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[讨论] 微软释出新1809更新到 Insider 通道, 公布更新时删除用户文件的调查结果

发表于 2018-10-10 09:45:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
微软释出新的 Windows 10 October 2018 Update 到 Insider 通道,并公布有关 10 月 2 日推送更新导致“极少数”用户的文档、图片、视频等目录中的文件被删除的 Bug 的调查结果。详情参见这里
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-10 09:49:06 | 显示全部楼层
Prior to re-releasing the October 2018 Update our engineering investigation determined that a very small number of users lost files during the October 2018 Update.  This occurred if Known Folder Redirection (KFR) had been previously enabled, but files remain in the original “old” folder location vs being moved to the new, redirected location.  KFR is the process of redirecting the known folders of Windows including Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Screenshots, Videos, Camera Roll, etc. from the default folder location, c:\users\username\<folder name>, to a new folder location. In previous feedback from the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, users with KFR reported an extra, empty copy of Known Folders on their device.  Based on feedback from users, we introduced code in the October 2018 Update to remove these empty, duplicate known folders.  That change, combined with another change to the update construction sequence, resulted in the deletion of the original “old” folder locations and their content, leaving only the new “active” folder intact.   Accordingly, below are the issues we have identified and fixed:

Using KFR the user redirected a known folder to a different drive. For example, suppose you ran out of space on your C drive. You want to save some files separate from your primary folder, so you add another drive to your system for these.  You create “D:\documents” and change the location of the files known folder from the original “old” location c:\users\username\documents to D:\documents.  In some cases, if the contents of c:\users\username\documents were not moved to D:\documents, then a user could also encounter this issue.   When the October 2018 Update was installed the original “old” folder was deleted including the files in that folder (in this example c:\users\username\documents would be deleted; d:\documents, the new location, would be preserved).
The user configured one or more of their Known Folders (Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Screenshots, Videos, Camera Roll, etc.) to be redirected (KFR) to another folder on OneDrive.  For example, the user changed the location property of the documents folder from c:\users\username\documents to another folder.   During this process the system prompts the user and asks if they would like to move the files to the new location.  If the files were not moved and the October 2018 Update is installed the original “old” folder was deleted including the files in that folder.
The user used an early version of the OneDrive client and used the OneDrive settings to turn on the Auto save feature.  This feature turned on KFR for the Documents and/or Pictures folders based on the user’s choice but did not move the existing files from the original “old” location to the new location.  For example, if a user turned on Auto Save for pictures the location of the Pictures folder would be changed from c:\users\username\pictures to c:\users\username\onedrive\pictures, but no files would be moved.  The current version of this feature moves the files. If the files were not moved and the October 2018 Update was installed the original “old” folder was deleted including the files in that folder (in this example c:\users\username\pictures would be deleted; c:\users\username\onedrive\pictures, the new location, would be preserved).

在重新发布2018年10月更新之前,我们的工程调查确定,在2018年10月更新期间,极少数用户丢失了文件。如果先前已启用已知文件夹重定向(KFR),则会发生这种情况,但文件仍保留在原始“旧”文件夹位置中,而不是移动到新的重定向位置。 KFR是将Windows的已知文件夹(包括桌面,文档,图片,屏幕截图,视频,相机胶卷等)从默认文件夹位置c:\ users \ username \ <文件夹名称>重定向到新文件夹位置的过程。在之前的Windows 10年4月更新的反馈中,KFR用户在其设备上报告了一个额外的空文件已知文件夹。根据用户的反馈,我们在2018年10月更新中引入了代码,以删除这些空的,重复的已知文件夹。该更改与更新构造序列的另一个更改相结合,导致删除原始“旧”文件夹位置及其内容,仅保留新的“活动”文件夹。因此,以下是我们确定并修复的问题:

使用KFR,用户将已知文件夹重定向到其他驱动器。例如,假设C驱动器上的空间不足。您希望将一些文件与主文件夹分开保存,因此您需要为系统添加另一个驱动器。您创建“D:\ documents”并将文件已知文件夹的位置从原始“旧”位置c:\ users \ username \ documents更改为D:\ documents。在某些情况下,如果c:\ users \ username \ documents的内容未移至D:\ documents,则用户也可能遇到此问题。安装了2018年10月更新后,原始的“旧”文件夹被删除,包括该文件夹中的文件(在此示例中,c:\ users \ username \ documents将被删除; d:\ documents,新位置将被保留) 。
用户将一个或多个已知文件夹(桌面,文档,图片,屏幕截图,视频,相机胶卷等)配置为重定向(KFR)到OneDrive上的另一个文件夹。例如,用户将文档文件夹的location属性从c:\ users \ username \ documents更改为另一个文件夹。在此过程中,系统会提示用户并询问他们是否要将文件移动到新位置。如果文件未移动且安装了10月2018更新,则删除原始“旧”文件夹,包括该文件夹中的文件。
用户使用早期版本的OneDrive客户端,并使用OneDrive设置打开自动保存功能。此功能根据用户的选择为文档和/或图片文件夹打开KFR,但未将现有文件从原始“旧”位置移动到新位置。例如,如果用户为图片启用了“自动保存”,则“图片”文件夹的位置将从c:\ users \ username \ pictures更改为c:\ users \ username \ onedrive \ pictures,但不会移动任何文件。此功能的当前版本移动文件。如果文件未移动并且安装了10月2018更新,则删除原始“旧”文件夹,包括该文件夹中的文件(在此示例中,c:\ users \ username \ pictures将被删除; c:\ users \ username \ onedrive \ pictures,新的位置,将被保留)。
发表于 2018-10-10 17:02:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-10-10 17:17:31 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-10 17:49:24 | 显示全部楼层
茶cc 发表于 2018-10-10 17:17

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-10 17:57:25 | 显示全部楼层
claudgreen 发表于 2018-10-10 17:02


发表于 2018-10-10 18:43:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
峪飞鹰 发表于 2018-10-10 17:57
哈哈哈,这个应该是测试用例写的不全才导致没发现这个逻辑上的错误。不过主要还是Insiders的用户测试,没 ...

发表于 2018-10-10 20:42:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-10-11 00:14:28 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-11 09:32:33 | 显示全部楼层
hdx2016 发表于 2018-10-10 18:43
主要是Microsoft把Windows测试团队裁掉了太多人。我感觉这个就是因为盗版导致微软赚的钱不能和其他的企业 ...

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