04:00:24Infoinstcont[1228,3040]2014/01/20 04:00:24 START: Avast installer/updater
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]Command: '"C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\Instup.exe" /control_panel /instop:uninstall'
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6500 @ 2.10GHz,2
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]OS: ver 6.3, build 9600, sp 0.0
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]Memory: 72% load. Phys:571900/2091620K free, Page:1893088/4188772K free, Virt:2015408/2097024K free
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]DISKs: C:\ - 22GB free / 46GB total
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]DISKs: D:\ - 26GB free / 81GB total
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]DISKs: E:\ - 35GB free / 84GB total
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]DISKs: F:\ - 37GB free / 85GB total
04:00:24Infoinstup[1228,3040]Running module version: '9.0.2009.207'
04:00:24Infosimutex[1228,3040]Checking for the mutex ownership.
04:00:24Infoguiwizard[1228,3040]Setup gui was successfully started.
04:00:26Erroravast_connector[1228,3040]Create: LoadLibraryEx('Aavm4h.dll') has failed with code: 14001 (0x000036B1) [The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.]
04:00:26Infoinstupcore[1228,3040]Product uninstallation has started.