楼主: w867057887

[讨论] 刻录老是失败

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-29 14:58:17 | 显示全部楼层
rsy 发表于 2015-8-28 23:39

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-29 14:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
YSJ 发表于 2015-8-29 07:54
刻录速度 选择 最低 看看

还有光盘 要 摆平,摆正,表面清洁,无刮痕等

发表于 2015-8-29 15:03:39 | 显示全部楼层
w867057887 发表于 2015-8-29 14:58

发表于 2015-8-29 18:47:58 | 显示全部楼层
w867057887 发表于 2015-8-29 14:58

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-29 20:46:59 | 显示全部楼层
rsy 发表于 2015-8-29 18:47



Windows NT based 6.2
Nero Version:
Internal Version: 10,6,4,100

Recorder:             <Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH> Version: LC21 - HA 1 TA 0 -
Adapter driver:      <Serial ATA>              HA 1
Drive buffer  :      512kB
Bus Type      :      via Inquiry data
CD-ROM:               <Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH  >Version: LC21 - HA 1 TA 0 -
Adapter driver:      <Serial ATA>              HA 1

=== Scsi-Device-Map ===
                     : HGST                           iaStorA Port 0 ID 0  DMA: Off
                     : SlimtypeDVD A  DS8ACSH  LC21   iaStorA Port 0 ID 0  DMA: Off

=== CDRom-Device-Map ===
Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH    G:   CdRom0

AutoRun : 1
Excluded drive IDs:
WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
BUFE           : 0
Physical memory     : 2047MB (2097151kB)
Free physical memory: 2047MB (2097151kB)
Memory in use       : 49 %
Uncached PFiles: 0x0
Global Bus Type: default (0)
Check supported media : Disabled (0)

20:44:35        #1 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 464
        LockMCN - completed sucessfully for IOCTL_STORAGE_MCN_CONTROL
20:44:35        #2 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3261
        Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH
20:44:35        #3 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3591
        Turn on Disc-At-Once, using CD-R/RW media
20:44:35        #4 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 314
        [G: DVD A  DS8ACSH  ] Last possible write address on media:   359846
        Last address to be written:             307732
20:44:35        #5 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 326
        [G: DVD A  DS8ACSH  ] Write in overburning mode: NO (enabled: CD)
20:44:35        #6 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 2917
        Recorder: Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH;
           CDR code: 00 97 27 18; OSJ entry from: Plasmon Data systems Ltd.
           ATIP Data:
             Special    Info [hex] 1: D0 00 A0, 2: 61 1B 12 (LI 97:27.18), 3: 4F 3B 4A (LO 79:59.74)
             Additional Info [hex] 1: 00 00 80 (invalid), 2: 00 80 00 (invalid), 3: 00 80 80 (invalid)
20:44:35        #7 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 499
        [G: DVD A  DS8ACSH  ] >>> Protocol of DlgWaitCD activities: <<<
20:44:35        #8 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 861
        Setup items (after recorder preparation)
         0: TRM_DATA_MODE1 (2 - CD-ROM 模式 1, ISO 9660)
            2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
            original disc pos #0 + 307733 (307733) = #307733/68:23.8
            not relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
            -> TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 307733 blocks [G: Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH]
20:44:36        #9 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1077
        Prepare [G: Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
        DAO infos:
         MCN: ""
         TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
         Tracks 1 to 1:                                  Idx 0         Idx 1      Next Trk
           1: TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048/0x00, FilePos             0        307200     630544384, ISRC ""
        DAO layout:
             -150 |  lead-in |   0 |    0x41 |        0 |        0 | 0x00
             -150 |        1 |   0 |    0x41 |        0 |        0 | 0x00
                0 |        1 |   1 |    0x41 |   307733 |   307733 | 0x00
           307733 | lead-out |   1 |    0x41 |        0 |        0 | 0x00
        MediaType: CD-R
20:44:36        #10 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 251
        SPTILockVolume - completed successfully for FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME
20:44:36        #11 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 4428
        Caching options: cache CDRom or Network-Yes, small files-No (<64KB)
20:44:36        #12 PHASE 24 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1857
        Caching of files started
20:44:36        #13 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 4550
        Cache writing successful.
20:44:36        #14 PHASE 25 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1857
        Caching of files completed
20:44:36        #15 PHASE 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1857
        Burn process started at 10x (1,500 KB/s)
20:44:36        #16 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2850
        Verifying disc position of item 0 (not relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0
20:44:36        #17 Text 0 File MMC.cpp, Line 17602
        StartDAO : CD-Text - Off
20:44:36        #18 Text 0 File MMC.cpp, Line 21601
        Set BUFE: SMART-BURN -> ON , Adapt writespeed to disc : ON
20:44:36        #19 Text 0 File MMC.cpp, Line 17830
        CueData, Len=32
        41 00 00 14 00 00 00 00
        41 01 00 10 00 00 00 00
        41 01 01 10 00 00 02 00
        41 aa 01 14 00 44 19 08
20:44:36        #20 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 273
        Pipe memory size 83836800
20:44:51        #21 Text 0 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 1267
         : Queue again later
         - 20:44:51.413
20:44:52        #22 SPTI -1135 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 224
        CdRom0: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1135)
        CDB Data:   0x2A 00 FF FF FF AA 00 00 20 00 00 00
        Sense Key:  0x03 (KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR)
        Sense Code: 0x0C
        Sense Qual: 0x00
        Sense Area: 0x71 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 0C
        Buffer x08792240: Len x10000
        0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20:44:52        #23 TRANSFER -20 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 1222
        Could not perform Write
20:44:52        #24 CDR -1135 File Writer.cpp, Line 335
        Write error
        G: Slimtype DVD A  DS8ACSH
20:44:52        #25 SPTI -1169 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 224
        CdRom0: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1169)
        CDB Data:   0x35 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        Sense Key:  0x02 (KEY_NOT_READY)
        Sense Code: 0x04
        Sense Qual: 0x08
        Sense Area: 0x70 00 02 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 04 08
20:44:57        #26 Text 0 File DVDPlusDualLayer.cpp, Line 1462
        SetDriveCaps: Set LAST LBA of layer 1 to 0
20:44:57        #27 PHASE 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1857
        Burn process failed at 10x (1,500 KB/s)
20:44:57        #28 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 301
        SPTIDismountVolume - completed successfully for FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME
20:44:57        #29 Text 0 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 11877
        DriveLocker: UnLockVolume completed
20:44:57        #30 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 464
        UnLockMCN - completed sucessfully for IOCTL_STORAGE_MCN_CONTROL
发表于 2015-8-29 21:59:34 | 显示全部楼层
w867057887 发表于 2015-8-29 20:46

