFail_2" value="You don't have permission to restore. please contact the administrator."/>
<item id="Antivirus.RestoreFail_NoEnough" value="Out of disk space."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Quarantine.success" value="Recover successfully!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.there" value="Oops."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.threats" value="threats found."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Infected" value="Detected"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Resolved" value="Processed"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.unit.threats" value="Threats"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.HealthCheckNote" value="Computer runs slow?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.HealthCheck" value="Health Check"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.QuarantineNote" value="Delete files by misoperation?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Quarantine" value="Quarantine"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.FeedbackNote" value="Any question?"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Feedback" value="Feedback"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Win" value="Windows"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.App" value="Application"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Doc" value="Document"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Media" value="Media"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.items" value="items"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.GeneralTotally" value="Object Scanned:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.GeneralItems" value="Time Used:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.GeneralReport" value=">>Detail Report"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Scancompleted" value="Your computer is safe. Scan completed!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Scancanceled" value="Your computer might be at risk!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.scanfinish.before" value="PC Faster helped you remove "/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.scanfinish" value="threats."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.scancancel.before" value="The scan has been canceled. PC Faster helped you remove"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.scancancel" value="threats."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Processedall" value="Your computer is safe now!"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.ScanNoThreats" value="No threat detected."/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.BtnCompleted" value="Complete"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.BtnRescan" value="Rescan"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.BtnBack" value="Back"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.BtnSkip" value="Skip"/>
<item id="Antivirus.Res.Process" value="Process"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.Title" value="Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.ThreatsFoundFore" value=""/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.ThreatsFound" value="Threats Detected"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.NoThreats" value="No Threats Detected"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.Threat" value="Threat:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.Processed" value="Processed:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.Scanned" value="Scanned:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.UsedTime" value="Used Time:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.Suggestion" value="Suggestion:"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.ShowDetails" value="Show Details"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.VirusDetected.Fore" value=""/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.VirusDetected" value="Threats have been detected."/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.VirusSuggestion" value="We recommend you to process them."/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.ThreatsProcessed" value="Threats have been processed successfully"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.QuarantineTip" value="Processed file have been backed up in"/>
<item id="Antivirus.ResPopWnd.Quarantine" value="Quarantine"/>
<!--=================================On Access Popup==============================-->
<item id="Oapopup.Removing" value="Removing..."/>
<item id="Oapopup.Detected" value="Detected:"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Removed" value="Removed:"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Virus.Title" value="Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Virus.Subtitle" value="Virus or Threat Found"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Virus.Depict_1" value="An event occurred during the application attempted to access the files"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Virus.Depict_2" value="Baidu PC Faster recommend you to Remove the file."/>
<item id="Oapopup.Virus.Threat" value="Threat:"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Virus.Object" value="Object:"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Btn.Remove" value="Remove"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Btn.Quarantine" value="Quarantine"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Success.Btn.OK" value="OK"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Success.Title" value="Baidu PC Faster"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Success.Subtitle" value="Threats have been removed successfully!"/>
<item id="Oapopup.Success.Depict_1" value="When virus can not clean or repair. Baidu PC Faster will delete it."/>
<item id="Oapopup.Success.Depict_2" value="Processed files have been backed up in the "/>
<item id="Oapopup.Success.Depict_3" value="Baidu PC Faster recommends you reboot to remove the virus completely."/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.CustomTitle" value="Custom Scan"/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.CustomTips" value="Please select target to scan."/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.CustomScan" value="Scan"/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.CustomCancel" value="Cancel"/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.TrustTitle" value="Add Trusted File"/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.TrustTips" value="Please select your files to add."/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.TrustAdd" value="Add"/>
<item id="BrowseForFolder.TrustCancel" value="Cancel"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Alert_SubTitle" value="Baidu PC Faster alerts — Dangerous"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Warning_SubTitle" value="Baidu PC Faster alerts - Risk"/>
<item id="HipsTops_AutoAllowTimer_before" value="Automatically allow in"/>
<item id="HipsTops_AutoAllowTimer_after" value="second"/>
<item id="HipsTops_AutoDenyTimer_before" value="Automatically reject in"/>
<item id="HipsTops_AutoDenyTimer_after" value="second"/>
<item id="HipsTips_RememberChoice" value="Always remember my choice"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Allow" value="Allow"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Deny" value="Reject"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Threat" value="Threat"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Application" value="Application"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Object" value="Object"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Target" value="Target"/>
<item id="HipsTips_alerts" value="alerts"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Menu_CloseAll" value="Close all alerts"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Menu_Setting" value="Settings"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Menu_AllowAll" value="Allow all"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Menu_DenyAll" value="Deny all"/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_Fore" value="The application is attempting to "/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_1" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_1" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_2" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_2" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_3" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_3" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_4" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_4" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_6" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_6" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_7" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_7" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_8" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_8" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_9" value="attack PC Faster."/>
