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|%|% NOD32 企业版详细教程|%|%|

发表于 2006-12-29 13:02:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NOD32 企业版适合的用户
NOD32 企业版专门为大丶中型企业网路而设计,它是一个独特的版本。其中含有针对 NOD32 Windows 工作站和档案伺服器的安装程式,还包括强大的中央管理控制台。
NOD32 企业版是拥有多个档案伺服器和复杂网路结构的大丶中型企业的首选。当然,它同样也能满足小规模企业的需求。
NOD32 遥控管理是一个强大的多层管理框架,非常容易使用。通过它,管理员可以在复杂的大型企业网路中轻松配置,管理和维护上千台机器上的 NOD32 。在中小环境中也同样表现出色。
NOD32 企业版的主要功能
每小时自动化的 ThreatSense 升级保障了您企业的网路安全。
NOD32 采用的启发式 (Heuristics) 辨认病毒引擎 ThreatSense 能 在发现新威胁前就已经对所有恶意的攻击进行了防护。
ESET 的 ThreatSense.Net 线上警报系统联系,让 NOD32 用户可以不记名地自动将威胁通知 ESET 的研究员,以最短的时间提供最好的解决方案。
NOD32 的高级监控和报告工具可以快速定位病毒感染并进行清除。
遥控安装 NOD32 用户端,更加快速的配置病毒防护。
- 遥控管理
强大的中央控制台,能在一小时内安装部署 500 个节点的机器。
NOD32 局域网升级伺服器 , 通过集中下载分发更新档来节省公司网路带宽。
集中管理 NOD32 工作站和伺服器,提高病毒防护效率,降低企业安全成本。
集中的 NOD32 防病毒管理,更加方便有效的管理分散在企业局域网中的各台电脑。
遥控配置 NOD32 用户端,降低了企业的管理和维护成本。
多种远端安装方式,提供线上和离线的 NOD32 用户端安装服务。
- 占用极少资源
NOD32 工作站和 NOD32 档伺服器,提供最高级别的威胁防护,同时保持最低的资源占用。
- 移动用户特性
- 报表
NOD32 企业版每月均会自动作出病毒报表,病毒感染历史记录能帮助您加强您的病毒防护策略。

NOD32 Regional Sole Distributor

本文将示范如何架构 NOD32 中央管理套装 (企业版), 内容主要包含两部份:
1.        如何建立更新伺服器
2.        如何建立远端管理伺服器
除非你有特殊原因, 否则建议你使用本文所述的安装次序。

This article demonstrates the installation of NOD32 Remote Administration Package (Enterprise Edition). The content mainly consists of two parts:
1.        How to set up an update server
2.        How to set up a Remote Administrator Server
Unless you have special reasons, it is recommended you follow the installation sequence as described in this article.

1.        更新伺服器可以安装於视窗 95 或以上系统, 不一定要安装在伺服器版本的视窗上。
2.        更新伺服器已包含防毒模组, 故更新伺服器无需另外安装 NOD32 客户端。
3.        更新伺服器本身必须能连接到互联网, 从 NOD32 的伺服器下载病毒定义档後, 可以将病毒定义分派给你的网络内其他电脑。

About the update server:
1.        The update server can be installed on Windows 95 or above. It is not necessary to have it installed on server versions of Windows.
2.        The update server already contains anti-virus module. It is not necessary to install an additional NOD32 client.
3.        The update server must have Internet access. After it downloads virus signatures from NOD32’s servers, it can re-distribute the virus signatures to other computers in your network.

1.        除非你有特殊原因, 否则建议你把远端管理伺服器 (及控制端口) 安装在跟更新伺服器的同一台电脑上, 以方便日後的管理。
2.        远端管理伺服器可以让你同时把NOD32安装到多台电脑丶修改多台电脑的设定及监察多台电脑的状态, 无疑可以大大增加系统管理员的效率。

About the Remote Administrator Server:
1.        Unless you have special reasons, it is recommended you install the Remote Administrator Server (as well as the Console) on the same machine as the Update Server. This will make the management of NOD32 easier.
2.        Remote Administrator Server allows you to install, configure and monitor multiple computers simultaneously. This should definitely increase the efficiency of system administrators.

如何建立更新伺服器 (How to set up an Update Server)
首先, 从我们网站下载 NOD32 最新的 administrator 版本, 并选择合适的视窗版本, 本示范将以 Windows XP 作例子。
First, download the latest administrator version from NOD32 website. Pick a version that suits your Windows platform. We will use Windows XP as the platform for demonstration.

Double click the downloaded file to install.

Press extract to unzip the files.

Click "Next"

选择「我同意」, 再按「下一步」
Select "I agree", then click "Next"

输入你的使用者名称和密码, 再按「下一步」
Enter your username and password, then click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Finish" to restart your computer

在「C:\Program Files\ESET」建立一个「Mirror」的资料夹
Create a folder "Mirror" in "C:\Program Files\ESET"

开启「NOD32 控制中心」, 再按「映像」, 再按「设定」
Open the "NOD32 Control Center", then click "Mirror", then click "Setup"

先勾选「建立更新映像」, 再按图作设定
Check the box "Create update mirror". Make settings according to the picture.

如果你的网络中安装了英文版的 NOD32, 请按「显示所有语言版本」, 并勾选相应的语言版本。
If there are NOD32 English versions installed in your network, please click "Show all language versions". Then select the corresponding language versions.

Click "Yes"

Click "OK"

按「更新」, 再按「立即更新」
Click "Update", then click "Update Now"

按「是」, 为其他作业系统下载模组更新
Click "Yes", to download module updates for other operating systems

如果你输入了正确的使用者名称和密吗, 会看见下载进度。如果你发现弹出提示输入使用者名称和密码, 请参阅 http://www.nod32.com.hk/support/faq.php?id=32
If you have entered a valid username and password, you will see the download is in progress. If you see
a prompt for username and password, please refer to http://www.nod32.com.hk/support/faq.php?id=32

等一会儿, 你会看到更新完成通知。这样, 更新伺服器已经设定完成了。
Wait for a while. You will see update is complete. Now, the update server is ready.

要让客户端可以使用这台更新伺服器, 首先要知道这台更新伺服器的 IP 地址。方法是按「开始」, 再按「执行」
To let clients update by this update server, you need to know its IP address first. To do this, click "Start", then click "Run"

输入「cmd」 再按「确定」
Type in "cmd", then click "OK"

输入「ipconfig」, 然後按「Enter」, 图中的「」就是示范电脑的 IP 地址。
Type in "ipconfig", then press "Enter". The "" in the picture indicates this computer's IP address.

在已安装NOD32的客户端, 开启「NOD32 控制中心」, 按「更新」, 再按「设定」
On client side with NOD32 installed, open "NOD32 Control Center". Click "Update", then click "Setup"

Click "Server"

Click "Add"

输入「http://IP地址:8081」, 请把 IP地址 改为你更新伺服器的 IP 地址。
Type in「http://IP Address:8081」, Please replace IP Address with your update server's IP address.

Click "OK"

在「伺服器」选择刚才新增的伺服器, 再按「确定」
Select the "Server", then click "OK"

最後你会看到「伺服器」变更成为你建立的更新伺服器, 你可以按「立即更新」来试试。
Finally you will see the "Server" is changed to your update server. You can click "Update Now" to confirm whether
it is working.

好! 设定好更新伺服器後, 我们以下将示范如何建立远端管理伺服器!
Okay! Now the update server is up and running. Below we will demonstrate how to setup the Remote Administrator Server!

如何建立远端管理伺服器 (How to set up a Remote Administrator Server)
首先, 从我们网站下载 NOD32 最新的远端管理端口 (Remote Administrator Console) 及远端管理伺服器 (Remote Administrator Server), 并选择合适的视窗版本, 本示范将以 Windows XP 作例子。
First, download the latest Remote Administrator Console and Remote Administrator Server from NOD32 website. Pick a version that suits your Windows platform. We will use Windows XP as the platform for demonstration

我们会先安装远端管理伺服器, 双击其安装档案开始安装。
We will install the Remote Administrator Server first. Double click the file and start the installation.

