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[砖头] 如何下载 McAfee EXTRA.DAT, 增补病毒特征码文件?/附加病毒库?

发表于 2008-8-26 22:25:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一直有网友问:从那里下载可以下载McAfee 附加病毒库?为什么AutoUpdate无法自动更新附加病毒库?本来也想写篇文章来一一说明一下。正好在某论坛上发现此文章。不敢独享,特转贴出来!!! :cool:

如何下载 McAfee EXTRA.DAT

Downloading, Using and Combining EXTRA.DAT Files

Summary: This document explains how use extra.dat files

Explanation of EXTRA.DAT Files

EXTRA.DATfiles contain information that is used by VirusScan to detect a newvirus. When a major virus is released, an EXTRA.DAT file is made untilthe normal VirusScan update is released. When this EXTRA.DAT file isadded to the VirusScan folder on your hard drive VirusScan uses it, inaddition to its normal DAT files, to detect the new virus. This enablesVirusScan to protect your computer from the new virus until theofficial update is released that contains the virus's information. Oncethe official update is released and installed the EXTRA.DAT file is nolonger necessary.

EXTRA.DAT files are good for three weeks, atwhich time they disable themselves. It is recommended you keep yourVirusScan up to date by downloading and installing the official updatesweekly.

Downloading EXTRA.DAT Files

EXTRA.DAT files can be downloaded from our virus information library at
http://vil.nai.com.This site allows you to look up information on specific viruses anddownload any EXTRA.DAT files that exist for particular viruses.

IMPORTANT: If you were given the file or a link to the file by technical support, please skip this section.

Go to http://vil.nai.com.
Enter in a virus name to search for, or select a virus from the list of top viruses.
Whenyou select a particular virus the site will display a page listingdetails regarding that virus. The page will also contain a linkentitled Removal Instructions.
Click on that link to open the Removal Instructions page.
NOTE:Not all viruses have an accompanying EXTRA.DAT file. Only major virusesthat are not yet included in the official weekly update have EXTRA.DATfiles.
Once you have clicked on the link to download an EXTRA.DATfile a File Download dialog box will appear. Select to save this fileto disk and click the OK button.
A Save As dialog box will thenappear. The top of this dialog box contains an option entitled Save In.Make sure Desktop is selected for the Save In option. If it is not,click on the pull-down arrow and select Desktop from the list.
Click the Save button. The file will then download to your desktop.
Once the download is complete logoff the Internet.
About Unzipping Files

NetworkAssociates, like other software companies, stores electronicdistribution files on-line in a compressed format, commonly known asZIP files. The file you downloaded from the website will not be namedEXTRA.DAT, but will be a ZIP file that contains an EXTRA.DAT file. Youwill need to use an unzipping program, such as WinZip, PKZip or eZip todecompress this file.

If you do not have an unzipping program, you can download one at any of the following Internet addresses:

WinZip http://www.winzip.com
PKZip http://www.pkware.com/downloads/pkzipwind.html

NOTE:Network Associates does NOT recommend, endorse or support the WinZip,PKZip, or eZip programs. Most unzipping programs are supplied asshareware for evaluation purposes, similar to the McAfee products.Please adhere to the license agreement for any program that you use.Contact the specific unzipping product support line for instructions oninstalling or extracting.

Unzipping the EXTRA.DAT File

The following instructions refer to Winzip (classic view.) These instructions may be similar in other comparable programs.
NOTE: If you already have Winzip installed on your computer you can skip to step 11.

Connect to the Internet and go to http://www.winzip.com
When you get to the page click on Download Evaluation Version, then on Download WinZip 8.0 for Windows.
Awindow will appear asking if you want run this program or save it todisk. Be sure the Save Program to Disk option is selected and click OK.
A Save As window will appear. Click on the down arrow for the SaveIn option and select Desktop, then click on the Save button. The filewill then begin to download.
Once the program has finisheddownloading, logoff the Internet and locate the file Winzip80 (orWinzip80.exe) on your desktop and double click on it. The installationwizard will then run.
Click on Setup, then OK.
The setup will begin. Click on Next, then Yes to accept the agreement.
Click on Next.
Click on the 'Start with Winzip Classic' option, then Next, Next, Finish, and finally Close.
Close all open screens and windows until you are back on the desktop.
On the desktop locate the file you downloaded and double-click on it.
The unzipping program will then automatically run. Accept the license agreement.
Youwill then see the EXTRA.DAT file that is contained within the ZIP file.Click on the Extract button located towards the top of the window.
TheExtract dialog box will then appear. You will see a listing of thefolders and drives for your computer. Click on Desktop so it ishighlighted, then click the Extract button. The unzipping program willthen extract the EXTRA.DAT file and place it on the desktop.
Close Winzip by clicking the X in the top right corner.
Moving the EXTRA.DAT File to the Appropriate Folder

Right click on the EXTRA.DAT file that is now on your desktop. A pop-up menu will appear.
Left click on Cut. The pop-up menu will then disappear.
Double click on the My Computer icon on the desktop. (Or Start Menu)
Double click on the C: drive.
Double click on the Program Files folder.
Double click on the Common Files folder.
Double click on the Network Associates folder.
Double click on VirusScan Engine folder.
Double click on the 4.0.xx.
Onceyou are in the 4.0.xx folder, click on the Edit pull-down menu thenclick on Paste. The EXTRA.DAT file will then appear in the folder.
NOTE: If you receive a prompt asking if you wish to overwrite an existing EXTRA.DAT file, answer 'Yes'.

