NIS 2009 史无前例的完美!
格林威治时间2008年9月9日,引领世界的Symantec公司发布了全球瞩目的NIS 2009,这是一款史无前例的革命性的计算机安全软件,他将使计算机从“根本”上安全且快速起来!
在Symantec公司将“实时监控”技术引入杀毒软件业以来,NIS 2009所采用的众多全球顶尖技术再一次使其大大领先于全球其他杀毒产品,巩固其业界权威的领袖者地位!
NIS 2009所采用的这些顶尖的技术,使杀毒软件实现了对计算机性能的“零影响”,甚至是“加速系统”!
NIS 2009发布后不到一周的时间,已经获得PC MAGAZINE和CNET 实验室的“罕见”的“高度和一致”的评价!
NIS 2009使所有关心计算机安全的人士感到了“惊喜”和“史无前例的满意”。
自从2005年到现在,病毒增速大幅增加,病毒与反病毒的斗争异常艰难。我们看到了一次次的魔高一丈道高一尺,病毒与反病毒的实力,一度“不相上下”,NIS 2009,将从根本上改变这一切,并将反病毒技术提升到一个目前为止,其他反病毒产品和病毒都无法逾越的高度!
我在假期用过几乎所有的全世界范围内广受好评的几十种杀毒软件,没有一个产品让我有与NIS 2009大幅接近的满意感!
NIS 2009,一个真正的无与伦比的产品!
FeaturesEngineered for Speed New! Proven fastest, lightest security suite available New! Intelligence-driven Norton? Insight technology targets only those files at risk for faster, fewer, shorter scans New! Installs in under one minute on average, requires less than 10 MB of memory, and only 100 MB of disk space plus definitions Up-to-the-minute Protection New! Delivers up-to-the-minute protection with rapid pulse updates every 5 to 15 minutes.* New! The Norton? Protection System provides multilayered protection technologies that work in concert to stop threats before they impact you. ? New! Real-time SONAR (Symantec? Online Network for Advanced Response) helps prevent bots from taking control of your PC. Improved! Prevents threats from entering or leaving your firewall. Detects and automatically removes online threats. Improved! Defends against Web-based attacks with patent-pending technology. Automatically detects and removes spyware, viruses, Trojans, bots and Internet worms New! Boots and repairs badly infected PCs. New! Specialized deep-cleaning technology delivers our most complete scan possible to repair heavily infected computers. Norton Identity Safe Improved! Keeps your online identity safer than ever when you buy, bank, browse, and game online. Advanced phishing protection keeps your personal identification out of the hands of fraudulent Web sites. Stores and encrypts your passwords and other confidential data. Improved! Fills in online forms at your request to save time and protect you from keystroke loggers. Control without disruptions Puts every element of your security at your fingertips New! Schedules resource intensive tasks for when you’re not using your PC. New! Review the security status of every process on your PC. New! Silent mode suspends alerts and updates to avoid interrupting or slowing games and movies. Smart two-way firewall automatically makes security decisions for you. Secure Networking Improved! Helps you secure your home network. Conceals and secures your PC on public Wi-Fi networks. Parental Controls New! Create individual user profiles with enhanced parental controls. Spam Blocking Filters spam better than ever. Free Technical Support New! Free tech support delivers the help you need, however you need it.**
NIS2009 is definitely the slimmest,most unobtrusive Norton ever, yet its protection is top-notch where it counts.Certainly, there are plenty of crusty old users out there who will refuse tobelieve that Norton can be a quick, speedy suite. Don't listen to them—they'reliving in the past. This isdefinitely the best all-around security suite I've ever seen; I'll beinstalling it on my own systems. I've still got several suites left to reviewthis year, and any one of them has the chance to dethrone Symantec's, but, fornow, Norton Internet Security 2009 is our new Editors' Choice for securitysuites. I'll keep testing, but Symantec has set a dauntingly high bar. We especially like the Insight feature, which identifies "trusted" files and applications and doesn't waste time rescanning and rescanning them unless there's been a change. No other product does this。 |