你那个帖子时间太久已经关闭没法更贴了,我这里重新整合了一下到3.x - 12.x版
Version (Hotfix)
05 August 2019
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Added support of Chrome 76 for web-filtering
− Vulnerabilities reported by Tenable https://www.tenable.com/security/research/tra-2019-34 CVE-2019-3969, CVE-2019-3970, CVE-2019-3971, CVE-2019-3972, CVE-2019-3973
− Crashes of cavwp.exe
Version (Hotfix)
09 July 2019
Comparing to previous release CIS
− This version will no longer updated on Windows XP and Windows Vista essentially making it the last supported version for those OSes. This is due to SHA1 deprecation. Future versions will also have a minimum system requirement on Windows 7 of Service Pack 1.
− Dumps of cmdinstall appear after installation on Windows 7
− WMI errors are present in Windows Event Log
− Number of unrecognized files in the CIS widget is not recalculated after system reboot
Version (Hotfix)
23 April 2019
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Added ability to remove vendors rated by Comodo from Vendor List
− The issue where system becomes unresponsive with specific viruscope settings
− The issue where non PE files cannot be submitted by 'Submit Files'
− The issue where user rating was not applied in 'Vendor List' for vendor with name starts with space
22 March 2019
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Full Microsoft Redstone 5 Support.
− Long path and case sensitive filenames support.
− ELAM protection.
− Extended Containment Rule "Created By" criteria with "Rating" attribute.
− Extended sanbox rules with a vendor as a criteria.
− Extended Vendor List with User rating.
− "Heuristic Command-Line Analysis" and "Embedded Code Detection" for scanning and monitoring of auto-run entries.
− Powershell_ise analysis support.
− Option to automatically scan plugged-in devices.
− Simplified installation.
− First network zone detection is performed in background.
− Widget is hidden by default but can be changed with an install setting available through the Options button.
− Updated AV engine.
− Overall performance and stability improvements.
− WDSC integration performance and stability improvements.
− Fixed extended OS boot time in some cases.
− Fixed defect where full scan fails in some rare cases.
− Unrecognized file does not launch in Sandbox second time after first viruscope detection.
− Defect where 'Cmdagent.exe' consumes 40-50 % CPU constantly in some cases.
− Rules for Website Filtering can't be added if all rules was deleted.
− Uninstall of CIS Premium is periodically failed.
− cmdagent.exe unexpectedly terminates in some rear cases.
− Defect where cmdagent.exe unexpectedly terminates after install CIS with Secure Shopping on XP.
− Sandboxed .bat scripts are displayed as cmd in active processes list.
− Containment resetting process takes a long time in some cases.
− Not able to play videos in Facebook inside sandboxed Opera.
− BSOD when playing Freeridesgames games
Version (Hotfix)
11 February 2019
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Defect where a false positive alert would show reporting chrome.exe was trying to modify chrome.exe settings.
09 January 2019
Comparing to previous release CIS
− High CPU utilization in some rare cases
31 October 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Defect where Comodo Internet Security failed to start on systems where Internet Explorer is not present.
− Defect where an abnormal termination occurred in Comodo Virtual Desktop on systems running Windows 10 RS5.
01 October 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Can't complete CSS installation from CIS
− HIPS ignores Unrecognized file rating
− All files from file list have 'Unrecognized rating' if date was changed
− CisTray.exe crashes with installed Comodo Firewall stand alone
26 June 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− This is version 11. Considering many stability and performance changes have gone into application since release of v10 and product overall test results have improved, we have classified it as v11. While we continue to work on major changes for v12 for 2019 release.
− GeekBuddy alert that used to pop-up on malware detection, is removed now.
− This release is HVCI compliant, the feature that is going to be enabled by default in Windows RS5 due in fall - 2018.
− This release aims to be Windows RS5 compliant, which is due in Fall-2018. It has some change needed by RS5, when you update from older versions, after you have updated, you will see another alert for 2nd update. So two pass update. Any update further on top of this won't require two updates. We have to go through this one time for technical reasons.
− Incompatibility with 'Sea of Thieves', 'State of Decay 2', 'Forza Horizon 3' and 'Age of Empires' games.
− A public bug 2355 was raised by moderators, where HIPS does not alert for actions when previously trusted rated application is changed to unrecognized
− Firefox compatibility issue in Sandbox.
− It has several crash fixes as well, as we found via crash reporting feature.
− It has updated Comodo Dragon v66, Comodo Secure Shopping(CSS) v142 and Internet Security Essentials(ISE) v152, both CSS and ISE have update related changes, where during update setup could take high CPU.
15 Mar 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Rating scan should be detecting untrusted certificates.
− In case you are updating Operating System from non-Windows10 Operating System to Windows10 OS, CIS will auto update drivers to Windows 10 compatible drivers without requiring user's intervention. Same will be done by updated Comodo Secure Shopping v1.3.442656.138.
− Updated Comodo Secure Shopping v1.3.442656.138 is compliant with HVCI feature.
21 Feb 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Added support for Japanese language
− New interpreter "regasm.exe" support has been added in command line analysis for file-less malware feature as suggested by Kağan IŞILDAK
− Several application crashes fixed as reported via crash reporting feature.
− In some cases Wireshark may have lost packets
− HIPS entry for blocked application could re-appear even if application is not blocked any more.
− Update of AV database could fail in case previous download was corrupted.
11 Jan 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Creates QualityCompat key as required by Microsoft Meltdown and Spectre patch KB4056892 upon installation and update, same was done in previous v6474 as well
− In some systems Comodo Firewall status in Windows Security Center could be found as "snoozed"
5 Jan 2018
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Now CIS creates system re-store point before installation and update
− Installation of Internet Security Essentials (ISE) is now optional, can be opt out from Components section
− GeekBuddy setup is completely removed. It was optional and not selected by default. If you don't have GeekBuddy installed and you access Live support, it will launch Geek Buddy chat window in default browser.
− "Manual Scan" scan profile now has heuristic option, de-selected by default, same like "Full Scan" profile.
− In Rating scan, when you see untrusted certificate listing, name will come from "Issued To" field of certificate rather "Friendly name" section. Trusted Root Certificate are listed by "Issued To" field and thus easier to find.
