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[分享] Comodo Cloud Antivirus - v1.14.432369.594

发表于 2017-11-8 07:55:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Hi All,

We are pleased to announce release of Comodo Cloud Antivirus v1.14.432369.594.
Thank you to all who participated in BETA testing.

Here is change list:

Fileless Malware Support:
Like CIS, now CCAV also has support for file less malware. You can find related settings under "Settings-->Advanced Protection-->Miscellaneous" as "Do heuristic command line analysis...".

Password Protection:
Now you have password protection feature available and can be accessed via "Settings --> General Settings --> User Interface".

Enhanced Virus Scope:
In this version, CCAV will be providing base support for additional events allowing VirusScope modules to detect more complex malware.

System-restart reminder upon update:
Many users update CCAV but do not re-start system and thus remains unprotected. We have introduced a reminder alert in case user does not re-start system upon update.

Emergency update:
Like CIS, we have introduced emergency update in this CCAV version. If existing "Settings --> General Settings --> Updates --> Automatically install program updates..." option is selected and if there is serious incompatibility in latest Windows, CCAV will be auto updated to latest version to avoid any bad user experience. You will see alert in post update scenario. This feature will be used only in critical situations.

Setup Details:
URL: https://download.comodo.com/ccav/installers/ccav_installer.exe
Size: 9.37 MB (9,830,000 bytes)
MD5: 8d1060120b4fc20e7b00aff2028694c3
SHA-1: ca0056a71902fe83306459d957c2ec967bec9f12

We will be releasing updates to older versions in next days, in the mean time if you want to update from last production version to this version, you can do so by having following entries in Windows host file(C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts)
Code: [url=][Select][/url] download.comodo.com www.download.comodo.com
and then run Manual Updater from interface.

Please give it a try and share your feedback.



参与人数 1经验 +10 收起 理由
mxf147 + 10 版区有你更精彩: )


发表于 2017-11-8 15:06:58 | 显示全部楼层
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