0=No Error
-1=File cannot be read
-2=Read error in audio file
-3=Write error in audio file
-4=File cannot be closed
-5=Out of memory
-6=Internal error
-7=Internal illegal parameter

0=No error
1=Files are different
2=CD File is missing
3=Hard drive file is missing
4=Disc file is inaccessible
5=Hard drive file is inaccessible
6=Read error on CD file
7=Read error on hard drive file
8=Directory missing on CD
9=Directory missing on hard drive
10=Cannot mount the written CD
11=Drive letter of the recorder is unknown!
12=Unknown verify error
13=Status summary
14=Out of memory
15=I/O error while reading the file system structure
16=Error caused by corrupt filesystem structure
17=Error caused by supplying wrong parameters to the fs
18=Too many locks of the filesystem buffers
19=Cannot find the corresponding file system on the destination disc

0=No Error
1=File is probably infected by a virus
2=File could not be cured
3=File was cured successfully
4=An unknown error occurred during the virus scan
5=Out of memory error during the virus scan
6=A read error occurred during the virus scan
7=File might be infected by an unknown virus

-1=Out of memory
-2=Cannot open wave file!
-3=Unexpected file format!
-4=Read error in wave file!
-5=Only PCM wave files are supported!
-6=Unsupported wave sample format!
-7=Internal error: Init is missing!
-8=Internal error!

-100=Video MPEG encoder not available
-101=Invalid Video MPEG encoder DLL
-102=This version of the Video MPEG encoder DLL is not compatible
-103=Cannot create a temporary file name
-104=MPEG2 plug-in not installed
-105=Unknown error in the Video MPEG encoder
1=Not enough memory
2=Not enough encoding parameters given to the encoder
3=Unable to open the file
4=Encoding interrupted by the user
5=Cannot start video encoder
6=The parameters were not accepted by the encoder
7=Invalid video format
8=Error creating video format
9=Cannot open output file
10=Error during encoding
11=Decoder not ready
12=Cannot get bitmap
13=Disk full
14=Error retrieving information
15=The encoder cannot produce this output format
16=Unsupported file format

-1=Unspecified internal error
-2=Buffer too small to hold all the information
-3=Failed to create a unique temporary file name
-4=Not enough memory to complete current action
-5=Violation against DVD specification detected
-6=Invalid parameter
-7=Too many video title sets
-8=A file item requires a pathname
-10=File access denied
-11=Invalid file handle
-12=Share violation
-13=Too many open files
-14=File '%s' not found
-15=Disk full
-16=Hardware I/O error
-17=Generic/unknown I/O error
-18=Seek beyond the file
-19=File size is not a multiple of a logical block size (2 KB)
-20=File is not a DVD file format
-21=Required file '%s' is not present
-22=File '%s' is not referenced and should not be present
-23=Video title set containing '%s' is not required
-24=One or more files (mostly VOB file(s)) do not belong to the corresponding IFO file
1=Cannot load library
2=Invalid library
3=Cannot read compilation
4=VIDEO_TS directory not found
5=Backup file '%s' should be identical to '%s'

-1=Read error on SCSI device!
-2=Out of memory!
-3=Seek error on SCSI device!
-4=Illegal call (internal error)!

-1=Read error on SCSI device!
-2=Out of memory!
-3=Illegal call (internal error)!

-1=Error writing multisession info file!
-2=Error inserting multisession info file into compilation!
-3=Error recreating multisession CD stamp!
-4=Fatal error while trying to read HFS data from SCSI hard drive!
-5=Fatal error while trying to read boot image data! No disc in the drive?
-6=Error while creating ISO or Joliet file names!