<item id="HipsTips_9" value="The program is attempting to attack PC Faster. The malware may disrupt or destroy the security program in order to hide in the system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_101" value="load IE toolbar."/>
<item id="HipsTips_101" value="The program is attempting to modify IE startup items. Too many IE toolbar plugins may slow down the IE startup speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_102" value="load windows shell execute hooks."/>
<item id="HipsTips_102" value="The program is attempting to inject to Windows. Windows may be exploited by malware."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_103" value="modify IE homepage."/>
<item id="HipsTips_103" value="The program is attempting to modify IE homepage. Your surfing preference may be influenced."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_104" value="modify BHO plug-in."/>
<item id="HipsTips_104" value="The program is attempting to hijack your browser. Your information may be stolen."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_105" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_105" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_106" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_106" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_107" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_107" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_108" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_108" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_109" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_109" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_110" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_110" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_111" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_111" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_112" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_112" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_113" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_113" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_114" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_114" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_115" value="modify system services."/>
<item id="HipsTips_115" value="The program is attempting to modify the default settings of system services. Virus or trojan may auto start through this modification."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_116" value="modify system services."/>
<item id="HipsTips_116" value="The program is attempting to modify the default settings of system services. Virus or trojan may auto start through this modification."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_117" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_117" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_118" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_118" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_119" value="modify system shell."/>
<item id="HipsTips_119" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_120" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_120" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_121" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_121" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_122" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_122" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_123" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_123" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_124" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_124" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_125" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_125" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_126" value="modify system shell."/>
<item id="HipsTips_126" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_127" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_127" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_128" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_128" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_129" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_129" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_130" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_130" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_131" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_131" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_132" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_132" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_133" value="modify screen protection."/>
<item id="HipsTips_133" value="The program is attempting to modify screen protection programs. Trojans may fake as screen protection programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_134" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_134" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_135" value="modify debugger."/>
<item id="HipsTips_135" value="The program is attempting to modify the default settings of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_136" value="inject other programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_136" value="The program is attempting to inject other programs. The malware may fake as input programs to inject other programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_137" value="modify system services."/>
<item id="HipsTips_137" value="The program is attempting to modify the default settings of system services. Virus or trojan may auto start through this modification."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_138" value="modify system services."/>
<item id="HipsTips_138" value="The program is attempting to modify the default settings of system services. Virus or trojan may auto start through this modification."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_139" value="modify IE homepage."/>
<item id="HipsTips_139" value="The program is attempting to modify IE homepage. Your surfing preference may be influenced."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_140" value="modify printer settings."/>
<item id="HipsTips_140" value="The program is attempting to modify registry entries of printer. Malware may be autorun when system starts or the printer is in use."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_141" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_141" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_142" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_142" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_143" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_143" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_144" value="modify Winsock LSP."/>
<item id="HipsTips_144" value="The program is attempting to modify LSP network settings. You may be unable to connect to the internet."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_145" value="modify printer settings."/>
<item id="HipsTips_145" value="The program is attempting to modify registry entries of printer. Malware may be autorun when system starts or the printer is in use."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_146" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_146" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_147" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_147" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_148" value="hijack image."/>
<item id="HipsTips_148" value="The program is attempting to hijack the startup process of the programs. Double click on the execute file may lauch a modified program."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_149" value="modify certification."/>
<item id="HipsTips_149" value="The program is attempting to modify the reliable certification. The program may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_150" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_150" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_151" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_151" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_152" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_152" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_153" value="modify printer settings."/>
<item id="HipsTips_153" value="The program is attempting to modify registry entries of printer. Malware may be autorun when system starts or the printer is in use."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_154" value="modify printer settings."/>
