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[分享] Comodo Cloud Antivirus 1.16.439475.642 BETA

发表于 2018-1-31 03:33:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 petr0vic 于 2018-1-31 03:36 编辑
Size: 9.53 MB (9,994,696 bytes)
MD-5: 485fc437829a55b37ba454d29f543012
SHA-1: 7c665b6e8f2ddd6826c274b9328bf53caeee5877

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  1. download.comodo.com
  2. www.download.comodo.com

In Sandbox Files Management:
Based on wish list item discussion here, you can now manage files, which are created by Sandbox application. So if you run browser in Sandbox, you can manage which all files you want to move out of it.

a - When an application in sandbox creates a file, with matching extension, please see enclosed File_Extensions_to_Track.png, as defined in "Sandbox-->Tracking Files Created In Sandbox" section, you will see a notification, as shown in enclosed InSandbox_Files_Created_Notification.png, this notification will appear only once per parent application i.e. if you are using browser and you download multiple files, it will be shown just once to make you aware that you can manage files created inside Sandbox and at the same time limiting notifications.

b - When you click on "Review Files" link in notification, same link is also present when you see applications running in Sandbox window, please see ReviewFiles_Button.png, you will be able to manage files as shown in enclosed InSandbox_FilesReview.png. In that interface, you can select a row and if you want to define a new location you can use "Move to specific folder" link else file will be re-stored to same location where it is currently present when you press "Move" button.

Improved Handling of Interpreters Launched Files:
Like CIS, in CCAV v594, we introduced support for file-less malware, but there were cases where even if batch files or commands were executed by safe applications, they could get Sandboxed, which is not expected user-experience. In order to improve user-experience, we have confined it to certain applications that could potentially be exploited. Please see enclosed LauncherApplication.png. This list can be updated from server side.

3 - After update, in case user doesn't re-start system we show reminder dialog to re-start system; we have added additional scheduling options in it including allowing you to pick a date as when you would like to be reminded again to re-start system, please see enclosed AdditionalReminderOptionsUponUpdate.png.

https://forums.comodo.com/beta-c ... beta-t121450.0.html


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