-1=Illegal logical drive specified!
-2=Cannot access vwin32.dll!
-3=Drive locking failed!
-4=Seek within logical drive failed!
-5=Open/Close mismatch!
-6=Read error!
-7=Cannot get drive information!
-8=Cannot write on a logical device!

1=Aborted by user
2=Error opening file
3=Error closing file
4=Error reading file
5=Error reading cache file
6=File error
-1=General Error
-2=Error: function not implemented
-3=Error: no user interface
-4=Error: phase error
-5=Error: not enough memory
-6=Error writing file
-7=Error opening cache file
-8=Error writing cache file
-9=Error: no driver
-10=Wrong Version
-11=Error accessing cache file
-12=Capability cannot be changed
-13=Error reading cache file
-14=Error writing cache file
-15=Cache file too small - not all files could be cached
-16=Could not perform StartTrack
-17=Could not perform ReadBuffer
-18=Could not perform EndTrack
-19=Could not perform Fixation
-20=Could not perform Write
-21=Error reading Audio
-22=Cannot cache with Audio CD
-23=Currently, ISO images may only be written on empty CDs!
-24=Could not perform end of Disc-at-once
-25=Error reading data
-26=Recorder does not support Disc-at-once
-27=Could not perform start of Disc-at-once
-28=Could not generate CD TEXT information
-30=Cannot write track at correct position with this recorder
-31=Cannot write compilation in Disc-at-once with this recorder
-32=Cannot write compilation in Track-at-once with this recorder
-33=Error building internal Disc-at-once structures
-34=Cannot write compilation to selected recorders simultaneously
-35=Invalid track info
-36=Could not perform StartDisk
-37=Could not perform StartSession
-38=Could not perform start of Track-at-once
-39=Could not perform EndSession
-40=Could not perform EndDisk

-1=Not enough memory
-2=Read error in image file
-3=Image file has illegal format
-4=Illegal function/method call
-5=Error building internal Disc-at-once structures
-6=Unknown internal error
-7=Error building internal Track-at-once structures

