Sophos beats McAfee and Symantec in an independent product review
Sophos outperformed Symantec and McAfee in installation and deployment, usability and management, and effectiveness. It matched Symantec and beat McAfee in performance, and was rated the best endpoint security product in the review overall.
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Read the full product comparison report from Cascadia Labs
Be prepared to spend additional effort with McAfee getting things to work as one would expect. |
Sophos ... consistently beat McAfee and Symantec in ease-of-use, which should reduce recurring costs in any size enterprise. |
Symantec [has] a capable but unremarkable product that lacks key features that the other products include. | What did the review cover?Independent reviewer, Cascadia Labs, compared the three leading endpoint security software packages for large businesses from industry-leaders Sophos, McAfee, and Symantec:
Cascadia Labs reviewed every aspect of endpoint security covering installation and deployment, usability and management, effectiveness of signature- and behaviour-based malware detection, and scanning performance.
Sophos product is best overallOverall, Sophos was rated the best product in the review, scoring 4 out of 5 - beating both Symantec and McAfee in the installation and deployment, usability and management, and effectiveness categories. It matched Symantec and beat McAfee in the performance category. Effectiveness of malware detection: Sophos catches more zero-day threats Sophos Endpoint Security successfully identified 13 more zero-day threats than Symantec and McAfee.
The review identified Behavioral Genotype® Protection - which guards against viruses, spyware, adware and malicious code before they execute - as delivering better protection from new and unknown malware than the McAfee or Symantec offerings.
Usability and management: Sophos is easiest to use Sophos was the fastest to install, identify out-of-date endpoints, enforce a policy change and authorize or block applications like VoIP, IM, P2P and games.
The testing highlighted how Sophos's simplification of day-to-day management tasks really pays dividends for administrators. The usability review focused on the number of steps and time taken to perform common administrative tasks. Nearly all tasks took fewer steps and less time with Sophos.
In contrast with Sophos, the Symantec and McAfee management consoles were more difficult to navigate and required more intricate, and sometimes counter-intuitive, steps to perform a given task.
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Sophos 是英国的老牌杀毒软件,在欧洲有很高的使用率,特别是企业用户。
近日,在其官网上看到一篇把 Sophos和 McAfee 还有Symantec比较的文章,叫:在独立产品的回顾中,Sophos 战胜 McAfee和Symantec。 这是文章链接~~~
大家研究一下,文章主要从三个方面阐述了Sophos对于McAfee 还有 Symantec的优势,分别是:
总的说明在评测中,Sophos 是胜出的;
在恶意软件的侦查效率上,Sophos抓住了更多的“零点“威胁。(zero day“零天攻击”即在漏洞发现的同一天就发生了攻击事件。通常情况下,当有人发现软件潜在的被黑客攻击的漏洞时,这个人或公司应通知软件公司或尽可能多的人,这样就能在漏洞被攻击钱进行软件的修复工作。只要有充足的时间,软家开发商就能够修正软件并发布补丁。假使黑客知道了该漏洞,他们也要花费些时间来攻击它。与此同时,也许软件的补丁已经完成了。 根据经验,一般黑客攻击漏洞在修复漏洞之前,有时是黑客先发现的漏洞。这种情况下,漏洞的发现和攻击会发生在同一天。由于之前并不知道漏洞的存在,所以没有办法防范攻击。暴露于这种漏洞下的公司可以制定一些漏洞早期检测的方法。 Symantec公司2004前期的报告指出2003年的漏洞发现数量和2002年相同,但漏洞发现和被攻击的时间明显缩短。根据infoAnarchy wiki,“14天”小组和“七天”小组分别在一种产品上市的14天和7天之内进行一次攻击。进行零天攻击需要黑客精英,因为他们必须暗地里进行连接来获得进行攻击时所需的信息)
大家怎么看这样一篇文章,这可是在官网上的额~~~~~ |