− Due to various incompatibilities, "Enhanced Protection Mode" is removed from HIPS settings
− Creates QualityCompat key as required by Microsoft patch KB4056892 upon installation and update
− Max file upload limit is now set to 128MB
− There are some client side changes to improve performance of back-end; as updates propagate we should see improvement in file submission
− Improved detection of untrusted certificates.
− Crash as seen while browsing www.bankia.es
− Error with Chinese Translation
− Sometimes unknown certificates could not be removed as found during Rating Scan.
− If you disable "check for database updates" option from "General Settings --> Updates" section, Trusted Vendor List update check will also not be made.
− There are multiple BSOD and crashes fixed as reported via Crash Reporting feature introduced in previous release.
24 Nov 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− RDP connection could not be made to PC with Firewall enabled
− Multiple alerts for crash report submission
− Diagnostics error for non-critical back-end services
10 Nov 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Installation over older version using online installer
− Imported custom list of websites was lost upon re-boot in Website Filtering module
− Right click scan was not updating AV databases before scanning files as defined by policy
− In Windows RS3 flavor, unknown installer could run inside Sandbox even though asked to run unlimited by user
31 Oct 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− AV component optional in offline installer; now you can install Firewall only as well.
− New option "Enable real time scanning of files on network" under "Settings-->Antivirus-->Realtime Scan" to improve performance for browsing network files.
− Crash Reporting
− Automatic Update Download and Installation in Critical Situations
− Right click scan to use Cloud (New 'Manual Scan' Profile)
− Protection against Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks. Introduction of Trusted Root Certificate scan as additional scan area in addition to scanning files.
− Cloud based website filtering with additional malware categories
− Auto-containment notification; allowing to unblock contained application
− "Unblock Applications" interface; allowing to unblock from respective blocked component or from all components
Windows RS3 Related:
− Status unavailable of Comodo in Windows Defender Security Center
− Firewall might not have shown network traffic upon update to Windows RS3, required system re-start
− Fully compliant to Cloud Files Feature introduced in Windows RS3
Other changes
− "Scan Exclusions" section has been moved from "Antivirus" section to under "Advanced Protection"
− "Detect shellcode injections Exclusions" present under "Settings --> Advanced Protection --> Miscellaneous" now renamed to "Disable shellcode injection detection for these applications"
Changes in Comodo Secure Shopping (CSS)
− CSS shortcut creation on Desktop
− Introduction of Welcome window upon first launch of CSS
− When secure website is defined, it will be auto launched in Secure Shopping environment, avoiding alert.
29 Aug 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Incompatibility with Edge browser in upcoming Windows RS3 update
− Incompatibility with MS Excel in certain scenarios
12 Jul 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Stability fixes with respect to HTTPS browsing in Edge browser
− Geek Buddy product is not selected by default for installation in Components section
6 Jul 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Additional http fallback entry in update URL in Windows 7
− Incompatibility with Microsoft Update KB4022716(OS Build 15063.447)
− Multiple entries related to cmdagent in error section of Windows Events
− Invalid entry in "Blocked by" column in Unblock application window
12 Jun 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Support AutoIT interpreter in heuristic command line analysis
− CIS GUI corruption on systems with dual-graphics
− PPPoE-connect is not etablishing when firewall driver is enabled
− Windows XP doesn't load fully with installed CIS
− Unable to use Comodo dragon for Secure shopping
− There are a lot of 'Error in checking url, hr = 0x8007139f" related to cmdagent in Windows Events
− Incorrect redirection of link ? in 'Advanced protection'
24 April 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Update “Pseudo File Downloaders” file group
− All trusted vendors except 'Comodo' and 'Microsoft' are absent after binary update from CIS 8.4 to CIS 10
− Cygwin fails at post-install scripts and apps like Dash, Bash become unresponsive / consume abnormal CPU usage.
− Corrupted names of network items at Ethernet Properties after CIS installation on Windows 10 1703
− Checkbox 'Do not show privilege elevation alert' is enabled after clean install
− Enable\disable 'Silent Mode' re-adds CIS desktop shortcut.
− 'COMODO Security Agent not be started' message appears after clean install on win7x64 and winXPx32
− FLS lookup fails in some cases
− Windows Firewall has disabled after CAV installation on Windows 7
− 'Run inside the Container' drop-down menu is available after disabled 'Detect programs which elevation privileges'
− Desktop icon is not renamed after downgrade
Version (Hotfix)
10 April 2017
− Trusted Vendor List could be reduced to fewer entries when updating from older CIS version to latest.
6 April 2017
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Differentiate settings for embedded code detection and heuristic command-line analysis
− Support Python interpreter in heuristic command line analysis
− BSOD during update between Winodws 10 Insider Preview builds
− BSOD after launched Opera in Sandbox
− Critical bypasses of Sanbdox
− Keyboard can be intercepted in Virtual Desktop
− Several apps crash caused by guard32/64.dll
− PowerShell scripts are not sandboxed
− Missed fileless malware
28 December 2016
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Offline Installers are ready to use: Offline components package is now ready to use with your web installers! If you have problems with Internet connection, you can now download offline component package one time and save it in the same folder with our web installers. You can now run web installer anytime and you will be able to finish the installation with the help of offline components package even if you don’t have internet connection.
− New Internet Security Essentials version with Windows 10 compatibility issues fixed
− Updated Internet Security package compatible with Windows 10 1607
− Updated Notification settings as integration with WSC for Windows 10
− Microsoft Edge crashes
− Files installed by trusted installers are added to file list as trusted when file rating setting is disabled
21 December 2016
Comparing to previous release CIS
− Brand New UI themes: Arcadia and Lycia : Simplicity and usability are the focus of this new theme
− Internet Security Essentials implemented in CIS Product Family
Real-time SSL certificate checker protects you from fake websites that try to steal your confidential information
− Sandbox rules origin new treating algorithm and improvements to file hash tracking.
− New Welcome Screens with informative videos implemented for each product type
− Comodo Firewall Advanced product : Firewall product now integrated with Geekbuddy
− Secure Shopping as a Free Feature on CIS 10
Connect to sensitive websites from inside a dedicated, security-hardened environment.