-1   =Unspecified Recorder Error
-2   =Bad DLL version
-3   =Recorder function not implemented
-4   =Recorder function not supported
-14  =Capability read only
-15  =Capability unknown
-20  =Queuing failed
-21  =Wait queue failed
-22  =Abort queue failed
-23  =Out of memory
-25  =Queue again later
-26  =SCSI/ATAPI command timeout error
-31  =Buffer too large
-100 =Parameter error
-101 =Invalid track info
-102 =Invalid fixinfo
-103 =Invalid track mode
-104 =Invalid pause length
-200 =Internal state error
-201 =Invalid write state
-300 =Unspecified host adapter error
-400 =Unspecified target error
-500 =SCSI command aborted
-599 =Undefined SCSI error
-600 =Device not available
-601 =Specified host adapter invalid
-999 =No SCSI/IDE command
-1000=SCSI/IDE error
-1001=Absorption control error
-1002=Application code conflict
-1003=ATIP time miscompare
-1004=Attempt to cross track boundary
-1005=Audio play aborted
-1006=Audio play stopped due to error
-1007=Barcode reading error
-1008=Block size conflict
-1009=Block size format conflict
-1010=Buffer data size error
-1011=Buffer error during recording
-1012=Buffer overflow
-1013=Buffer underrun
-1014=Calibration area almost full
-1015=Calibration area full
-1016=Cannot read ATIP
-1017=Cannot recover from lead-in
-1018=Cannot recover from lead-out
-1019=Cannot recover from PMA
-1020=Cannot recover from callibration area
-1021=Cannot recover from track
-1022=Command currently not valid
-1023=Command sequence error
-1024=Communication failure
-1025=Current command aborted
-1026=Current program area empty
-1027=Damaged track present
-1028=Damaged track detected
-1029=Data track length error
-1030=Diagnostic failure
-1031=Disc is write protected
-1032=Disc style mismatch
-1033=Drive not ready
-1034=Dummy blocks added
-1035=EEPROM failure
-1036=End of disc reached
-1037=End of user area of this track
-1038=Exit packet write area
-1039=Focus or tracking error
-1040=Illegal block size for command
-1041=Illegal cue sheet
-1042=Illegal cue sheet length
-1043=Illegal cue sheet parameter
-1044=Illegal field in command
-1045=Illegal form for reserved track
-1046=Illegal disc
-1047=Illegal mode for this track
-1048=Illegal packet mode
-1049=Illegal reserve length
-1050=Illegal reserve packet length
-1051=Illegal track
-1052=Illegal track descriptor table
-1053=Illegal track descriptor unit
-1054=Illegal track mode
-1055=Illegal track number
-1056=Illegal track status
-1057=Illegal transfer length
-1058=Inappropriate command
-1059=Initiator detected error message received
-1060=Internal controller error
-1061=Internal target failure
-1062=Invalid audio address
-1063=Invalid bits in identify message
-1064=Invalid block address
-1065=Invalid command
-1066=Invalid field in command
-1067=Invalid field in parameter
-1068=Invalid LUN
-1069=Invalid message error
-1070=Invalid start address
-1071=Laser current over
-1072=Laser adjustment error
-1073=Link area encountered
-1074=Link blocks encountered
-1075=Logical unit is reserved
-1076=Disc changed
-1077=Disc format corrupted
-1078=Disc load mechanism failed
-1079=Disc load or eject failure
-1080=Disc not present
-1081=Disc removal prevented
-1082=Message error
-1083=Mode parameters changed
-1084=Monitor ATIP error
-1085=Nonexistent block encountered
-1086=Not enough space
-1087=Not ready to ready transition
-1088=No additional sense information
-1089=No barcode available
-1090=No EFM at search address
-1091=No packet
-1092=No pregap
-1093=No seek complete
-1094=No TOC
-1095=No track for finalize
-1096=Disc should be removed
-1097=Overlapped command attempted
-1098=Packet size mismatch
-1099=Parameter list length error
-1100=Parameter list too long
-1101=Parity error
-1102=PCA area full
-1103=PMA area full
-1104=Positioning error
-1106=Power calibration error
-1107=Program area not empty
-1108=Recovered data with ECC
-1110=Recovered data with retries
-1111=Recovery needed
-1112=Request for fixation failed
-1113=Reserved track present
-1114=Reset occurred
-1115=Select or reselect failure
-1116=Selftest failure
-1117=Stopped on nondata block
-1118=Track-at-once not in PMA
-1119=Track following error
-1120=Tray out
-1121=Unable to read TOC, PMA, or subcode
-1122=Unable to recover TOC
-1123=Unable to reserve track because track mode has been changed
-1124=Unknown disc format
-1125=Unrecordable disc
-1126=Unrecoverable damaged track has made writable area too small
-1127=Unrecoverable track descriptor encountered
-1128=Unrecoverable read error
-1129=Unwritten area encountered
-1130=Verify failed
-1131=Write append error
-1132=Write busy
-1133=Write complete
-1134=Write data error with CU
-1135=Write error
-1136=Write illegal block length
-1137=Write operation in progress
-1138=Writing lead-in or lead-out in progress
-1139=Audio play in progress
-1140=Audio play completed
-1141=Invalid parameter list length
-1142=Synchronous data transfer error
-1143=Blank CD
-1144=No PMA
-1145=OPC initialization error
-1146=OPC execution error
-1147=OPC ALPC error
-1148=OPC timeout
-1149=Read address is ATIP
-1150=Write address is EFM
-1151=Write emergency occurred
-1152=Disc speed error
-1153=Disc not identified
-1154=Disc not supported
-1155=Write emergency
-1156=Servo error
-1157=PLL error
-1158=Address error
-1159=Header monitor error
-1160=Header search error
-1161=EDC error
-1162=Link/RI/RO error
-1163=CDBD overrun error
-1164=Write audio on reserved track
-1165=Hardware error
-1166=Invisible track present
-1167=Incomplete track present (perhaps a CD-RFS-CD?)
-1168=Unknown track present
-1169=Logical unit not ready, operation in progress
-1170=Insufficient time for operation
-1171=Read timeout
-1172=Write timeout
-1173=Read Write Control Task Error
-1174=Mechanism Control Task Error
-1175=Internal trace
-1176=Session fixation error
-1177=CLV speed invalid
-1178=Recovered error
-1179=Disc error
-1180=Illegal request
-1181=Unit attention
-1182=Data protect error
-1183=Blank check command error
-1184=Vendor-specific error
-1185=Copy command aborted
-1186=Volume overflow error
-1187=Data miscompare error
-1188=Disc is not formatted (esp. important for DVD+RW)
-1189=Cannot read disc - incompatible format
-1190=DVD problem - no key to read protected DVD
-1191=Erasing failure
-1192=Erasing failure - incomplete erase operation detected
-1193=Disc is writable but not empty
-1194=PMA update failure
-1195=Disc not present - tray closed
-1196=Disc not present - tray open
-1197=Drive is in use by another application
-1198=Drive is in use by another application
-1200=Invalid address for write
-1201=Drive is in use of InCD
-1202=Drive is in use of IMAPI
-1203=Failed to lock IMAPI

0        =No error
1        =Aborted by user
2        =File missing
3        =File has the wrong format
-1        =Unspecified Imagegenerator Error
-2        =Could not perform StartDisk
-3        =Could not perform StartSession
-4        =Could not perform StartTrack
-5        =Could not perform Write
-6        =Could not perform EndTrack
-7        =Could not perform EndSession
-8        =Could not perform EndDisk
-9        =Error during ISO relocation
-10 =The image chunks:
-11 =Error during generation of Disc-at-once information
-12 =Cannot write track at correct position with this recorder

-3        =Joliet names of these files (listed here in ISO-L3) are the same:
-4        =The ISO 9660 Generator ran out of memory
-5        =The following fixed file has an illegal position
-6        =Preparation of ISO 9660 structures failed
-7        =Too many files in one group of interleaved files
-8        =IO error using the boot image
-9        =Cannot allocate space on the CD-R
-10        =Boot sector not recognized