你可能不会看到以下画面, 但如果看到, 请按「执行」
It is possible you won’t see the following screen. But if you should see it, please click “Run”

Click “Extract” to unzip the files

选择「Expert (Fully customized installation)」, 按「下一步」
Select “Expert (Fully customized installation), then click “Next”

选择「I agree」, 按「下一步」
Select “I agree”, then click “Next”

Click “Next”

选择使用权证档案, 它可能在你的 NOD32 光碟中, 也可能是我们电邮给你的。注意该档案的副档名是「.lic」, 至於档案名称并不重要。
Select the license file. It could be in your NOD32 CD or it could be in the email we sent to you. Note that the file extension is “.lic” and the filename is not important.

请输入远端管理伺服器的「IP 地址」, 而不是「电脑名称」, 否则远端管理伺服器可能不能正常运作。
Please enter the Remote Administrator Server’s “IP Address” but not the “Computer Name”. Otherwise the Remote Administrator Server may not function properly.

Click “Next”

Click “Finish”

现在, 我们将安装远端管理端口, 它是远端伺服器的控制面板。如果你有需要, 也可在其他电脑 (例如是系统管理员的手提电脑) 安装远端管理端口。
Now, we are going to install the Remote Administrator Console. This is the interface for controlling the Remote Administrator Server.. If you find it necessary, you may install the Remote Administrator Console on other computers (such as the notebook computer of the system administrator)

你可能不会看到以下画面, 但如果看到, 请按「执行」
It is possible you won’t see the following screen. But if you should see it, please click “Run”

Click “Extract”

选择「Expert (Fully customized installation)」, 再按「下一步」
Select “Expert (Fully customized installation)”, then click “Next”

选择「I agree」, 再按「下一步」
Select “I agree”, then click “Next”

Click “Next”

请输入远端管理伺服器的「IP 地址」, 而不是「电脑名称」, 否则远端管理伺服器可能不能正常运作。
Please enter the Remote Administrator Server’s “IP Address” but not the “Computer Name”. Otherwise the Remote Administrator Server may not function properly.

Click “Next”

Click “Finish”

要操控远端管理伺服器, 我们会使用远端管理端口, 如果你根据上述的方法安装, 你的桌面会有这个捷径, 请双击执行它。
To control the Remote Administrator Server, we use the Remote Administrator Console. If you have installed according to the guidelines above, you will have its shortcut on your desktop. Please double click and run it.

一般来说, 可以把这个密码留为空白。
Generally, you may leave this password empty.

远端管理的第一件事, 是把 NOD32 安装到客户端上。请按「Remote Install」
The first thing to do for Remote Administration is to install NOD32 on client sides. Please click “Remote Install”

我们要为安装建立一个套装 (package) , 这个套装包含客户端的安装档案以及客户端的设定档。请按「Packages」
We need to create a package for the installation. This package will contain the client’s installation file as well as the configuration file. Please click “Packages”

Click “Create”

按「…」并选择客户端的安装档案 (你也可以按「Download from the web」来下载)
Click “…” and select the installation file for client sides. Alternatively, you may click Download from the web to get the file.

Click “Create”

按「Edit」, 并修改这个套装的设定档。我们主要修改两个设定。
Click “Edit” and edit the configuration associated with this package. There are two major changes to make.

第一个要修改的设定, 是让客户端定期连接到远端管理伺服器, 以便日後的中央管理, 图中所指位置应该会自动被填上。
The first setting will let the client connect to the Remote Administrator Server periodically. This enables an easy and centralized management. The address should be detected automatically.

第二个设定, 是让客户端透过我们刚设定的更新伺服器, 来更新病毒定义。请按图中指示, 并输入你的更新伺服器的 IP 地址。
The second setting lets the client update its virus signatures through the Update Server we just setup. Please enter your Update Server’s IP address according to the figure.

按「储存」, 然後关闭 NOD32 Configuration Editor。
Click “Save”, then close the NOD32 Configuration Editor.

NOD32 安装後需要重新启动电脑, 如果你客户端在安装 NOD32 自动重新启动, 请按图所示作设定。然後按「Save as」。
A reboot is required after NOD32’s installation. If you would like the client to reboot automatically, please make changes according to the figure. Then click “Save as”

Give this package a name.

Click “Close”

远端安装有三个方法, 本文将示范最常用的 Push Installation。
要使用 Push Installation, 客户端必须是 Windows NT/2000/XP , 并且须要关闭「简易档案共用」, 方法如下:
There are three ways for remote installation. This article will demonstrate the most popular Push Installation.
To deploy NOD32 with Push Installation, the client side must be running on Windows NT/2000/XP. Also, it must have the “Simple file sharing” turned off. You may do it as follows:
首先开启一个资料夹 (例如是「我的电脑」), 选择「工具」, 再选择「资料夹选项」
First open a folder, say “My Computer”. Select “Tools” and then select “Folder Options”.

到「检视」页面, 取消勾选「使用简易档案共用 (建议使用)」, 再按「确定」
Click the “View” tab. Do not check the box for “Use simple file sharing (recommended)”, then click “OK”

确保客户端没有开启「简易档案共用」及「任何的防火墙」後, 按「Install」开始安装。
When you are sure the client side does not have the “Simple file sharing” turned on and does not have “any firewall turned on”, click “Install”

You may drag and drop the target computer(s) to the right.

你也可以直接输入目标电脑的 IP 地址。
You may also enter the target computer’s IP address.

You may also drag and drop the entire group to the right.

Choose the package to use

选择要安装的电脑, 再按「Install」
Select the computers for installation, then click “Install”

请按照你的网络环境, 输入拥有系统管理员权限的帐号。
Please logon with an account with Administrator rights according to your network environment.

安装成功後, 你就可以看到客户端连线到远端管理伺服器。如果你想控制某个客户端, 请客户端名称上按右键。
When the installation is complete, you will see the client is connected to the Remote Administrator Server. If you want to control a certain client, please right click on its name.

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Download as PDF file

[ 本帖最后由 3822148900 于 2006-8-22 14:33 编辑 ]
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25 评论

