TrojanHunter searches for and removes trojans from your system. You have the ability to add custom trojan definitions and detection rules. If you are downloading files from the Internet, you need TrojanHunter!
- High-speed file scan engine capable of detecting modified trojans.
- Memory scanning for detecting any modified variant of a particular build of a trojan.
- Registry scanning for detecting traces of trojans in the registry.
- Ini-file scanning for detecting traces of trojans in configuration files.
- Port scanning for detecting open trojan ports.
- TrojanHunter Guard for resident memory scanning - detect any trojans if they manage to start up .
- LiveUpdate utility for effortless ruleset updating via the Internet .
- Add custom trojan definitions and detection rules.
- Process list giving details about every running process on the system, including the path to the actual executable file.
- Accurate removal of all detected trojans - even if they are running.
- Built-in netstat viewer.
- Extensive help files.
- Free technical support via e-mail.
- Complete list of all autostarted programs.
New features in TrojanHunter 5.0.950 (2007-09-09)
* Redesigned, polished user interface
* Schedule page allows scheduling of LiveUpdate and TrojanHunter scans
* LiveUpdate is able to perform program upgrades
* Optional automatic cleaning of trojans found during scheduled scans
* During a scheduled scan, TrojanHunter Scanner runs invisibly so as to not get in the user's way. If trojans are found, however, a message box alert is displayed, and optional automatic cleaning initiated. This happens even if no user is logged in to the computer when the scan is run.
* New file analyzer in engine ensures all files are scanned correctly according to content, no matter what extension they have
* TrojanHunter now scans inside RARSFX archives
* Scanning inside resources embedded in Windows PE executables
TrojanHunter runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and Vista.
Trojan Hunter——来自德国的著名反木马、广告软件,长期占据各大测评榜的第一、二位,是世界顶级监测、杀查木马和广告软件,诞生以来在欧洲好评如潮。这是一款比Ewido、Webroot 、Lavasoft等功能更强大的杀马工具(占用资源很少的前提下),可惜打击盗版力度太大,一直都是注册码难求。这次好不容易找到破解,经过我借鉴以前使用的经验,反复测试多次,发现只要一些简单的操作就能够正常使用和升级病毒木马库。有兴趣的朋友可下来试试,如果有对Trojan Hunter不了解的可以先去GOOGLE一下。
这里简单说明一下,现在杀木马软件很多,如AVG Anti-spyware、Webroot Spy Sweeper以及Lavasoft AD-adware(这个还是F-Secure内借用的防木马插件),都很不错,但是在国外技术界,公认最强的是FDS-3和Trojan Hunter。只是因为FDS-3不支持亚洲字符的Windows操作系统,所以目前对中国用户来讲最好的查杀木马软件非Trojan Hunter莫属。它可以有效地检测出多形态和进程注入式木马,这些甚至完全不能被像诺顿和AVG等杀毒软件所查杀。
Trojan hunter和Ewido(AVG)、TDS-3的对比测验如下:
Trojan Hunter Editors Choice: Best for most users
Trojan Hunter's sophisticated multifaceted detection capabilities allow it to detect
insidious modern trojans with an ease that is only bettered by TDS-3. Unlike TDS-3, it has a
friendly user interface which means that it can be used even by inexperienced users. As a
trojan remover its performance was outstanding. Add to that the fact that it's fast,
technically sophisticated and is very well supported and you have a winning combination.
另外,Trojan Hunter从来就没有官方中文版。不过考虑到Trojan Hunter的功能强大也是很值得的,很多人说个人杀木马软件没必要这么强,其实这是误解,查杀木马当然越强越好,而且是在占用同样的系统资源的情况下。
1、安装:安装 Trojan Hunter 5.0最新版本))安装TrojanHunter之后,不要启动。
原版下载地址:(注意是英文版本)Trojan hunter5.0
2、破解补丁:将破解补丁文件解压,把补丁文件——trojanhunter.5.0-patch拷到TrojanHunter5.0的安装目录下,先关掉trojan hunter的运行程序,然后运行补丁文件。
Manually Updating Your TrojanHunter Rule Files
Installation instructions:
Download zip file
Extract zip file contents to C:\Program Files\TrojanHunter\RuleFiles folder
(where C:\Program Files\TrojanHunter is the folder where you have TrojanHunter installed)
Restart TrojanHunter
Latest ruleset update (最新木马库更新连接)