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[分享] Comodo Cloud Antivirus 1.6.400585.347 is Released!!!

发表于 2016-9-30 20:49:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
https://forums.comodo.com/news-a ... ased-t116736.0.html


Hello Friends,

Here we are very excited and happy to announce that Comodo Cloud Antivirus 1.6.400585.347 new  version is now released !

Comodo Cloud Antivirus is getting stronger with each new release with its unique systems Valkyrie server and Default Deny Platform. We will keep the dynamic releases coming accordingly!

*Defaul Deny Platform: Protection against Infection does not require Detection *   

The new era of "CPU Enforced OS Virtualization"
in the fight against malware.

As we always discuss here,we believe in Protection before you face the infection so that you actually won’t need the detection! CCAV and Valkyrie teams are doing their best behind the scene to provide you best protection with advanced methods and new implementations !

***You , being the most important participant of this protection chain, help us to improve the product with your feedbacks . We are the warriors against the unknowns, you make us more powerful ! Internet will be a more secure place with the help of Comodo users !***

Please always keep in mind that this product is being shaped with your feedbacks, this is your product!  Please keep providing your feedbacks for us to serve you the best!

Note: Users with previous versions installed will receive an update with this release.

Thank you very much to you all in advance !!

What's new in 1.6.400585.347?

•   Generic support of Trusted Installers: Files created /launched by trusted installers are trusted automatically.

•   Browser Protection increased usability: On default settings any attempt will be blocked, notification will be shown when an application is blocked for the 1st time. Plus, this will be  added as a rule automatically after attempt is blocked under the settings >browser settings protection.You can change the rule afterwards or if you prefer you can simply disable the browser protection.

•   Advanced Data Reporting: For suspicious unknown files reporting to FLS server, we now have advanced data collection to increase the efficiency and decrease the time spent on file analysis done .

•   Fixed: File should not be submmited when submitting file to valkyrie turn off.

Download Location

Comodo Cloud Antivirus Hotfix V1.6.400585.347


参与人数 1经验 +10 收起 理由
mxf147 + 10 版区有你更精彩: )


发表于 2016-10-1 10:02:11 | 显示全部楼层
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