The founder
"I always found encouragement and support in my family. I want to make it possible for others to have similar security - to the best of my knowledge and in all conscience." Founder Tjark Auerbach, who was born in Munich in 1957, grew up in a family of teachers, doctors and educators. He is the eldest of three children and has learnt a great deal about life from his family environment. For instance, that life does not deal everyone the same hand of cards. And that the requisite help often costs a lot of money.
“我在我的家里总能找到鼓励和支持,我想让其他人也有可能享有相同的安全感-通过我的只是和良心。”创始人Tjark Auerbach,1957年生于慕尼黑,在一个教师,医生和教育工作者的家庭长大。他是3个孩子中的老大^^,他从他的生活环境中学到了很多关于生活的道理。比如,每个人在生活中并会有相同的机会,而必需的救济经常花费大量的金钱。
Tjark Auerbach himself trained as an assistant electrical engineer, worked in the PC trade and completed his training as an electronics engineer at the Tettnang School of Electronics. In 1986 the head of the family set up his first company together with a colleague in Tettnang: H+BEDV Datentechnik. The letters H and B stand for Hannelore and Betty, their two wives. The company’s core business was importing into Germany special software for operating systems ("utility software") from the USA. But the casually dressed entrepreneur soon discovered a new field of activity that was to become his abiding passions: computer security.
Tjark Auerbach 自学成为了一名助理电气工程师,并且在计算机贸易方面工作,然后在Tettnang 技校完成了电气工程师培训。在1986年,这个家庭的当家的和他在Tettnang的一名同学一同创建了他的第一间公司:H+BEDV Datentechnik。 字母H和B代表他们的老婆Hannelore和Betty。这间公司的核心业务室从美国往德国进口为操作系统制作的特殊软件(“优化软件“)(估计是这样的)。 但是这个经常穿着休闲装的企业家发现了一个并且成为他长久的激情的领域:计算机安全。
In 1988 H+BEDV Datentechnik launched AntiVir, one of the first antivirus programs. Two years later Tjark Auerbach converted the firm into a GmbH (limited liability company) along with Martin Ritter and Norbert Huth. H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH started up in 1990 with a team of six, and kept on expanding. Today, as the company is named Avira GmbH, there are almost 150 members of staff, all intent on increasing security in the virtual world through effective software solutions. The partners and directors earmark a part of the turnover from the sale of these solutions for creating greater security in our real world.
1988年H+BEDV Datentechnik发布了最早的反病毒软件之一:小红伞。 两年后Tjark Auerbach和Martin Ritter和Norbert Huth一起将公司改制为一个GmbH(有限责任公司,这个在很多德国厂商后面都有的后缀^^)。H+BEDV Datentechnik 有限公司从1990年一个六人小组开始运营,并且在继续发展。现在,公司的名字已经命名为Avira有限公司,拥有将近150名热衷于通过有效的软件解决方案来增加虚拟世界的安全性的职员。 |