oas 实时扫描
ods 按需扫描
wav 网页反病毒
mav 邮件反病毒
ids 入侵防护,反网络攻击
vul 漏洞检测
kas 卡巴反垃圾邮件
bad 僵尸网络检测
Usually the following naming schema is used: [product][version][language].exe. Example: KIS17.0.0.225en-US.exe
KFA = Kaspersky Free (free version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, currently only available in Chinese and Russian)
KAV = Kaspersky Anti-Virus
KIS = Kaspersky Internet Security (like KAV but with additional protection components)
KTS = Kaspersky Total Security (formerly known as PURE, like KIS but with additional features)
KSOS = Kaspersky Small Office Security (for small business)
major = usually corresponds to product version (2017 -> 17)
minor = can be used to designate bug fix or maintenance releases
build = number is increased for bug fixes and other small changes, will change often during beta-testing
Most commonly: de = German, en = English, fr = French, ru = Russian, zh-Hans = Chinese (Simplified)
Installation, removal, updates [KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS\KSOS]
- standard installer tasks (install/delete, Force Update)
- migration: KFA <-> KAV <-> KIS <-> KTS
- bases update
File Scan (ODS/OAS/Vulnerability Scan/Quarantine…) [KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS\KSOS]
- On Demand Scaner (ODS)
- On Access Scaner (OAS)
- Quick Scan (QScan)
- Vulnerability Scan
- CleanUp
- Quarantine and Storage
Traffic checking (Web/Mail/IM/PC) [KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS\KSOS]
- Web Anti-Virus (WebAV)
- Mail Anti-Virus (MailAV)
- Antispam (AS)
- Instant messagers Anti-Virus (IMAV)
- AntiBanner (AB)
- Parental Control (PC)
- general settings of ports control
Application Control (HIPS, SW, Firewall, IDS, TAM) [KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS\KSOS]
- Application control (HIPS)
- Firewall (FW)
- System Watcher (SW)
- Intrusion detection system (IDS)
- Trusted applications manager (TAM), except KSOS
- Safe Money (SM)
- Virtual keyboard (VK)
- Secure keyboard (SK)
- OS (operation system) crashes
- crashes of KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS
- OS freezes cause of KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS(no such problem without product)
- KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS hangings
- Graphic User Interface (GUI)
- Help file of product
Performance/Compatibility [KFA\KAV\KIS\KTS\KSOS]
- performance
- Compatibility with 3rd party software
- AVZ scripts processing;
- devices management and KPC (Kaspersky Protection Center) Management Console;
- problems that are not connected to other topics
Encryption/Backup/PM/Shredder/UDC [KTS\KSOS]
- "Data Encryption" component
- "Backup" component
- "Password Manager" component (PM)
- "File Shredder" tool
- "Unused Data Center" (UDC)
Components of the product
Anti-Banner = component that blocks advertising information located on banners built into interfaces of various programs installed on your computer or displayed online.
Anti-Phishing = component that tracks attempts to open phishing websites and blocks them
Anti-Spam = component that allows detection of unwanted messages (spam)
AVZ = scripts to solve problems in the system
Exclusions & Trusted Zone = Exclusion is an object excluded from scanning by the product. Trusted zone is the user-created list of objects which should not be controlled by the product.
GUI = Graphical user interface
HIPS, Application Control = component that logs the actions performed by applications in the system, and manages the applications' activities, based on which group they belong to. A set of rules is defined for each group of applications.
IDS = Network Attack Blocker
IM AV = component that scans traffic of instant messengers (such as ICQ, AIM etc.)
Installer = the program installing the product or an application
Mail AV = Mail Anti-Virus scans incoming and outgoing messages for the presence of malicious objects
OAS = File Anti-Virus (On Access Scan)
ODS = On Demand Scan
PC, Parental Control = component that monitors the users' access to the Internet, in order to restrict access to some kind of resources or certain URLs.
PDM = Proactive defense
Qscan, Rootkit scan = technology of scanning hard-to-detect threats which hide the traces of their activity
Quarantine = folder where objects are saved in encrypted form, which rules out the threat of infection. It also stores backup copies of objects created before disinfection or deletion.
RD, Rescue Disk = component that creates a bootable disk to be able to boot a computer that is extremely infected and cannot be disinfected by anti-virus program.
Self-Defense = module that blocks closing the product or changing its settings independently from user's wish
SK, Safe Keyboard = technology allowing you to type personal data (such as passwords or credit card numbers) using your hardware keyboard while avoiding its interception by keyloggers, which are programs that register keystrokes.
SM, Safe Money = starts the browser in an isolated environment for safe online banking.
SW, System Watcher = system events monitor. It collects and saves different events logs and provides it to the product's components in order to detect events sequences that are characteristic to malware.
Updater = module for updating databases or the product's modules
VK, Virtual Keyboard = special tool for typing personal data (such as passwords or credit card numbers) to avoid its interception by keyloggers, which are programs that register keystrokes.
Vulnerability scan = scanning of vulnerabilities in the installed programs
Web AV, Web Anti-Virus = component that scans internet traffic.
WMUF = database of dangerous URLs
Version designations
Build = assembly, also last number of the product's version
Alpha-version = the beginning state of product's development, a version that may miss most of new functionality
Beta-version = a version that has the complete functionality and is ready to be tested by components
RC, Release Candidate = a build that can become the release
TR, Technical Release = a build technically ready to go in production (pending printing boxes, writing knowledge base or help content etc.)
CR, Commercial Release = the product on sale, the moment Technical support is responsible for the product
CF, Critical Fix = build fixing critical bugs in the product and possibly some new functionality
MP, Maintenance Pack / MR, Maintenance Release = package of updates. Found bugs are fixed as well as new functionality can be added there. This is analogous to Service Packs of Microsoft products.
Hotfix, Patch = urgent update fixing critical bugs
Other common terms
Alert = informational pop-up of the product that allows to choose an action
Balloon = informational window of the product
BSOD, Blue Screen of Death = window of blue colour that is shown on crash of the operating system
Bug = error in function of program or its interface
Case = scenario of testing or steps to reproduce a bug
Change log = list of changes of a certain build
Crash = abnormal closing of an application or operating system
GBT, Gold Beta Tester = the title the most active beta-testers are awarded with in the end of the product's development cycle
KL = Kaspersky Lab
Memory dump = file containing the complete data about system memory state at the moment of crash
Screenshot = image file taken by the computer to record the visible items displayed on the monitor
Traces = log files with all the actions performed by the product which help developers to localize and solve an issue
Tray = the area of taskbar (next to the system time) with icons of running applications
VirLab = Virus laboratory of KL |