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[分享] 【手工翻译】猫鼠游戏——一个僵尸网络的倾覆(Part 1)

发表于 2015-10-14 13:37:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 欧阳宣 于 2015-10-14 14:02 编辑


想翻译这篇的主要原因是这篇McAfee的报告刚刚获得了由virus bulletin颁发的Péter Ször Award(https://blogs.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/mcafee-labs-team-wins-peter-szor-award/),然后这篇写得又蛮精彩的,也不难懂,所以就手痒了。



The analogy that fits cybercrime is a game of cat and mouse—played among those fighting cybercrime and those seeking illegal profits. We see multiple examples in which technical innovation on both sides has resulted in one party getting ahead on one occasion and playing catch-up on another. This struggle has played out in multiple guises, as criminals have developed convoluted communications infrastructures to facilitate control capabilities for malware, payments, and laundering services for their ill-gotten gains.

McAfee Labs discusses many examples in reports, white papers, and blogs that present the cybercrime ecosystem, emerging trends, and our engagement with key partners to disrupt or take down such operations. Earlier malware milestones seem rather rudimentary today, but the inescapable fact is that cybercrime is very big business. Last year, Intel Security commissioned a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies to estimate the global cost of cybercrime. The report estimated that the annual cost to the global economy was more than US$400 billion.
迈克菲实验室在报告,白皮书,和博客中讨论过很多这样的例子:网络犯罪生态圈,犯罪趋势的演变,和我们与关键伙伴合作以干扰最后攻克这样的企图的例子。早先的经典恶意软件如今显得已经有点陈旧了;但是网络犯罪的体量越来越大确实是不可回避的事实。英特尔安全曾经与Center for Strategic and International Studies共同发布了一份报告,报告中预估全世界经济体每年的相关损失已经超过了四千亿美元。

Although it is easy to debate whether that estimate was too high or too low, the inescapable fact is that cybercrime is a growth industry; cyberattacks can bring in significant revenue. With such high returns, it is no wonder that we are witnessing remarkable innovation from both sides, from peer-to-peer communications methods incorporating tens of thousands of domains for infected hosts communication, to advanced evasion techniques (AETs) being introduced into trusted network egress control points.

This report illustrates one example of innovation: Cybercriminals created an AutoRun worm that avoids detection by continually changing its form with every infection. Its evolution was so prolific that new variants appeared as often as six times a day.
In early April 2015, a global law enforcement action took down the control servers for this botnet. Up-to-the-minute details of the takedown can be
found here.

—Raj Samani, McAfee Labs CTO for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
—迈克菲实验室欧洲中东非洲分部首席技术官Raj Samani


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 13:39:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 欧阳宣 于 2015-10-14 13:45 编辑

Meet the Worm

Writing code for criminal gain is done with a specific purpose in mind, usually focusing on stealing information such as banking credentials, data, or intellectual property. Unlike the ends we’ve seen in other malware families, the ultimate goal of the cybercriminal behind this particular worm is to maintain persistence on the victim’s machine.

Known as W32/Worm-AAEH (as well as W32/Autorun.worm.aaeh, VObfus, VBObfus, Beebone, Changeup, and other names), the aim of this family is to support the download of other malware—including banking password stealers, rootkits, fake antivirus, and ransomware. The malware includes wormlike functionality to spread quickly to new machines by propagating across networks, removable drives (USB/CD/DVD), and through ZIP and RAR archive files.
The worm was written in Visual Basic 6. Using the inherent complex and undocumented nature of Visual Basic 6 and employing polymorphism and obfuscation, W32/Worm-AAEH has successfully maintained its relevance since it was discovered in June 2009.
这个家族的命名为W32/Worm-AAEH (包含 W32/Autorun.worm.aaeh, VObfus, VBObfus, Beebone, Changeup, 以及其他名称),主要目的是为其他类型的恶意软件下载到电脑提供基础支持——恶意软件包含银行密码窃取器,rootkit,fakeav,以及勒索软件等。这些软件也具有蠕虫一样在全新机器间迅速传播的特征,可以通过网络,可移动存储设备以及压缩包来传播。

Polymorphic malware, which can change its form with every infection, is a very difficult threat to combat. W32/Worm-AAEH is a polymorphic downloader worm with more than five million unique samples known to McAfee Labs. This worm has had a devastating impact on customer systems (more than 100,000 infected since March 2014). Once aboard, it morphs every few hours and rapidly spreads across the network, downloading a multitude of malware including password stealers, ransomware, rootkits, spambots, and additional downloaders. Our tracking of this worm since March 2014 shows that the control server replaces samples with new variants one to six times per day and that the server-side polymorphic engine serves client-specific samples and guarantees a unique sample with each download request. Proactive, automated monitoring has helped McAfee Labs stay ahead of these adversaries in detection and removal, thereby preventing an onslaught of malware in customer environments.

In this report we describe an automation system created in March 2014 by McAfee Labs to mimic the worm’s communication behavior and tap into its control servers to harvest malware. This system has allowed our researchers zero-day access to the malware and has helped McAfee Labs monitor the botnet’s activity prior to infecting customers. The automation has significantly reduced the number of customer system infections and escalations.

