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[砖头] 64位Windows操作系统McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 8.0的一些功能开启记录

发表于 2014-11-2 17:37:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 TianShiYuEr 于 2014-11-2 17:58 编辑
  1. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\McAfee\HIP\Config\Settings]
  2. //显示任务栏图标
  3. "ClientUI_ShowTrayIcon"=dword:00000001
  4. //允许通过任务栏图标“全部禁用”
  5. "ClientUI_AllowDisableFeature"=dword:00000001
  6. //允许通过任务栏图标“禁用Firewall”
  7. "ClientUI_AllowDisableFirewall"=dword:00000001
  8. //允许通过任务栏图标“禁用IPS”
  9. "ClientUI_AllowDisableIps"=dword:00000001
  10. //开启Firewall
  11. "FW_Enabled"=dword:00000001
  12. //开启防火墙“入站”学习模式
  13. "FW_LearnModeInEnabled"=dword:00000001
  14. //开启防火墙“出站”学习模式
  15. "FW_LearnModeOutEnabled"=dword:00000001
  16. //开启Firewall启动保护
  17. "FW_BootTimeEnabled"=dword:00000001
  18. //开启防火墙IP欺骗保护
  19. "FW_IpSpoofEnabled"=dword:00000001
  20. //开启IPS
  21. "IPS_IsLicensed"=dword:00000001
  22. //开启Host IPS
  23. "IPS_HipsEnabled"=dword:00000001
  24. //开启Network IPS
  25. "IPS_NipsEnabled"=dword:00000001
  26. //开启IPS启动保护
  27. "IPS_BootTimeIpsEnabled"=dword:00000001

  29. //开机自动开启Host IPS、Network IPS、Firewall
  30. "LastEnabledStateHips"=dword:00000001
  31. "LastEnabledStateNips"=dword:00000001
  32. "LastEnabledStateFirewall"=dword:00000001

  1. Usage: ClientControl.exe [/<arg>]

  2. Args:        1) /help

  3.         2) /start <service name>

  4.                 The service name is optional. Service 'enterceptAgent' is used by default. Other possible service name is: hipmgmt

  5.         3) /stop <password> <service name>

  6.                 The service name is optional. Service 'enterceptAgent' is used by default. Other possible service name is: hipmgmt

  7.         4) /log <password> <log type> <log option>

  8.                 Log Type:        0 = HIPS
  9.                                 1 = Firewall

  10.                 Log Option:        0 = off
  11.                                 1 = error
  12.                                 2 = warning
  13.                                 3 = info
  14.                                 4 = debug,
  15.                                 5 = violation (HIPS only)

  16.         5) /engine <password> <engine type> <engine option>

  17.                 Engine Type:        0 = all
  18.                                 1 = buffer overflow
  19.                                 2 = sql (server only)
  20.                                 3 = registry
  21.                                 4 = services
  22.                                 5 = files
  23.                                 6 = http (server only)
  24.                                 7 = host ips api
  25.                                 8 = illegal use
  26.                                 9 = program
  27.                                 10 = hook

  28.                 Engine Option:        0 = off
  29.                                 1 = on

  30.         6) /export /s <path to event log source file> <path of event log export file>

  31.                 The source file path is optional. Do not include the "/s" flag if there's no source file.

  32.         7) /readNaiLic

  33.         8) /exportConfig <path of export file> <config type ...>

  34.                 Config Type:        0 = all
  35.                                 1 = app protection
  36.                                 2 = blocked hosts
  37.                                 3 = firewall
  38.                                 4 = hip custom sigs
  39.                                 5 = IPS exceptions
  40.                                 6 = settings
  41.                                 7 = trusted apps
  42.                                 8 = trusted networks
  43.                                 9 = network ips sigs
  44.                                 10 = hip sigs
  45.                                 11 = hip engines
  46.                                 12 = logon sessions
  47.                                 13 = DNS blocking rules

  48.         9) /defConfig <password>

  49.         10) /startupIPSProtection <path of export file>

  50.         11) /execInfo <path of executable file>

  51.         12) /fwPassthru <password> <option>

  52.                 Option:        0 = off
  53.                         1 = on

  54.         13) /fwStateTableSize <password> <a numeric value between 32768 and 262144>

  55. Notes:

  56. 1) A password is required for the "stop", "log", "engine", "defConfig", "fwPassthru", and "fwStateTableSize" operations.

  57. 2) There must be at least one space between the arg, the password, and any other required parameters.

  58. 3) For operations taking numeric arguments (e.g. "log", "engine", and "exportConfig"), those arguments will be converted to unsigned integers. For example, if you enter an argument like "10.1", the program will convert that to "10" and continue execution using the converted value.

  59. 4) See ClientControl.log for runtime logging. It is written to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\Host Intrustion Prevention (non-Vista) or C:\Program Data\McAfee\Host Intrustion Prevention (Vista)
发表于 2014-11-3 01:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-3 09:28:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-6 08:47:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-6 19:50:37 | 显示全部楼层
QQ不定时断线是因为HIP 8.0规则设置问题。

我目前最大的问题是, 规则条数到达一定数量后, 再添加规则时, 排序不自动错乱。
发表于 2014-12-3 10:50:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 牧岩 于 2014-12-3 11:33 编辑

我系统是Win8.1 Pro x64,安装了小红伞Avira Antivirus Pro 14 最新版,在迈克菲官网下载了最新的HIPS 8.0 P4,看说明是支持Windows 8.1的,安装不成功,一直等到进程Windows Installer结束,然后在默认的安装目录没有,不知道怎么解决……

看日志文件,显示“安装成功或错误状态: 1603。”
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