Close all open windows until you are back on the desktop, then restart the computer.
VirusScan will automatically detect the EXTRA.DAT file and begin using it.

NOTE: If there is a need to combine two or more Extra.dat files, follow the instructions below.

Combining EXTRA.DAT Files

1、If more than one EXTRA.DAT file is needed they must be combined in a text editor such as Notepad.
2、To combine the files:
3、Locate the earliest EXTRA.DAT file on your computer and double-click on it.
4、An Open With dialog box will appear. Scroll through the list of applications and highlight Notepad, then click the OK button.
5、The EXTRA.DAT file will then be opened into a Notepad screen. You will see several rows of data and numbers.
6、Minimize the Notepad window.
7、Open the second EXTRA.DAT file in the same manner (into a separateNotepad window). Cut the text from the second EXTRA.DAT file window andpaste it into the first EXTRA.DAT file window. Be sure to leave a blankline between the sets of data.
8、Once the data has been combined into one file save the file into the directory containing your anti-virus program.
NOTE: Be sure the file keeps the name EXTRA.DAT. Notepad may try to name it EXTRA.DAT.TXT automatically when you try to save it.

Close Notepad.
NOTE: EXTRA.DAT files can grow to a maximum of 16K in size.



在紧急情况下,extra.dat 文件可以用于检测新的威胁,直至新病毒特征码添加到每周的 dat 文件内。每次更新时,即从资料库中下载extra.dat 文件。这样,可以确保在您修改 extra.dat 并将其作为软件包登记时,所有 VirusScan Enterprise客户机均下载和使用同一个经过更新的 extra.dat 软件包。例如,您可以将 extra.dat作为一种经过改进的、检测同一种病毒的检测程序或检测其他新病毒的附加检测程序。VirusScan Enterprise 仅支持使用一个extra.dat 文件。

AutoUpdate 任务概要流程
下图所示为 AutoUpdate 任务的概要流程:
(IMG:http://photo.qingdaonews.com/qdPhotoNet/photo/2005-4/200542919369.jpg)screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;this.alt='Click here to open new window';}"onmouseover="if(this.resized) this.style.cursor='hand';"onclick="if(this.resized){window.open('http://photo.qingdaonews.com/qdPhotoNet/photo/2005-4/200542919369.jpg');}"/>

使用 extra.dat 文件完成检测后,应该将其从主资料库中删除,并运行复制任务,以确保将其从分布在不同位置的所有资料库站点中删除。这样可以阻止 VirusScan Enterprise 客户机在更新过程中尝试下载 extra.dat 文件。

默认情况下,将新病毒特征码添加到每周 dat 文件中后,将不再检测 extra.dat 内的新病毒。

McAfeeSecurity 建议您使用 VirusScan Enterprise 软件随附的 AutoUpdate 任务安装新版本的 dat文件或扫描引擎。此实用程序提供了一种正确更新 dat 文件和扫描引擎的快捷方法。要自行安装 dat 文件,您可以从以下更新站点手动下载 dat和引擎文件:



定期发布的 DAT 文件。McAfee Security 将这些文件以 .zip 存档文件的形式存储在其 FTP 站点,文件名为dat-xxxx.zip。文件名中的 xxxx 是***,该***随每次 dat 文件的发布而变化。要下载这些文件,请使用 Web 浏览器或FTP 客户端连接:


可安装的 .EXE 文件。McAfee Security 将这些文件以自执行安装文件的形式存储在其网站上,文件名为xxxxupdt.exe。同样,这里的 xxxx 也是***,随每次新 dat 文件的发布而变化。要下载这些文件,请使用 Web 浏览器连接:


两个文件包含的 dat 文件完全相同。其不同之处在于使用它们更新 VirusScan Enterprise 软件的方式。

要使用 dat-xxxx.zip 存档文件,您必须下载并解压缩该文件、并将文件复制到 dat 文件夹内,然后重新启动按访问扫描程序。有关详细步骤,请参阅从 DAT 文件存档更新。

要安装随安装程序附带的 dat 文件,只需将文件下载到硬盘上的一个临时文件夹,然后运行或双击 xxxupdt.exe 文件即可。安装程序会停止按访问扫描程序,将文件复制到正确的文件夹内,然后重新启动按访问扫描程序。

其实通过 http://www.mcafeehelp.com/ 我们可以获得相当多的技术支持,如果有无法解决的问题,也可以通过电子邮件在每天24小时获得电子邮件服务。取得最常见支持问题的解决方案。

McAfee 下载中心:http://www.networkassociates.com/us/downloads/updates

McAfee AVERT 常见问题:http://www.networkassociates.com/cn/securi...ources/faqs.htm

McAfee 回应中心:http://ts.mcafeehelp.com/answerCenter.asp

McAfeehelp 论坛:http://forums.mcafeehelp.com/index.php(英文)

[ 本帖最后由 jiebozhang 于 2008-8-26 22:30 编辑 ]


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