Key-logger prevention stops hackers from recording your keystrokes.
Built in antivirus blocks online viruses, worms and Trojans.
Takeover protection warns you if there is a remote connection to your computer
Prevents hackers and malware taking screenshots of your session
Blocks man-in-the-middle attacks by detecting fake SSL certificates
Run applications installed on your endpoint
Screenshot Protection
Process isolation hides sensitive personal data from other processes.
− Acronis Backup Cloud solution integration with CIS Complete
New 50 GB Cloud Back Up System Powered by Acronis
− Unblock Application Option on Main UI
− Purge button on File List
− Migration to Sciter 3
− Migration from ADS to central DB
− CIS Web Installers
− Additional Secure Shopping features.
− Wordings, icons, navigation, consistency, usability.
− Internal improvements to file hash tracking.
− Internal improvements to file rating system.
− Various bug fixes and tweaks.
Hundreds of bugs including BSODs and crashes.
Version 8.4.0. 5165
September 26, 2016
Windows 10 1607 support
UI and service crashes
Windows 10 1607 kernel drivers signature issue
July 11, 2016
- Comodo guard32.dll/guard64.dll causing stability issues with Mozilla Firefox 47.0
June 15, 2016
Extended "File Downloaders" file group :
"File Downloaders" file group has been extended with popular cloud clients such as GoogleDrive, OneDrive, DropBox, etc. !
Website Filtering browser signatures have become updatable:
We will update the browser signatures automatically once there is any update, so that there will be no problem on your Website Filtering experience !
- Yahoo! installation offer is not shown during CIS/CAV paid packages' updates anymore.
- 'Browser Protection' feature is enabled by default upon clean install
- Google Chrome and Internet Explorer crash upon closing when run in Sandbox
April 29, 2016
Browser Settings Protection
A feature that will make your browsing life easier!! You will be notified in case a software attempts to change your browser settings! It will be under your control whether to keep your settings or not.
Chrome v50 support in Web Site Filtering
BSOD Chromodo in Sandbox on Windows 10 x86
April 07, 2016
Seperation of CIS network settings and IE network settings: In previous releases CIS used IE proxy settings from SYSTEM account. Now these setting are ignored and only CIS setting will be used.
Vulnerability of CRC32 checksum of file SHA-1 hash: Additional verification added
Chromodo v48 doesn't work in Sandbox
March 22, 2016
New Home Page and Quick Search mechanism
New file group "Media Players" in Auto-Sandbox rules
Network is not available after update from Windows 7 to Windows 10 with CIS/CAV/CFW installed
Windows Firewall is not enabled after CIS uninstallation if PC is upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10
Website Filtering does not block web sites in Google Chrome 49
We would like to thank Tavis Ormandy of Google, for reporting the following issues and working with us to protect our users:
Antivirus engine libraries does not have ASLR enabled
PackMan unpacker insufficient parameter validation
LZMA Decoder Performs Insufficient Parameter Checks, Resulting in Heap Overflow
Integer Overflow Leading to Heap Overflow Parsing Composite Documents
Integer Overflow leading to Heap Overflow in MSVB API
Emulator can be bypassed to leak data and/or modify certain system settings by initiating a scan on a specially crafted PE file
Heap Overflow in LZX Decompression
Buffer Overflow handling PSUBUSB (Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation)
ACLs on Comodo's folder in %ProgramData% allow unauthorized users write access
We would like to thank Greg Linares of Cyberpoint SRT, for reporting the following issue and working with us to protect our users:
Chromodo_setup.exe can be injected DLLs from users' folder if cmdshim32.dll is missing from the installation of CIS/CAV/CFW
We would like to thank Stefan Kanthak, for reporting the following issue and working with us to protect our users:
DLL load ordering error allows CIS/CAV/CFW installers to load implanted DLLs from installer and application data folders
20 November 2015
− Compatibility issue with Windows 10 1511 (10586)
7 September 2015
− Compatibility with Google Chrome 45.x issue
6 August 2015
Live Support
− Support improvements for MSFT Windows 10 official release.
− Network firewall is not functioning properly after update from Windows 7 to Windows 10
− Cycle BSOD on Windows 10 x86 with CIS in proactive security
− Sandbox doesn’t support junction points
− Application that launched by 'LNK'-file is absent in File List
8 June 2015
What’s new
Installation-end Welcome Page
− After CIS installations you will be directed to a landing page where you will find the details of the product and the benefits of the features.
Live Support
− In case you need you will be able to open Geekbuddy chat window directly on malware found notification window.
We have addressed many issues reported by our users in this release. Here are a selected few:
− CIS Firewall doesn't recognize safe applications with short-format path (e.g. \progra~1\)
− Diagnostics failed after update windows from Win 8.1 to Win 10
− Chromodo UAC and update offer appear during CIS installation
− Malicious and unrecognized file does not run in Sandbox from VTRoot folder
− Sandbox does not block malicious launched from 'Quarantine'
− CIS/CES COM components keys should be removed from registry after installation
− Incorrect displaying name in 'FW Application Rules' after removing application via "IOBit Uninstaller"
− ASE is freezes after launch 'Purge' with empty rule
2 April 2015
What’s new
New File Rating list
− Possibility to define custom file rating in parallel with Comodo rating
− File Details dialog with Comodo information
New File Group
− Management and Productivity Applications
− File Age filter in Auto-Sandbox rules
− Active Processes List task in Tasks pane
− Option to switch off “Created By” and “Origin” sources tracking (ADS creation omitted)
New Alert Sound
− New Audio for alerts
Managing Viruscope state from main UI and Widget
Active Processes List task in Tasks pane
− New upgrade button option on UI
Multi-Language support
− Vietnamese language support
− Romanian language support
Supported OS
− Windows10 Tech Preview Support
Antivirus Engine
− RAR 5 archives support
− Unicode support to RAR5 module added
− Make CIS AV update process lighter on system resources & optimization merging of AV-bases
− Support new 7-zip version
We have addressed many issues reported by our users in this release. Here are a selected few:
− Wrong AV alert appears for sandboxed malware on Modern Theme
− Dividing line is absent in 'Sources' Tab in Sandbox rules in 'Modern Theme
− Incorrect icons in the window of Choose a Region in create new scan profile in Modern Theme
3 February 2015
What’s new
Chromodo Browser
− Replacement of Comodo Dragon with Chromodo browser
− Addition of PDF readers to Sandbox rules via File Group
Default Settings:
− Detect Potentially Unwanted Applications is enabled on default settings
Several critical bugs fixes. Here are a selected few:
− CMC server issues
− Sandbox cannot detect files from restrcited sites
− Some https links via chromium are blocked even they are not in block rule
− Enabling Enhanced Protection Mode resets Microsoft Office to Classic theme
11 December 2014
What’s new
New file group "File Archivers"
− Accessible in ASE -> File Rating -> File Groups
Updated Auto-Sandbox rule to sandbox
− "Run Virtual" files extracted from archives downloaded from Internet
Several critical bugs fixes. Here are a selected few:
− New Dragon crashes if CIS installed
− Accidental crash of cmdAgent service
− Trusted executable file can be replaced with Unknown executable file
− VT_ROOT is not deleted during Sandbox Reset after launch some malware
17 November 2014
What’s new
Policy based automatic-sandboxing:
− Ability to create automatic sandboxing rule based on various parameters such as file reputation, file origin, file source etc.