-3        =The listed files have no unique Joliet name:

1   =Reading directories
2   =Creating directories
5   =Writing files
6   =Finishing
9   =Prepare audio writing
10  =Writing audio
11  =Writing Audio Track
12  =Finishing
13  =Prepare HFS
14  =Writing HFS
15  =Writing HFS completed
16  =Prepare Image
17  =Writing Image
18  =Burn Image
19  =Finishing
20        =Reading of disc started
21        =Reading disc completed
22        =Reading disc failed
23        =Reading disc aborted
24        =Caching of files started
25        =Caching of files completed
26        =Caching of files failed
27        =Caching of files aborted
28        =Speed measurement started
29        =Speed measurement completed: %s
30        =Speed measurement failed
31        =Speed measurement aborted
32        =Simulation started at %s
33        =Simulation completed successfully at %s
34        =Simulation failed at %s
35        =Simulation aborted
36        =Burn process started at %s
37        =Burn process completed successfully at %s
38        =Burn process failed at %s
39        =Burn process aborted
40        =Aborted by user
41        =Compilation will not fit onto a blank disc
42        =Writing Lead-in
43        =Writing Lead-out
44        =Writing Lead-in and Lead-out
45        =Generation of disc identification started
46        =Generation of disc identification finished
47        =Generating relocation information
48        =Analyzing disc
49        =Reading track info
50        =Reading Media Catalog Number
51        =Reading ISRC
52        =Finding end of track
54        =Copying disc
55        =Completing
56        =Unspecified Error. The burn process failed!
57        =Disc-at-once overburning option activated
59        =Writing hard drive backup track
60        =Completing
61        =Simulation started
62        =Simulation completed successfully
63        =Simulation failed
64        =Simulation aborted
65        =Burn process started
66        =Burn process completed successfully
67        =Burn process failed
68        =Burn process aborted
69        =Scanning Indexes
70        =Only the recording of the first session can be Simulated
71        =Writing several sessions at once. Result may be unreadable on some drives.
72        =BURN-Proof activated
73        =Preparing items
74        =Checking discs
75        =JustLink activated
76        =Write speed changed due to disc type
77        =Writing tracks
78        =Data verification started
79        =Data verification aborted
80        =Data verification completed successfully
81        =Data verification failed
82        =Encoding video
83        =Virus scanning started
84        =Virus scanning completed
85        =Virus scanning completed. A virus was found and burning must be aborted!!!
86        =CD TEXT is not supported
87        =Seamless Link activated
88        =ExacLink activated
89        =Super Link activated
90        =Buffer Underrun Protection activated
91        =Poor performance by your DMA chipset driver (look for updates)
92        =Recording quality may be affected by not using JustSpeed option
93        =Unable to write at this speed. Please select a slower speed and try again.
94        =Power-Burn activated
95        =BURN-Free activated
96  =Buffer underrun error protection activated
97  =FlextraLink activated
98  =Start formatting disc before burning
99  =Formatting disc before burning
100 =Formatting disc was successful
101 =Formatting disc failed
102 =Fast user switching detected. This may cause buffer underrun.
103 =SafeLink activated
104 =SMART-BURN activated
105 =Preparing Audio CD-RW (erasing TOC and/or tracks)
106 =Preparing of Audio CD-RW (erasing TOC and/or tracks) completed
107 =Audio CD-RW preparations failed
108 =Audio CD-RW preparations aborted
109 =Warning: Disabling SMART-BURN function may result in writing errors and impact on the quality of disc recorded.
110 =Recorder does not support writing in Raw+96 mode on CD-RW.
111 =DVD-Video files sorted
112 =DVD-Video files reallocation started
113 =DVD-Video files reallocation completed
114 =DVD-Video files reallocation completed (no file modified)
115 =DVD-Video files reallocation failed
116 =VariRec disabled - no Audio CD
117 =DVD-Video files compliance test failed
118 =SSW (Super Speed Writing) activated
119 =SmoothLink activated
120 =Creating the image for burning
121 =Creating Image completed successfully
122 =Burning the bitmap to the disc started
123 =Burning the bitmap to the disc completed successfully
124 =Burning the bitmap to the disc failed
125 =Burning the bitmap to the disc aborted
126 =Best write speed for disc detected
127 =Generating DVD high compatibility borders
128 =Generating DVD high compatibility borders
129 =Generating DVD borders completed successfully
130 =Generating DVD borders aborted
131 =Recording quality may be affected by not using the PoweRec option
132 =DVD-Video files compliance ignored
133 =Writing short lead-out
134 =Quick Grow last Border
135 =Quick Add Border
136 =Quick Format DVD-RW
137 =Image transfer started
138 =Image transfer completed successfully
139 =Image transfer failed
140 =Image transfer aborted
141 =Label transfer started
142 =Label transfer completed successfully
143 =Label transfer failed
144 =Label transfer aborted
145 =Burn process and image transfer started
146 =Burn process and image transfer completed successfully
147 =Burn process or image transfer failed
148 =Burn process and image transfer aborted
149 =Network transfer completed successfully
150 =Network transfer failed
151 =Authentication failed
152 =Server connection failed
153 =Server license error
154 =Recording quality may be affected by not using Auto Pilot option
155 =Right-Link activated
156 =Drive is in use by another application
157 =FreeLink activated
158 =Buffer underrun proof activated
159 =The simulation has been done at %s speed by PoweRec
160 =The write has been done at %s speed by PoweRec
161 =Burn process completed successfully with warnings
162 =Simulation completed successfully with warnings
163 =Burn Guarantee activated
164 =Active Link activated
165 =Lossless Linking activated
166 =Simulation is not supported for this disc type
167 =Not able to write Disc-at-once on an open CD