Evolution: as the W32/Worm-AAEH turns

The first known W32/Worm-AAEH sample (6ca70205cdd67682d6e86c8394ea459e) was found on June 22, 2009 (compiled on June 20). It is detected as Generic Packed.c. Despite being the first version released in the wild, the worm’s authors intended to make it hard to analyze by storing every string as individual characters and concatenating them at runtime. Aside from this step, however, no other functionality prevented the analysis of the malware. The sample had
modest capabilities:
第一个W32/Worm-AAEH 的样本 (6ca70205cdd67682d6e86c8394ea459e)是在09年六月22日被发现,编译于六月20日。当时的报法为Generic Packed.c。尽管是第一个被检测的样本,蠕虫的作者尽最大努力让分析这个样本变得非常困难:样本的每个字符串都被拆开成单个字符,只在运行时才被合并在一起。但除了这个步骤之外,样本并没有采取其他措施。这个样本的权限并非很具有侵略性:
Executing at system startup and hiding in the User Profile directory.
Copying itself in all removable drives and using a hidden autorun.inf file to launch automatically. Using the string “Open folder to view files” as the action text in the local language, supporting 16 European languages.
Disabling Windows Task Manager’s ability to terminate applications to prevent itself from being manually terminated by the user.
Contacting a hardcoded domain (ns1.theimageparlour.net) to download and execute additional malware.

Over time, the authors introduced new features. Currently, the worm can:
Detect virtual machines and antivirus software.
Terminate Internet connections to IP addresses at security companies.
Use a domain generation algorithm (DGA) to find its control servers.
Inject malware into existing processes.
Use encryption.
Disable tools from terminating it.
Spread itself via removable CD/DVD drives.
Exploit a LNK file vulnerability (CVE-2010-2568).
Insert itself in ZIP or RAR archives to aid its persistence and propagation.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 13:39:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 欧阳宣 于 2015-10-14 14:06 编辑

The feature set comprises two components: Beebone and VBObfus (also known as VObfus). The first component acts as a downloader for VBObfus, while the latter contains all the Trojan and worm functionality.
这些特征用到了两种组件:Beebone 和 VBObfus (又名 VObfus)。第一个组件是作为VBObfus的下载器而生的,第二个则具有各种木马和蠕虫特征。
Several obfuscation and antianalysis tricks make detection difficult, encryption techniques are updated often, and open-source software projects are occasionally included to further complicate analysis. It is no surprise that these tricks have kept this worm relevant since it was discovered in 2009.

Domain Generation Algorithm

W32/Worm-AAEH uses a simple yet effective DGA that allows the malware distributors to change server IPs and domain names on demand (for example, when blocked by security products) while communicating with current infections.
W32/Worm-AAEH 采用一种简单高效的算法来按照需要切换服务器ip和域名(比如旧的ip和域名刚刚被杀软拦截的时候)。
The algorithm can be represented as {secret_string}{N}.{TLD} in which secret_string is a hardcoded obfuscated string stored in the malware sample.
N is a number from 0 to 20.
TLD is any of the following strings: com, org, net, biz, info.
TLD是下列任意一个域名:com, org, net, biz, info

While N and TLD remain virtually constant, the secret string occasionally changes. At any time, the malware distributor sets the appropriate DNS records for the current secret string as well as the previous one to ensure that older samples can connect to the new servers for updates.

For example, on September 14, 2014, the control server IP address was This IP address was registered under several domain names using the current secret string ns1.dnsfor and the previous string ns1.backdates. Some of the domain names from the DGA result in successful resolutions, as shown in the following image:

Chained download mechanism

One of the reasons antivirus software struggles with this threat is that the worm can replace itself with new variants before signatures are created to combat them. This tactic is implemented using a chained download mechanism, in which both W32/Worm-AAEH components (Beebone and VBObfus) download new variants of each other. This step ensures that worm’s persistence even if security software can detect one of the components—because the undetected component will eventually download an undetected version of its counterpart. The chained download is initiated through another component, detected by McAfee Labs as Generic VB.kk. This sample arrives through exploit kits and social engineering attacks and exists solely to download Beebone. An unrelated component detected as Downloader-BJM is an IRC bot that communicates with the same control server but doesn’t interact with W32/Worm-AAEH. This process is illustrated in the following diagram:
一个杀软厂商与这类病毒纠缠不清的原因是这类蠕虫会迅速生成新的变种,那时候对应的特征签名都还来不及发布。这种技巧被充分利用在了链式下载机制上:W32/Worm-AAEH的两个重要组件(Beebone 和 VBObfus)会互相下载对方的新变种。这样就能确保在只有一个组件被检测的情况下病毒依然存活:因为另一个组件会下载这个被检测的组件的新版本。链式下载由另一个组件启动,McAfee将其检测为Generic VB.kk。这个组件通过漏洞或是社会工程学攻击到达机器,唯一的目的就是下载Beebone。另一个被检测为Downloader-BJM的组件是一个IRCBot,与相同的主控服务器通信,但是与蠕虫本身没有联动。整个过程如图所示。

In the preceding illustration, Beebone (in Step 4) downloads a variant of VBObfus (6), which replaces the old Beebone with a new Beebone variant (8). A walkthrough of the download chain follows:

The response received by Generic VB.kk in Step 3
步骤3中Generic VB.kk所接收到的回复


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参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
sunnyjianna + 1 我大宣萱威武霸气侧漏(●ˇ∀ˇ●)


 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 13:40:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 欧阳宣 于 2015-10-14 14:06 编辑

Part 2还没弄完,所以暂时只能停在这里了





参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
275751198 + 1 虽然很多人已经给了,但好文章一定要赞。我.


发表于 2015-10-14 14:12:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-14 15:02:32 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
欧阳宣 发表于 2015-10-14 13:40
Part 2还没弄完,所以暂时只能停在这里了

后面会讲到精巧的代码混淆算法,以及僵尸网络的主控服务器如何 ...

发表于 2015-10-14 15:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-14 16:13:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-14 17:06:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-14 17:27:25 | 显示全部楼层
lixihong10 发表于 2015-10-14 17:06

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