ID: 37
1. NOD32 须要什麽设定? (What needs to be configured?)
我们建议你使用预设的设定,以後你可透过控制中心来设定。你可在 NOD32 线上安装指南 的"设定自动更新 (控制中心)" 部份找到更多资讯。
We suggest you to accept the default settings and then you only need to configure the Control Center. You can find further details about configuring it in the section "SETUP OF THE AUTOMATIC UPDATE (CONTROL CENTER)" of the NOD32 Online Installation Guide.
ID: 38
2. 怎样更改更新时距? (How do I change the update interval?)
在 NOD32 控制中心,"NOD32"系统工具"之下,选择 "排程器/计划器",在右方面板,你将看到 "定期自动更新" ,右击它及选择 "变更" ,然後照着指示进行。
In NOD32 Control Center, under "NOD32 System Tools", click "Scheduler/Planner", on the right panel, you will see "Regular automatic update", right click on it and choose "Change", then follow the on screen instructions.
ID: 39
3. 怎样设定互联网连线?(How do I configure the Internet connection?)
在 NOD32 控制中心, "更新" 之下,选择 "更新" ,在右方面板,选择 "设定",选择 "进阶",你便可选择你的互联网连线。
In NOD32 Control Center, under "Update", click "Update", on the right panel, click "Setup", click "Advanced", you can than choose your Internet Connection in the top.
ID: 40
4. 怎样设定 AMON 及 NOD32?(How do I configure AMON and NOD32?)
AMON: 在 NOD32 控制中心,"常驻的模件及过滤装置" 底下,选择 "AMON",在右方面板选择 "设定" 以设定 AMON,我们强烈建议使用预设的设定。
NOD32: - 到开始> 程式集 > Eset > NOD32。然後选择 "设定" 页 - 我们强烈建议使用预设的设定。 如果你想了解更多设定的资讯 - 请在适当程式按 "[size=+1]帮助 按钮。
For AMON, in NOD32 Control Center, under "Resident modules and filters", click "AMON", you can configure AMON by clicking "Setup" button, it is strongly suggested that you simply accept the default settings.
For NOD32 - go to Start > Programs > Eset > NOD32. Then click on the "Setup" tab - once again we strongly suggest that you accept the default settings. If you want to see more information about setup - please click on the "[size=+1]Help" button on the appropriate program.
ID: 41
5. 怎样设定 POP3 电邮过滤?(How do I configure the POP3 e-mail filter?)
Please take a look to our Manual for POP3 scanner. It's in .pdf format in exepack and you can download it here.
ID: 42
6. 我怎样知道我的 POP3 过滤器正在执行?(How do I know my POP3 filter works?)
如果 NOD32 系统已被正常安装於你的电脑上,一个红色视窗将会出现。这视窗表示你的电脑已被网络监视模件(IMON)及常驻记忆体模件(AMON)保护。你须要暂时停止 AMON 及 IMON,否则它们会侦测到测试档案及会防止进一步的测试步骤。在暂停 AMON 及 IMON之前,停止所有正在执行的程式。
要停止 AMON: 在 NOD32 控制中心, "常驻的模件及过滤装置" 下,选择 AMON,在右方面板,不要勾选 "启动常驻保护模件(AMON)",AMON 就会被停止。
要停止 IMON: 在 NOD32 控制中心, "常驻的模件及过滤装置" 下,选择 IMON,在右方面板,不要勾选 "启动网络监视器(IMON)",IMON 就会被停止。
下载 eicar.ocm 档案:连接上网,按以下连结: eicar.com。请确保你知道档案的储存位置, 因为,在测试的第二个步骤,你须要传送这个档案给你。
传送 eicar.com 给你自己:开启你的电邮程式,在 TO: 一栏,输入你的电邮地址。你须要将下载的档案(eicar.com)附加到这封电邮的在附件中。传送这封电邮及等待直至它被传送到你的电脑。
如果在收到这封含有档案eicar.com的电邮时你的电邮扫描器侦测到这档案并出现警告视窗,表示扫描器的设定正确,否则,你须要再次设定。如问题持续,请联络我们的技术支援 support@nod32.com.hk
要再次启动 AMON:在 NOD32 控制中心, "常驻的模件及过滤装置" 下,选择 AMON,在右方面板,勾选 "启动常驻保护模件(AMON)",AMON 会再被启动。
要再次启动 IMON:在 NOD32 控制中心, "常驻的模件及过滤装置" 下,选择 IMON,在右方面板,勾选 "启动网络监视器(IMON)",IMON 会再被启动。
Checking the functionality of e-mail AV scanner can be performed using a test file: eicar.com. This file IS NOT a virus. It is often used to test the functionality of an antivirus system.
If NOD32 system is properly installed on your computer, a red window would appear. This window indicates, that your computer is protected by Internet Monitoring module, named IMON and memory resident(constantly running) NOD32 module. You need to temporarily quit AMON and IMON, otherwise, they would detect the incoming test file and would prevent further steps of the testing procedure. Before quitting AMON and IMON, quit all currently running applications.
To quit AMON: In NOD32 Control Center, under "Resident modules and filters", click AMON, on the right panel, un-tick "Residen module (AMON) enabled", then Amon will be disabled.
To quit IMON: In NOD32 Control Center, under "Resident modules and filters", click IMON, on the right panel, un-tick "Internet Monitor (IMON) enabled", then Amon will be disabled.
The test of the scanner consists of the following steps:
Download the eicar.com file: log on to Internet, and click at the following link: eicar.com. Make sure you remember where the location of the downloaded file is, since, in the second step of the testing procedure, you need to send this file to yourself.
To send the eicar.com file to yourself: open your e-mail program and, in the TO: field, enter your own e-mail address. In the attachment of this e-mail you need to include the file (eicar.com) you have just downloaded. Send the message and wait until it is delivered to your computer.
If, upon receipt of the e-mail with eicar.com file attached, your e-mail scanner detects the file and triggers the warning window, the configuration of the scanner is correct, otherwise, it needs to be configured again. If the problems persist, contact our support at support@nod32.com.
To enable AMON again: In NOD32 Control Center, under "Resident modules and filters", click AMON, on the right panel, tick "Residen module (AMON) enabled", then Amon will be enabled again..
To enable IMON again: In NOD32 Control Center, under "Resident modules and filters", click AMON, on the right panel, tick "Internet Monitor (IMON) enabled", then Imon will be enabled again.
ID: 43
7. 怎样设定定时扫描? (How can a Scheduled scanning be performed?)
在 NOD32 控制中心, "NOD32 系统设定" ,选择 "排程器/计划器",在右方面板,选择 "新增",在下拉式选单,选择 "NOD32 - 扫描",然後照着指示进行。
In NOD32 Control Center, under "NOD32 System Tools", click "Scheduler/Planner", on the right panel, click "Add", in the drop-down list, choose "NOD32 - scanning", and then follow the on screen instructions.
ID: 44
8. 我收到以下信息:"Microsoft Outlook. 没有预设的邮件用户端程式或是目前的邮件用户端程式无法处理邮件,请执行Microsoft Office Outlook并将其设定成预设的邮件客户端程式。" 这是什麽问题? (I get the message: "Microsoft Outlook. Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client." What is the problem?)
当 NOD32 尝试存取 MAPI32.DLL 时 Microsoft Outlook 发出的信息。
如果你不使用 Microsoft Outlook,你可在 NOD32 控制中心, "常驻的模件及过滤装置" 下,选择 NOD32,在右方面板,选择 "执行NOD32",在 "设定" 页,不要勾选 "使用 MAPI 介面",然後按 "离开",当被询问 "设定档 " 我的设定档" 已被更改。你希望储存变更吗?",请按 "是"。
如果你使用 Microsoft Outlook 来接收电邮及但它并不非预设的电邮客户端程式,你可将它设定为预设的电邮客户端程式:
Internet Explorer>工具>网际网路选项>程式>电子邮件 - 转换到 Microsoft Outlook (如适用)。
如你安装了 Microsoft Outlook,但并不使用:
考虑移除 Microsoft Outlook。
Short description of the error message:
This message box is displayed by Microsoft Outlook when NOD32 tries to access MAPI32.DLL.
Suggested solutions:
If you don't use Microsoft Outlook, you can go to NOD32 Control Center, under "Resident Module and Filters" , select NOD32, in the right panel, select "Run NOD32", in "Setup" tab, un-tick "use MAPI interface", when you are asked " "My Profile" has been modified. Do you wish to save the changes?", click "Yes".
If you are using Microsoft Outlook for receiving emails and it is not set up as default mail client, You can set it up as default mail client in this way:
In the Internet Explorer>Tools>Internet Options>Programs>E-mail - change to Microsoft Outlook (if applicable).
If you have Microsoft Outlook installed and don't use it:
Consider uninstalling Microsoft Outlook.
ID: 45
9. 我的系统变得很慢(Windows XP SP1),怎麽办? (My system has been slowed down (Windows XP SP1). What to do?)
原因可能来自 Microsoft 安全性更新 Q811493。
请参阅Microsoft Knowledge Base 文章- 819634 - (You May Experience Performance Issues After You Install the 811493 (MS03-013) Package on Your Windows XP SP1-Based Computer)
Short description of the problem:
This slowdown may be caused by the Microsoft Security Update Q811493.
Suggested solution:
Please refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 819634 - (You May Experience Performance Issues After You Install the 811493 (MS03-013) Package on Your Windows XP SP1-Based Computer)
If it does not solve your problem, please go to our support page and contact us.
ID: 46
10. 当我尝试从映像(系统为Windows NT/2000/XP)更新时发生问题,怎麽办? (I have problems updating from the mirror on a Windows NT/2000/XP machine. What to do?)
1. 问题简介:
控制中心在 NT 下被视为一个系统来运作。在预设值下系统不会存取网络,所以某些网络客户端程式在整合上有问题。客户端的更新必须透过有网络存取权限的帐户来执行。使用者名称及密码须在控制中心输入,格式如下(如适用):
网域 \ 用户名称
2. 解决办法:
a. 在伺服器上有帐户
在控制中心内输入用户的使用者名称及密码(他在伺服器有一帐户及 "更新资料夹" 的权限),并勾选 "储存密码" 方格。在这情况下控制中心在伺服器取得更新档案的权限。如果不能解决问题,请尝试方法 b。
b. 在客户端有帐户
在客户端使用或新增一个本地用户(对伺服器的 "更新资料夹" 有存取权限),然後在控制中心输入,并勾选 "储存密码" 的方格。这情况下在存取网络前,控制中心的身份由系统帐户切换为指定用户的帐户,在这设定下,客户端网络程式将控制中心视为某位用户,这可减少某些情况下的错误客户端网络程式行为。
如你想了解更多资讯,请参阅NOD32 控制中心说明书,第四部份,疑难排解
1. Introduction to the problem:
The Control Center runs under NT as a system. The system has not access to the network by default. For this reason are some network clients having problems to integrate it. The updating of the client from the server has always to be performed through an user with the appropriate access rights. The username and password has to be entered in the Control Center on the client the best way in the following form (if applicable):
2. Solving the problem:
a. With the server account
Enter to the Control Center on the client the username and password of the user, which has an account on the server and access, rights to the update directory and check the checkbox "Save password". In this case the Control Center acts as a system and gets the access rights to the update files on the server side. Should this not work, try the case b. below.
b. With the client account
Use or create a local user on the client with the access rights to the server update directory and enter it to the Control Center and check the checkbox "Save password". In this case the Control Center changes identity from the system account to the account of the specified user before accessing the network. With this setup the client network software handles the Control Center as an user and this reduces the incorrect behaviour of the client network software in some cases
If you want more information about this you can look to the NOD32 Control Center USER MANUAL, section 4. Troubleshooting and Remedies.
If the problem persists, please go to our support page and contact us.
ID: 47
11. 扫描时出现 c:\pagefile.sys 及 c:\hiberfil.sys 开启失败,怎麽办? (During scanning I found that c:\pagefile.sys and c:\hiberfil.sys can't be opened, what to do?)
这是因为这两个档案正在被操作系统使用。pagefile.sys是记忆系统的一部份,所以这个档案已在NOD32启动时扫描了。hiberfil.sys是休眠系统的一部份,每次使用休眠系统关机时,这个档案会被重写。所以这情况完全正常及安全,并不表示用户的电脑有问题。(在Windows NT里不会有hiberfil.sys,只有Windows 2000及XP操作系统才会有休眠系统。)
Cause and Solution:
If your computer runs Windows NT, 2000, or XP, you may notice that one or two files can't be opened during the scan. Under normal conditions, pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys cannot be opened for scanning because they are in use by the operating system. The first file is part of the memory system, and so is scanned during the memory check that NOD32 does automatically when it first starts. The second file is part of the hibernation system, and gets overwritten whenever you use the hibernate shutdown option. So for these two files, this is perfectly normal, and does not indicate a problem with your PC. (You won't see hiberfil.sys on NT at all, and only on 2000/XP systems that have hibernation enabled.)
ID: 83
12. 我的 NOD32 变了红色, 怎麽办? My NOD32 turns red, what shall I do?
你的 NOD32 变了红色, 原因是你没有启动 NOD32 的常驻保护模件 (AMON), 请按以下方法启动 AMON。
The reason your NOD32 turns red is that NOD32's file system monitor (AMON) has not started. Please follow the steps below to start AMON.
先按位於右下角的 NOD32 图示, 然後选择 「AMON」, 再选择「设定」。
Click NOD32's icon located at the bottom right corner. Select "AMON" and then "Setup".

