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发表于 2007-12-6 20:35:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If you saw one or more crashes during installation of McAfee products and/or saw a red X beside the Anti-Spam/SpamKiller installation and/or saw any McAfee crash related to MSXML4.DLL, we want you to know that this is due to a known issue which will be addressed in the next few days. Installation issues are not fatal, and you are fully protected, with the possible exception of Anti-Spam/SpamKiller. If you see a yellow status after installation, please start McAfee Security Center and click the fix button, or just reboot to start the service.

These issues are due to two bugs, one in MSXML4.DLL and one in McAfee's code, which working together cause an access violation. You can apply Microsoft's KB article 941833 which will patch MSXML4.DLL to get version 4.20.9849.0. McAfee will also be issuing patches shortly.

Rob Targosz
McAfee Development Manager
Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing & PC Maintenance



造成这一问题的原因有二。其一是MSXML4.DLL,其二是由于McAfee代码本身。您可以阅读微软编号为KB 941833的技术文献,修补MSXML4.DLL,使其更新到版本4.20.9849.0.,另外,McAfee在近期内也会释放出补丁。


这个文章是以前的了,但大家从绿软之类上下载的OEM版2008由于版本较老,这个问题可能仍旧存在。如果发生该问题大家可以尝试修补,也可以点击更新。建议最好登录McAfee Account下载即时更新的安装包。最保险,最稳定。
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