− New default auto-sandboxing policy which is fine-tuned to isolate risky unknown applications
Hardware virtualization support:
− When Intel VT-x or AMD SVM Virtualization extensions are available, Enhanced Protection Mode makes use of these technologies and CIS operates at hypervisor level
Extended Logging
− CIS can now send security and configuration events to Windows Event Logs
New UI theme
− "Flat Tile" theme with updated icons and colors for better look and feel
Viruscope Recognizer grid in ASE
− List of registered recognizers
− Possibility to manage each recognizer state, turn it ON and OFF
− Viruscope is now enabled by default, monitors more activities and works on sandboxed applications as well as not sandboxed ones.
− Viruscope performance is improved
User Interface
− The advanced settings window has been redesigned to provide a better layout
We have addressed many issues reported by our users in this release. Here are a selected few:
− Enabling Viruscope causes file sharing violations
− Killing certain malware can cause BSOD
− Certain keyloggers can sniff keyboard while sandboxed as partially limited
− Office 2013 documents downloaded from the Internet sometimes cannot be opened inside sandbox
− Microsoft Outlook cannot receive email inside sandbox
− Multiple issues exploited by malware to bypass certain protections
− Firewall blocks fragmented UDP traffic even if this option is disabled
− Incompatibility between Cisco Anyconnect Mobile VPN and COMODO Firewall
30 September 2014
What's new
Policy based automatic-sandboxing:
− Ability to create automatic sandboxing rule based on various parameters such as file reputation, file origin, file source etc.
− New default auto-sandboxing policy which is fine-tuned to isolate risky unknown applications
Hardware virtualization support:
− When Intel VT-x or AMD SVM Virtualization extensions are available, Enhanced Protection Mode makes use of these technologies and CIS operates at hypervisor level
CIS can now send security and configuration events to Windows Event Logs
− Viruscope is now enabled by default, monitors more activities and works on sandboxed applications as well as not sandboxed ones.
− Viruscope performance is improved
User Interface
− The advanced settings window has been redesigned to provide a better layout
We have addressed many issues reported by our users in this release. Here are a selected few:
− Enabling Viruscope causes file sharing violations
− Killing certain malware can cause BSOD
− Certain keyloggers can sniff keyboard while sandboxed as partially limited
− Office 2013 documents downloaded from the Internet sometimes cannot be opened inside sandbox
− Microsoft Outlook cannot receive email inside sandbox
− Multiple issues exploited by malware to bypass certain protections
− Firewall blocks fragmented UDP traffic even if this option is disabled
− Incompatibility between Cisco Anyconnect Mobile VPN and COMODO Firewall
Version 7.0.317799.414
17 April , 2014
Few Critical bugs are fixed in this release
Alerts are blocked while there pending notifications - This may cause some users to observe blocked Internet, delayed alerts or sometimes freezes
Downloaded documents could not be opened in sandboxed Office 2010
Windows 8.1 update sometimes fail if Viruscope is enabled
BSOD while manually uninstalling inspect.sys
Version 6.3.294583.2937
24 September , 2013
PrivDog - A browser plugin that enhances the browsing privacy, performance and security
Full Windows 8.1 Support
"Run Virtual" files extracted from archives downloaded from Internet
There are over 200 bug fixes in this release. Below are the selected few:
Chrome and Dragon v28 and later do not work in kiosk/sandbox
Malware bypasses HIPS and Sandbox while creating autorun entries
Crashes occur while quick scanning on some computers
Explorer hangs after CIS installation
Copy/Paste now works while entering licenses in the license management window
Version 6.2.285401.2860
12 July , 2013
Do not show this message again" does not work while updater is running
Version 6.2.282872.2847
20 June , 2013
Advanced View feature for home screen
Multi-selection functionality on various grids
Search button in all relevant grids
Support for "Fully Virtualized" auto-sandboxing
GUI performance while opening main dialogs
Support for keyboard and touch screen
Files from network shares cannot be added to trusted files
Various compatibility issues related to virtualization
Various issues associated with Comodo Cleaning Essentials
Version 6.1.276867.2813
28 April , 2013
Firewall slows down internet connection under some conditions
Memory leak when firewall blocks the packets
Antivirus does not detect some packed samples
Windows XP boots very slowly
Blank message boxes appear during program updates
Version 6.1.275152.2801
17 April , 2013
Drag n Drop support in rule editors
View Connections dialog which shows active connections without having to install Killswitch
Ability to exclude files while restoring from quarantine
There are over 200 bug fixes in this release. Below are the selected few:
cmdagent.exe consumes 100% CPU when the size of cache is big enough
Sandboxed Google Chrome does not open Web pages if CIS and Bitdefender installed
Matousec Fileacc1 test fails
Malware can load drivers under certain circumstances bypassing the protection
100% CPU consumption while running certain .jar files real-time
In Win8 x86, BSOD while scanning with CCE
Online videos don’t display correctly in kiosk Dragon when full screen
BSOD From Running Iobit Advanced SystemCare
Sandboxed malware causes BSOD
Version 6.0.264710.2708
30 January , 2013
Compatibility between some programs and sandbox/kiosk
Additional languages are now supported
Virtual Keyboard can be intercepted by certain key loggers
Advanced Settings Editor sometimes hangs
BSOD or Black Screen on Windows 8
Flash player plugin is erroneously auto-sandboxed
MSN Messenger can’t start IE if IE is configured to run in sandbox
CIS can’t run GB on Windows 8
Web Browsers can't connect to the Internet when running in SandboxIE
Files cannot be moved from unrecognized files to trusted files
Realtime scanner doesn’t scan certain archives
Cancel button sometimes doesn’t function in manage exceptions dialog
Incompatibility with Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch graphics tablet driver
'system' process is missing in running processes list
Java won't start if Firefox, Palemoon, Dragon is running Sandboxed
Comodo Firewall doesn't intercept HTTP packets for browser when installed Avast Free Antivirus
Version 6.0.260739.2674
19 December , 2012
THANKS! Comodo would like to thank the BETA testers and Comodo forum moderators, whose invaluable efforts made this release possible.
