Today, the Norton team is excited to introduce Norton Labs, an onlinecommunity where users can download new security technologies and share inputdirectly with developers-- ultimately helping to shape our future products andfeatures.
We created Norton Labs to foster a dialogue with ourcustomers and bring them into our development process. It gives us anoutlet to showcase technology under development and get valued feedback fromour most sophisticated users.
Based on your testing and feedback, the technologiesfeatured on Norton Labs may evolve, remain in test format or graduate fromNorton Labs and become stand-alone offerings or features in futureproducts. The site will be available in English only.
Right now in the lab, you’ll find the User Account Control Tool,a pilot technology that automatically manages the Windows® Vista User AccountControl (UAC) security feature. The Vista UAC presents users withmultiple prompts when opening applications, disrupting your experience andcausing many users to dismiss prompts without reading them. The UserAccount Control Tool effectively replaces the Vista UAC by handling permissionsin the background, once you’ve provided initial approval.
现在在实验室里,你会发现“用户账户控制工具”,一个正在试验中的技术,它能够自动管理VISTA里面的UAC安全功能。VISTA的UAC功能会跳出很多提示当用户打开应用软件的时候,扰乱了体验效果,造成很多用户不看提示,直接跳过。而我们开发的“用户账户控制工具”能够有效地取代VISTA UAC的功能,一旦得到你第一次的许可后,它便会在后台自动允许此操作。
The User Account Control tool has been designed toreplace the Vista UAC, to simultaneously make your system more secure whilesignificantly improving user-friendliness.
The net effect is that many users find the UAC securityclearance and prompting process annoying, especially those who have all thelatest Norton Internet Security software installed and updated.
The User Account Control tool will collect user input aswell as information on applications causing prompts. The data will be processedto improve the comprehensiveness and robustness of the white list, which willbe updatable while running the tool online.
Q: Why is Norton Labs working on areplacement to this Vista feature?
提问:为什么诺顿实验室会开发这个工具来取代VISTA 的UAC功能?
A: Microsoft did a great job of addingadditional security in the underlying kernel components that trigger UACalerts. Since disabling UAC disables these additional kernel security features,it is useful (from a security standpoint) to leave UAC enabled. The issue isthat the UAC prompts are annoying, and most users end up disabling UAC whenthey get sick of seeing these prompts. Norton Labs is working to create a whitelist of unnecessary UAC prompts so that users can benefit from the additionalkernel security features while only be required to interact with a UAC prompton rare occasion.
Q: So... what does this replacementoffer me?
提问: 那么,目前这个功能提供些什么呢?
A: Currently, the Norton Labs’ UACreplacement offers a "Do not ask me again" option on each promptmaking it very easy for the user to squelch individual prompts without fullydisabling UAC. Further, the Norton Labs’ UAC replacement displays the promptsin a slightly different way from how Microsoft chose to do it. We feel that ourprompts provide a much clearer view of the ratings for the promptingapplication
回答:目前,诺顿实验室的这个取代UAC的功能提供一个 “不要再次询问我”的选择在你碰到跳出的提示的时候,限制再次跳出提示,同时也没有取消UAC的功能.我们会进一步展示和微软不同方式的提示在未来.我们觉得我们提供了一个更加清楚的评估情况,对也跳出的提示.
目前这个诺顿自己研发的取代并且人性化VISTA自带的UAC功能刚刚开始测试,NORTON SAFE WEB也在公测中,官方说年底前正式发布,而这个功能估计要等到NIS2010才会正式发布,谢谢大家。。。
[ 本帖最后由 MINGLIHE 于 2008-8-24 13:04 编辑 ] |