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[资讯] 请自己做反病毒产品的比较-熊猫向AV-Comparatives开炮

发表于 2008-3-31 15:48:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式









[ 本帖最后由 aerbeisi 于 2008-3-31 20:24 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-3-31 20:50:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 21:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 21:18:22 | 显示全部楼层
Rants of an immature AV company

On 27 March Panda published in its blog a post commenting about AV-Comparative´s fees.

Panda has acted in a very immoral way publishing that information because they knew it was confidential. Their excuse is that they got the information from a different source.

Is ethical to publish something you know it´s confidential just because you are not the source of the information and you´re just repeating something you heard or readed from other source?

I could give details about why there were excluded from several tests, what kind of people they have working in their company or how in the past they conspired to bias comparatives and get better results. But I´ll not do that because if they don´t mind having no ethic I do.

So what´s the reason to publish confidential information on purpose? The answer is simple. They are not happy with the results they scored in the test AV-Comparatives did for ProtectStar (where Panda scored 85,5%). Therefore now they pretend to discredit tests results commenting about the fees and other silly questions. Again this doesn´t talk well about Panda´s behaviour because in the past when they scored good they didn´t discredit our tests but when results are not satisfactories they attack our tests and recommend other tests. About this: Panda wrote initially in their blog: “For magazines and other reviewers, we recommend you take a look at tests run by true knowledgeable professionals such as AV-Test.org.” But they have changed the text and removed that part. Why the change? Very suspicious.

This change of attitude in Panda about our tests talks good enough about the independence of them. We can not be influenced to get better results and obviously fees have nothing to do with the scores.

The fee information has been manipulated and twisted to give the wrong idea that results may depend of them. That´s totally false. Fees were introduced for several reasons like buying components that can be used to make more and better tests or being able to offer better services to the companies being tested.

There is nothing wrong about fees. Other professional testers are also charging to companies for the different services they offer and I didn´t hear anything against that.

Why is Panda so hypocritical to critice AV-Comparatives´ fees but they don´t do the same with AV-Test.org´s fees, the testers they recommend? Well, I rectify… they recommended.

They also critice that companies pay different fees. What kind of stupid argument is it? Do they charge the same to their customers for Panda Antivirus 2008 than Panda Antivirus + FireWall 2008? No, they don´t. Then what´s the point criticing AV-Comparatives for having different fees for the different offered services? Stupid, really stupid argument.

Some more pearls from their blog:

“it does not make sense to test malware that died 15 years ago.” How´s possible they critice our tests and the samples we use if they are not being included in our annual tests and therefore they don´t know what samples we are using nowadays?

“Long time ago we decided not to participate in AV-Comparatives tests”. False! They were excluded (banned) from AV-Comparatives´ tests for reasons that remained and will remain confidential. But if Panda insists saying they were who decided about the participation maybe some mails will have to see the light to proof who´s telling the truth and who doesn´t.

It´s difficult not laugh reading their arguments because they sound like a 5 years old boy with a fit of temper. They should grow up and accept results in the good and in the bad times as other companies do.

Advise for magazines and readers: From AV-Comparatives we recommend to do not put too much faith in what some vendor says, considering that they are trying to sell you something, sometimes using dubious business practices. We always recommend to look at various antivirus test results sources, not only ours or from a third party.
This way you will have more options to compare and form your own opinion.
发表于 2008-3-31 21:33:46 | 显示全部楼层
They also critice that companies pay different fees. What kind of stupid argument is it? Do they charge the same to their customers for Panda Antivirus 2008 than Panda Antivirus + FireWall 2008? No, they don´t. Then what´s the point criticing AV-Comparatives for having different fees for the different offered services? Stupid, really stupid argument.

发表于 2008-3-31 21:58:56 | 显示全部楼层

回复 5楼 袋鼠吱吱 的帖子

拜托  他说的是services   offered     只是用panda的product来做类比
发表于 2008-3-31 22:03:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复 6楼 kasper 的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-31 22:37:51 | 显示全部楼层


command antivirus一些老毒友知道,不过现在公司改名叫Authentium了,是一家美国公司。用的是F-PROT的引擎。因为冰岛的军事防务都是美国人负责的,所以跟美国关系不错,可以理解。




我也碰到过Andreas Clementi(本人语:此人为AV Comparatives建立者和协调者)几次。

我在这里再次重申不是所有的被任命的测试者是公平的。我可以说出许多我的观点关于AV Comparatives,但是我不会直说。就让我们说说AV Comparatives从来都没有测试Authentium的软件将来也不会。


好像AV Comparatives一些理智的人已经占据主导并且从AV Comparatives移除了这篇文章。


我在这篇文章有些挑衅性的反AV Comparatives言论在里面,实际上本意我是不想发这篇文章的。
The EQs
发表于 2008-3-31 22:46:12 | 显示全部楼层
Recently, a consortium of AV vendors has established non-profit organization that will define testing standards. I am for any cooperation that makes sense for clients and vendors. Tests need to be replicable and should help the vendors make better products.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-31 22:48:29 | 显示全部楼层
我个人是比较认同AV Comparatives这个测试的,但发生了这个插曲。


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