The desktop widget now has common tasks pane and status pane which shows # of sandboxed apps, unrecognized files etc.
Killswitch now shows the traffic per process by default (should be run as admin)
Maximize window support added to relevant dialogs such as advanced settings, Quarantined items windows etc.
Right click menu has been added to grids in relevant dialogs such as advanced settings
Sound effects are used in alert windows to grab users' attention
Log viewer has been redesigned to for CIS 6 theme
Offline virus database update functionality - Import Virus Database feature has been introduced
File submission and lookup operations have been introduced
Reboot reminder alert has been introduced to various places
Diagnostics download missing files from the Internet
Error log in updater is now accessible for more information
Web Browser Data Folders file group has been created so that it could be added to sandbox exceptions to preserve various browser data e.g. downloads, bookmarks, chrome apps etc (not added by default currently).
Configuration editor and virus scanning operations can now be performed in safe mode
Better keyboard support (press and hold ALT key to see options)
Non-blocking grids with progress (e.g. trusted files, submitted files etc.)
Trust connect integration reintroduced
Upgrade to paid products is now possible
Browse processes dialog has been improved
Verbose mode for HIPS alerts added to configuration list
Added an option to disable cache builder for antivirus
Help buttons added to all dialogs
Killswitch consumes too much CPU
Killswitch does not exit properly
Virtual Kiosk hangs in some computers
Submission status dialog is shown during cloud scanning
Browser home pages are changed to Yahoo after opting out
Kiosk does not fit VMWare screen
KillSwitch doesn't handle rating for processes which launched from network location
Ping command doesn't work inside sandbox
No 'Run in COMODO Sandbox' function in right-click menu before reboot
KillSwitch doesn't allow blocking files
Various fixes in Russian language translation
CLT.exe running as 'Sandboxed application' is not placed in the list 'Show only Sandboxed Processes'
cmdagent constantly accesses disk
Behavior Blocker does not intercept some COM related operations for autosandboxed apps such as PCFlank leak test
Windows 8 black screen of death on some computers
Computer freezes after resetting sandbox
Sandboxed bittorent doesn't function properly
Sandboxed IE cannot browse certain web pages with flash support
Sandboxed browsers leak memory on some flash based web sites
Cannot sandbox Dragon/Chrome if an instance is already running
Password protection doesn't work in UI and Kiosk
Firewall creates popup alerts in Game mode
It is not possible to set Chrome/Dragon as default browser when they run in sandbox
CIS consumes too much CPU while applying actions in scan windows
Smart screen window closes automatically in Kiosk on Windows 8
HIPS does NOT stop screen capturing/keylogging when unknown apps run outside the sandbox
CIS can't be started if cmdagent is disabled
Web Browser option is missing in firewall alerts
CIS alerts for shell32.dll after hibernation
CIS shows undefined popup alert
BSOD while running backup with shadowprotect
AV alert freezes while applying some actions or being shown
BSOD in kiosk during firefox update
Firewall creates alerts with random process names for IGMP
Version 5.10.228257.2253
12 March, 2012
Compatibility with other security suites is improved in Windows 7 x64
BSOD when corrupted executables are loaded in memory in Windows 7 x64
HIPS can leak process handles with a special set of access rights
Smart scan crashes under certain circumstances
Version 5.9.221665.2197
23 January, 2012
Bug causing failed detections on stateful mode on non-NTFS volumes
Version 5.9.219863.2196
19 December, 2011
Seamless Trustconnect integration: CIS now detects unsecured wireless connections and lets you use your trust connect account seamlessly
Smart Scan: We have introduced one of the smartest quick scans in the world based on COMODO Autorun Analyzer Technology.
Malware deletion: Some files were not able to be deleted by CIS even after reboot
We have moved some of the settings in from More->Preferences to their relevant sections in Firewall Settings etc.
Dragon is included with CIS setup(Optional like GB)
CAV causes some applications e.g. Nero to load too late
Version 5.8.213334.2131
20 October, 2011
Simplified installation experience
Seamless integration with COMODO ESM 2.0 Business Edition
Enhanced protection mode: Defense+ is now stronger in 64 bit operating systems
New options for popup alerts and antivirus alerts
Look and feel
Resource consumption and performance
Firewall does not work properly on Bluetooth PAN adapters
Antivirus crashes on files that reside on bad sectors
Various race conditions exploited by malware to evade Defense+
CMC is not show properly
Startup folders are not configured for all users
Version 5.8.211697.2124
11 October, 2011
Simplified installation experience
Seamless integration with COMODO ESM 2.0 Business Edition
Enhanced protection mode: Defense+ is now stronger in 64 bit operating systems
New options for popup alerts and antivirus alerts
Look and feel
Resource consumption and performance
Firewall does not work properly on Bluetooth PAN adapters
Antivirus crashes on files that reside on bad sectors
Various race conditions exploited by malware to evade Defense+
Version 5.5.195786.1383
4 July, 2011
WEB installer now supports more reliable installation experience e.g. support for resuming broken downloads
Program updater now uses a new updating mechanism which reduces the update size significantly
Minor GUI fixes and corrections
Various incompatibilities between BO defense and various applications(e.g. games, windows applications etc.)