在新弹出的页面中, 选择「安全」, 并勾选「启动AMON的自动开始」, 和不要勾选「允许人手停止」, 最後按「确定」
In the new window, select "Security", check the box "Enable automatic startup of AMON" and do not check the box "Allow manual stopping". Finally, click "OK"

完成设定後, 重新启动电脑, 你应该看到 NOD32 由原先的白色红色, 变成白色绿色, 即表示你的电脑已受到 NOD32 的常驻保护。
When the setting is complete, restart your computer. You will see your NOD32 turns from "white & red" to "white & green". Now your computer is fully protected by NOD32 file system monitor.
ID: 88
13. 如何取消 NOD32 在电邮中的标签讯息 (How to disable NOD32 label in emails)
在成功安装 NOD32 後, 所有经 Outlook / Outlook Express 进出的电邮都会被扫描, 保护阁下免经电邮病毒感染。在预设的情况下, 所有进出的电邮都会在内容的最後方加入 NOD32 的标签, 好让阁下得悉 NOD32 在正常运作中。如果基於某些原因阁下不想显示这个标签, 可以按照以下步骤作设定:
After installing NOD32, all inbound and outbound emails via Outlook / Outlook Express will be scanned, preventing you from email infections. By default, NOD32 will append a label in all inbound and outbound emails so that you know NOD32 is up and running. If, owing to some reasons you do not want the label to appear, please refer to the following steps to make the change:
开启 NOD32 控制中心, 在左方选择 IMON, 然後选择右方的设定。
Open NOD32 Control Center, click IMON on the left and then Setup on the right.

Make changes referring to the following picture.

ID: 110
14. Does NOD32 support smartermail (www.smartertools.com) ?
please see
http://support.smartertools.com/ ... .aspx?articleid=11.
If you are not receiving many emails per day, you can use the on-demand
scanner as an external checker. Bear in mind that this process is resource
The suggested command line options are as follow
"c:\Program Files\eset\nod32.exe" /scanboot- /scanmbr- /scanmem- /ah
/pack+ /arch+ /all /quit+ %1

