最近使用某些“工具”尝试把自己KTS的激活码导入PLUS总是提示失败,查了论坛才发现亏大了 重点已经加粗加大了... 首先是Danila.a给出的新产品升级时间 见图片12022年第3/4季度到2023年第一季度……..但愿这次少一些bug 其次于8月10日Floodand Flood's wife提到的关于KTS升级描述 1.Iunderstand when you say that switching from KTS to Kaspersky Plus is notfree. 2.I useKTS, to make the change to PLUS, I just buy the serial for PLUS and put it inmy KTS that automatically Update the Product to the new generation? 3.Or willI have to uninstall, download a new product and install it and have all thework that will take that I have on computers? Thankyou for posting back! 1.Correct,changing from KTS to any of Kaspersky's new generation software is not free😞 2.No,read: Installing over other Kasperskyapplications - specifically: When you install the newapplication, previously installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky InternetSecurity, Kaspersky Security Cloud, Kaspersky Total Security applications areremoved. The license of a removed application can be used for the new Kasperskyapplication, with the exception of the Kaspersky Total Security license. The settings of removedapplications are kept. Personally,for KTS changeover, we think it's better to do the following: 💥Remember, the activation of the newgeneration software: Basic, Standard, Plus, starts as soon as you pay forit, even if you don't install it at the same time as you pay for it; whatdoes that mean? The "days" count, starts on the day you payfor the subscription, not the software install date💥 Thankyou🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
换成人话:得加钱。。。。%¥……%*¥……%&¥……¥#@$@ 最近愿意等待PLUS套餐的,可以购入印度版Kaspersky Security Cloud(或者阿根廷等... 价格算下来比365便宜,还有信用卡各种返现活动,如何购买激活参看以前的大佬,不多讨论 对应关系如下 见图片2
https://forum.kaspersky.com/topi ... ium-info-faq-22816/
https://support.kaspersky.com/he ... .7/en-US/152975.htm