原帖由 zhuange 于 2008-3-4 22:10 发表
what are you fucking talking about?毛泽东思想is so great that you can never understand.But if 毛泽东 do anything as it say,he can't succeed in govening chinese people。
思想和个人是两回事,人犯错正常 ...
OMG, How come there are still some chinese people are that ''smart''? alright, at this moment, after I say these things, can some educated people help me to prove it? thanks.
first, Singapore's president is from Malaysia, he graduated from Cambridge University.
Secondly, Singapore is WAY BETTER than China right now, at least all Hong Kong, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, and even Chinese will say that. Some of you will understand why. (becasue of how the government spend to money.....)
Thirdly, NOT ALL the People that has yellow skin are Chinese!!! yeah because they went to USA and learned English!
Fourthly, if you think the president studied in other countries is not good, than check your histories book about how many people have been sent to USA for studying support by China government! (may be in your history books do not tell that, no time for argument......)
And.... that's it, I have to go to school. (yeah, that school is not Chinese school....)
One more thing, if 毛泽东 did very well at that time, he wouldn't do those stupid things(stopped Chinese people study in China, sent people to USA to study..... yeah, may be he wanted the Chinese people to be like North Korean......)
* Don't you know that Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese people have a better abilities than Chinese people (not include Hong Kong) for writing Chinese, their words are way better than Chinese people, guess because of what, where are the educated poeple [:09:] |