[ 本帖最后由 3822148900 于 2006-8-20 11:11 编辑 ]
3822148900 2006-5-6 22:49

ID: 48
1. NOD32 支援哪些平台? (What platforms are supported by NOD32?)
你可在产品页参阅支援的平台名单。 如你的作业系统在名单之上,NOD32将能在你的系统运作。基本上任何 Dos, Windows, Novell 或 Linux 系统都被支援, Mac 未被支援。
You need only to look at the supported platforms list on our products page. If the operating system you are using is listed there, then NOD32 will work on your computer. Basically any DOS, Windows, Novell or Linux system should be OK. Mac operating system is not supported.
ID: 49
2. NOD32 由哪些模件组成? (What modules does NOD32 consist of?)
NOD32 - 手动扫描器
AMON - 常驻防毒监视器
POP3 邮件扫描器 - 邮件扫描器
IMON - 网络监视器
DMON - 微软办公室文件监视器
Currently there are these modules:
NOD32 - On demand antivirus scanner
AMON - Resident antivirus monitor
POP3 Mail Scanner - Mail scanner
IMON - Internet Monitor
DMON - Microsoft Office Document Monitor
ID: 50
3. 什麽是 AMON ? (What is AMON?)
Amon 是一个常驻记忆体防毒视器,它能在档案开启丶执行丶重新命名丶新建时自动控制它们。另外,它在首次存取软磁碟时能立刻控制软磁碟的系统部份。扫描使用的是改良的传统方法及进阶智能侦测工具。它提供给 Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 及 Novell 平台。
The Amon is a memory resident antivirus monitor which serves for automatic control of the files when they are opened, executed, renamed, or created. In addition, it controls the systems segments of the floppy disks immediately upon first accessing. The scanning takes advantage of improved classical methods and advanced heuristic tools as well. It is available for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP and Novell platform.
ID: 51
4. 什麽是 NOD32? (What is NOD32?)
跨平台,获奖无数,独立的32-bit 防毒系统,易於使用的图像使用者介面,适用於Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP 及 Windows 2003。亦适用於 Novell Netware (伺服器),Lotus Domino 及 x86 平台上的多种 Linux/Unix: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD 及 OpenBSD。
Multiple platform, award-winning, standalone 32-bit antivirus system with easy-to-use graphical user interface for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and Windows XP. Also available for Novell Netware (server), Lotus Domino and many flavours of Linux/Unix: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD on x86 platform.
For more information about the news about the system and awards, please check our home page.
ID: 52
5. 怎样扫描我的电脑? (How do I scan my computer?)
开始> 程式集> Eset > NOD32
在 "扫描对象" 页选择要扫描的对象(按适合的图示)
按 "清除" 按钮
如果你想了解更详细的资讯,你可在下载页下载 pdf 格式的 NOD32 用户指南。
Go to Start > Programs > Eset > NOD32
In the "Targets" tab select the resources you want to scan by double click on the appropriate icon
Click on the "Clean" button
If you want to see more detailed information, you can download Manual for NOD32 in .pdf format in exepack from our download page.
ID: 53
6. 怎样使用手动扫描器? (How do I use the On-Demand scanner?)
开始> 程式集> Eset > NOD32
在 "扫描对象" 页选择要扫描的对象(按适合的图示)
按 "清除" 按钮
如果你想了解更详细的资讯,你可在下载页下载 pdf 格式的 NOD32 用户指南。
Go to Start > Programs > Eset > NOD32
In the "Targets" tab select the resources you want to scan by double click on the appropriate icon
Click on the "Clean" button
If you want to see more detailed information, you can download Manual for NOD32 in .pdf format in exepack from our download page.
ID: 54
7. 怎样以命令行参数执行 NOD32?(How to run NOD32 with command line parameters?)
请参阅NOD32 命令行参数
Please refer to NOD32 Command Line Parameters.
ID: 56
8. 开启手动扫描器时出现篮画面,怎麽办?(Bluescreen occurs when running the On-Demand Scanner, what to do?)
请到 "开始" -> "执行..." -> 输入 "c:\Program Files\eset\nod32.exe" /scanmbr- /scanmem-
Please go to Start -> Run... -> enter: "c:\Program Files\eset\nod32.exe" /scanmbr- /scanmem-
If no problem occurs, meaning that your RAM has problem. If problem persists, please contact us.
ID: 87
9. 为什麽NOD32在Virus GR 的测试不是如在Virus Bulletin的测试一样取得100%的? (Why NOD32 dose not perform as well as in Virus Bulletin during Virus GR test getting 100% scan result?)
Virus GR (http://www.virus.gr/english/fullxml/default.asp) 的取本方法是被其中一套防毒软体侦测出来的档案就是病毒样本。
这是很大问题的,因为有一些防毒软体会把一些正常的档案误认为病毒,结果 virus gr 的病毒样本就会夹杂有毒和无毒的档案。
测试出来的结果胜出的会是最多误测 (False Positive) 的防毒软体,而非最准确的防毒软体。
NOD32 至05年10月34次通过 Virus Bulletin (http://www.virusbtn.com) 100% 测试,而 Virus Bulletin 的病毒样本是从 Wild List Org (http://www.wildlist.org/) 取得的,样本是真实而可靠的。
The main issue is the Virus Sampling.
Virus GR (http://www.virus.gr/english/fullxml/default.asp) sampling method is a file detected by any one of the antivirus software then it will be put into the sample list.
This is a big problem, as some antivirus software will getting false positive, that will make the virus sample max with virus and normal files.
The software getting most false positive will be the one getting 100% scan in virus GR, not the most accurate antivirus software.
Do not think that false positive is a price of cake! It may result antivirus software remove some program files and crash some application and even crash your system that may not able to boot!!!
NOD32 till 2005, Oct getting 34th VB 100% Awards from Virus Bulletin (http://www.virusbtn.com), while the virus sample is getting from Wild List Organization (http://www.wildlist.org), it is realistic and reliable.
For detail, please visit the following links:
ID: 93
10. Outlook Express 的附件不能开启
有时候, 你或者会发现电邮中的附件不能开启 (甚至是自己发出的电邮)。其实, 这并不是 NOD32 把附件拦截了, 而是 Outlook Express 的设定不容许附件开启。
注: 如果 NOD32 侦测到附件包含病毒, 会直接把附件删除, 并改写邮件的主旨来提醒你。

