全段时间,sophos home 大规模赠送一年期高级授权并开始进入收费模式,好奇刚上市可能很便宜打算买几个囤一下,结果价格吓到了,300+,本想到骚扰是的随意跟客服发了一句the prices is too expensive ,没想到展开了很长的一段对话,最终给了我一个半价链接:https://buy.home.sophos.com/1461/purl-nakedsecurity?cart=207032
以下是对话,因为我描述中国发展中国家,多数人工资比较低,这样的售价几乎没有购买欲。结果他推荐用免费版,差距不大。 Your request (1625) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
 | Matt (Sophos Home) Feb 27, 12:35 EST Hello Yiohar,
No need to apologise. My apologies if the email response came off as being disturbed. The email was provided to inform you that the software is free to use with the provided free features. There is no charge to it unless the premium features are required.
Where the Sophos Home software is a new consumer software that was just recently officially released. Pricing for the premium software that is provided is a current starting point based off of the USD. Once it is used more around the world the pricing should be updated based on the location that it is being purchased from, this may also include discounts such as Avira Pro and McAfee offer.
I hope that the above information assists you with your inquiry.
Matt - Sophos Home Support
 | yiohar darling Feb 24, 07:50 EST Good evening, I always feel disturbed you, can you accept my apology, I just say the views of Chinese users, I hope you don't mind, just like my avira Pro lisenced to 2027, McAfee to 2030, may be because the Chinese income is low, many people feel that the annual renewal fee is very expensive. I do not mean anything else. As for writing in the forum, I would like to explain that I am not making you happy. A lot of Chinese users will send various software special offers on the forum. And follow up the use of experience.
Sophos home is a good AntiVirus, and I want to make friends with you.
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 | Matt (Sophos Home) Feb 23, 13:24 EST Hello Yiohar,
A note that may not have been provided or may have known by you previously the price provided is for the Premium version of the Sophos Home Anti-Virus software which includes live Chat and Email support.
I would like to advise to you that you do not need to purchase the software in order to use it. The Sophos Home Anti-Virus software by default is a free to use software. The free version of the software can be installed on up to 3 computers if you would like. There is a 30 day trial that is provided for use of the premium if you would like to try it out however it is not required.
With the free version you will still receive all of the most current anti-virus updates to the software as needed and do not need to pay to use it.
For more information on the free version as well as the paid I have included below a comparison guide.
Sophos Home Free Vs. Sophos Home Premium Windows
Sophos Home Free Vs. Sophos Home Premium Mac
To re-iterate what was provided on the websites above.
The free version includes:
Real-Time AntivirusProtects against known viruses, malware, Trojans, worms, bots, potentially unwanted apps (PUAs), ransomware, and more.
Parental Web FilteringAllows you to control the content your children can view online.
Web Protection from Known Malicious Sites Leverages the vast SophosLabs blacklist database to prevent connections to compromised or dangerous sites.
Remote ManagementSecures multiple devices in any location from a simple web interface.
Devices Protected - 3Up to 3 computers can be protected on the free to use account.
I understand where you are coming from however with the pricing for the license that is provided from the premium version this will permit use for up to 10 computers. This is not something that other anti-virus programs or businesses offer to standard home users and is a first for this type of support. I understand that 10 computers is a lot however this does not mean that it has to be on 10 computers at your current home or you need to use it on 10 computers. This can be used on any family members or friends computers as well. This software can be provided to up to 10 other computers from people that you may know can use it.
We are looking currently into multiple year pricing but currently do not have an exact price range just yet.
I hope that the provide information helps you with your inquiry.
Matt - Sophos Home Support
 | yiohar darling Feb 23, 11:49 EST Hello, this price I still feel expensive, first of all, I only have two computers, I do not need to buy 10 user authorization, I suggest that your company can increase the number of years to choose and the number of computers, so that 10 people not joint venture to buy an account, Below is the price that I find some for three years. If the price is right, I will send it to the forum and buy it . At the same time, it is suggested that the exclusion option be added to the local home
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 | Matt (Sophos Home) Feb 23, 11:19 EST Hello Yiohar,
Thank you for your email reply.
I understand that some other companies do provide lower rates and discounts to consumers that require Anti-Virus Software. In this case I can advise and provide the following web link to use that will discount the Sophos Home software to half of the price as advertised.
Please view the following link here to receive the discounted price.
I hope that the provided information assists you with your inquiry.
Matt - Sophos Home Support
 | yiohar darling Feb 22, 18:14 EST Hello, as for the price, I think the price of sophos home is a little unreasonable. In developing countries, very few people have more than 3 computers. In China, more people buy a computer for three years. Similarly, a computer is licensed for three years. Kaspersky 160 yuan, eset 120 yuan, avira price 99 yuan in special
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 | Matt (Sophos Home) Feb 22, 15:42 EST Hello yiohar,
I am sending this email to follow up with you on ticket 1625 I would like to verify that the steps provided in our previous interaction resolved your issue.
If the issue is unresolved please contact us back at your earliest convenience and we will be happy to continue assisting you.
Matt - Sophos Home Support
 | Matt (Sophos Home) Feb 14, 09:01 EST Hello yiohar.
Thank you for contacting Sophos Home Support, my name is Matt and I will be happy to assist you with your inquiry.
To inform our next steps and ensure you get the most effective solution I need a little more information, please provide more information on what you are looking into exactly. Are you inquiring into the price of the Sophos Home Premium that is paid for with a years subscription?
With the above information I will be able to better assist you, I look forward to your reply.