<item id="HipsTips_154" value="The program is attempting to modify registry entries of printer. Malware may be autorun when system starts or the printer is in use."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_155" value="modify printer settings."/>
<item id="HipsTips_155" value="The program is attempting to modify registry entries of printer. Malware may be autorun when system starts or the printer is in use."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_156" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_156" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_157" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_157" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_158" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_158" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_159" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_159" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_160" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_160" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_161" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_161" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_162" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_162" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_163" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_163" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_164" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_164" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_165" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_165" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_166" value="modify group policy."/>
<item id="HipsTips_166" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_167" value="modify system shell."/>
<item id="HipsTips_167" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_168" value="modify system shell."/>
<item id="HipsTips_168" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_169" value="modify system shell."/>
<item id="HipsTips_169" value="The program is attempting to modify the default setting of the system configuration. The system may not work properly."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_170" value="modify the startup items."/>
<item id="HipsTips_170" value="The program is attempting to modify the startup items. Too many startup items may slow down the boot speed."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5002" value="bypass the antivirus detection."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5002" value="The program is attempting to bypass the antivirus detection. The system may be slowdown, unstable, blue screen when running the untrustworthy drivers as drivers."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5004" value="attack other programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5004" value="The program is attempting to modify other programs. Virus may hide or auto run through this modification and destroy system operation."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5006" value="attack other programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5006" value="The program is attempting to modify other programs. Virus may hide or auto run through this modification and destroy system operation."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5013" value="attack other programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5013" value="The program is attempting to modify other programs. Virus may hide or auto run through this modification and destroy system operation."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5014" value="attack other programs."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5014" value="The program is attempting to modify other programs. Virus may hide or auto run through this modification and destroy system operation."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5007" value="load the driver."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5007" value="The program is attempting to load the driver. The trojan or virus may attack the computer and make the system unstable through this operation."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5008" value="inject DLL to other processes."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5008" value="The program is attempting to inject DLL to other processes and lead to failuer of security protection softwre and harm your system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5009" value="modify memory."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5009" value="The program is attempting to modify the memory and may result in unstable programs or system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5011" value="write to the hard disk."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5011" value="The program is attempting to write to the hard disk. Virus may get the administration right through modifying the MBR(Main Boot Record)."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5012" value="inject DLL to other processes."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5012" value="The program is attempting to inject DLL to other processes and lead to failuer of security protection softwre and harm your system."/>
<item id="HipsTips_Action_5015" value="load global hook."/>
<item id="HipsTips_5015" value="The program is attempting to get all the windows message. The trojan or virus may attack the computer and make the system unstable through this operation."/>
<item id="faster_btn_text" path="skin\home\faster_btn_text.png" />
<item id="home.click.status.pc" path="skin\home\pc_status.png" />
<item id="home.click.status.critical" path="skin\home\Critical.png" />
<item id="home.click.status.excellent" path="skin\home\Excellent.png" />
<item id="home.click.status.poor" path="skin\home\Poor.png" />
<item id="home.click.status.warning" path="skin\home\Warning.png" />
<item id="home.click.status.atrisk" path="skin\home\AtRisk.png" />
<item id="home.click.result" path="skin\home\pc_result.png"/>
<item id="optimizer.boottime.invalid" path="skin\optimizer\invalid.png"/>
<item id="optimizer.boottime.share.veryslow" path="skin\optimizer\veryslow.png"/>
<item id="optimizer.boottime.share.slow" path="skin\optimizer\slow.png"/>
<item id="optimizer.boottime.share.normal" path="skin\optimizer\normal.png"/>
<item id="optimizer.boottime.share.fast" path="skin\optimizer\fast.png"/>
<item id="optimizer.boottime.share.veryfast" path="skin\optimizer\veryfast.png"/>
<item id="mainframe.updated.bk" path="skin\mainframe\bc_update.bmp"/>
<item id="mainframe.updated.NF.normal" path="skin\mainframe\btn_NF_normal.png"/>
<item id="mainframe.updated.NF.hover" path="skin\mainframe\btn_NF_hover.png"/>
<item id="mainframe.updated.NF.down" path="skin\mainframe\btn_NF_down.png"/>
<item id="setting.usb.wnd" path="skin\mainframe\set_usb_wnd.png"/>
<item id="antivirus.res.bearlogo" path="skin\antivirus\bear.png"/>
<item id="btn.fastscan.normal" path="skin\antivirus\fastscan_normal.png"/>
<item id="btn.fastscan.hover" path="skin\antivirus\fastscan_hover.png"/>
<item id="btn.fastscan.down" path="skin\antivirus\fastscan_down.png"/>
<item id="av.status.dangerous" path="skin\antivirus\status_dangerous.png"/>
<item id="av.status.secured" path="skin\antivirus\status_secured.png"/>
<item id="av.status.waring" path="skin\antivirus\status_waring.png"/>
<item id="Hips_detail.up.normal" path="skin\antivirus\detail_up_normal.png"/>
<item id="Hips_detail.up.hover" path="skin\antivirus\detail_up_hover.png"/>
<item id="Hips_detail.down.normal" path="skin\antivirus\detail_down_normal.png"/>
<item id="Hips_detail.down.hover" path="skin\antivirus\detail_down_hover.png"/>
<item id="home.click.status.critical">
<image id="home.click.status.pc" pic="home.click.status.pc" />
<image id="home.click.status.critical" pic="home.click.status.critical"/>
<item id="home.click.status.excellent">
<image id="home.click.status.pc" pic="home.click.status.pc" />
<image id="home.click.status.excellent" pic="home.click.status.excellent"/>
<item id="home.click.status.poor">
<image id="home.click.status.pc" pic="home.click.status.pc" />
<image id="home.click.status.poor" pic="home.click.status.poor"/>
<item id="home.click.status.warning">
<image id="home.click.status.pc" pic="home.click.status.pc" />
<image id="home.click.status.warning" pic="home.click.status.warning"/>
<item id="home.click.status.atrisk">
<image id="home.click.status.pc" pic="home.click.status.pc" />
<image id="home.click.status.atrisk" pic="home.click.status.atrisk"/>
<item id="optimizer.boot.invalid">
<image id="item" pic="optimizer.boottime.invalid"/>
</directui> |