以下设定和 NOD32 并无关系, 只是为方便 NOD32 用家的一个简单教学。
首先, 按「工具」, 再按「选项」

在「安全性」页面, 不要勾选「在附件有可能有病毒时不允许储存或开启」, 然後再按「确定」。

重新开启一次该邮件, 你会发现附件已可以被存取了。

[ 本帖最后由 3822148900 于 2006-8-20 11:13 编辑 ]
3822148900 2006-5-6 22:51

ID: 17
1. 怎样更新NOD32? (How do I update NOD32?)
开启 NOD32 控制中心,按下方的 "更新",在右方,按 "立即更新",然後病毒资料就会被更新。
如你有任何问题或须要更多资讯,请按 "帮助",或参阅 NOD32 线上安装指南
Open NOD32 Control Center, click on the lower "Update", on right hand side, click "Update now" and then the virus definition will be updated.
If you have any problems or you need more information, please click "Help" or take a look at Online Installation Guide.
ID: 18
2. 我收到信息: "伺服器连线失败"。这是什麽问题? (I get the message: "Server Connection Failure", What is the problem?)
a. 连接到 Eset 的网页伺服器
如你正在使用防火墙,请确保你已将之设定为容许NOD32控制中心连接到更新伺服器 (www.nod32.com, www.esetsoftware.com, sun.uid0.sk, u2.eset.com, u3.eset.com, u4.eset.com, u5.eset.com and u6.eset.com) 及必须容许下载更新资料 (例如:Zone Alarm 防火墙:在 Programs 页,选择 NOD32 控制中心(程式), 选择: "Allow Connect and Allow Server for both Local and Internet")
如你正在使用代理伺服器,请确保连接的参数已在 "更新->设定->进阶" 视窗输入。
请确保在"位置部份取得正确的伺服器名单 (NOD32 控制中心->更新->更新->设定)
如问题持续 - 请联络我们的技术支援
b. 直接从 Eset 的网页伺服器取得更新
请确保在"位置"部份取得正确的伺服器名单 (NOD32 控制中心->更新->更新->设定)
如问题持续 - 请联络我们的技术支援
Short description of the error message
The address of the server is known, but it is not possible to connect to it.
Solution suggestions
Please check the following - if you are updating:
a. Direct from the Eset's web server
Make sure your internet connection is established
If you are using firewall, make sure it is set so that it allows NOD32 Control Center (NOD32 CC) to connect to the update server (www.nod32.com, www.esetsoftware.com, sun.uid0.sk, u2.eset.com, u3.eset.com, u4.eset.com, u5.eset.com and u6.eset.com) and must be allowed to download the updates (e.g. for Zone Alarm firewall: in the Programs Tab, for NOD32CC (program) select: "Allow Connect and Allow Server for both Local and Internet")
If you are using proxy server, make sure the parameters to connect to it have been entered in Update->Setup->Advanced dialog window
Make sure you have the correct server listed in the "Location" section. (NOD32 CC->Update->Update->Setup)
Try rebooting your computer
If the problem persist - contact support
b. From the Update server in your Local Area Network
Make sure that the Update server in your Local Area Network is reachable from your computer
Make sure you have the correct server listed in the "Location" section. (NOD32 CC->Update->Update->Setup)
Try rebooting your computer
If the problem persist - contact support
ID: 19
3. 我收到信息:"不能开启与伺服器的连线",下一步应怎样做? (I get the message: "Server connection could not have been established". What is next?)
如你正在使用防火墙,请确保你已将之设定为容许 NOD32 控制中心连接更新伺服器,及必须容许下载更新资料 (例如:Zone Alarm 防火墙:在 Programs 页,选择 NOD32 控制中心(程式), 选择: "Allow Connect and Allow Server for both Local and Internet")
如你正在使用代理伺服器,请确保连接的参数已在 "更新->设定->进阶" 视窗输入。 请确保代理伺服器的地址及连接埠是正确的,以及代理伺服器正在运行。
如你的问题持续 - 请联络我们的技术支援
Please check the following:
Make sure your internet connection is established
If you are using firewall, make sure it is set so that it allows NOD32CC to connect to the update server and must be allowed to download the updates (e.g. for Zone Alarm firewall: in the Programs Tab, for NOD32CC (program) select: "Allow Connect and Allow Server for both Local and Internet")
If you are using proxy server, make sure the parameters to connect to it have been entered in the "Connection setup" dialog window.Make sure that the address and port of the proxy server is correct and if it is running.
Try rebooting your computer
If the problem persist - contact support
ID: 22
4. NOD32 控制中心会自动连接更新伺服器吗? (Will NOD32 Control Center automatically dial the Update server?)
不会 - 你的电脑必须已经连接互联网。
No - your computer must already be "on-line".
ID: 24
5. 更新档案有多大? (How big are the update files?)
通常少於 25Kbytes。
Typically less than 25 Kbytes.
ID: 25
6. 怎样透过网络更新NOD32? (How can NOD32 be updated in a network?)
通常网络上的一台电脑会设定为更新伺服器 - 该电脑会连接到互联网下载更新资料。网络上的其他电脑会由该电脑取得更新资讯。 如你是网络管理员及你想了解更多有关 NOD32 控制中心的设定,请参阅控制中心的安装手册
Typically one computer in the network is set up as the update server - that computer is linked to the Internet and is updated from the NOD32 sever. Other computers in the network go to this update server for updates. If you are Network Administrator and you want more information about NOD32 Control Center setup, please check the link to Installation manual of Control center.
ID: 26
7. 在没有连接到互联网的情况下可否更新 NOD32? (Can NOD32 be updated without access to Internet?)
可以的 - 通常网络上的一台电脑会设定为更新伺服器 - 该电脑会连接到互联网下载更新资料。网络上的其他电脑会由该电脑取得更新资讯。
Yes - typically one computer in the network is set up as the update server - that computer is linked to the Internet and is updated from the NOD32 sever. Other computers in the network go to this update server for updates.
ID: 28
8. 我收到错误信息:"无法下载档案"。我应怎麽办? (I get the error message: 'unable to download the file'. What should I do?)
a. 由内联网的更新伺服器取得更新
请确保在"位置" 部份取得正确的伺服器名单 (NOD32 控制中心->更新->更新->设定)
b. 直接从 Eset 的网页伺服器取得更新
Short description of the error message
The connection to the server with the provided name was established, but the file could not be downloaded for various reasons.
Solution suggestions
Please check the following - if you are updating:
a. From the Update server in your Local Area Network
Make sure you have the correct server listed in the "Location" section.
Try rebooting your computer
Contact your System Administrator to check the consistency of the mirror
If the problem persists, your System Administrator should make an update of the mirror.
If the problem still can not be solved, contact support
b. Direct from the Eset's web server
Check all connections and try again.
Try rebooting your computer.
If the problem persists, wait for about half an hour, then try again.
If the problem still cannot be solved, contact support.
ID: 29
9. 我的电邮地址已改变。这会影响 NOD32 的更新吗? (My e-mail address has changed. Does it influence the internet updating of NOD32 system?)
不会,电邮地址与更新或下载系统是没有关连的。 但是,我们建议你将新的电邮地址传送给我们的自动户口管理系统,它会传送续期通知(在使用权到期前 1 至 2 星期)。如你改变了电邮地址而不通知 Eset,你将不能收到续期通知。
No, the e-mail address has no connection to the update or download system. However, we recommend you to provide us with your new e-mail address due to our automatic account management system, which sends out license renewal notifications (1-2 weeks before the expiration of the license term). If you change your e-mail address without notifying Eset, your renewal notification would not be delivered.
ID: 31
10. 我从一台已安装更新伺服器的Windows NT/2000/XP电脑上取得更新资料时发生问题,怎麽办? (I have problems updating from the mirror on a Windows NT/2000/XP machine. What to do?)
1. 问题简介:
控制中心在 NT 下被视为一个系统来运作。在预设值下系统不会存取网络,所以某些网络客户端程式在整合上有问题。客户端的更新必须透过有网络存取权限的帐户来执行。使用者名称及密码须在控制中心输入,格式如下(如适用):
网域 \ 用户名称
2. 解决办法:
a. 在伺服器上有帐户
在控制中心内输入用户的使用者名称及密码(他在伺服器有一帐户及 "更新资料夹" 的权限),并勾选 "储存密码" 方格。在这情况下控制中心在伺服器取得更新档案的权限。如果不能解决问题,请尝试方法 b。
b. 在客户端有帐户
在客户端使用或新增一个本地用户(对伺服器的 "更新资料夹" 有存取权限),然後在控制中心输入,并勾选 "储存密码" 的方格。这情况下在存取网络前,控制中心的身份由系统帐户切换为指定用户的帐户,在这设定下,客户端网络程式将控制中心视为某位用户,这可减少某些情况下的错误客户端网络程式行为。
如你想了解更多资讯,请参阅NOD32 控制中心说明书,第四部份,疑难排解
1. Introduction to the problem:
The Control Center runs under NT as a system. The system has not access to the network by default. For this reason are some network clients having problems to integrate it. The updating of the client from the server has always to be performed through an user with the appropriate access rights. The username and password has to be entered in the Control Center on the client the best way in the following form (if applicable):
2. Solving the problem:
a. With the server account
Enter to the Control Center on the client the username and password of the user, which has an account on the server and access, rights to the update directory and check the checkbox "Save password". In this case the Control Center acts as a system and gets the access rights to the update files on the server side. Should this not work, try the case b. below.
b. With the client account
Use or create a local user on the client with the access rights to the server update directory and enter it to the Control Center and check the checkbox "Save password". In this case the Control Center changes identity from the system account to the account of the specified user before accessing the network. With this setup the client network software handles the Control Center as an user and this reduces the incorrect behaviour of the client network software in some cases
If you want more information about this you can look to the NOD32 Control Center USER MANUAL, section 4. Troubleshooting and Remedies.
If the problem persists, please go to our support page and contact us.
ID: 33
11. 我收到 "未能置换档案" 的信息,怎麽办? (I got "Error replacing current file" during update. What to do?)
系统变数 TMP 及 TEMP 未被定义,或指定的路径不存在
- 请确保以上变数已指向存在的目录(在 系统内容 -> 进阶 -> 环境变数 设定)
因某些原因 (例如:磁碟错误) 档案\Program files\Eset\nod32.000 已被损坏
- 请使用 scandisk(Win9x/ME) 或 chkdsk(Win NT/2000/XP/2003) 检查磁碟
- 重新命名档案 nod32.000 (可能须要重新启动电脑到安全模式)
- 重新启动电脑 (你可能会收到错误载入常驻保护的信息,不须理会)
- 更新 NOD32
- 重新启动电脑  
档案 \Program files\Eset\nod32.000 被其他应用程式锁定
- 重新启动电脑及再次尝试更新 NOD32
Here are some possible reasons:
the TMP and TEMP system variables are not defined in the system, or the directories to which they point do not actually exist on disk
- please make sure the aforementioned variables in System properties - Advanced - Environment variables actually point to existing directories.
the file \Program files\Eset\nod32.000 is corrupted for some reason (e.g due to a disk error)
- check the disk for errors using scandisk (Win 9x/ME) or chkdsk (Win NT/2000/XP/2003)
- rename the file nod32.000 (you might need to restart Windows in Safe mode first)
- reboot the machine (you'll get an error loading resident protection, just ignore it)
- update NOD32
- reboot the machine
the file \Program files\Eset\nod32.000 is locked by another application
- rebooting the machine and try to update NOD32 again
ID: 89
12. NOD32 代理伺服器设定 NOD32 proxy server settings
NOD32 更新选项中, 容许你使用代理伺服器, 但对於绝大多数的使用者来说, 都不需要使用。只有当你发现更新进度很不稳定的时候, 才应尝试以下设定:
In NOD32 update options, you may use a proxy server. But for most of the users, you DO NOT need to use it. Only if you find your update speed is very unstable should you try the following settings.
开启 NOD32 控制中心, 选择「更新 -> 设定」
Open NOD32 Control Center, select "Update -> Setup"

Select "Advanced"

Select LAN / fixed line

按下图作设定, 最後按「确定」
Make changes referring to the figure below. Press "OK" when you are done.

Press "Update Now" to update.

