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[病毒样本] #PACKAGE 0613

发表于 2018-6-13 21:14:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 191196846 于 2018-6-13 21:23 编辑


Total : 36 (18+18)



如 Modified Samples 报毒名与原样本有较大出入,则不计算在内。


杀软名称 + 时间

Samples查杀率 + M_Samples查杀率 = Total


XXXX  05 22 21:27

Samples(5/10) + M(3/10) = Total(8/20)  40%

Second Scan 05 22 21:29

Samples(7/10) + M(3/10) = Total(10/20) 50%


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
petr0vic + 1 版区有你更精彩: )


发表于 2018-6-13 21:54:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wusiyuanjh 于 2018-6-13 22:06 编辑




您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?快速注册



参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
aboringman + 1 非常感谢


发表于 2018-6-13 22:29:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 YU2711 于 2018-6-13 22:30 编辑

SEP  S【15/18】+M【16/18】=T【31/36】 22:30

双击  S剩5  12 16
5 停止运作
12 SONAR.SuspPE!gen28
16 消失
M剩2 5
发表于 2018-6-14 01:25:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ,就一个. 于 2018-6-14 02:47 编辑

迈克菲 2018年6月14日2018年6月14日02:47:41


9 不杀
16 报Real Protect-EC!DC7C5C557DE7

2 报衍生物 Suspect!515e721fa9cb
4 报Real Protect-EC!680E5E4E2097
5不杀8 报Real Protect-EC!EA3F4FFEBE24
9 报Real Protect-EC!A0D40AD57F04
10 报Real Protect-LS!e02c483d895d
11 报Real Protect-EC!388C1B9DB3BE
16 报 Suspect!8643cac7423e
18报 Real Protect-LS!089d59ba2a05

最后成绩S 17/18+M 17/18=34/36  94%

 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-13 21:14:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 191196846 于 2018-6-13 21:58 编辑


Samples(17/18) + M(16/18) = Total(33/36) 92%

Samples(17/18) + M(18/18) = Total(35/36) 97%
  1. 2018/6/13, 21:22:42 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  2.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen [trojan]'
  3.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(18).exe'.
  4.         Action performed: Delete file
  5.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  6. 2018/6/13, 21:22:35 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  7.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2 (Cloud) [TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2]'
  8.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(16).exe'.
  9.         Action performed: Delete file
  10.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  11. 2018/6/13, 21:22:16 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  12.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.4572c7 (Cloud) [DR/Delphi.4572c7]'
  13.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(15).exe'.
  14.         Action performed: Delete file
  15.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  16. 2018/6/13, 21:22:00 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  17.         The pattern of 'TR/Dropper.VB.d7889c (Cloud) [TR/Dropper.VB.d7889c]'
  18.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(14).exe'.
  19.         Action performed: Delete file
  20.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  21. 2018/6/13, 21:21:45 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  22.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.28177a (Cloud) [DR/Delphi.28177a]'
  23.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(13).exe'.
  24.         Action performed: Delete file
  25.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  26. 2018/6/13, 21:21:26 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  27.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.Gen [dropper]'
  28.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(12).exe'.
  29.         Action performed: Delete file
  30.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  31. 2018/6/13, 21:21:19 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  32.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.606e16 (Cloud) [TR/Crypt.ZPACK.606e16]'
  33.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(11).exe'.
  34.         Action performed: Delete file
  35.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  36. 2018/6/13, 21:21:04 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  37.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen [trojan]'
  38.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(10).exe'.
  39.         Action performed: Delete file
  40.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  41. 2018/6/13, 21:21:00 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  42.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen [trojan]'
  43.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(9).exe'.
  44.         Action performed: Delete file
  45.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  46. 2018/6/13, 21:20:56 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  47.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.Gen [dropper]'
  48.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(8).exe'.
  49.         Action performed: Delete file
  50.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  51. 2018/6/13, 21:20:52 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  52.         The pattern of 'TR/Injector.9c0b08 (Cloud) [TR/Injector.9c0b08]'
  53.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(7).exe'.
  54.         Action performed: Delete file
  55.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  56. 2018/6/13, 21:20:37 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  57.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen [trojan]'
  58.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(6).exe'.
  59.         Action performed: Delete file
  60.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  61. 2018/6/13, 21:20:34 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  62.         The pattern of 'DR/AutoIt.Gen8 [dropper]'
  63.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(5).exe'.
  64.         Action performed: Delete file
  65.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  66. 2018/6/13, 21:20:31 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  67.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.XPACK.b2e6e5 (Cloud) [TR/Crypt.XPACK.b2e6e5]'
  68.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(4).exe'.
  69.         Action performed: Delete file
  70.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  71. 2018/6/13, 21:19:34 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  72.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.Emotet.T (Cloud) [TR/AD.Emotet.T]'
  73.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(18).exe'.
  74.         Action performed: Delete file
  75.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  76. 2018/6/13, 21:19:29 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  77.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.4a53e2 (Cloud) [DR/Delphi.4a53e2]'
  78.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(17).exe'.
  79.         Action performed: Delete file
  80.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  81. 2018/6/13, 21:19:25 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  82.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.963f17 (Cloud) [TR/Crypt.ZPACK.963f17]'
  83.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(16).exe'.
  84.         Action performed: Delete file
  85.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  86. 2018/6/13, 21:19:20 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  87.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.498e51 (Cloud) [DR/Delphi.498e51]'
  88.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(15).exe'.
  89.         Action performed: Delete file
  90.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  91. 2018/6/13, 21:19:16 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  92.         The pattern of 'HEUR/AGEN.1004799 [heuristic]'
  93.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(14).exe'.
  94.         Action performed: Delete file
  95.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  96. 2018/6/13, 21:19:11 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  97.         The pattern of 'DR/Delphi.20a52c (Cloud) [DR/Delphi.20a52c]'
  98.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(13).exe'.
  99.         Action performed: Delete file
  100.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  101. 2018/6/13, 21:18:53 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  102.         The pattern of 'TR/Dldr.Delf.d8186c (Cloud) [TR/Dldr.Delf.d8186c]'
  103.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(12).exe'.
  104.         Action performed: Delete file
  105.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  106. 2018/6/13, 21:18:49 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  107.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.Inject.2f01ba (Cloud) [TR/AD.Inject.2f01ba]'
  108.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(11).exe'.
  109.         Action performed: Delete file
  110.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  111. 2018/6/13, 21:18:44 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  112.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.aea946 (Cloud) [TR/Crypt.ZPACK.aea946]'
  113.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(10).exe'.
  114.         Action performed: Delete file
  115.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  116. 2018/6/13, 21:18:38 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  117.         The pattern of 'TR/Dropper.VB.e00885 (Cloud) [TR/Dropper.VB.e00885]'
  118.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(9).exe'.
  119.         Action performed: Delete file
  120.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  121. 2018/6/13, 21:18:15 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  122.         The pattern of 'HEUR/APC (Cloud) [HEUR/APC]'
  123.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(8).exe'.
  124.         Action performed: Delete file
  125.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  126. 2018/6/13, 21:18:10 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  127.         The pattern of 'TR/Injector.a90ab2 (Cloud) [TR/Injector.a90ab2]'
  128.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(6).exe'.
  129.         Action performed: Delete file
  130.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  131. 2018/6/13, 21:17:48 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  132.         The pattern of 'DR/AutoIt.Gen8 [dropper]'
  133.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(5).exe'.
  134.         Action performed: Delete file
  135.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  136. 2018/6/13, 21:17:43 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  137.         The pattern of 'TR/Crypt.XPACK.ece2a8 (Cloud) [TR/Crypt.XPACK.ece2a8]'
  138.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(4).exe'.
  139.         Action performed: Delete file
  140.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  141. 2018/6/13, 21:17:05 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  142.         The pattern of 'TR/Injector.lyfmo [trojan]'
  143.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(3).exe'.
  144.         Action performed: Delete file
  145.         User SID: S-1-5-18

