本帖最后由 PanzerVIIIMaus 于 2018-3-24 21:07 编辑
现在想起来我前段时间从ESS4.2 for Business直升EES 5.0的时候发现原有的模块版本有区别,这里贴一下表格(左ESS4.2右EES5.0,都是“定期更新”选项,单行的模块都是5.0新增的)病毒库: 17047 (20180313) | 病毒库: 17048 (20180313) | 快速响应模块: 11784 (20180313) | 快速响应模块: 11785 (20180313) | 更新模块: 1069 (20161122) | 更新模块: 1069 (20161122) | 病毒和间谍软件扫描程序模块: 1535 (20180202) | 病毒和间谍软件扫描程序模块: 1535 (20180202) | 高级启发式扫描模块: 1184.1 (20171212) | 高级启发式扫描模块: 1184.1 (20171212) | 压缩文件支持模块: 1272 (20180122) | 压缩文件支持模块: 1272 (20180122) | 清除器模块: 1153 (20180129) | 清除器模块: 1153 (20180129) | 反隐藏支持模块: 1126 (20180219) | 反隐藏支持模块: 1126 (20180219) | 防火墙模块: 1373.1 (20180103) | 防火墙模块: 1373.1 (20180103) | 反垃圾邮件模块: 1029 (20141103) | 反垃圾邮件模块: 1029 (20141103) | ESET SysInspector 模块: 1270 (20170808) | ESET SysInspector 模块: 1270 (20170808) | 自我保护模块: 1018 (20100812) | 自我保护模块: 1018 (20100812) | 文件系统实时防护模块: 1014 (20160223) | 文件系统实时防护模块: 1014 (20160223) | 翻译支持模块: 1651 (20171212) | 翻译支持模块: 1663 (20180209) | HIPS 支持模块: 1310 (20180115) | HIPS 支持模块: 1311 (20180207) | Internet 防护模块: 1315.1 (20171214) | Internet 防护模块: 1315.1 (20171214) | Web 内容过滤器模块: 1051 (20160412) | Web 内容过滤器模块: 1051 (20160412) | 数据库模块: 1095 (20171206) | 高级反垃圾邮件模块: 7032 (20180313) | Rootkit 删除和清除模块: 1019 (20170825) | 数据库模块: 1096 (20180202) | | Rootkit 删除和清除模块: 1019 (20170825) | | 加密协议支持模块: 1025 (20171106) | 由表可以发现,首先从病毒库和快响应模块上4.2旧版本(虽然5.0也是很旧的版本,但……谁叫5.0又稳又能上家用Key呢 )就有迟滞了(4.2更新到最新后再马上直升的5.0,可以认为二者处于同一时刻(总不能这么巧就这半小时内更新了一次病毒库吧?))。而且数据库模块、HIPS模块也有一个版本的迟滞(但迟滞的时间已能以月为单位),还有翻译支持模块(以前看其它帖子似乎可以叫作“编译支持模块”?反正我不清楚是干什么用的)差了很多个版本已经是去年的了。不管怎么样,从病毒库的迟滞就可以知道即便是扫描的能力也是可能受到影响的,其它模块尤其是这个“编译支持模块”是干什么用的,版本旧了有什么影响请大佬解答。
以下为官方的各版本支持说明(个人版),实际上这里能清楚地看出从Basic Support开始这个版本效果实际上就没什么保障了,如果想享受完整的检出技术,建议选择仍在Full Support的版本
Version | Release Date | Latest Build | Updated | Status | Next Status | Expected EOL | 11 | 24-Oct-17 | | 19-Mar-18 | Full Support | Limited Support | TBA | 10 | 25-Oct-16 | | 14-Feb-18 | Full Support | Limited Support | TBA | 9 | 13-Oct-15 | 9.0.425.4 | 14-Feb-18 | Limited Support | Basic Support | Dec 2019* | 8 | 21-Oct-14 | 8.0.319.0 |
| Basic Support | End of Life | Dec 2018 | 7 | 8-Oct-13 | 7.0.325.0 |
| End of Life | End of Life | Dec 2017 | 6 | 15-Jan-13 | 6.0.316.0 |
| End of Life | End of Life | June 2017 | 5 | 13-Sep-11 | |
| End of Life | End of Life | Dec 2015 | 4 | 2-Mar-09 | |
| End of Life | End of Life | Dec 2015 | 3 | 5-Nov-07 | 3.0.695.0 |
| End of Life | End of Life | Dec 2015 | 2 | 1-May-02 | 2.7 |
| End of Life | End of Life | N/A |
* Latest version that supports Windows XP operating system (注:ESET9是最后一个完整支持XP的版本)
ESET Endpoint Security(企业版) Version | Release Date | Latest build | Updated | Status | Next Status | Expected EOL | 6 | 25-Feb-15 | 6.6.2072.4 | 12-Feb-18 | Full Support | Limited Support | TBA | 5 | 29-May-12 | 5.0.2271.3 | 13-Feb-18 | Basic Support | End of Life | Dec 2020 |
Full Support | - Availability of regular detection engine and modules updates
- Support for new operating systems and new versions of operating systems
- Confirmed problems and vulnerabilities addressed with patches and Service Releases
- technical support is available
| Limited Support | - Availability of regular detection engine and modules updates(病毒库、引擎、模块更新照常)
- Severe problems, such as when the product or its main functionality is not working or is causing an instability of the system or contains a major vulnerability, addressed with patches and Service Releases(仅提供严重缺陷的修复)
- technical support is available but not all bugs will be fixed(有技术支持但不是所有问题都会修正)
- No support of new versions of operating systems(不会支持未来新系统)
| Basic Support | - Availability of regular detection engine updates
- Availability of modules updates is not guaranteed(还能进行病毒库、引擎更新但不保证模块更新(像ESET8有大神发现HIPS某些情况下会漏掉,按照说法似乎是相同情况下新版不会))
- Product is no longer available for download from ESET download servers(该版本不再提供官方下载)
- technical support is no longer available, no bugs will be fixed(技术支持和缺陷修正停药)
| End of Life | - Regular detection engine updates may continue but are not guaranteed.
- No technical support or patches are available for this version. Basic Support may continue but is not guaranteed.(顶多只能进行像Basic Support的但毫无保障的更新了,也许无征兆的哪一天完全停药(像2.7已经停药多年了))
| 半机翻+猛加料+缩减版(还有可能搞错原文的意思),将就着看