License manager does not work properly when system time is modified
Various crashes related to the antivirus engine
Version 5.4.189822.1355
10 May, 2011
Installation experience on Windows 7 and later
Realtime performance impact to the daily PC operations should be lower in this version
HIPS doesn't block some actions that can be used by malware
HIPS doesn't block modifications to the protected files under certain conditions
Firewall sometimes blocks safe applications such as MSN messenger, Skype
Some installers crash when CIS is installed
Firewall does not detect MAC Spoofing although "Protect the ARP Cache" option is selected
Firewall causes high DPC latency under certain conditions
Antivirus crashes while scanning specially crafted .PST files
Antivirus crashes after or during virus database updates
Version 5.3.181415.1237
01 March, 2011
Default maximum file size to be scanned has been changed from 20 MB to 40 MB
Version 5.3.176757.1236
18 January, 2011
CMC message is persistently shown although users close the dialog
Version 5.3.175888.1227
12 January, 2011
Full IPv6 Support in firewall
Rootkit Scanner - Hidden registry keys, files and folders are detected
5 skins from COMODO, including a native windows skin
CIS causes unnecessary DNS queries and update checks
AV does not properly validate the revocation status of the SOME certificates
AV scanning freezes if rootkit scanning is enabled
FW shows too many listening connections
AV scanning crashes on some compressed files
CIS causes massive amount of entries in windows security audit logs
AV does not validate the revocation status of the certificates in signed binaries
BSOD in cmderd.sys
AV database updating - Virus DB size reduced significantly
AV engine - fixed some bugs and added new detection mechanisms
Cloud scanning is enabled by default in manual scanner now
Installer - It now enables/disables windows firewall/defender during the installation/uninstallation
Version 5.3.174622.1216
29 December, 2010
Full IPv6 Support in firewall
Rootkit Scanner - Hidden registry keys, files and folders are detected
5 skins from COMODO, including a native windows skin
CIS causes massive amount of entries in windows security audit logs
AV does not validate the revocation status of the certificates in signed binaries
BSOD in cmderd.sys
AV database updating - Virus DB size reduced significantly
AV engine - fixed some bugs and added new detection mechanisms
Cloud scanning is enabled by default in manual scanner now
Installer - It now enables/disables windows firewall/defender during the installation/uninstallation
Version 5.0.163652.1142
11 November, 2010
60-day GeekBuddy free trial with no obligation, credit card or strings attached
THANKS! Comodo thanks its beta testers whose feedback made this release possible
Spyware Scanner detects and cleans malware infections in PC registry and disks
Cloud based Antivirus detects malicious file even if virus definitions not up-to-date
Cloud based Behavior Analysis system can detect zero-day malware INSTANTLY
Cloud based Whitelisting of trusted publisher easily identifies a safe file and vendor
Game Mode to suppress alerts, updates and scans from interfering with gaming
Heuristic detection identifies real file behind requests of “interpreter” applications
Application Control for users to restrict execution to known good applications only
Windows Compatibility from new Sandbox default application isolation level
Application Compatibility with easily identified safe files and trusted vendors
User Interface with new status allows instant user action to reported events
Version 4.1.150349.920
9 June, 2010
Sandbox button in elevated privilege alerts: Privilege elevation alerts now include a sandbox button to run installers in limited mode.
Default security policy is modified so that outbound firewall connection alerts are shown for the unknown applications.
Online Lookup: Defense+ now checks the applications online in real-time before automatically sandboxing them.
Incompatibility problems with many applications(e.g. HD Speed, Autocad etc)
Already submitted files can be submitted again under certain conditions
Defense+ does not show protected registry key modification alerts for sandbox applications in Windows XP 64
Windows System Restoration fails because of file sfi.dat
Cfp.exe freezes while showing real-time virus detection dialog
Antivirus crashes while scanning certain files
Version 4.0.141842.828
12 April, 2010
Standalone installers in addition to the web based installer
CIS is now available in 16 languages
ARP spoofing protection does not protect against certain attacks
Automatically sandboxed applications can modify existing protected files under certain conditions
Proxy authentication in updater settings does not work
Version 4.0.138377.779
24 March, 2010
Defense+ registry protection misses some keys in Classes root hive
Cfp.exe crashes while showing realtime virus detection alerts under certain conditions
Cfp.exe sometimes shows wrong sandboxed process notifications
Sandboxed IE8 can not save bookmarks
Some virtualized programs do not read/write registry keys properly
Some sandboxed applications do not disappear in active process list
CIS4 does not handle RDP session switching properly
Firewall rules can not be deleted under certain conditions
Version 4.0 : 03
March, 2010
What is new in COMODO Internet Security 4.0.x?
THANKS! COMODO would like to thank all of the BETA testers who voluntarily joined the beta testing program and provided the feedback about the product.
Seamless livePCsupport Integration
This version has a built-in Live Support for getting instant help from the experts for any type of problems.
New User Interface Theme
A new user interface theme has been introduced with this version.
New Web Based Installer
Now, there is a single setup file which downloads and installs the required products according to operating system the computer has. The product installers are created with Microsoft Windows Installer for native installation/uninstallation support.
Integrated Sandbox
Proactive Defense i.e. Defense+ now includes a built-in sandbox which combines file system/registry virtualization and least-privileged user account principle in order to combat with unknown malware.
Default Deny Protection
Defense+ now automatically sandboxes all unknown applications/executables until they are analyzed.
Significantly fewer number of popup alerts
Defense+, with the help of new sandboxing technologies, has a more powerful default security policy while having significantly fewer number of alerts compared to previous versions.
Also in this version, Defense+ and Firewall, by default, do not create automatic rules for already known safe applications.
Popup alerts layout
The new popup alerts now include additional options which allow the users to take COMODO Time Machine snapshots or set Windows system restore points, submit suspicious files for immediate analysis.
Antivirus Engine
Antivirus engine is improved for better detection and cleaning. The new engine now has disinfection support for the infected files.