1        =Aborted by user
-1        =The CD is copyrighted
-2        =Making a copy of this CD is not supported
-3        =Error while writing image file
-4        =Not enough memory
-5        =The disc will not fit onto a blank disc
-6        =Not enough space to copy this disc
-7        =Not enough space to save this wave file
-8        =Invalid track info
-9        =Invalid track mode
-10        =Warning: Unknown data format at
-11        =Warning: EDC, ECC Error at
-12        =Unrecoverable read error at
-13        =Illegal select for audio track
-14        =Analyzing CD failed
-15        =This drive does not support audio extraction
-20        =Error: wrong item type (1)
-21        =Error in StartDisk
-22        =Error in EndDisk
-23        =Error in StartSession
-24        =Error in EndSession
-25        =Error in Write
-26        =Not enough memory

-28        =Error building copy item
-29        =Error: wrong item type (2)
-30        =Cannot write track at correct position with this recorder
-31        =Cannot copy this disc to a DVD
-32        =Can only copy first data track to a DVD
-33 =This DVD is copy-protected and cannot be read

1        =Aborted by user
-1        =Creating image file failed
-2        =Error in opening image file
-3        =Error writing image file
-4        =Error in closing image file
-5        =The image file is invalid
-6        =The format of the source disc is not supported
-7        =This drive does not support audio extraction
-8        =The copy DLL could not be opened

