该帖子中说ESET的TDT引擎在12月初更新版本,但是当时我也不清楚具体更新了什么内容,只是知道加载的核显驱动更多了,那今天就来说一下TDT这次更新的内容吧,实际上是本帖有两部分更新,一是标题中说的hybrid aware=混合感知,二是以后支持Ultra处理器NPU的DL深度机器学习,由于我的电脑虽然是vPro,但不是Ultra处理器,没有NPU硬件,也就吃不到TDT在NPU上即将获得的新功能了,这真的是比较遗憾啊。
By using the Intel NPU, EDR ISVs can move AI-based threat detection from the cloud to the AI PC endpoint. This provides a long list of benefits, including:
Reduced latency and real-time threat detection: When DL models run on the endpoint, data processing occurs locally, reducing the need for round-trip communication to the cloud. Real-time decisions can be made without waiting for cloud-based processing, which can be crucial for real-time threat detection.
Processing data locally preserves network bandwidth: Transmitting large volumes of data to the cloud can strain network bandwidth. By processing data locally, only relevant insights or anomalies need to be sent to the cloud, minimizing data transfer. This increases the volume of data that can be processed at the endpoint, enhancing threat detection.
Enhanced privacy: Endpoint-based DL allows organizations to maintain control over their data, especially when dealing with personally identifiable information (PII) or confidential business data. View the Bufferzone PR on new anti-phishing solutions that ensure user privacy.
Customers looking to take advantage of next-gen cybersecurity won’t have to wait long for continued innovation from ESET and Intel. We are currently working together to develop new functionalities and tools that take advantage of the neural processing unit (NPU) in Intel Core Ultra processors and expand on ESET’s leadership in AI-native security for AI PCs
混合感知,ESET之前宣布是在十二月推出,而这TDT新引擎就是12月发布的,因此,新的TDT引擎必然包含了混合感知功能,而且就我目前十天的体验来看,ESET确实是比三个月前更流畅了,资源占用也更低了,但是,我的设备是vPro平台,没有参考意义,毕竟没有vPro平台的设备,可能无法获得完整的ESET TDT技术,所以不要相信我的胡咧咧,没有一点参考价值。
This new “hybrid aware” capability is slated to be released to ESET customers in early December.
Low impact to system performance is an area that ESET has always prioritized within its multilayered software architecture and is a key selling point for many of our clients. Leveraging technology that can help with prevention and protection while also preserving performance is a win-win choice.
By taking advantage of newly expanded capabilities in the Intel relationship, our customers witness multiple benefits from the joint solution.
Intel TDT’s hardware-level malware detection coupled with its ongoing machine learning improvements are a powerful weapon in the fight against ransomware and other cyberattacks.
The added compute demands from this new hardware-level detection capability are largely being offloaded onto the GPU or efficiency cores, minimizing impacts on system performance and end user productivity.
Because the joint solution activates and operates automatically, it delivers an immediate boost to ransomware protection with no increase in IT complexity or administrative workload.
PS:ESET还是一如既往的能吹,如果不是TDT是真才实学,各大厂商都在跟进,我是不相信ESET一家之言的,题外话趋势科技企业版也支持TDT了 |