A new command line virus scanner (cavscan.exe) has been introduced in order to address the need for scanning the computers in windows safe mode or scanning files transferred from MSN etc.
Version 3.14.130099.587
1 February, 2010
Defense+ File Protection can be bypassed under certain scenarios
Threatcast registration fails in some 64 bit operating systems
AV does not update the virus database properly under certain circumstances
Version 3.13.125662.579
28th December, 2009
AV engine was integrated
Version 3.13.121240.574
25th November, 2009
AV engine now includes more advanced detection techniques
Windows XP 64 registry protection has been hardened
Defense+ does not handle object names properly (Reported by our forum member wj32)
Defense+ does not protect against registry key ACL modifications (Reported by our forum member wj32)
Version 3.12.111745.560
18th September, 2009
Removed some of the reasons that make AV to report false positives
Addressed some bugs that cause intermittent crashes of the GUI and the helper service
CIS causes high DPC latency after prolonged time of network heavy traffic
Version 3.11.108364.552
25th August, 2009
Memory scanner now includes more advanced techniques to detect viruses in memory;
AV consumes huge memory while scanning some compressed files;
AV reports incorrent archive names under some circumstances;
AV causes freezes in 64 bit operating systems under certain circumstances;
AV crashes while scanning certain packed files;
Sometimes windows updates can not be installed while CIS is installed.
Version 3.10.102363.531
7th July, 2009
COMODO Secure DNS is introduced as a new free service;
COMODO HopSurf Toolbar - COMODO SafeSurf Toolbar has been discontinued and superseded by COMODO HopSurf Toolbar;
CIS now allows the users to change the URL for the program and virus updates;
CIS now has a better support for Windows Security Center integration in Windows Vista SP1 and later;
AV engine now supports more archives and has better detection capabilities;
Direct disk access false alerts have been reduced;
Some applications do not run when CIS is installed in Vista 64 bit;
Antivirus scans excluded folders;
Firewall does not show some connections under high load;
Firewall sometimes causes the PC to freeze in windows XP 32;
cfp.exe crashes when HIPS alerts timeout;
Version 3.10.102363.531
7th July, 2009
THANKS! Comodo would like to thank the BETA testers and the translators, whose invaluable efforts made this release possible.
Multilingual Support: CIS now supports other languages;
Stateful File Inspection for Realtime Virus Scanner;
Integrated In Memory Virus Scanner (i.e. Integrated BOClean);
LivePCSupport is provided as a 30 Day Trial;
Default popup layout changed to the basic layout in order to encourage the use of it;
Stronger Defense+ protection: New types of defenses are added e.g. Clipboard logging, Keyboard input blocking etc.;
Keyboard and Screen access alerts are improved and number of false positives are reduced;
Stronger Defense+ protection while the Windows is Booting/Shutting down;
Stronger Default Firewall policy in order to better hide from attackers (Thanks to feedback from our forum moderator Ronny);
Configuration Management window is changed;
Submission functionality for the Quarantined items added;
Avntivirus heuristics does not detect some files properly;
Defense+ BO protection incompatible with Spy Sweeper virus scanner;
CIS does not validate digital certificates properly;
CIS blocks some application from being executed;
BSOD while CIS is being uninstalled;
CIS does not detect some types of shellcodes upon a BO attack;
CIS erroneously reports buffer overflow attacks for some applications under certain circumstances;
CIS does not scan specially created RAR files properly (http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/34737, first reported by Thierry Zoller);
CIS creates duplicate file name entries for some protected file access alerts;
Right click scanner reports "Antivirus Engine is not initialized"
Threatcast registration does not work properly (This bug caused some users unable to see TC statistics);
CIS occasionally crashes while submitting the files;
CIS firewall drivers sometimes cannot be restored by the diagnostics utility;
CIS did not scan NTFS streams during manual scanning;
Windows Logon Screen is shown when CIS is installed under certain circumstances (Windows created a password bug).
Version 3.8.65951.477
26th Feb, 2009
Applications do not run when CIS is installed in Vista 64;
BSOD in Windows XP 64 when NWLink protocol is installed;
Defense+ conflicts with certain security applications;
Firewall does not filter traffic on some dialup/adsl adapters;
AV crashes while scanning certain files;
AV Exclusions do not work.
Version 3.8.64739.471
19th Feb, 2009
AV engine crashes while scanning some files;
Firewall blocks all the traffic in some vista PCs when checksum verification is enabled;
Some applications consume 100% CPU while CIS is installed.
Version 3.8.64263.468
12th Feb, 2009
COMODO Threatcast - COMODO's community based alerts statistics;
Native Vista Firewall - Improved Firewall with Windows Vista enhancements;
Native Vista HIPS - Improved HIPS compatible with Windows Vista enhancements;
Buffer Overflow Prevention - Defense+ can now detect and prevent one of the most common attacks used by attackers: shellcode injection;
Antivirus Heuristics: The Antivirus engine now includes heuristics scanning capabilities;
Proxy server settings for AV and program updates;
Trusted software vendor list is expanded, capable of detecting thousands of applications generically without any signatures;
Revised AV engine - AV engine scanning and updating speed increased significantly;
File submission engine has been redesigned.
Version 3.5.57173.439
3rd Dec, 2008
Defense+ does not prevent process access in memory;
Defense+ does not properly protect some processes in Windows XP 64-bit;
Signed executables could not be recognized in 64 bit operating systems;
AV updates does not work in Windows Vista under certain circumstances;
Windows security center still reports CIS after un-installation;
Cmdagent.exe crashes while being uninstalled in Windows Vista/XP 64-bit.
Version 3.5.55810.432
18th Nov, 2008
IMPROVED ! AV scanning takes long time while scanning certain files.
AV updating does not use internet explorer proxy settings;
Defense+ does not protect WOW3264 registry keys;
Defense+ reports truncated function name for some hooks;
Cmdagent.exe consumes 100% memory when firefox.exe is run;
Windows gives unsigned driver alert while installing CIS firewall drivers;
Version 3.5.54375.427
29th Oct, 2008
CFP.exe checks for subscription status every time it is started;
CFP.exe crashes when filename is clicked on popup windows.
