本帖最后由 a1414007 于 2019-2-8 17:26 编辑
Release 17.6 beta 2 (4.10.1248):New features: - Some user interfaces have been implemented using Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2. If you don't have it installed, it will be automatically installed during installation or update from previous version.
- About dialog re-implemented with .NET as proof of concept.
Fixed Issues: - Protection Count View Switching Confusing (PBL-4581)
- Blockpage occasionally warns about ".W: PluginStateBlockPage::HandleHttpsScan: Unknown request type 5" (PBL-4566)
- Updated strings for Statistics are OK - but based on its 'length' there is concern. (SAFE_BUG-02694, PBL-4562)
- Localized "Time Limits" updated to "Device Use Limits" and trouble with "Administrator Rights Notification" is back. (SAFE_BUG-02691, PBL-4558)
- Troubles around Scanning (strange state with zipped scans AND dropped detections during certain timeframe). (SAFE_BUG-02689, PBL-4555)
- "Device use limits" change causes cut element in bg and ru (PBL-4552)
- Troubles around Scanning (strange state with zipped scans AND dropped detections during certain timeframe). (SAFE_BUG-02689, PBL-4551)
- Troubles around Scanning (strange state with zipped scans AND dropped detections during certain timeframe). (SAFE_BUG-02689, PBL-4550)
- ODS detected infections increment OAS detected infections counter (SAFE_BUG-02679, PBL-4543)
- Installation Failed on Win 10 (PBL-4541)
- No restart prompt when OneClient upgrade is waiting for restart (PBL-4540)
- Restart needed in Win7 after upgrade but no notification sent for user (PBL-4538)
- More Power Consumption (SAFE_BUG-02687, PBL-4537)
- Information Missing for Malware Detection (PBL-4526)
- Did not detect license any more (SAFE_BUG-02684, PBL-4524)
- User can hide (?) Help symbol under Main UI. (SAFE_BUG-02682, PBL-4518)
- LOC: Statistics Main UI (two). (SAFE_BUG-02680, PBL-4516)
- Banking session does not activate when entering site (PBL-4502)
- Setup flow cosmetic issue (PBL-4493)
- Banking dll crashing (PBL-4472)
- Memory leak in fs_ccf_ni_plg_banking_protection64 (PBL-4465)
- Browser extension tab visible in settings window when AV only (PBL-4443)
- Sometimes F-Secure Rating logo is bump up over the title of search result. (SAFE_BUG-02604, PBL-4367)
- S-Pankki authentication failures (SAFE_BUG-02577, PBL-4341)
一些用户界面用Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2,如果你没有安装,它将在你安装或者从旧版本升级时自动安装
拦截界面偶尔会警告关于:.W: PluginStateBlockPage::HandleHttpsScan: Unknown request type 5 (PBL-4566)
统计数据的更新字符串是正常的 - 但根据字符串长度存在问题(SAFE_BUG-02694,PBL-4562)
本地时间限制更新为设备使用限制,管理员权限警告的问题又重新出现 (SAFE_BUG-02691, PBL-4558)
关于扫描的问题(压缩扫描的奇怪状态和特定时间丢失检测)(SAFE_BUG-02689, PBL-4555)
设备使用限制的改变导致在俄语和保加利亚语界面元素分裂 (PBL-4552)
关于扫描的问题(压缩扫描的奇怪状态和特定时间丢失检测)(SAFE_BUG-02689, PBL-4551)
关于扫描的问题(压缩扫描的奇怪状态和特定时间丢失检测)(SAFE_BUG-02689, PBL-4550)
ODS检测到感染增加OAS检测到的感染计数器 (SAFE_BUG-02679, PBL-4543)
在win10下安装错误 (PBL-4541)
OneClient升级等待重启时没有重启提示 (PBL-4540)
在win7环境下升级后的重启需求没有能通知到用户 (PBL-4538)
更耗电 (SAFE_BUG-02687, PBL-4537)
在检测到恶意软件时通知丢失 (PBL-4526)
不再检测许可证 (SAFE_BUG-02684, PBL-4524)
用户可以在主界面隐藏帮助图标 (SAFE_BUG-02682, PBL-4518)
LOC:统计主UI(两个)(SAFE_BUG-02680, PBL-4516)
当进入相关网页银行会话并不激活 (PBL-4502)
安装流程美化问题 (PBL-4493)
银行dll崩溃 (PBL-4472)
fs_ccf_ni_plg_banking_protection64进程内存泄漏 (PBL-4465)
仅安装av时,浏览器扩展选项卡在设置窗口中可见 (PBL-4443)
有时F-Secure Rating的logo会碰到搜索结果的标题 (SAFE_BUG-02604, PBL-4367)
S-Pankki认证失败 (SAFE_BUG-02577, PBL-4341)