[ 本帖最后由 3822148900 于 2006-8-20 11:14 编辑 ]
3822148900 2006-5-6 22:53

ID: 59
1. NOD32 发现病毒,怎麽办? (NOD32 detected a virus, what should I do?)
一个红色视窗会出现,通知你找到一只病毒,请按在那视窗按 "清除"。 如问题持续,请联络技术支援
A red window would appear, notifying you that the a virus is found, please click "Clean" in that window. If problem persists, please contact support.
ID: 60
2. AMON 发现病毒,怎麽办? (Amon detected a virus, what should I do?)
请试按 "清除" 。如 Amon 不能将之清除,你可按 "重新命名" 或 "删除"。如不能完成,你可使用手动扫描器:
开始> 程式集> Eset > NOD32
在 "扫描对象" 页 选择要扫描的对象(双按合适的图示)
按 "清除" 按钮
如病毒不能被清除,你可使用 "重新命名" 或 "删除" 按钮。
Try to click on the button "Clean". If Amon can not clean it, you can try to click on the buttons "Rename" or "Delete". If this also can not be completed, you can clean, rename or delete the virus with NOD32 On demand scanner:
Go to Start > Programs > Eset > NOD32
In the "Scanning Targets" tab select the resources you want to scan by double click on the appropriate icon
Click on the "Clean" button
If the virus can be cleaned - the problem is solved - if not, you can use the "Rename" or "Delete" buttons.
ID: 61
3. 怎样重新启动至安全模式? (How to restart the computer in safe mode?)
Reboot the Computer.
当电脑重新启动时, 请按数次键盘上的F8直至启动清单出现
Press "F8" many times during machine reboot until the bootup selection menu is shown.
Choose "Safe Mode".
进入安全模式後, 请执行NOD32病毒移除工具以扫描及清除病毒
After entering Safe Mode, run the NOD32 virus cleaner to start scan your computer and remove the virus.
Scanning runs until completion.
Restart the computer to "Normal Mode".
ID: 62
4. 怎样传送病毒样本到 Eset? (How could I send a sample to Eset?)
请以 zip 形式压缩该档案,以密码 "infected" 保护,然後以附件形式电邮至 samples@nod32.com
Please zip the file, with password "infected", and then send it as an attachment to samples@nod32.com
ID: 63
5. NOD32 会否侦测这病毒? Does NOD32 detect this virus?
如你曾听过这病毒,而这是一只真病毒而非谣传 - NOD32 很大机会侦测得到。很少时候 NOD32 不能侦测一只新的病毒 - 通过一个国际防毒机构,通常在数分钟内我们就会得悉一只新病毒的潜在威胁。它会被处理及在有须要时我们会提供一个早期的更新。在更新後将不会再有危险。当普罗大众得悉此病毒时,NOD32 的顾客已无後顾之忧。
If you have heard of it and it is a real virus not a hoax - then NOD32 probably detects it. Occasionally a new virus will come out that NOD32 will not detect - just occasionally - within minutes - through an international organization of AV organizations we will be made aware of the potential threat - it will be accessed and if necessary a preliminary update to NOD32 will be released. After updating to the latest virus database there should be no danger. By the time the general public is aware of the threat - there will be no threat to NOD32 customers.
ID: 64
6. NOD32 侦测多少只病毒? (How many viruses does NOD32 detect?)
因为我们的智能侦测模式并不规限於指定数目的已知病毒,所以 NOD32 能侦测到无限的病毒。是的,有时候有些新的病毒 NOD32 侦测不到 - 但这情况极少发生。
Since our heuristics are not fixed to some specific set of known viruses the number of viruses that NOD32 detects is infinite. Yes there are some that are developed from time to time that NOD32 will not detect - but there are very few of those.
ID: 65
7. 被感染档案在自我回复,怎麽办? (The infected files are still restoring themselves. What to do?)
很可能你使用的系统是 Windows ME 或 Windows XP。这个系统预设会回复系统档案,这些档案会被系统自动地备份到系统磁碟机的资料夹 "_restore" (通常是资料夹"C:\_restore")。在这情况下被感染的档案有可能在备份的档案中,并且"不能被删除"。
Windows ME
右击桌面上的 "我的电脑" 图示,选择 "内容"
按 "效能">"档案系统"
按 "疑难排解"
勾选 "关闭系统还原"
注意:建议在移除受感染档案後回再次启动系统还原:不要勾选 "关闭系统还原" 的方格
Windows XP
右击桌面上的 "我的电脑" 图示,选择 "内容"
按 "系统还原"
注意:建议在移除受感染档案後回再次启动系统还原:不要勾选 "关闭系统还原"
You are most probably using one of the latter operating system - Windows ME or Windows XP on your machine. These systems are by default using the option for restoring the system files, which system automatically backups to the directory "_restore" on the system disk(normally to the directory "C:\_restore"). This way it is possible that the infected files join the backed-up files and become "undeletable".
Windows ME
Right click on the "My Computer" icon on the Windows desktop and click "Properties"
Click on "Performance">"File system"
Click "Troubleshooting"
Check "Disable system restore"
Click on OK, Close and restart the system
Note: It is recommended to return to the standard behaviour of the system after the removal of the infected files - by unchecking the "Disable system restore"
Windows XP
Right click on the "My Computer" icon on the Windows desktop and click "Properties"
Click on the "System Restore"
Check "Turn off System Restore on all Drives"
Click OK, Close and restart the system
Note: It is recommended to return to the standard behaviour of the system after removal of the infected files - by unchecking the "Disable system restore"
ID: 81
8. 如何在安全模式清除病毒? How can I clean viruses in safe mode?
如有需要, 请把本页列印出来, 然後跟着一步一步来做。
If necessary, please print out this page and follow the steps one by one.
Restart your computer

在 Windows 启动前连续地按「F8」(大概是一秒按一次), 直至看见以下画面, 然後选择安全模式
Before Windows starts, repeatedly press F8 (about once every second) until you see the following screen and select "Safe Mode"

选择正确的 Windows
Choose the appropriate Windows

确定使用安全模式, 按「是」
Confirm to enter safe mode, press YES

在安全模式中, 按「开始」->「所有程式」->「Eset」->「NOD32」
In Safe Mode, Press "Start -> All programs -> Eset -> NOD32"

在工具列中按下滑鼠右键, 选择「工作管理员」
Right click on the task bar, select "Task Manager"

在工作管理员中, 按「处理程序」页面, 再按「explorer.exe」, 再按「结束处理程序」
In the Task Manager, press "process" and select "explorer.exe" and then press "End Process"

按「是」确定结束处理程序, 然後桌面的「工具列」会清失, 这是正常的
Press YES to confirm ending the process, you will notice the task bar will have disappeared. Don't worry, this is normal.

在 NOD32 手动扫描器中, 按「动作」页面, 再按图中所示作出设定, 最後按「检查及清除」
In the NOD32 manual scanner, press "Action" tab and make changes referring to the following picture. After that, press "Scan and Clean"

等候扫描, 所见蓝色及绿色的是没有问题的资迅, 如果看见红色, 即是发现病毒, 根据我们之前的设定, 所有病毒会被自动删除, 你不需要按任何键指示电脑删除病毒
Wait for scanning. All the blue and green text are normal information. Lines in red indicate viruses have been discovered. According to our previous settings, all viruses will be cleaned and deleted automatically.

扫描完成後, 按「离开」, 并按「是」储存刚才「动作」中的设定
After scanning is complete, press "Quit" and press "Yes" to confirm saving the settings.

在「工作管理员」中, 按「关机」及选择「重新启动」即可。
In the "Task Manager", press "Shut down" and select "Restart".

如果你不小心关闭了「工作管理员」, 请先按 Ctrl 和 Alt, 再按 Delete 来开启
If you have closed the Task Manager, please hold the Ctrl and Alt keys, and then press Delete to bring up the Task Manager.

ID: 84
9. 如何清除 NewHeur_PE 病毒 ? (How to clean NewHeur_PE virus? )
NewHeur_PE 是 NOD32 智能侦测模式侦测出来的威胁,建议你在安全模式下扫瞄你的电脑。(NewHeur_PE is threats detected by Advance Heuristics, please scan your computer in safe mode.)
如有需要, 请把本页列印出来, 然後跟着一步一步来做。
If necessary, please print out this page and follow the steps one by one.
Restart your computer

在 Windows 启动前连续地按「F8」, 直至看见以下画面, 然後选择安全模式
Before Windows starts, repeatedly press F8 until you see the following screen and select "Safe Mode"

选择正确的 Windows
Choose the appropriate Windows

确定使用安全模式, 按「是」
Confirm to enter safe mode, press YES

在安全模式中, 按「开始」->「所有程式」->「Eset」->「NOD32」
In Safe Mode, Press "Start -> All programs -> Eset -> NOD32"

在工具列中按下滑鼠右键, 选择「工作管理员」
Right click on the task bar, select "Task Manager"

在工作管理员中, 按「处理程序」页面, 再按「explorer.exe」, 再按「结束处理程序」
In the Task Manager, press "process" and select "explorer.exe" and then press "End Process"

按「是」确定结束处理程序, 然後桌面的「工具列」会清失, 这是正常的
Press YES to confirm ending the process, you will notice the task bar will have disappeared. Don't worry, this is normal.