Version 3.5.53896.424
23rd Oct, 2008
COMODO Internet Security: Seamlessly integrated Firewall, Antivirus and HIPS products;
System Resource Usage is improved;
Default security policies are optimized to protect new COM interfaces/registry keys/files;
Summary section now has links to appropriate sections;
Wrong application name is detected by firewall;
Firewall blocks fragmented packets even if it is disabled;
There are many small fixes/improvements addressed in this release.
Version 3.5.53896.424
23rd Oct, 2008
COMODO Internet Security: Seamlessly integrated Firewall, Antivirus and HIPS products;
System Resource Usage is improved;
Default security policies are optimized to protect new COM interfaces/registry keys/files;
Summary section now has links to appropriate sections;
Wrong application name is detected by firewall;
Firewall blocks fragmented packets even if it is disabled;
There are many small fixes/improvements addressed in this release.
24th May, 2008
COMODO Firewall activation fails under some circumstances.
22nd May, 2008
COMODO SafeSurf Toolbar built on COMODO Memory Firewall technology;
Clean PC Mode and Safe Mode: Improvements that lead to small number of alerts and pending files;
Default Security policy so that Windows Updates do not lead to significant alerts.
COMODO Firewall does not add files from network shares to pending list;
COMODO Firewall does not log incoming ICMP packets properly;
COMODO Firewall blocks everything when password protection is OFF and suppress options are ON;
COMODO Firewall does not terminate active connections properly;
COMODO Firewall firewall driver can not be installed properly in Vista operating systems;
COMODO Firewall can be terminated when Windows XP is being shutdown;
COMODO Firewall GUI does not appear properly on Windows Vista operating systems;
COMODO Firewall GUI can truncate texts in 120 DPI;
COMODO Firewall does not handle long filename properly;
COMODO Firewall does not update the version correctly after being updated;
COMODO Firewall crashes on exit;
COMODO Firewall can cause BSODs when gameprotect rootkit triggers its self defense;
COMODO Firewall can not verify digital signatures;
Small problems in GUI;
18th April, 2008
Reduced false positives for D+ keyboard access alerts;
Removed false positives for D+ service control manager access for XP computers;
Increased D+ ability to protect itself from already installed rootkits.
BUG causing D+ to allow file modification attempts although it is blocked under some circumstances;
27th March, 2008
CFP.exe could be terminated using EndTask API;
When the firewall alerts were disabled, all the traffic was blocked.
Slow network performance under certain circumstances.
Bugs in D+ affecting CFP's ability to handle some events properly;
CFP freezes the computer in certain cases of network traffic;
CFP GUI slows down when some other software is installed;
CFP GUI fails to start when resource extraction fails;
IMPROVED! The default configuration has been updated to protect more resources.
The default configuration has been updated to protect more resources.
Import functionality does not work correctly;
Logging does not work for "Allow" rules;
Duplicate entries are created for some applications with 8.3 path names
Logoff/Login stops the functionality of some applications;
Uninstaller does not work as expected.
Exceptions could not be added in protections window;
Ask rules do not work in firewall rules when there is an allow/block rule in the policy;
Windows Vista D+ protection was not properly working for pseudo-COM interfaces (e.g. DNS resolver or service control manager access);
Updates are going to provide configuration migration wizard to make the old configurations compatible with the new one;
Windows Vista virus scanner does not run;
Anti-Leak Configuration:
- A new default configuration is introduced to make D+ show fewer number of popup alerts while still remaining leak proof.
On-Demand Virus Scanning:
- CFP now provides an option to scan for viruses during the installation and from its graphical user interface.
A-VSMART Warranty Program:
- CFP now provides the users an option to enroll one of the available A-VSMART Warranty programs.
- There has been various reports that CFP 3.0 is attacked by some malware to disable its protection.
The self defense has been modified such that an ungraceful termination of CFP will block every unknown action (i.e. it will function as if "Block all unknown actions if the application is closed" option is selected. This option was not enabled by default).
Default Configuration:
- Default configuration now protects more registry keys and more COM interfaces.
- Default Web Browser and FTP Client policies are modified to support passive FTP requests
Handling of known code executing applications:
- Defense+ has been modified such that some known code executing programs such as rundll32.exe or windows scripting host are not automatically trusted anymore.
Pending Files:
- Defense+ has been modified such that it is not going to report any pending files if it is not in clean PC mode.
Bugs in Defense+ Engine:
- Fixed numerous bugs that could stop Defense+ to properly handle the suspicious actions(e.g.bugs in registry and file protection, key logging etc).
- Fixed the bug that could prevent CFP from functioning properly in certain types of hardware configurations(e.g. when a USB harddisk is present etc.).
Minor Bugs in the Graphical User Interface
the bug causing Windows Updates to fail in Windows Vista;
the bug causing Windows to show "Access Denied" message while deleting a folder.
VPN Clients can now connect to VPN servers;
cmdagent.exe no longer consumes 100% CPU;
System reboot no longer takes too long when CFP is installed with some other security software, e.g. avast!;
CFP can now find the application behind a connection (for example Kaspersky web scanner);
"System Idle Process" is now changed to "Windows Operating System" to describe application less traffic (So no more "System Idle Process" in CFP);
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS): CFP is now compatible with ICS servers (users will be required to answer some popup alerts);
System performance has been improved;
Defense+ no longer allows some applications to modify a protected file if it is not allowed;
Eliminated 8.3 path conversion and its associated duplicate entries/not remembering my answer problems (e.g. for BOClean or AVG);
If CFP.exe is active, trying to rerun cfp.exe will activate the currently active CFP.exe instance now;
Accidental BLOCK/ALLOW for image execution popups are NOT remembered through out the application life time anymore (This means if an application is blocked/allowed from being executed without remembering, it will be asked again);
Default global rules for NON-P2P mode has now been changed to allow various incoming ICMP messages that affects windows updates and trace routing applications;
New application signature database has been introduced; the size and format has been significantly changed to prevent false alerts from some AV programs;
Crashes while opening help file from the GUI links have been eliminated;
Crashes related to password protection dialog have also been eliminated;
Introduced the defense against a new keylogging technique. |