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[评测] 【英文】Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard 运行在PC上教程

发表于 2007-10-28 09:05:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Well its been only a day since the Mac OSX Leopard was released officially by Apple and the hackers have managed to create a patched DVD that everyone like you and me can use to install Leopard on PC’s without having to buy a Mac. Please note the tutorial that I am going to post is still experimental and things might not work the right way simply because it is still early days in hacking Leopard to work on PC’s. Well if you don’t mind your PC getting screwed then go ahead and try out this tutorial.
Make sure you backup all important data before you proceed. Here are the things that you will need before Install Leopard on your PC…
  • The Patched DVD Image
  • The zip file containing the patch
  • One pen drive or USB Flash Drive formatted as FAT32
Well once you have all these you can go ahead and Install Leopard..

Step 1. Getting things ready   
  • Burn the DVD Image onto a Single Layer DVD-R using a software like Nero.
  • Format the USB Flash Drive and the drive label should be "Patcher" without the quotes. Please note it has to be "Patcher" only and nothing else for the patch to work when we apply it later.
  • Extract the Zip file and put its contents into the USB Flash Drive.
  • Now your USB Drive should contain a folder called "files", if it doesn’t then check to see where you have gone wrong.

Step 2. Installing Leopard
  • Now that you have the Patched DVD with you, you can now install Leopard. Pop in the DVD into the drive and boot into it by pressing F12 at the BIOS Prompt.
  • Boot into the DVD and the installer should now load. It take a while though, so be patient.
  • Select your Language and make sure you select Customize and you need to deselect all the packages that are displayed.
  • Leopard will now install. This can take a while, so go grab yourself a coffee.
  • It will ask you to Reboot, so go ahead and Reboot. Before rebooting make sure that USB Flash Drive is connected to the PC.

Step 3. Patching Leopard
  • Now that you have got Leopard installed, you need to patch it. Before we do that Boot into the Leopard DVD like the way you did before.
  • Wait for the Darwin Bootloader to load. Once it loads up press F8. You should now see a prompt. Type -s and hit enter. The DVD will now load in Verbose mode. Watch for any errors. It should load without a problem because you have already installed Leopard.
  • Once the setup is loaded select your Language. Once done you should now be seeing the Welcome Screen. Once there navigate to Utilities-Terminal.
  • Once the terminal loads up, you now need to browse to your USB Drive, so follow the steps below, typing it exactly as it appears below in the Terminal. In the command line type the following as they appear here
    cd ..
    cd ..
    cd Volumes
    cd Patcher
    cd files

    Notice the space between cd and the 2 dots.
  • Now its the time to run the patcher to make sure Leopard will work on your PC. Type the following into the Terminal. ./9a581PostPatch.sh
  • The Patch should now run. You can answer Yes while removing the ACPUPowerManagement.kext
  • After the Script is done, you should now be able to Boot into Leopard after you restart.

Step 4. Congratulations! You’ve done the Impossible!

Well that was it. Please note this has not been extensively tested, so most of your Hardware like Sound, Network may not work. If something goes wrong for you or you want to help us, then please join the discussion over at OSX86Scene. If you noticed I haven’t posted the links to the Torrent that contains the DVD image and the zip. Well I haven’t posted them because I am sure the lawyers over at Apple are going to sue the hell out of me. If you wondering where you can find them, then head over to Demonoid and search for it.  
Well here are few screenshots by Mac.nub over at the forums who could get Leopard working on his system.
发表于 2007-10-28 09:51:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-28 09:58:01 | 显示全部楼层
谈论较多的另一项重要功能是“Time Machine”,即Leopard的备份和还原机制。就像Windows里的系统还原,“Time Machine”的目的同样是确保数据的安全和便利。用户可以按照需要的时间恢复备份在本地磁盘或网络磁盘上的整个操作系统或单个文件,同时可以查看文档的旧版本,并在恢复前进行预览。

“Time Machine”同时与文件搜索管理系统Finder严密整合,用户可以根据时间和日期查找数据,Finder就会显示所需要的文件版本。此外,二者还可以合作在旧版文档中进行搜索。

“Time Machine”的API将向开发人员开放.

最终完整版的“Boot Camp”也将在Leopard中出现,用户可以更方便地实现Mac OS X和Windows的双启动.

Leopard 还将引入虚拟桌面“Spaces”,但不仅仅是一个整合了Expose功能的传统虚拟桌面工具,用户只需按一下按钮,Spaces就会全盘出现在屏幕上,让用户了解所有的桌面上都在运行着什么,以便根据自己的喜好进行安排组织,甚至可以在预览中从一个桌面往另一个桌面拖拽虚拟程序.

“iChat”将支持视频摄像头和标签式聊天,并引入允许用户通过与朋友实时分享和播放照片、幻灯片、影片的“iChat Theater”,文本语音转换也将大幅改善,此外还允许多用户登陆、隐身模式、好友动画图像.

苹果称,其他很多重要的新特性还正在进行开发,但苹果认为已经走在了微软Windows Vista之前,更多的资料将在下次的Mac World上进行披露.Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard将在2007年春季正式发布——与微软Windows Vista基本同时.

●Photo Booth:扩展充对相机的支持.
●Core Animation:程序开发者只需一小段程序代码即可写出视觉效果.
●Universal Access:改进点字、导航等协助障碍人士的工具.
●Dashboard:新的Web Clip程序,可将网页的任何一部份转为Widget.
●Xcode 3


下载地址:http://download.cnbeta.com/macosx10.5iso.rar                 【ISO格式】
发表于 2007-10-28 10:56:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-29 23:11:46 | 显示全部楼层
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