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官网原文:http://blog.360totalsecurity.com ... dynamic-protection/

360 Total Security offers a wide range of features for your PC security, and antivirus engine is one of the essential component in security suites. There are four Security Engines built-in to 360 Total Security, namely 360 Cloud Scan Engine, QVMII Al Engine, Bitdefender Engine, and Avira AntiVir Engine. These engines work in a two-step dynamic protection to prevent any suspicious program from getting access to your computer.
- Characteristic Matching a.k.a Signature Matching
Human can be uniquely identified by its fingerprint. Likewise, computer files have their unique characteristics. Security engines assess a file characteristic by querying its signature to the cloud, where it holds the intelligence to decide whether the file is Good, Malicious, or Unknown.
Traditionally, antivirus software contains a local signature database which stores virus definitions. As a result, users should keep their antivirus definitions up-to-date to protect against the everchanging threat landscape. 360 Total Security’s Cloud database reduces the gap between catching up to threat landscape and updating the virus definition database. With cloud security, computer protection becomes increasingly dynamic and persistent, as a user, you no longer need to constantly check if your virus definition is up-to-date.
Should the intention of the program remain unknown after the characteristic matching, there is still a complementary approach to judge if the program is suspicious. Security engines detect the behavior of the program. For instance, if the program attempts to gain administration authorization to make changes to your computer without informing you, then it will be considered suspicious. In this scenario, 360 Total Security displays a notification to warn you of the potential risk.
During execution, security engines validate files with a known list of types of viruses and malware. Also, a behavioral-based detection is conducted for further check.
With various security engines and detection methods, 360 Total Security prevents your system from being infected by any malware actions.
同样,电脑中的文件有其独特的特点。安全引擎评估通过查询其签名云计算,它拥有智能决定文件是否是良好的,恶意或未知的文件特征。传统上,杀毒软件包含了存储的病毒定义本地特征库。这样一来,用户应该保持自己的杀毒软件定义了最新的防止了日新月异的威胁形势。 360综合安全的云数据库缩短赶超威胁景观和更新病毒定义数据库之间的差距。借助云安全,计算机防护变得越来越充满活力和持久的,作为一个用户,你不再需要经常检查,如果您的病毒定义是最新的最新的。
如若该方案的意图特征匹配后仍下落不明,还有一个补充的方法来判断程序是否有可疑的。安全引擎检测程序的行为。例如,如果程序试图获得管理权限进行更改到您的计算机没有通知你,那么它将被认为是可疑的。在这种情况下,360综合安全显示一个通知,警告潜在的风险你。在执行过程中,安全引擎验证与类型的病毒和恶意软件的一个已知的文件列表。另外,基于行为的检测中进行进一步的检查。随着各种安全引擎和检测方法,360综合安全可以防止您的系统被感染的任何恶意软件的行为。 |