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[资讯] New version (TP127) of FS Protection for Windows released

发表于 2014-12-10 22:15:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We are pleased to announce that a new version of FS Protection for Windows has been released. It is available immediately for first time installation and will be delivered as an automatic update soon.

New features

"Product timeline" window is now re-sizable.

"Check for updates" window now has the "View details" link that opens the Common settings/Updates page. Note that the link text is English only in this release, localizations will be available soon.

A lot of changes that are not visible to user in installation flow. Please let us know if you notice anything strange there.

Browsing Protection plugin now is enabled automatically for Internet Explorer and Firefox. This feature can be disabled on the Browsing Protection Settings.

Removed functionality

Main GUI no longer has buttons to open other installed F-Secure products like F-Secure Key. Browsing Protection, Safe Search, Beta feedback and My FS Protection buttons still remain.

Additionally, there are many quality fixes to the product.

As always, we welcome feedback.

Best regards,

FS Protection for Windows team


Please contact us at fs-protection@f-secure.com if you wish to stop participating in the beta program, stop receiving these emails, and have your account removed.


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