0000=No additional sense information
0006=I/O process terminated
0011=Audio play in progress
0017=Cleaning requested
0200=No seek complete
0400=Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable
0401=Logical unit in process of becoming ready
0402=Logical unit not ready, initialization command required
0403=Logical unit not ready, manual intervention required
0404=Logical unit not ready, format in progress
0407=Logical unit not ready, operation in progress
0408=Logical unit not ready, long write in progress
0500=Logical unit does not respond to selection
0600=No reference position found
0700=Multiple peripherial devices selected
0800=Logical unit communication failure
0801=Logical unit communication timeout
0802=Logical unit communication parity error
0803=Logical unit communication CRC error (Ultra-DMA/32)
0900=Track following error
0901=Tracking servo failure
0902=Focus servo failure
0903=Spindle servo failure
0904=Head select fault
0a00=Error log overflow
0b01=Warning, specified temperaturee exceeded
0b02=Warning, enclosure degraded
0c00=Write error
0c07=Write error, recovery needed
0c08=Write error, recovery failed
0c09=Write error, loss of streaming
0c0a=Write error, padding blocks added
1000=Invalid block size for command
1001=Packet does not fit into available space
1002=Buffer underrun
1100=Unrecovered read error
1101=Read retries exhausted
1102=Error too long to correct
1105=L-EC uncorrectable error
1106=CIRC unrecovered error
110f=Error reading UPC/EAN number
1110=Error reading ISRC number
1111=Read error, loss of streaming
1500=Random positioning error
1501=Mechanical positioning error
1502=Positioning error detected by reading disc
1700=Recovered data with no error correction applied
1701=Recovered data with retries
1702=Recovered data with positive head offset
1703=Recovered data with negative head offset
1704=Recovered data with retries and/or CIRC applied
1705=Recovered data using previous sector id
1707=Recovered data without ECC - recommend reassignment
1708=Recovered data without ECC - recommend rewrite
1709=Recovered data without ECC - data rewritten
1800=Recovered data with error correction applied
1801=Recovered data with error correction & retries applied
1802=Recovered data - data auto-reallocated
1803=Recovered data with CIRC
1804=Recovered data with L-EC
1805=Recovered data - recommend reassignment
1806=Recovered data - recommend rewrite
1a00=Parameter list length error
1b00=Synchronous data transfer error
1d00=Miscompare during verify operation
2000=Invalid command operation code
2100=Logical block out of range
2101=Invalid element address
2102=Invalid address for write
2200=Illegal function
2400=Invalid field in CDB
2500=Logical unit not supported
2600=Invalid field in parameter list
2601=Parameter not supported
2602=Parameter value invalid
2603=Threshold parameters not supported
2604=Invalid release of active persistent reservation
2700=Write protected
2701=Hardware write protected
2702=Logical unit software write protected
2703=Associated write protect
2704=Persistent write protect
2705=Permanent write protect
2800=Not ready to change, disc may have changed
2801=Import or export element accessed
2900=Power on reset or bus device reset occurred
2901=Power on occurred
2902=SCSI bus reset occurred
2903=Bus device reset function occurred
2904=Device internal reset
2a00=Parameters changed
2a01=Mode parameters changed
2a02=Log parameters changed
2a03=Reservations preempted
2b00=Copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect
2c00=Command sequence error
2c03=Current program area is not empty
2c04=Current program area is empty
2c05=Persistent prevent conflict
2e00=Insufficient time for operation
2f00=Commands cleared by another initiator
3000=Incompatible disc installed
3001=Cannot read disc - unknown format
3002=Cannot read disc - incompatible format
3003=Cleaning cartridge installed
3004=Cannot write disc - unknown format
3005=Cannot write disc - incompatible format
3006=Cannot format disc - incompatible disc
3007=Cleaning failure
3008=Cannot write - application code mismatch
3009=Current session not fixated for append
3100=Disc format corrupted
3101=Format command failed
3400=Enclosure failure
3500=Enclosure services failure
3501=Unsupported enclosure failure
3502=Enclosure services unavailable
3503=Enclosure services transfer failure
3504=Enclosure services transfer refused
3700=Rounded parameter
3900=Saving parameters not supported
3a00=Disc not present
3a01=Disc not present - tray closed
3a02=Disc not present - tray open
3b0d=Disc destination element full
3b0e=Disc source element empty
3b0f=End of disc reached
3b11=Disc magazine not accessible
3b12=Disc magazine removed
3b13=Disc magazine inserted
3b14=Disc magazine locked
3b15=Disc magazine unlocked
3d00=Invalid bits in identify message
3e00=Logical unit has not self-configured yet
3e01=Logical unit failure
3e02=Timeout on logical unit
3f00=Target operating conditions have changed
3f01=Microcode has been changed
3f02=Changed operating definition
3f03=Inquiry data has changed
4000=Diagnostic failure on component
4300=Message error
4400=Internal target failure
4500=Select or reselect failure
4600=Unsuccessful soft reset
4700=SCSI parity error
4800=Initiator detected error message received
4900=Invalid message error
4a00=Command phase error
4b00=Data phase error
4c00=Logical unit failed self-configuration
4d00=Tagged overlapped commands
4e00=Overlapped commands attempted
5100=Erase failure
5101=Erase failure - incomplete erase operation detected
5300=Disc load or eject failed
5302=Disc removal prevented
5380=Eject button is pressed in prevent condition
5700=Unable to recover table of contents
5a00=Operator request or state change input
5a01=Operator disc removal request
5a02=Operator selected write protect
5a03=Operator selected write permit
5b00=Log exception
5b01=Threshold condition met
5b02=Log counter at maximum
5b03=Log list codes exhausted
5d00=Failure prediction threshold exceeded
5dff=Failure prediction threshold exceeded (FALSE)
5e00=Low power condition on
5e01=Idle condition activated by timer
5e02=Standby condition activated by timer
5e03=Idle condition activated by command
5e04=Standby condition activated by command
6000=Lamp failure
6100=Video acquisition error
6101=Unable to acquire video
6102=Out of focus
6300=End of user area encountered on this track
6301=Packet does not fit in available space
6400=Illegal mode for this track
6401=Invalid packet size
64C0=Illegal speed for this disc
6500=Voltage fault
7200=Session fixation error
7201=Session fixation error writing lead-in
7202=Session fixation error writing lead-out
7203=Session fixation error - incomplete track in session
7204=Empty or partially written reserved track
7300=CD control error
7301=Power calibration area almost full
7302=Power calibration area is full
7303=Power calibration area error
7304=Program memory area update failure
7305=Program memory area is full
7306=RMA/PMA is almost full
8900=Inappropriate command
9082=Read Write Control Task Error
9141=Mechanism Control Task Error
91A1=Mechanism Control Task Error
C100=Illegal track status
C200=Reserved track present
C400=Illegal reserve length for reserve track command
C500=Buffer underrun
C601=Unwritten area encountered
C602=Link blocks encountered
CC00=Not enough space
CD00=No track present to close session
CE00=Unrecordable track descriptor encountered
CF00=Damaged track present
D000=PMA area full
D100=PCA area full
D400=Exit from pseudo Track-at-once recording

2=Initialization failed
3=Read error
4=Write error
5=User abort
6=The current recorder does not support Disc-at-once recording.
7=Error:\nCannot connect TRF.
8=Unknown NeroAPI error

