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[转贴]The Bat! v3.95.03 Home/Professional Edition(Christmas Edition)多国语言版

发表于 2006-12-24 11:18:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一个强大易用的E-mail客户程序,支持多用户环境,不受限制的E-mail帐号的安全和非安全的消息 访问,全面的消息过滤,多语种界面,MIME标准和UUEncode,带消息模板的相当不错的文本编辑器,以及其他很多小的实用特色。

官方下载:(Home Edition~)
http://www.ritlabs.com/download/ ... 95-03-christmas.msi
官方下载:(Professional Edition~)
http://www.ritlabs.com/download/ ... 95-03-christmas.msi

What's new in The Bat! v3.95.01 (compared to v3.85.03)?

[ Legend: ]
[ ! Major Improvement ]
[ + Added feature ]
[ * Improved/changed feature ]
[ - Bug fixed (we hope) ]
  • The Bat! should now be compatible with Windows Vista
  • When an attach is open from a preview pane, its original name is used
  • Previous versions of The Bat! did use THEBAT.IPC file (located in the same directory with thebat.exe, e.g. C:Program FilesThe Bat!) for interprocess communication. Writing to Program Files directory is deprecated under Windows NT-based operating systems (Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation etc.). The Bat! now uses THEBAT.IPC under Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95 only. Under Windows NT-based operating systems The Bat! used named pipe ".pipeThe Bat! 0 CmdLine", where 0 is the current session ID (i.e. 0 - first logged user, 1 - second logged user and so on). Under desktop operating system the ID is most probably 0, while under Terminal Servers it may vary depending on the number of simultaneously logged users.
  • More Unicode compatibility & support
    [+] New command line parameter /TERMINATE to exit from The Bat! regardless of active mail sessions.
    [+] Attached file names now can contain any characters, including the alphabets which are not default for the current language settings.
    [+] Windows Vista uses the new "Segoe UI" font.
    [+] The Bat! now supports IPv6 protocol. You can specify server addresses in IPv6 numeric format like fde9:159d:6172::1 or in canonical form. If a host has an IPv6 record in DNS, The Bat! will connect to this host via IPv6.
  • Added the %ATTACH="filepath" synonym to %ATTACHFILE macro
    [-] Filters: 'Export' action - file was overwritten even with increment name option enabled
    [-] Biometric authentication might not work.
    [-] Export message to file did use improper "File Open" dialog.
    [-] Folding of MIME-encoded file names could lead to incorrect decoding in MBCS.
    [-] Default font for the message list was "MS Sans Serif"
    [-] The Bat! didn't work under Windows NT 4.0
    [-] It was possible to lose attachments if they were kept separately, attached to outgoing messages and those messages were deleted.
    [-] Account certificates (S/MIME) might not be properly restored from Backup (.TBK)
    [-] Font of header controls has been reset to "Tahoma" even on Windows Vista.
    [-] Attaching files to messages via "Send To" Windows Explorer Menu (or via other applications) caused the filename to include full path name in the attachment name.
    [-] (#0005296) When saving an attachment there are question marks instead of national characters in the folder name
    [-] (#0006085) Incorrectly displays file names with national characters during opening and saving.
    [-] (#0006101) "&" characters were displayed wrong on Preview Pane's tabs.
    [-] (#0006082) (Beta issue) It was not possible to send files using the "Send to|Mail Recipient" command from the Windows Explorer
    [-] (#0006093) It was not possible to use Quick Templates with %ATTACHFILE macros
    [-] (#0006096) A cosmetic problem in Folders Properties dialogue with the "Compress on exit" option
    [-] (#0006083) Alignment on the filter tab of Folders Properties dialogue
    [-] (#0002988) Restored from backup Trusted Root AB forget about presence of certificates
    [-] (#0006107) Incrementing file names when extracting attachments is broken
    [-] (#0006114) Incorrect filename displayed in pane and tab - question marks instead national chars
    [-] (#0006111) SMTP: TB sends EHLO/HELO localhost instead of the client name in outgoing SMTP connections
    [-] (#0006072) cookie with national characters is corrupted
    [-] (#0006034) Redundant data in mailbox properties
    [-] (#0006081) Sometimes you can see 101% completed tasks in Connection Centre.
    [-] (#0005370) empty main window after a restore
    [-] (#0004831) Buttons "Edit/Delete" in Submission Forms are allways enabled even no SF exists and is selected
    [-] (#0005370) empty main window after a restore

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