本帖最后由 歌德塔大蜘蛛 于 2018-6-15 10:10 编辑
An antivirus software that could stop 100% of threats of a given time doesn’t exist. It’s worth using additional anti-ransomware mechanisms or modules which allow to restore files after encryption process. Generally, these modules are an integral part of reputable security software. Even the Windows Defender comes with them. In the case of encrypting files, at least data in protected folders won’t be lost irrevocably. The more antivirus software has components which control the security of user’s work environment, the better. It isn’t worth to rely only on antivirus engine. Some software have difficulty detecting legitimate applications which are available as an official cryptocurrency software. The problem is that such applications are installed on the Windows system in an entirely illegitimate way because they are downloaded by a Trojan or a downloader. For protection against sophisticated threats, we recommend users to choose software with a firewall, an advanced threat control or an protection based on files white lists and a verification of running scripts in Windows system interpreters. 一种防病毒软件可以阻止100%的特定时间的威胁,这是不存在的