1=PCM Wave File (PCM) (*.wav)
2=No Filter
4=Not Available
5=Could not save CD-ROM settings. Reason:
9=%s KB (%s bytes)
10=Data (mode 1)\nData (mode 2)\nData (mode 2)\nData (mode 2)\nData (mode 2)\nData (mode 1)\nData (mode 2)\nAudio\nAudio\nUnknown
12=??? Untested ???\nUnknown\nAudio\nISO 9660\nHFS\nHybrid\nCD-ROM Mode 1\nCD-ROM Mode 2/XA\nISO 9660 Mode 2/XA\nJoliet\nDVD-ROM
13=An error occurred while loading the cue sheet file\n'%s'.\n(Line %d).
14=Free space is %d MB. Size of image file is %d MB.
15=Cannot load image file
16=You have mounted a UDF CD. To continue, please eject this CD first.
17=Warning: Your UDF packet writing software could not be disabled.
18=The necessary Nero driver could not be installed.
19=The Win-ASPI file '%s' cannot be found, therefore\nyou can currently select only image recorders.\n\nPlease check for correct Windows ASPI Manager installation\nof your SCSI Host Adapter Software.
20=The driver '%s' was not recognized. It will be ignored\nand can probably be deleted.
21=Sorry, this Nero version can only be used with the recorder it has been bundled with.\n\nTo receive a full version of Nero, please contact sales@nero.com\nor visit our web site http://www.nero.com
22=Sorry, this Nero version supports %s recorders only.\n\nTo receive a full version of Nero, please contact sales@nero.com\nor visit our web site http://www.nero.com
23=The audio file '%s' is invalid (required: 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo).
24=This folder already contains a folder named '%s'
25=This folder already contains a file named '%s'
26=Total files=%d, identical=%d, different=%d, inaccessible=%d, skipped=%d.
27=%s at COM%i
28=The Nero serial number has expired.\nOnly the slowest burning speed will be available.
29=The file format is not supported.
30=Reading disc
31=Writing to cache
32=Testing speed
34=Writing to disc
35=Verifying disc
36=The file %s, a component of backup restoration program NRESTORE cannot be located.\nPlease make sure that all components are properly installed.
37=The installation path cannot be located!
38=The selected hard drive cannot be locked.\nMaybe it is locked by another application.\nIn this case the backup may fail.\nDo you wish to continue?
39=The file system of selected partition cannot be recognized.\nThis partition cannot be backed up using data compression.
40=The selected partition is formatted with a file system not supported for reorganizing.\nThis partition cannot be backed up using data compression.
41=An error occurred while creating backup items.\nThe operation will be aborted.
42=Due to patent license restrictions, MPEG-2 encoding/converting is not available.\nTo add this feature, please purchase the DVD-Video Plug-in at http://www.nero.com
43=Simulation not possible for this type of disc. Skipping simulation.
44=Simulation not possible for this type of disc.
45=Can only write at %s instead of %s to current disc.
46=No common write speed for these recorders.
47=File name is not correct or file was not found.
48=The boot image file '%s' could not be found.\nAll backup data will be written to the disc, but the first backup disc will not be bootable.\nDo you wish to continue?

0=Please insert the disc to write to...
1=Please insert a disc to use during simulation...\n\n(Nothing will be written on the disc.)
2=Please do not remove the disc!\n\nYour recorder requires this eject between simulation and burning. The disc will be reloaded automatically before continuing with burning...
3=Please do not remove the disc!\n\nYour recorder requires this eject between simulation and burning. Please reinsert the disc...
4=Please remove the disc and insert the next recordable disc to write to...
5=Please insert the original disc.
6=This disc is not writable.\n\nPlease insert a writable disc...
7=There is not enough space to burn this compilation to this disc.\n\nPlease insert another disc that has enough space...
8=The disc is blank, invalid\nor a multisession disc.\n\nPlease insert original disc...
9=The disc is not empty.\n\nPlease insert an empty disc.
10=Please insert an empty disc to write to...
11=Please insert an empty disc to use during simulation...\n\n(Nothing will be written on the disc.)
12=The disc is blank.\n\nPlease insert original disc...
13=Checking for the disc, please wait...\n\nTo burn this multisession compilation you need the disc containing the previous backup sessions. Please insert this disc if you have not already done so.
14=To simulate this multisession compilation you need the disc containing the previous backup sessions. Please insert this disc. (Nothing will be written on disc.)
15=Please do not remove the disc!\n\nYour recorder requires this eject between simulation and burning. Please reinsert the\nsame multisession disc...
16=Disc analysis failed. The error log\ncontains more information about the reason why it failed.
17=The recorder does not support this type of disc!\n\nPlease insert a correct disc to write to...
18=Please do not remove the disc!\n\nYour recorder requires that the disc be ejected between burning and verification. The disc will be reloaded automatically when burning is to continue...
19=Please do not remove the disc!\n\nYour recorder requires the disc to be ejected between burning and verification. Please reinsert the disc...
20=The disc is not formatted. Please insert a formatted disc.
21=Sorry, your compilation cannot be written on this kind of disc. Please insert a disc of the correct type or modify the settings of your compilation to make them compatible with the current disc.
22=--- Accessing disc, please wait ---
23=The disc is not empty.
24=There is not enough space to burn the compilation onto this disc.
25=There is not enough space to burn the compilation onto this disc.\n\nPlease insert an 80 min/700 MB disc.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-29 23:09:27 | 显示全部楼层
rsy 发表于 2015-8-29 21:59

0=No Error

可是并没有显示错误代码,只有这样的Burn process failed at 10x (1,500 KB/s)
发表于 2015-8-29 23:59:47 | 显示全部楼层
w867057887 发表于 2015-8-29 23:09
可是并没有显示错误代码,只有这样的Burn process failed at 10x (1,500 KB/s)
还有奇怪一开始为什么AMD ...

发表于 2015-8-30 07:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-30 21:47:11 | 显示全部楼层

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