  146. 2018/6/13, 21:17:04 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  147.         The pattern of 'TR/Injector.lyfmo [trojan]'
  148.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(3).exe'.
  149.         Action performed: Delete file
  150.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  151. 2018/6/13, 21:17:04 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  152.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.RansomHeur.qqkfb [trojan]'
  153.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Modified Samples\(1).exe'.
  154.         Action performed: Delete file
  155.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  156. 2018/6/13, 21:17:03 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  157.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.Sagonaire.leqho [trojan]'
  158.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(7).exe'.
  159.         Action performed: Delete file
  160.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  161. 2018/6/13, 21:17:03 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  162.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.RansomHeur.qqkfb [trojan]'
  163.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(1).exe'.
  164.         Action performed: Delete file
  165.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  166. 2018/6/13, 21:17:02 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  167.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.Sagonaire.leqho [trojan]'
  168.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(7).exe'.
  169.         Action performed: Delete file
  170.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  171. 2018/6/13, 21:17:02 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  172.         The pattern of 'TR/Injector.lyfmo [trojan]'
  173.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(3).exe'.
  174.         Action performed: Delete file
  175.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  176. 2018/6/13, 21:17:02 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  177.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.RansomHeur.qqkfb [trojan]'
  178.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(1).exe'.
  179.         Action performed: Delete file
  180.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  181. 2018/6/13, 21:17:02 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  182.         The pattern of 'TR/Injector.lyfmo [trojan]'
  183.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(3).exe'.
  184.         Action performed: Delete file
  185.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001

  186. 2018/6/13, 21:17:01 [Real-Time Protection] Malware found
  187.         The pattern of 'TR/AD.RansomHeur.qqkfb [trojan]'
  188.         detected in file 'C:\Users\zhong\Downloads\Compressed\VIRUS TEST\PACKAGE 0613\Samples\(1).exe'.
  189.         Action performed: Delete file
  190.         User SID: S-1-5-21-3774652721-2607747548-2788097174-1001



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发表于 2018-6-13 21:15:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ELOHIM 于 2018-6-13 21:21 编辑

SCEP 06/13 21:19
s(8/18)+m(9/18)=t(17/36) 47.2%
发表于 2018-6-13 21:15:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 aboringman 于 2018-6-13 21:20 编辑

发表于 2018-6-13 21:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-6-13 21:21:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 2605276004x 于 2018-6-13 22:42 编辑


S【18/18】+M【17/18】=T【35/36】 97%
发表于 2018-6-13 21:22:56 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-13 21:26:22 | 显示全部楼层

2.exe 到底是啥

发表于 2018-6-13 21:28:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 2605276004x 于 2018-6-13 21:29 编辑
191196846 发表于 2018-6-13 21:26
2.exe 到底是啥


Kaspersky trojan-banker.win32.tinynuke.mf
发表于 2018-6-13 21:29:43 | 显示全部楼层
@,就一个.   期待你的测试
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