在 NOD32 手动扫描器中, 按「动作」页面, 再按图中所示作出设定, 最後按「检查及清除」
In the NOD32 manual scanner, press "Action" tab and make changes referring to the following picture. After that, press "Scan and Clean"

等候扫描, 所见蓝色及绿色的是没有问题的资迅, 如果看见红色, 即是发现病毒, 根据我们之前的设定, 所有病毒会被自动删除, 你不需要按任何键指示电脑删除病毒
Wait for scanning. All the blue and green text are normal information. Lines in red indicate viruses have been discovered. According to our previous settings, all viruses will be cleaned and deleted automatically.

扫描完成後, 按「离开」, 并按「是」储存刚才「动作」中的设定
After scanning is complete, press "Quit" and press "Yes" to confirm saving the settings.

在「工作管理员」中, 按「关机」及选择「重新启动」即可。
In the "Task Manager", press "Shut down" and select "Restart".

如果你不小心关闭了「工作管理员」, 请先按 Ctrl 和 Alt, 再按 Delete 来开启
If you have closed the Task Manager, please hold the Ctrl and Alt keys, and then press Delete to bring up the Task Manager.

ID: 91
10. 发现不能清除 / 删除的病毒 (A virus cannot be cleaned/deleted)
有时候, 你会发现一些病毒不能被清除或删除, 原因是这些病毒正在运作中。就好像你开启了一个 Microsoft Word 的档案时, 你不能把它删除或重新命名一样。这个时候, 你可以进入安全模式, 在病毒不运作的时候, 来把它删除。你可以参考 http://www.nod32.com.hk/support/faq.php?id=81 得到详细示范。但如果你发现有些档案在安全模式都不能删除, 很有可能这些是压缩档案。在预设的情况下, NOD32 不会删除有病毒的压缩档。你可以透过以下设定, 让 NOD32 删除有病毒的压缩档。
注: 在设定中我们会勾选「复制到隔离区」, 万一你有用的档案被删除了, 也可以在 NOD32 隔离区中复原过来。
Sometimes you are unable to clean or delete a virus. It is because the virus is running. It is like when you open a Microsoft Word file, you cannot delete or rename it. Then, you can enter the safe mode, where the virus is not running, to delete the virus. You may refer to http://www.nod32.com.hk/support/faq.php?id=81 for details. However, if you find that some infected files cannot be deleted even in the safe mode, they are probably zipped files. By default, NOD32 does not delete infected zipped files. You can make the following settings and let NOD32 delete infected zipped files automatically.
Note: In the settings we always check the box "Copy to Quarantine". In case a deleted file is found useful, you can restore it from the NOD32 Quarantine.
首先, 开启 NOD32 控制中心, 选择 「NOD32」, 再按「深入分析」
First, open the NOD32 Control Center, click "NOD32" and then "In-depth analysis"

深入分析会自动开始扫描, 请按「停止」, 以作其後的设定
Scanning will start automatically, please click "Stop" so that we can change some settings.

选择「动作」页面, 并按下图作设定
Click the "Action" tab, then make settings referring to the following figure.

在下拉选单选择「开机磁区」, 并按下图作设定
Choose "Boot sectors" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

在下拉选单选择「压缩档」, 并按下图作设定
Choose "Archives" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

在下拉选单选择「自我解压档」, 并按下图作设定
Choose "Self-extracting archives" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

在下拉选单选择「运行时间压缩器」, 并按下图作设定
Choose "Run-time packers" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

在下拉选单选择「电邮」, 并按下图作设定
Choose "Email" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

在下拉选单选择「操作记忆体」, 并按下图作设定。最後按「检查及清除」
Choose "Operating memory" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

而红色的是发现病毒, 根据我们以上作的设定, 所有感染档案 (包括压缩档), 也会被自动清除/删除 (图中箭咀所指位置)
ALL the lines in blue are normal information.
The red lines indicate viruses are found. According to our previous settings, all infected files (including archives) will be cleaned/deleted automatically (see the arrows)

扫描完成後请按「离开」, 并按「是」储存我们刚才作的设定
After the scan is complete, click "Quit" and then "Yes" to save the settings.

ID: 109
11. 当对某个文件使用右键---nod32扫描的时,扫描结束後,当扫描结果显示有病毒存在时,nod32幷没有提示我进行任何杀毒操作
你可以设定右键扫描自动清除及删除病毒, (NOD32 控制中心 >>NOD32 >> 执行 NOD32 >> 设定档 >> 右键选单设定档 >> 动作 >> 设定你所希望的动作, 例如先清除後删除)
2006-5-6 22:56

ID: 55
1. [size=+1]设置 Outpost 防火墙 - Configuring Outpost Firewall to Work With NOD32
当NOD32尝试连接互联网时,Outpost防火墙会弹出一视窗,请选择"Create rules using preset - Browser" 然後按 OK 。
When NOD32 tries to connect to the Internet. Outpost Firewall will pop up a message window and ask you to take action. Please select the "Create rules using preset - Browser" and then click the "OK" button.

Figure 1
If Outpost does not pop up message. You can configure Outpost Firewall manually.
1. 在Outpost的主视窗,选择Options -> Applications
In the main window of Outpost, select Options -> Applications
2. 右击nod32krn.exe并选择"Always trust this app",按确定。(见Figure 2)
Right Click on nod32krn.exe and then select "Always trust this app", then click OK, see Figure 2.

Figure 2
附加资料 Additional Information:
要取得更多资料,请参阅 For further information, please visit
ID: 57
2. [size=+1]设置 Norton Internet Security - Configuring Norton Internet Security to Work With NOD32
当你第一次更新NOD32时,以下视窗可能会弹出(Figure 1)。
When you are updating NOD32 the first time, you may see the following pop up window (Figure 1).

Figure 1
请选择 "Always allow connections from this program on all ports",然後按确定便完成。
Please select "Always allow connections from this program on all ports", then click OK, and it is done.
If the above window doesn't appear, please follow these instructions:
设定Manual Program Control - Pre-configuring Access with Manual Program Control
开启Norton Internet Security及请确保你以Supervisor身份登入。在主页按"Pesonal Firewall",然後选择 "Configure" (见Figure 2)。
Open Norton Internet Security and ensure you are logged in as 'Supervisor'. Click on the 'Personal Firewall' section on the main page, then select 'Configure' to access the Program Control page. (See Figure 2)

Figure 2
选择 "Program Control",在下方找寻nod32krn,然後将Internet Access设定为Permit All(见Figure 3)。
Choose the 'Program Control' tab to access Manual Program Control options. To manually configure access for nod32krn, please look for nod32krn in the program list, and set the Internet Access to Permit All as shown below (Figure 3).

Figure 3
设定已完成。请注意,当nod32krn被更新後,Norton Internet Security会通知你nod32krn已变更,并再次要求你设定。
Access to the Internet for nod32krn.exe is now pre-configured. Please note, if nod32krn is subsequently updated to a newer version, Norton Internet Security will identify that the program has changed and require reconfiguration.
ID: 58
3. [size=+1]设置 ZoneAlarm - Configuring ZoneAlarm to Work With NOD32
当你第一次更新NOD32时,可能弹出以下视窗,你应勾选"Remeber this setting",然後按OK便完成(见Figure 1)。
When you are updating the first time, the following window may pop out, you should tick "Remember this setting" , then click OK and it is done. (See Figure 1):

Figure 1
If the above window doesn't appear, please follow these instructions:
双按在系统时钟附近的ZoneAlarm图示(见Figure 2):
Double click on the ZoneAlarm icon in your system tray(see Figure 2):

Figure 2
ZoneAlarm 的主视窗将会出现,按Program Control,找寻nod32krn.exe。然後在Access一栏,选Allow(见Figure 3)。
The ZoneAlarm main window would appear, click on Program Control -> Programs, to look for nod32krn.exe. Then in the Access Column, choose Allow. (See Figure 3).

Figure 3
And then the configuration is finished.
ID: 82
4. 设置 Windows XP 防火墙
开始 -> 控制台 -> Windows 防火墙

在「例外」页面, 按「新增程式」

新增 NOD32, 然後再新增 NOD32 Control Center


官方现在提供2.7简体中文免费试用 http://www.nod32cn.com/home/home.php

[ 本帖最后由 yzyzai 于 2007-1-2 12:46 编辑 ]
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